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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling of non-Newtonian fluid flow through and over porous media with the inclusion of boundary effects

Cloete, Maret 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Different generalized Newtonian fluids (where the normal stresses were neglected) were considered in this study. Analytical expressions were derived for time independent, fully developed velocity profiles of Herschel-Bulkley fluids (including the simplifications thereof: Newtonian, power law and Bingham plastic fluids) and Casson fluids through open channel sections. Both flow through cylindrical pipes (Hagen-Poiseuille flow) and parallel plates (plane Poiseuille flow) were brought under consideration. Equations were derived for the wall shear stresses in terms of the average channel velocities. These expressions for plane Poiseuille flow were then utilized in the modelling of flow through homogeneous, isotropic porous media. Flow through parallel plates was extended and a possibility of a moving lower wall (plane Couette-Poiseuille flow) was included for Herschel-Bulkley fluids (and the simplifications thereof). The velocity of the wall was assumed to be opposite to the pressure gradient (thus in the streamwise direction) yielding three different possible flow scenarios. These equations were again revisited in the study on flow over porous structures. Averaging of the microscopic momentum transport equation was carried out by means of volume averaging over an REV (Representative Elementary Volume). Flow through parallel plates enclosing a homogeneous porous medium (assumed homogeneous up to the external boundary) was studied at the hand of Brinkman’s equation. It was as- sumed (also for non-Newtonian fluids) that the term dominating outside the external boundary layer area is directly proportional to the superficial velocity that is, since only the viscous flow regime was considered, referred to as the ‘Darcy’ velocity if the diffusive Brinkman term is completely neglected. For a shear thinning or shear thickening fluid, the excess superficial velocity term was included in the proportionality coefficient that is constant for a particular fluid traversing a particular porous medium subjected to a specific pressure gradient. For such fluids only the inverse functions could be solved. If the ‘Darcy’ velocity is not reached within the considered domain, Gauss’s hypergeo- metric function had to be utilized. For Newtonian and Bingham plastic fluids, direct solutions were obtained. The effect of the constant yield stress was embedded in the proportionality coefficient. For linear flow, the proportionality coefficient consists of both a Darcy and a Forch- heimer term applicable to the viscous and inertial flow regimes respectively. Secondary averaging for different types of porous media was accomplished by using an RUC (Representative Unit Cell) to estimate average interstitial properties. Only homoge- neous, isotropic media were considered. Expressions for the apparent permeability as well as the passability in the Forchheimer regime (also sometimes referred to as the non-Darcian permeability) were derived for the various fluid types. Finally fluid flow in a domain consisting of an open channel adjacent to an infinite porous domain is considered. The analytically derived velocity profiles for both plane Couette- Poiseuille flow and the Brinkman equation were matched by assuming continuity in the shear stress at the porosity jump between the two domains. An in-house code was developed to simulate such a composite domain numerically. The difference between the analytically assumed constant apparent permeability in a macro- scopic boundary layer region as opposed to a dependency of the varying superficial velocity was discussed. This code included the possibility to alter the construction of the domain and to simulate axisymmetrical flow in a cylinder. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie veralgemeende Newtoniese vloeistowwe (waarvan die normaalspannings ignoreer- baar is) word in hierdie studie beskou. Analitiese uitdrukkings vir tyd-onafhanklike, ten volle ontwikkelde snelheidsprofiele vir Herschel-Bulkley vloeistowwe (wat die vereen- voudigde weergawes daarvan insluit: Newtoniese, magswet- en Bingham-plastiek vloei- stowwe), sowel as Casson vloeistowwe, is afgelei vir vloei deur ‘n oop kanaal. Beide vloei deur silindriese pype (Hagen-Poiseuille vloei) en parallelle plate (vlak-Poiseuille vloei) is oorweeg. Vergelykings vir die skuifspannings op ‘n wand in terme van die gemiddelde snelhede is afgelei. Hierdie uitdrukking wat vir vlak-Poiseuille vloei verkry is, is in die modellering van vloei deur homogene, isotropiese poreuse media ook gebruik. Vloei deur parallelle plate is uitgebrei en die moontlikheid van ‘n bewegende onderste wand (vlak-Couette-Poiseuille vloei) is ondersoek vir Herschel-Bulkley vloeistowwe (en die vereenvoudigings daarvan). Dit word aangeneem dat die snelheid van die wand in die teenoorgestelde rigting as die drukgradiënt georiënteer is (dus in die stroomgewyse rigting) wat dan tot drie verskillende moontlike vloeigevalle lei. Hierdie vergelykings is weer in die studie van vloei oor poreuse strukture gebruik. Die gemiddelde van die mikroskopiese momentum transportvergelyking is bereken oor die volume van ‘n REV (“Representative Elementary Volume”). Vloei deur parallelle plate wat ‘n homogene poreuse medium omsluit (waar die medium homogeen aanvaar word tot by die eksterne grens) is bestudeer aan die hand van Brinkman se vergelyking. Daar is aanvaar (ook vir nie-Newtoniese vloeistowwe) dat die dominante term buite die eksterne grenslaaggebied direk eweredig is aan die oppervlaksnelheid en, aangesien slegs vloei in die viskeuse gebied oorweeg word, daarna verwys word as die “Darcy”- snelheid, indien die diffusiewe Brinkman-term heeltemal weglaatbaar is. Vir ‘n span-ningsverdunnende of -verdikkende vloeistof, word die oortollige oppervlaksnelheidsterm ingesluit by die proporsionaliteitskoëffisiënt wat konstant is vir ‘n spesifieke vloeistof wat deur ‘n sekere poreuse medium, onderhewig aan ‘n spesifieke drukgradiënt, vloei. Vir sulke vloeistowwe kon slegs die inverse funksies opgelos word. As die “Darcy”- snelheid nie binne die betrokke gebied bereik word nie, is daar van Gauss se hipergeometriese funksie gebruik gemaak. Vir Newtoniese en Bingham-plastiek vloeistowwe is egter direkte oplossings verkry. Die effek van die konstante toegeespanning is ingebed in die proporsionaliteitskoëffisiënt. Vir lineêre vloei bestaan die proporsionaliteitskoëffisiënt uit beide ‘n Darcy- en ‘n Forch- heimer-term wat van toepassing is in die viskeuse- en traagheidsvloeigebiede onder- skeidelik. Sekondˆere gemiddeldes vir verskillende tipes poreuse media is verkry; deur gebruik te maak van ‘n RUC (“Representative Unit Cell”) kan interstisiële gemiddelde eienskappe geskat word. Slegs homogene, isotrope media is in oorweging gebring. Uit- drukkings vir die o¨enskynlike deurlaatbaarheid sowel as die deurdringbaarheid in die Forchheimer-gebied (ook soms na verwys as die nie-Darcy deurlaatbaarheid) is afgelei vir die verskillende vloeistoftipes. Ten slotte is vloeistofvloei in ‘n gebied wat bestaan uit ‘n oop kanaal aangrensend aan ‘n oneindige poreuse domein ondersoek. Die analities-afgeleide snelheidsprofiele vir beide vlak-Couette-Poiseuille vloei en die Brinkman-vergelyking is gekoppel deur ‘n kontinu¨ıteit in die skuifspanning by die poreuse-sprong tussen die twee gebiede te aanvaar. ‘n Interne numeriese kode is ontwikkel om so ‘n saamgestelde domein numeries te simuleer. Die verskil tussen die analities konstant-aanvaarde deurlaatbaarheid in ‘n makroskopiese grenslaagstreek, eerder as ‘n afhanklikheid met die veranderende opper- vlaksnelheid, is bespreek. Hierdie kode sluit ook die moontlikheid in om die domein te herkonstrueer, asook om die simulasie van aksiaal-simmetriese vloei in ‘n silinder te ondersoek.

