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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VERITAS observations of galactic gamma-ray sources

Tsurusaki, Kazuma 01 July 2012 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is analysis of an unidentified Galactic TeV gamma-ray source, MGRO J1908+06, discovered by Milagro instrument in 2007. We analyzed 54 hours of observational data from the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS), a ground-based gamma-ray observatory in southern Arizona comprised of an array of four Cherenkov Telescopes that reconstructs the energy and direction of astrophysical gamma-rays by imaging Cherenkov light emitted by energetic particles in air showers produced by the primary gamma-rays. MGRO J1908+06 is located between a supernova remnant SNR G40.5-0.5 and a young, energetic pulsar PSR J1907+0602. We studied the energy dependent morphology of the TeV emission from the source and measured the source extent and spectrum. The source extends well past the boundary of the SNR and is not correlated with strong radio continuum or molecular line emission which likely excludes an origin for the emission as solely due to the SNR. While emission in the 0.5-1.25 TeV band was centered around the pulsar, higher energy emission was observed near the supernova remnant. This morphology is opposite that observed in other pulsar wind nebulae. We proposed two models for the high energy emission located well away from the pulsar but close to the SNR: (1) shock acceleration at the shock front created by an interaction between the pulsar wind and the dense gas at the edge of the SNR or (2) molecular clouds around the SNR provides seed photons with energies higher than those from Cosmic Microwave Backgrounds for inverse Compton scattering. The former model can be tested by looking for molecular emission lines that trace shocks and by measuring the pulsar velocity. In addition, we investigated the gamma-ray emission from the nova explosion of V407 Cygni that occurred in March 2010. The Fermi-LAT observed this event in the energy range of E >100 MeV. The origins of the gamma-ray emission that the Fermi-LAT team proposed are either protons (hadronic model) or electrons (leptonic model), both of which were accelerated at the nova shock via the Fermi acceleration mechanism. We did not consider their leptonic model because no TeV gamma-ray emission is predicted. Their hadronic model can generate TeV gamma-rays with the modeled parameters. We found no evidence for TeV emission. We showed that with the flux upper limit calculated using the VERITAS data imposes constraints on the extension of the proton spectrum at high energies.

Determinação da distribuição de idades de estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias / Determination of Age Distribution of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

Thaíse da Silva Rodrigues 02 August 2012 (has links)
Estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias (ECNPs) têm um intervalo de massa relativamente grande na fase da sequência principal, por isso espera-se que elas também tenham diferentes idades, tipicamente acima de 1 Gano. Além de necessárias para o conhecimento das propriedades das ECNPs, a determinação das idades é também importante no contexto da evolução química da Galáxia, como no estudo da variação temporal dos gradientes radiais de abundâncias químicas. Entretanto, não há um método único e confiável que possa ser aplicado para estimar a idade de todos os tipos de estrelas. Neste projeto, desenvolvemos dois métodos de idades cinemáticas baseados na relação idade-dispersão de velocidade do disco da Galáxia encontrada pelo recente levantamento Geneva-Copenhagen. O primeiro método compara a velocidade de rotação esperada da ECNP com a velocidade predita pela curva de rotação da Galáxia em sua posição, e interpreta a diferença entre elas como a dispersão de velocidade do objeto, relacionada com a idade. O segundo método consiste em calcular as componentes da velocidade espacial, com algumas hipóteses, e estimar diretamente as dispersões das velocidades, inferindo uma idade pela relação adotada. Duas amostras foram escolhidas, contendo 234 e 866 nebulosas planetárias, para as quais velocidades radiais precisas estão disponíveis na literatura. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria das ECNPs no disco Galáctico tem idade abaixo de 5 Gano, e um pico ente 0 e 3 Gano. Esses resultados são comparados com algumas distribuições recentes de idades baseadas em correlações independentes envolvendo as abundâncias químicas das nebulosas planetárias. / Central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN) have a relatively large mass interval on the main sequence, so that it is expected that these stars also have different ages, typically above 1 Gyr. Apart from the properties of the CSPN themselves, the problem of age determination is also important in the context of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, as in the understanding of the time variation of chemical abundance gradients. However, there are no unique and reliable methods that can be applied to estimate the age of all types of stars. In this work, we developed two methods of kinematic ages based on the age-velocity dispersion relation of the Galactic disk derived by the recent Geneva-Copenhagen survey. The first method compares the expected rotation velocity of CSPN with the predicted velocity by the Galactic rotation curve at its position, and interprets the difference between them as the velocity dispersion of the star, which is related to the stellar age. The second method consists in calculating the U, V, W velocity components of CSPN, with some hypotheses, and estimating directly the velocity dispersions, so that the age can be derived. Two samples were chosen, containing 234 and 866 nebulae, for which accurate radial velocities are available in the literature. The results suggest the most CSPN in the Galactic disk have ages under 5 Gyr with a distribution peaked between 0 and 3 Gyr. These results are also compared with some recent age distributions based on independent correlations involving the nebular chemical abundances.

