Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oon invasive"" "subject:"soon invasive""
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<p> Kudzu (Pueraria montana) is an invasive woody vine widespread throughout the southeastern United States, with recent studies predicting that its habitat will expand northward. New occurrences and recent studies using climatic parameters suggest that the Midwestern region of the United States is at the greatest risk of kudzu invasion. As there have already been 25 reports of kudzu within the Great Lakes basin, and no previous landscape models exist for the basin, I developed probability models from existing spatial data (land cover, hydrology, geology, annual precipitation, elevation, aspect, and known kudzu locations) using generalized additive, bioclimate envelope, and maximum entropy methods. I further expanded each model to include the basin and a 2.25-degree buffer in order to include 193 reported kudzu sites. For each predictive model, I determined the area under the curve (AUC) for a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) comparing false positive and false negative rates. I performed field surveys at eight known sites of kudzu presence in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Each presence site was paired with a control (known kudzu absence site). I collected environmental data including canopy cover, volumetric soil moisture, soil pH, litter depth, midstory species diversity and diameter at breast height (DBH), and overstory basal area. Each environmental measure was compared between kudzu presence and control survey sites as well as between in-basin and out?of-basin survey sites using a two-way ANOVA. Maximum entropy models produced the highest AUC in both the basin and buffer models during model development. These models showed that urban and disturbed habitats resulted in the greatest probability of potential habitat for kudzu. I found no statistically significant differences in environmental characteristics between kudzu absent and presence sites or between in- and out-of-basin sites, suggesting kudzu might be dispersal-limited rather than limited by environmental characteristics. Continuing existing management and further monitoring of kudzu spread is likely necessary to limit further introduction and to mitigate spread of kudzu within the Great Lakes region. </p>
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Uprooted buffelgrass thatch reduces buffelgrass seedling establishmentJernigan, Marcus B., McClaran, Mitchel P., Biedenbender, Sharon H., Fehmi, Jeffrey S. 12 April 2016 (has links)
Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare (L.) Link), a non-native perennial bunchgrass, invades ecologically intact areas of the Sonoran Desert. It competitively excludes native plants and increases fire frequency and intensity. Since the 1990s, whole buffelgrass plants have been manually uprooted and removed to control the invasion in southern Arizona. Uprooting plants results in bare, disturbed soil which promotes buffelgrass seed germination. This study examined whether leaving entire uprooted buffelgrass plants (thatch) on a field site reduces future buffelgrass establishment compared to removing uprooted plants from the site. A secondary goal was to determine whether light reduction and autoallelopathy were major factors in the negative effect of thatch on buffelgrass seedling density. Field plots with an average of 8,095 kg/ha thatch had 1.9 buffelgrass seedlings/m(2) which was significantly fewer than the 2.9 seedlings/m(2) in plots without thatch. Thatched portions of thatch plots (50% of their total area) had only 0.7 seedlings/m(2). In the greenhouse, which reduced outdoor light intensity by 35.2%, buffelgrass seeds sown in bare soil resulted in significantly higher seedling density than beneath buffelgrass thatch. Potential autoallelopathic chemicals leached from partially decomposed buffelgrass thatch and leached thatch had an intermediate but not significant (p = 0.09) effect on seedling numbers. Results suggest that leaving uprooted buffelgrass plants has the benefit of reducing seedling establishment in the area disturbed by uprooting.
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Heterospecific social interactions of the invasive guppy (Poecilia reticulata) : a potential trait to enhance invasion successCamacho-Cervantes, Morelia January 2015 (has links)
From all the species that arrive to a novel environment, very few manage to form a viable population. The guppy, a very successful invader, is a highly social species that performs some of its vital tasks (e.g., foraging, avoiding predators) in groups. This thesis aimed to quantify heterospecific association benefits that enhance invasion success. Interactions between invaders and natives could be one of the environmental characteristics of a place that increase its risk of invasion. I evaluated the tendency of an invasive species to associate with native individuals with similar ecological requirements. I tested the hypothesis that invaders gain exploring, acquisition of information and foraging benefits when socializing with natives. In these experiments I used the guppy as the invasive model species and endangered native Mexican topminnows (Poeciliopsis infans, Skiffia bilineata, Ameca splendens, Zoogoneticus tequila, Xenotoca eiseni and Girardinichthys viviparous). I found that guppies shoal with other species in Trinidad (Poecilia picta and Poecilia sphenops), where they are native (Chapter 2) and that this trait remains when they are invasive (Chapter 3). Guppies are equally willing to explore novel environments when accompanied by heterospecifics or conspecifics. Guppies are more willing to explore complex environments than simple ones. Moreover, when exploring simple environments they have a higher association tendency, regardless of the partner' species (Chapter 4), which could lead them to acquire the benefits of grouping behaviour and avoid Allee effects - the disadvantages of being part of a small group. In the contexts in which they were tested guppies gained as much information by associating with heterospecifics as with conspecifics (Chapter 5). Finally, I found that when shoaling in bigger shoals guppies are able to locate food faster and spent more time foraging. The benefits of increased shoal size were maintained when the additional guppies were replaced with heterospecifics. However, they derive more benefits from the species they are more willing to associate with (Chapter 6). These results uncover a mechanism enabling founding individuals to survive during the most vulnerable phase of an invasion and help explain why guppies have established viable populations in many parts of Mexico as well as in every continent except Antarctica.