Laminar heat transfer to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids in tubes : temperature and velocity profiles were determined experimentally for heating and cooling of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in tubes and the results compared with theoretical predictions incorporating a temperature-dependent viscosity

Pavlovska-Popovska, Frederika January 1975 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a theoretical and experimental study of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of viscous fluids flowing in tubes under laminar conditions. Particular attention has been given to the effects of the rheological properties and their variation with temperature. A review of problems of this type showed that in spite of the many potential applications of the results in a wide range of industries the subject had not been well developed and further work is justified in order to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge. The early part of the thesis considers the justification of the work in this way and sets down the scope and objectives. A computer progracune was then developed to allow the governing equations of the problem to be solved numerically to give the velocity and temperature profiles and pressure drop for both heating and cooling conditions. The results were also presented in the form of Nusselt numbers as a function of the Graetz numberp since this form is useful for engineering design purposes. The validity of the predictions were then checked by a programme of experimental work. Temperature and velocity profiles have been measured in order to provide a more severe test of the theory than could be imposed by the measurement of overall heat transfer rates. A combined thermocouple probe/Pitot tube was developed to allow simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature to be made. A Newtonian oil and two non-Newtonian Carbopol solutions were studied. This is the first time that velocity and temperature profiles have been measured for non-Newtonian fluids in this type of situation. The results of the work heve shown that (a) the velocity and temperature profiles and pressure drops are greatly affected by the temperature dependence of the rheological properties and since real viscous fluids are normally very temperature-sensitive it is important that this effect is properly taken into account. (b) the engineering design correlations commonly used for the prediction of heat transfer coefficients can be seriously in error, especially for cooling conditions and when non-Nevitonian fluids are being considered. (c) a mathematical model can be developed which accurately describes all the phenomena and gives predictions which are very close to those observed experimentally. An important objective was to develop more accurate engineering design correlations for non-isothermal pressure drop and heat transfer rates.