Variações espaciais de propriedades físicas e químicas das nebulosas planetárias NGC6302 e NGC2440 / Spatial variations of physical and chemical properties of the planetary nebulae NGC6302 and NGC2440

Rauber, Aline Beatriz 30 August 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / We present an analysis of the physical and chemical conditions of the planetary nebulae NGC 6302 and NGC 2440 through spatially resolved spectroscopy. Long slit spectrophotometric data were obtained with the Goodman spectrograph attached to the 4.1m SOAR telescope in several different declinations with the slit on the East-West direction. From them, maps and spatial profiles were constructed. Electron densities were calculated from the [S II] and [Ar IV] sensors. For NGC 6302, a peaked distribution was found, with the densest area at the circumstellar region, reaching Ne ≈ 40000cm−3 and decreasing to Ne ≤ 1000cm−3 at the bipolar lobes. Knots with Ne ≈ 2000−3000cm−3 were also observed. In the maps of NGC 2440, densities reach more than 4500cm−3 in the central structures. Structures with 1000 < Ne < 1500cm−3 are associated with the bipolar lobes at P.A.≈ 60◦ and P.A.≈ 85◦. The average values of the electron temperature maps in NGC 6302 were 12304K and 17380K for Te(NII) and Te(OIII), respectively. In NGC 2440, these same values were 11273 K and 13722K, respectively. Small temperature flutuations on the plane of the sky were obtained, with 0,00196 ≤ t2 s (NII) ≤ 0,01198 and 0,00777 ≤ t2 s (OIII) ≤ 0,00181 for NGC 6302, and 0,00107 ≤ t2 s (NII) ≤ 0,00977 and 0,00131 ≤ t2 s (OIII) ≤ 0,01728 for NGC 2440. Abundances of N+, O+, S+, O2+, Ne2+, Ar3+ relative to H+ were determined from collisionally excited lines, and relative abundances of He+ and He2+ from recombination lines. The highest dispersions relative to the mean ionic abundances (50% to 70%) were observed for the N+/H+, O+/H+ and S+/H+ maps. Regions suggesting an inhomogeneous distribution of He and N were observed in the maps of He/H and N+/O+ of the nebulae. In the diagram logHa/[NII] versus logHa/[SII] no indication of shock excitation in any one of the structures of these objects was found in the spatial scale of our analysis. / Apresentamos uma análise das condições físicas e químicas das nebulosas planetárias NGC 6302 e NGC 2440 através de espectroscopia espacialmente resolvida. Dados espectrofotométricos de fenda longa foram obtidos com o espectrógrafo Goodman acoplado ao telescópio SOAR de 4,1m em várias declinações diferentes com a fenda na direção Leste-Oeste. A partir deles, mapas e perfis espaciais foram construídos. Densidades eletrônicas foram calculadas a partir dos sensores [S II] e [Ar IV]. Para NGC 6302, uma distribuição de pico foi encontrada, com a área mais densa na região circum-estelar, atingindo Ne ≈ 40000cm−3 e diminuindo para Ne ≤ 1000cm−3 nos lóbulos bipolares. Condensações com Ne ≈ 2000−3000cm−3 foram também observadas. Nos mapas de NGC 2440, as densidades chegam a mais de 4500cm−3 nas estruturas centrais. Estruturas com 1000 < Ne < 1500cm−3 são associadas com os lóbulos bipolares em P.A.≈ 60◦ e P.A.≈ 85◦. Os valores médios dos mapas de temperatura eletrônica de NGC 6302 foram 12304K e 17380K para Te(NII) e Te(OIII), respectivamente. Em NGC 2440, estes mesmos parâmetros foram 11273K e 13722K, respectivamente. Pequenas flutuações de temperatura no plano do céu foram obtidas, com 0,00196 ≤ t2 s (NII) ≤ 0,01198 e 0,00777 ≤ t2 s (OIII) ≤ 0,00181 para NGC 6302, e 0,00107 ≤ t2 s (NII) ≤ 0,00977 e 0,00131 ≤ t2 s (OIII) ≤ 0,01728 para NGC 2440. Abundâncias de N+, O+, S+, O2+, Ne2+, Ar3+ relativas ao H+ foram determinadas a partir de linhas excitadas colisionalmente, e abundâncias relativas de He+ e He2+ a partir de linhas de recombinação. As maiores dispersões em relação às abundâncias iônicas médias (50% a 70%) foram observadas para os mapas N+/H+, O+/H+ e S+/H+. Regiões que sugerem uma distribuição inomogênea de He e N foram observadas nos mapas de He/H e N+/O+ das nebulosas. No diagrama logHa/[NII] versus logHa/[SII] nenhuma indicação de excitação por choque em qualquer uma das estruturas destes objetos foi encontrada na escala espacial de nossa análise.