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Disentangling the effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioningVye, Siobhan R. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) as an invader: Analysis and modelling in BelgiumPiel, Frédéric 18 December 2006 (has links)
Nos recherches abordent, par une approche multidisciplinaire, l’écologie spatiale et la dynamique d’invasion du ravageur de l’épicéa Ips typographus (Coleoptera : Scolytinae) en Belgique. Bien que cette espèce ne puisse pas être considérée au sens strict comme invasive en Belgique où elle est implantée depuis le milieu du 19ème siècle, de très vraisemblables introductions de souches exotiques en provenance de Russie et des Pays baltes, en font un modèle exceptionnel pour l’étude de ces processus.
Une analyse en milieu urbain, suivant des transects centre-périphérie, a d’une part suggéré l’introduction probable de ces souches exotiques et d’autre part permis d’étudier ce ravageur forestier dans un milieu qui lui est a priori défavorable. Il en résulte que, malgré un effet de la structure urbaine sur l’abondance du scolyte, sa présence a été observée partout, y compris dans les zones densément bâties du centre de Bruxelles. Cela suggère, en terme de dispersion, que cette espèce est capable d’atteindre des arbres isolés, et en terme d’infestation, que tout épicéa constitue un hôte potentiel tant en milieu forestier qu’en milieu ouvert ou urbain.
Une étape préliminaire dans l’estimation des risques liés aux invasions biologiques est d’effectuer une analyse de filière, afin d’analyser les différentes voies d’introduction et les risques liés aux pays d’origine des marchandises importées. Sur base de l’analyse de l’ensemble des sources de données statistiques disponibles, nous avons déterminé l’ampleur du commerce de grumes d’épicéa entre l’est de l’Europe et la Belgique, les modes de transport utilisés, les origines et destinations des grumes, ainsi que la variabilité de la localisation et du nombre des différents points d’entrée de ces marchandises sur le territoire belge d’une année à l’autre, depuis le début des importations en 1996. Notre analyse illustre les difficultés inhérentes à ce genre d’étude, particulièrement au niveau de la disponibilité des données à une échelle appropriée.
Par une approche de modélisation, nous avons envisagé différents scénarios de dispersion de souches introduites d’Ips typographus afin d’estimer l’expansion de celles-ci en Belgique.
Notre modèle a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance de la bonne connaissance de certains paramètres biologiques caractétistiques de l’espèce étudiée (phénologie, capacité de dispersion, taux de croissance). Par ailleurs, les volumes d’importation et la localisation des points d’entrée des marchandises semblent jouer un rôle secondaire.
Enfin, nous avons utilisé des marqueurs génétiques afin d’essayer de prouver l’introduction de souches russes et baltes du scolyte de l’épicéa en Belgique. Des échantillons ont été collectés dans neuf pays européens ainsi que sur l’ensemble du territoire wallon. La structure génétique observée n’a pas permis de mettre en évidence une différenciation entre les populations de l’est et de l’ouest de l’Europe. La présence d’haplotypes communs à l’est et à l’ouest rejoint l’hypothèse d’une homogénéisation des populations en relation avec le large pouvoir de dispersion du typographe. Cependant, un grand nombre de mutations a été observé entre 2 haplotypes. Des introductions d’origines lointaines telles que la Sibérie ne sont donc pas improbables.
Les résultats détaillés de chacune de ces études sont développés dans les différents articles constituant cette thèse. La discussion générale met ceux-ci en relation et aborde les perspectives découlant de nos recherches.