Simulace proudění nenewtonovských tekutin pomocí lattice Boltzmannovy metody / Nonnewtonian fluid flow simulation using lattice Boltzmann method

Kuriščák, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Title: Non-newtonian fluid flow simulation using lattice Boltzmann method Author: Bc. Pavel Kuriščák Department: Mathematical Institute, Charles University Supervisor: RNDr. Ing. Jaroslav Hron Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Jaroslav.Hron@mff.cuni.cz Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to find and estabilish a modification to the Lattice Boltzmann Method, allowing it to simulate non-newtonian behaviour of fluids. In the theoretical part of thesis, there is introduced a derivation, based on the work of [22], that is capable of arriving to macroscopical Navier-Stokes equa- tions completely a priori from the Boltzmann equation, utilizing the Hermite basis expansion. This derivation is afterwards applied to the method suggested by [11], that uses the changed equilibrium distribution to fine-tune the local fluid viscosity according to the non-newtonian model. In the last part of thesis, this method is implemented in the form of lattice kinetic scheme and tested on three sample problems. Keywords: Lattice Boltzmann Method, non-newtonian fluids, Hermite expansion, lattice kinetic scheme

Topology optimization method applied to design channels considering non-newtonian fluid flow. / Método de otimização topológica aplicado ao projeto de canais considerando escoamento de fluídos não-newtonianos.

Kian, Jacqueline de Miranda 19 October 2017 (has links)
The study of non-Newtonian flow is presents itself as relevant in bioengineering field, specially for design of devices that conduct blood, as arterial bypass grafts. Improvements in reducing energy dissipation and blood cell damage caused by artificial flows can be achieved by using numerical simulation and optimization methods. Thus, the present work proposes the study of design channels for steady, incompressible non-Newtonian flow, by using Topology Optimization Method based on the density method. The fluid flow is modeled with the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with Carreau-Yasuda constitutive equation for the dynamic viscosity to take into account the effects of the non-Newtonian blood properties. The Topology Optimization Method distributes regions of solid and fluid, given a volume constraint, within a specified domain in order to obtain a geometry and layout that minimizes energy dissipation, shear stress and vorticity by using the material pseudo-density as design variable. To apply this method to fluidic systems design, a fictional porous media based on Darcy equation is introduced. The flow model is implemented in its discrete form by using the Finite Element Method through the OpenSource platform FEniCS, applied to automate the solution of mathematical models based on differential equations. The optimization problem is solved by using the library DOLFIN-adjoint and IPOpt optimizer. Optimized topologies of channels for blood flow, focusing in arterial bypass grafts, are presented to illustrate the proposed method. / O estudo de escoamento de fluidos não-Newtonianos apresenta-se relevante no campo de bioengenharia, em especial no projeto de dispositivos para condução de sangue, como bypass arterial. Melhorias na redução de dissipação de energia e no dano às células sanguíneas causados por fluxos artificiais podem ser obtidas através do uso de técnicas de simulação e otimização numéricas. Deste modo, este trabalho propõe o estudo do projeto de canais para escoamentos incompressíveis em regime permanente de fluidos não-Newtonianos através do Método de Otimização Topológica baseado no método de densidade. O escoamento é modelado com as equações de Navier-Stokes acopladas com a equação constitutiva de Carreau-Yasuda para a viscosidade dinâmica, para que sejam considerados os efeitos das propriedades não-Newtonianas do sangue. O Método de Otimização Topológica distribui regiões de sólido e fluido, dada uma restrição de volume, dentro de um domínio especificado de modo a obter uma geometria e configuração que minimize a dissipação de energia, tensão de cisalhamento e vorticidade, utilizando a pseudo-densidade do material como variável de projeto. Para aplicar este método a sistemas fluidos, um meio poroso fictício, baseado na equação de Darcy, é introduzido. O modelo de escoamento é implementado em sua forma discreta utilizando o Método de Elementos Finitos através da plataforma OpenSource FEniCS, aplicada para automatizar a solução dos modelos matemáticos baseados em equações diferenciais, e o problema de otimização é resolvido utilizando a biblioteca DOLFIN-adjoint e otimizador IPOpt. Topologias otimizadas de canais para fluxo de sangue, com foco em bypass arterial, são apresentadas para ilustrar o método proposto.