The intriguing chemistry of NGC 6302

Hebden, Kerry Louise January 2014 (has links)
The hostile circumstellar environment of an emerging protoplanetary nebula (PPN) and its transformation to a planetary nebula (PN) is an area of active observation and yet, many uncertainties still exist, not least in explanations of molecular abundances. Additionally, the combination of extreme radiation fields, X-rays and high velocity shocks may also drive interesting and possible novel chemical reactions and pathways. Thorough molecular surveys on PNe are minimal and in-depth modelling of specific sources to explain observed molecular abundances, are also limited in the literature. Modelling of species such as H2O within a PN, have yet to be explored in detail at all. This thesis describes observations of NGC 6302, a young butterfly PN with possibly the highest identified central mass of any known PN (∼2-3 M⊙), which have recently been undertaken at the SMA. Image maps and spectra for a number of molecular species were obtained in order to provide further insights into chemical behaviour within a PN. Observational results have been compared with detailed modelling to as- certain the role of various environmental factors on the chemistry within NGC 6302. It was found that an outflow could possibly be responsible for enhanced emission for HCO+, HCN and SiO. Species such as 13CS and 29SiC2 are also enhanced in the direction of the bi-polar lobes. N2H+ is confined to the dense torus, with CN also displaying little enhancement beyond the CO emission. Models suggest that whilst SO2 is abundant in low oxygen abundances but nitrogen-enriched dense clouds, H2O can be produced efficiently in all environments. It was also found that in standard models, H2O reactions proceed differently to H2O formation in dense-cloud models and circumstellar envelopes.