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Spatial localisation in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopyChampion de Crespigny, Alexander James Stephen January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of unmarked graves and burial grounds at the Brandon Indian Residential SchoolNichols, Katherine Lyndsay 14 April 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the names of the students who died while attending the Brandon Indian Residential School (BIRS) and determine the location of the school’s burial grounds along with the number of unmarked graves on the school property. My research project uses mixed methods including; archival research, qualitative interviews, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR), Electromagnetic Ground Conductivity (EM38), control burns, and aerial photography to systematically survey the school’s burial grounds. My investigation into the deaths and burials of BIRS students aligns closely with a larger project being conducted by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s (TRC) Working Group on Missing Children and Unmarked Burials (n.d.). This Working Group attempts to locate the burial grounds for the Indian residential schools across Canada and identify the names of the students who died at the schools in the archives.
This research was conducted in collaboration with Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, the University of Manitoba, Brandon University, the United Church of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and in consultation with the TRC, Manitoba Historic Resources Branch, and Brandon Research Centre. By using an applied anthropological approach my thesis works to contribute to the ongoing TRC’s Missing Children’s Project. It is my hope that this research can assist the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation with future restoration, protection and commemoration plans. / May 2015
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The Impact of Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed) on Native Prairie Species in an Early Prairie Restoration ProjectMegyeri, Krisztian 01 December 2011 (has links)
As the ecological importance of prairies is becoming more recognized, the number of prairie restoration projects is increasing worldwide. One of the major challenges in restoring any disturbed ecosystem is the successful establishment of native species at the expensive of invasive species. While some weedy species are gradually replaced as other, more desired, species become established, there are invasive species that, due to their level of dominance, may out-compete native species indefinitely. The objectives of this study were 1) to quantify the impact of Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed) on the plant community of a newsly established prairie, 2) to assess any difference in effectiveness between management practices (cutting versus pulling) of A. trifida, and 3) to establish a baseline vegetation survey to be used in future evaluations and research of the prairie. In March of 2011, 30 plots (each 3 m2) were established within the 20 acre prairie including 10 control plots [C], 10 plots where A. trifida was selectively cut approximately 10 cm above ground level [Rc], and 10 plots where A. trifida was selectively pulled [Rp]. Treatment (cutting/pulling) was applied three times (April, June, and August) during the study, and in order to compare the effectiveness of the treatments, the number of removed A. trifida was recorded for the first two applications. Between April and June, the number of A. trifida decreased by a mean of 34.9 individuals in the cut plots, and increased by a mean of 12.4 individuals in the pulled plots suggesting (albeit, not significantly) that pulling may disturb the ground and promote the germination of more seeds from the seedbed. Final biomass data collection was conducted in mid August by removing the above ground biomass of all plants excluding A. trifida from four subplots within each of the 30 main plots, followed by drying and weighing of all biomass. A total of 172 plants from 30 species were removed for a total biomass of 1735.10 grams. In the control plots the mean biomass was 6.73g and the species diversity (H') was 0.037. In the treatment plots, the corresponding values were 83.39g, and 2.093. This twelve-fold difference in biomass suggests that the presence of A. trifida has a remarkable impact on the overall community of this newly established prairie and that the correct management of A. trifida could expedite the restoration process.