A study of planetary nebulae in and towards the Galactic Bulge

Rees, Bryan January 2011 (has links)
A planetary nebula (PN) consists of material, mainly gas, that has been ejected from a star on the asymptotic giant branch of its life cycle. This material emits electromagnetic radiation due to photoionization and recombination, collisional and radiative excitation or free-free radiation. The envelope of material moves outwards from the central star and may take one of a variety of shapes. These shapes are believed to be sculpted by the stellar wind, magnetic fields and interactions with a binary companion. However, within a time scale of as little as 10 000 years the nebula fades from view and merges with the interstellar medium.Similar variations in the shape of planetary nebulae (PNe) can be seen in both the Galactic Bulge and Disc and in the Magellanic Clouds. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the shaping process is universal. By classifying PNe by morphology and relating those shapes to other nebular properties we have attempted to derive information about that shaping process.We have used photometric narrowband observations of a sample of PNe listed in the Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae to investigate the relationship between PN morphology and the other PN characteristics. The high resolution images were made using ESO's New Technology Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope. The information we could obtain directly from the observations was augmented by information in the literature in order to address that question. The observations were used to classify the morphologies of 154 PNe, to estimate the sizes of 138 of those nebulae that we considered to lie within the Galactic Bulge, to determine the orientations of 130 of those Bulge nebulae and to derive photometric fluxes for the 69 PNe which had observations of standard stars made during the same night. Information on central star binarity, nebular abundances and radial and expansion velocity was obtained from the literature.Our photometrically derived PNe line fluxes were used to verify 59 H-beta and 69 [OIII] catalogued values (which were obtained using spectroscopy). We found sufficient discrepancy between the values for 9 PNe to merit a further check taking place.We found no distinguishing relationship between PN morphology and any of PN size, radial velocity, or angular location within the Bulge. The abundances of He and O, and the N/O ratio, are generally lower in bipolar nebulae than in those nebulae with no apparent internal structure. We are unable to come to any conclusion as to a relationship between PN morphology and stellar metallicity.Given the short lifespan of PNe and the age of the Bulge it appears that almost all PNe in the Bulge must be associated with low mass stars. The high ratio of bipolar PNe we found in our Bulge sample suggests that, at least within the Bulge, bipolar nebulae are not necessarily associated with high mass stars. Our results show that unlike the orientations of other types of PNe the orientations of the bipolar nebulae in the Bulge are not randomly distributed. Measured to a line tip to tip along the lobes they peak and have their mean approximately along the Galactic Plane. This suggests that the bipolar PNe originate in a different environment from other morphological types, perhaps related to binary separation. However, we find that bipolarity does not imply common-envelope evolution. If the hypothesis that bipolar nebulae are formed in binary star systems is correct, binary systems in the Galactic Bulge have angular momentum vectors that are preferentially aligned along the Galactic Plane. As the orientation appears to be unrelated to lobe size and hence nebular age, the alignment implies that the non-random nature of the angular momentum vectors originated at the time the Bulge stellar population formed. We suggest that it is due to the direction and strength of the ambient magnetic fields.

Abundâncias químicas de nebulosas planetárias na conexão bojo-disco / Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae in the bulge-disk connection

Oscar Cavichia de Moraes 14 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho constituiu-se da análise de abundâncias químicas de nebulosas planetárias localizadas na conexão bojo-disco, onde se dá o encontro das características do bojo, tais como a diversidade de abundâncias, com as do disco, tais como o limite interno do gradiente radial de abundâncias. Em particular, o estudo de nebulosas planetárias nesta região traz informações importantes a respeito das abundâncias de elementos tais como He, O, Ne, Ar, S e de sua evolução associada à evolução das estrelas de massa intermediária. Novas abundâncias foram derivadas a partir de observações espectrofotométricas no telescópio Perkin-Elmer de 1.60 m do Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica (LNA) em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram observadas nebulosas planetárias selecionadas através da localização na direção do centro da Galáxia, diâmetro angular no óptico e fluxo em rádio. A comparação entre as abundâncias obtidas neste trabalho com outros trabalhos da literatura mostrou que as distribuições das abundâncias são compatíveis. Para o estudo da distribuição das abundâncias na conexão utilizou-se as escalas de distância de Maciel & Pottasch (1980), Cahn et al. (1992) e Zhang (1995). A separação das nebulosas planetárias do bojo e do disco mostrou que em média as do bojo apresentam menores abundâncias se comparadas as disco interno, para as escalas de Cahn et al. (1992) e Zhang (1995). Contudo esta separação não é superior aos erros na obtenção das abundâncias, indicando apenas uma tendência. Através deste estudo encontrou-se uma distância de separação entre as propriedades químicas destas regiões. Para a primeira escala esta distância é de 2.9 kpc e para a segunda de 1.5 kpc. Sendo que o valor de 2.9 kpc concorda com resultados independentes. A escala de Maciel & Pottasch (1980) não apresentou resultados conclusivos a respeito da distribuição das abundâncias entre estas estruturas. / This project consisted in a spectrophotometric investigation of planetary nebulae located at the bulge-disk connection of the Milk Way, where the bulge and disk characteristics such as chemical and kinematic properties should intersect. In particular, the study of planetary nebulae in the bulge-disk connection brings important informations about the chemical abundances of elements such as He,N,O,S,Ar,Ne and the evolution of these abundances, associated with the evolution of intermediate-mass stars, as well as for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. New abundances were derived from spectrophotometric observations at the Perkin-Elmer 1.6 m telescope of Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica - Brazil. The objects were selected according to their location toward the Galactic center, angular diameter, and radio flux. The data show a good agreement with some other results in the literature, in the sense that the distribution of the abundances is similar to those works. Statistical distance scales from Maciel & Pottasch (1980), Cahn et al. (1992), and Zhang (1995) were used to study the distribution of chemical abundances in the bulge-disk connection. Making use of Cahn et al. (1992) and Zhang (1995) scales, the separation between PNe belonging to the disk and bulge showed that on the average those from the bulge have a slight underabundance compared to those from the inner disk. Nevertheless this separation is not larger than the errors in the abundance determinations, showing only a tendency. This study allowed to find the distance in which the chemical properties of these regions are distinct. For the former scale the distance is 2.9 kpc and for the latter is 1.5 kpc. The value of 2.9 kpc agree with other results for the disk-bulge separation. The same study with Maciel & Pottasch (1980) distance scale did not show any conclusive result about the distribution of chemical abundances between these structures.

A Molécula H2 em Nebulosas Planetárias / Molecular Hydrogen in Planetary Nebulae

Isabel Regina Guerra Aleman 21 June 2002 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo das condições de existência e a determinação da concentração da molécula H2 em diferentes condições típicas de nebulosas planetárias, dentro da região ionizada. Para este cálculo, desenvolvemos sub-rotinas computacionais que se acoplam ao código de fotoionização unidimensional Aangaba que, até agora, somente considerava espécies atômicas (H, He, C, N, O, Mg, Ne, Si, S, Ar, Cl e Fe) e seus íons. Inserimos nesse código os equilíbrios químico e de ionização envolvendo a molécula H2 e os demais compostos de hidrogênio, H-, H2+, H3+, além do H, H+ e dos elétrons que o código de fotoionização Aangaba já considerava em sua forma original. A molécula H3 não é considerada por ser instável. Levamos em conta 41 diferentes mecanismos de formação e destruição desses compostos do hidrogênio. Destacamos particularmente o efeito da reação de formação de H2 na superfície de grãos na produção global dessa molécula em nebulosas planetárias, considerada na literatura como a rota mais importante de formação dessa molécula no meio interestelar. Para isso, estudamos a possibilidade da sobrevivência de grãos dentro da região ionizada da nebulosa planetária. Analisamos também a influência das propriedades da estrela central e da densidade do gás, assim como das propriedades dos grãos astrofísicos, na concentração de H2. Demonstramos que quantidades significativas de H2 podem sobreviver dentro da região ionizada de nebulosas planetárias, principalmente na região de recombinação do hidrogênio. A concentração de H2 relativa à densidade total de H alcança valores de até 1E-4 e a razão entre a massa de H2 e a massa total de H da NP chega a valores de 4E-4. Verificamos que a razão entre a massa de H2 e a massa de H total da nebulosa aumenta significativamente com o aumento da temperatura de estrela central. Essa maior quantidade de H2 em nebulosas planetárias com estrela central mais quente pode explicar porque é mais comum encontrar emissão da molécula H2 em nebulosas planetárias com estrutura bipolar (regra de Gatley), já que nebulosas com esse tipo morfológico têm estrela central tipicamente mais quente. Na literatura, o valor 6,9E-5 é obtido para a razão entre a massa de H2 e a massa de H total da nebulosa planetária NGC 6720, a partir de dados observacionais. Usando os mesmos parâmetros deste artigo, calculamos com o código de fotoionização Aangaba o valor de 3,3E-5, que está razoavelmente próximo do valor da literatura. / The goal of this work is the study of the H2 molecule survival and the determination of its abundance in different typical planetary nebulae conditions inside the ionized region. In order to do these calculations, we developed Fortran subroutines for the Aangaba one-dimensional photoionization code that, until this work, only took into account the atomic species (H, He, C, N, O, Mg, Ne, Si, S, Ar, Cl, and Fe) and their ions. Ionization and chemical equilibria of H, H+, H-, H2, H2+, and H3+ are assumed. The H3 molecule is not included because it is unstable. Fortyone different reactions that could form and destroy these species are taken into account. Reaction on grain surfaces, the most important mechanism for the production of H2 molecules in the interstellar medium, is analyzed in detail in the conditions of planetary nebulae ionized regions. We make a careful analysis of the grain survival in these regions. We also study the influence of the central star properties and gas density, as well as the astrophysical grain properties in the obtained H2 concentration. It is shown that a significant concentration of H2 can exist inside the ionized region of planetary nebulae, mostly in the recombination zone. The H2 concentration relative to the total hydrogen concentration reaches values as high as 1E-4 and the H2 mass to total hydrogen mass ratio inside the ionized region reaches values as high as 4E-4. The ratio increases with increasing temperature. This fact can explain why the H2 emission is more often observed in bipolar planetary nebulae (Gatley?s rule), since this kind of object has typically hotter stars. In the literature a H2 mass to total hydrogen mass ratio equal to 6.9E-5 is estimated from observations for the planetary nebula NGC6720. With the same input parameters for the gas density and the stellar spectrum, we calculated a ratio equal to 3.3E-5, close to the observed value.