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The Ecology and Population structure of the invasive Yelllow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes / Die Ökologie und Populationsstruktur der invasiven Ameisenart Anoplolepis gracilipesDrescher, Jochen January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The invasive Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes is a widespread tropical ant species which is particularly common in anthropogenically disturbed habitats in South-East Asia and the Indopacific region. Its native range is unknown, and there is little information concerning its social structure as a potential mechanism facilitating invasion as well as its ecology in one of the putative native ranges, South-East Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences, I demonstrated that the majority of the current Indopacific colonies were likely introduced from South-East Asian populations, which in turn may have been introduced much earlier from a yet unidentified native range. By conducting behavioral, genetic and chemical analyses, I found that A. gracilipes supercolonies contain closely related individuals, thus resembling enlarged versions of monogynous, polydomous colonies of other ant species. Furthermore, mutually aggressive A. gracilipes supercolonies were highly differentiated both genetically and chemically, suggesting limited or even absent gene flow between supercolonies. Intranidal mating and colony-budding are most likely the predominant, if not the exclusive mode of reproduction and dispersal strategy of A. gracilipes. Consequently, a positive feedback between genetic, chemical and behavioral traits may further enhance supercolony differentiation though genetic drift and neutral evolution. This potential scenario led to the hypothesis that absent gene flow between different A. gracilipes supercolonies may drive them towards different evolutionary pathways, possibly including speciation. Thus, I examined one potential way by which gene flow between supercolonies of an ant species without nuptial flights may be maintained, i.e. the immigration of sexuals into foreign supercolonies. The results suggest that this option of maintaining gene flow between different supercolonies is likely impaired by severe aggression of workers towards allocolonial sexuals. Moreover, breeding experiments involving males and queens from different supercolonies suggest that A. gracilipes supercolonies may already be on the verge of reproductive isolation, which might lead to the diversification of A. gracilipes into different species. Regarding the ecological consequences of its potential introduction to NE-Borneo, I could show that A. gracilipes supercolonies may affect the local ant fauna. The ant community within supercolonies was less diverse and differed in species composition from areas outside supercolonies. My data suggest that the ecological dominance of A. gracilipes within local ant communities was facilitated by monopolization of food sources within its supercolony territory, achieved by a combination of rapid recruitment, numerical dominance and pronounced interspecific aggression. A. gracilipes’ distribution is almost exclusively limited to anthropogenically altered habitat, such as residential and agricultural areas. The rate at which habitat conversion takes place in NE-Borneo will provide A. gracilipes with a rapidly increasing abundance of suitable habitats, thus potentially entailing significant population growth. An potentially increasing population size and ecological dominance, however, are not features that are limited to invasive alien species, but may also occur in native species that become ‘pests’ in an increasing abundance of anthropogenically altered habitat. Lastly, I detected several ant guests in supercolonies of A. gracilipes. I subsequently describe the relationship between one of them (the cricket Myrmecophilus pallidithorax) and its ant host. By conducting behavioral bioassays and analyses of cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, I revealed that although M. pallidithorax is attacked and consumed by A. gracilipes whenever possible, it may evade aggression from its host by a combination of supreme agility and, possibly, chemical deception. This thesis adds to our general understanding of biological invasions by contributing species-specific data on a previously understudied invasive organism, the Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes. Introductions which may have occurred a long time ago may make it difficult to determine whether a given species is an introduced invader or a native pest species, as both may have pronounced ecological effects in native species communities. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that supercolonialism in invasive ants may not be an evolutionary dead end, but that it may possibly give rise to new species due to reproductive boundaries between supercolonies evoked by peculiar mating and dispersal strategies. / Anoplolepis gracilipes ist eine in den Tropen weit verbreitete invasive Ameisenart, die in gestörten Habitaten Südostasiens und des indopazifischen Raumes häufig vorzufinden ist. Während detaillierte Informationen bezüglich ihres derzeitigen Verbreitungsgebietes vorliegen, ist ihre geographische Herkunft immer noch unbekannt. Weiterhin ist unklar, in welchem Maße die Sozialstruktur von A. gracilipes zu ihrer ökologischen Dominanz beiträgt und wie sich diese wiederum in einem potentiellen Herkunftsgebiet (Südostasien) darstellt. Mitochondriale DNA-Sequenzen legen nahe, dass die Mehrheit