Something 3D

Rastau, Vlad January 2020 (has links)
Modelling stellar structures and comparing them with observationsis a very important step when it comes to verifying our theories aboutstellar evolution. Three-dimensional reconstruction is therefore impor-tant and in the case of certain stellar types it makes for a large portionof the ongoing research.For this project, three dierent objects and their three-dimensionalmodels were selected for 3D-printing. The systems in question areEta Carinae, 1 Gruis and HD 101584 and the reason behind thischoice is the fact that each object showcases a dierent phase and/orprocess of stellar evolution approaching or during the planetary nebula(PN) stage. On top of that, these objects have been observed using atechnique that allows us to deduce their 3D structure.The three-dimensional models and prints allow us to nd features(such as axial symmetries) that give us more information about themovements inside the system and their consequences on how the stellarstructure has and will evolve.

Binary hypotheses for bipolar mass loss in transients

Fitzpatrick, Benedict John Russell January 2012 (has links)
We investigate binary hypotheses for the formation of bipolar nebulae using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code Gadget-2. In the general case, we present a parameter study of mass loss from very simple common envelope models, which seems to show a strongly bipolar trend for sufficiently oblate envelopes and low enough spiral-in injection energy. The density profiles of the envelopes produce differing structure within the ejecta. We also investigate 3 specific bipolar mass loss events. In the case of the outer nebula of SN 1987A, we study the effects of fast polar jets interacting with a pre- existing progenitor wind and find that these are consistent with the observed light echoes from the nebula, in particular for the feature known as ’Napoleon’s Hat’. In the case of Cas A, we briefly study the effects of close binarity on supernova ejecta and suggest the influence of a close, compact companion may lead to at least one jet-like disturbance that may be observable in a supernova remnant. Finally, we study whether a fast bipolar wind, similar to that of Eta Car’s present wind, may inflate ejecta similar to that produced in the common envelope models to a shape consistent with that of Eta Car’s Homunculus Nebula.

Populações e evolução do bojo e região central da Galáxia / Populations and the evolution of the bulge and central region of the Galaxy

Moraes, Oscar Cavichia de 03 May 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem abrangente para descrever a evolução da região central da Via Láctea, compreendendo-se aí o bojo, a barra e as interfaces dos mesmos com o limite interno do disco e com a região central do halo. Pretende-se investigar as propriedades químicas e cinemáticas destas estruturas, que são interconectadas, com o objetivo de separá-las e aplicar os resultados daí obtidos a um modelo de formação e evolução do bojo e da região interna do disco que descreva simultaneamente distintos aspectos da evolução da região central da Galáxia. Na primeira parte do trabalho, uma amostra de nebulosas planetárias (NPs) localizadas no disco interno e no bojo da Galáxia é utilizada para encontrar a distância galactocêntrica que melhor separa estas duas populações, do ponto de vista das abundâncias. Foram utilizadas escalas de distâncias estatísticas para o estudo da distribuição das abundâncias na interface bojo-disco. A aplicação do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov mostrou que, em média, a população interna não segue o gradiente radial de abundâncias do disco na direção do centro galáctico. Baseado neste estudo, propõe-se uma distância galactocêntrica de 1.5 kpc para definir a interface bojo-disco. Na segunda parte do trabalho, foram realizadas observações espectrofotométricas de 21 NPs localizadas na direção do centro da Galáxia com o telescópio SOAR. Estes objetos estão localizados bem próximos ao plano galáctico na direção central da Via Láctea, onde não existem dados de NPs na literatura. Os resultados mostram que as NPs localizadas nesta região apresentam baixas abundâncias de oxigênio comparadas com as NPs do disco interno e de outras regiões do bojo. Os resultados indicam que o bojo apresenta uma complexa composição de populações estelares. Por um lado, a presença de nebulosas com baixas abundâncias mostra que o bojo pode ter se formado a partir de um disco galáctico antigo através de uma evolução secular. Por outro lado, existem alguns objetos do bojo para os quais as abundâncias coincidem com o limite do gradiente radial do disco nesta região. Esta é uma evidência para um bojo composto por duas ou mais populações: uma originada do disco fino, e outra originada do disco espesso. Na última parte do trabalho propõe-se a inclusão de fluxos radiais de gás em um modelo de evolução química para simular os efeitos de uma barra localizada no centro da Galáxia nas distribuições de abundâncias, densidade de gás e taxa de formação estelar (SFR). Os resultados das simulações indicam que os modelos com fluxos de gás apresentam uma SFR mais alta no bojo e que os perfis da SFR e da densidade de gás na região central são melhor reproduzidos após a inclusão dos fluxos radiais no modelo. As simulações indicam ainda que o gradiente de abundâncias do disco é mais plano para o caso da inclusão da barra. Estes resultados indicam que a barra e os fluxos de gás exercem um importante papel na formação de estrelas no centro das galáxias espirais barradas. / This project proposes a comprehensive approach to describe the evolution of the central region of the Galaxy, comprising the bulge, the bar and their interfaces with the inner disk and the central region of the halo. We intend to investigate the chemical and kinematic properties of these structures, which are interconnected, aiming to separate them and apply these results to a model for the formation and evolution of the bulge and inner disk, capable to describe simultaneously distinct aspects of the evolution of the central region of the Galaxy. First, a sample of planetary nebulae (PNe) located in the inner-disk and bulge of the Galaxy is used in order to find the galactocentric distance that better separates these two populations, from the point of view of abundances. Statistical distance scales were used to study the distribution of abundances across the disk-bulge interface. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to find the distance in which the chemical properties of these regions better separates. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that, on the average, the inner population has lower abundances than the outer. Additionally, for the $\\alpha$-elements abundances, the inner population does not follow the disk radial gradient towards the galactic centre. Based on our results, we suggest a bulge-disk interface at 1.5 kpc, marking the transition between the bulge and inner-disk of the Galaxy, as defined by the intermediate mass population. Second, we present spectrophotometric observations for a sample of 21 PNe located towards the galactic centre of the Galaxy. The abundances are derived based on observations in the optical domain made at the SOAR telescope. Their location is interesting since there are no observations of PNe in this region. The data show lower oxygen abundances compared to those from PNe located in the inner disk and other bulge regions. The results show that the bulge has a complex composition of stellar populations. The presence of PNe with low abundances indicates that the bulge might be formed from an old galactic disk through secular evolution. On the other hand, other objects from our sample have abundances compared to those from inner disk PNe. This is evidence that two or more populations might compose the bulge: one originated from the thin disk, and the other from the thick disk. Last, we propose a chemical evolution model that includes radial gas flows. This is done in order to mimic the effects of the galactic bar on the chemical abundances distributions and the gas density profiles and the star formation rate (SFR). The results of the models with radial flows point to a high SFR in the bulge and, additionally, the SFR and gas density profiles in the inner Galaxy are better reproduced after the inclusion of radial gas flows in the model. After including a specific velocity pattern for the bar, the results show a flattening of the radial abundance gradient. Our results indicate that radial gas flows may play an important role in the star formation near the centre of barred spiral galaxies.

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