der im indopazifischen Raum vorkommenden Kolonien von südostasiatischen Populationen eingeführt wurde. Die südostasiatischen Kolonien entstammen möglicherweise einem bislang unbekannten Ursprungsgebiet. Verhaltenstests und genetische Analysen ergaben, dass Superkolonien von A. gracilipes aus sehr nah verwandten Individuen bestehen, womit sie monogynen, polydomen Kolonien anderer Ameisenarten ähneln. Ausserdem wiesen sowohl genetische Daten sowie Profile epikutikulärer Kohlenwasserstoffe auf eine erhebliche Differenzierung zwischen verschiedenen Superkolonien hin. Das Ausmaß der genetischen und chemischen Differenzierung deutet darauf hin, dass Genfluss zwischen Superkolonien stark reduziert oder sogar unterbrochen ist. Da die Paarung bei A. gracilipes wahrscheinlich nur im eigenen Nest stattfindet (Hochzeitsflüge wurden noch nicht beobachtet), könnte eine positive Rückkopplung zwischen Aggression, Verwandtschaftsgrad und epikutikulärer Chemie dazu führen, dass die Differenzierung zwischen Superkolonien durch eine Kombination aus genetischer Drift und neutraler Evolution weiter verstärkt wird. Superkolonien, die nicht durch Genfluss miteinander im Austausch stehen, könnten sich also konsequenterweise in unterschiedliche evolutive Richtungen entwickeln. Eine der Möglichkeiten, durch die Genfluss zwischen verschiedenen Superkolonien aufrecht erhalten werden könnte, wäre deshalb die Einwanderung reproduktiver Individuen in fremde Superkolonien. Meine Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die Migration von Männchen und Königinnen zwischen verschiedenen Superkolonien jedoch durch die Arbeiterinnen unterbunden wird, welche in erhöhtem Maße aggressiv gegenüber Geschlechtstieren anderer Superkolonien waren. Weiterhin deuteten Kreuzungsexperimente zwischen koloniefremden Männchen und Königinnen darauf hin, dass Superkolonien von A. gracilipes unter Umständen schon reproduktiv isoliert sind, welches konsequenterweise zur Diversifizierung von A. gracilipes in verschiedene Arten führen sollte. Bezüglich ihrer ökologischen Dominanz in Nordost-Borneo konnte gezeigt werden, dass A. gracilipes die lokale Ameisenfauna erheblich beeinflusst. Innerhalb der Superkolonien von A. gracilipes fanden sich sowohl weniger Ameisenarten als auch eine andere Artzusammensetzung als außerhalb. Die Ergebnisse deuteten darauf hin, dass die ökologische Dominanz von A. gracilipes maßgeblich auf der Monopolisierung von Nahrungsquellen beruht. Diese wird ermöglicht durch eine Kombination aus schneller Rekrutierung von Nestgenossinnen, zahlenmäßiger Überlegenheit und ausgeprägter interspezifischer Aggression. A. gracilipes kommt fast ausschließlich in anthropogen gestörten Habitaten wie Wohngebieten oder landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen vor. Die zunehmende Habitatkonversion in Nordost-Borneo führt zu einem enormen Anstieg der von A. gracilipes besiedelbaren Habitate, so dass mit einem signifikanten Populationswachstum von A. gracilipes zu rechnen sein wird. Ein schnelles Populationswachstum sowie ökologische Dominanz sind jedoch nicht allein auf invasive Arten geprägte Charakteristika, sondern können auch bei nativen Arten zu beobachten sein, welche durch zunehmende Verfügbarkeit anthropogen veränderten Habitats zu Schädlingen werden können. Abschließend wurden mehrere Arten potentieller Sozialparasiten in Nestern von A. gracilipes aufgefunden (mehrheitlich neue, unbeschriebene Arten), von denen die Grille Myrmecophilus pallidithorax eingehender untersucht wurde. Verhaltenstests und die Analyse kutikulärer Kohlenwasserstoffe zeigten, dass M. pallidithorax von ihrem Wirt angegriffen und sogar verzehrt wird. Jedoch kann sie den Aggressionen ihres Wirtes weitestgehend ausweichen dank schneller Fluchtreflexe sowie, möglicherweise, chemischer Tarnung. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt, dass lang zurückliegende Invasionen die Unterscheidung zwischen eingeführten oder nativen Schädlingen erschweren, da beide tiefgreifende ökologische Einflüsse auf native Artengemeinschaften haben können. Es wurde weiterhin deutlich, dass die außergewöhnliche Sozialstruktur von invasiven Ameisen wie A. gracilipes ihre ökologische Dominanz begründet. Die Bildung von Superkolonien bei invasiven Ameisen stellt zudem nicht eine evolutive Sackgasse dar, sondern kann im Gegenzug sogar zur Artbildung führen, begünstigt durch ungewöhnliche Paarungs- und Verbreitungsstrategien.
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A mixed reality framework for surgical navigation: approach and preliminary resultsMurlidaran, Shravan 23 April 2019 (has links)
The overarching purpose of this research is to understand whether Mixed Reality can enhance a surgeon’s manipulations skills during minimally invasive procedures. Minimally-invasive surgery (MIS) utilizes small cuts in the skin - or sometimes natural orifices - to deploy instruments inside a patient’s body, while a live video feed of the surgical site is provided by an endoscopic camera and displayed on a screen. MIS is associated with many benefits: small scars, less pain and shorter hospitalization time as compared to traditional open surgery. However, these benefits come at a cost: because surgeons have to work by looking at a monitor, and not down on their own hands, MIS disrupts their eye-hand coordination and makes even simple surgical maneuvers challenging to perform. In this study, we wish to use Mixed Reality technology to superimpose anatomical models over the surgical site and explore if it can be used to mitigate this problem.
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