Non-Newtonian fluid injection into granular media

Callahan, Thomas Patrick 05 April 2011 (has links)
The process of fluid injection into granular media is relevant to a wide number of applications such as enhanced oil recovery, grouting, and the construction of permeable reactive barriers. The response of the subsurface is dependent on multiple factors such as in-situ stresses, fluid properties, flow rate, and formation type. Based on these conditions a variety of response mechanisms can be initiated ranging from simple porous infiltration to hydraulic fracturing. Currently, the mechanics of fluid injection into competent rock are well understood and can be sufficiently modeled using linear elastic fracture mechanics. Because the grains in rock formations are individually cemented together, they exhibit cohesion and are able to support tensile stresses. The linear elastic method assumes tensile failure due to stress concentrations at the fracture tip. A fracture propagates when the stress intensity factor exceeds the material toughness (Detournay, 1988) However, understanding fluid injection in cohesionless granular media presents a much larger obstacle. Currently, no theoretical models have been developed to deal with granular media displacements due to fluid injection. Difficulty arises from the complexity of fluid rheology and composition used in engineering processes, the strong coupling between fluid flow and mechanical deformation, the non-linear response of subsurface media, and the multi-scale nature of the problem. The structure of this thesis is intended to first give the reader a basic background of some of the fundamental concepts for non-Newtonian fluid flow in granular media. Fluid properties as well as some interaction mechanisms are described in relation to the injection process. Next, the results from an experimental series of injection tests are presented with a discussion of the failure/flow processes taking place. We developed a novel technique which allows us to visualize the injection process by use of a transparent Hele-Shaw cell. Specifically, we will be using polyacrylamide solutions at a variety of concentrations to study non-Newtonian effects on the response within the Hele-Shaw cell. By performing tests at a range of solution concentrations and injection rates we are to be able to identify a transition from an infiltration dominated flow regime to a fracturing dominated regime.

Laminar flow through isotropic granular porous media

Woudberg, Sonia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mathematical Sciences. Applied Mathematics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / An analytical modelling procedure for predicting the streamwise pressure gradient for steady laminar incompressible flow of a Newtonian fluid through homogeneous isotropic granular porous media is introduced. The modelling strategy involves the spatial volume averaging of a statistical representative portion of the porous domain to obtain measurable macroscopic quantities from which macroscopic transport equations can be derived. A simple pore-scale model is introduced to approximate the actual complex granular porous microstructure through rectangular cubic geometry. The sound physical principles on which the modelling procedure is based avoid the need for redundant empirical coefficients. The model is generalized to predict the rheological flow behaviour of non-Newtonian purely viscous power law fluids by introducing the dependence of the apparent viscosity on the shear rate through the wall shear stress. The field of application of the Newtonian model is extended to predict the flow behaviour in fluidized beds by adjusting the Darcy velocity to incorporate the relative velocity of the solid phase. The Newtonian model is furthermore adjusted to predict fluid flow through Fontainebleau sandstone by taking into account the effect of blocked throats at very low porosities. The analytical model as well as the model generalizations for extended applicability is verified through comparison with other analytical and semi-empirical models and a wide range of experimental data from the literature. The accuracy of the predictive analytical model reveals to be highly acceptable for most engineering designs.

Implementação de um aparato experimental para medição de instabilidade em superfície livre com fluido não-Newtoniano /

Cunha, Evandro Fernandes da. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Geraldo de Freitas Maciel / Resumo: Esta tese de doutorado traz uma abordagem experimental sobre mecanismos de geração, desenvolvimento e propagação em canal de instabilidade na superfície livre de um escoamento de fluido não-Newtoniano. Estas instabilidades, quando evoluem para um padrão estável, exibem comprimento, amplitude e celeridade bem definidos, sendo denominadas roll waves. Na literatura existe uma lacuna no que diz respeito às medições destes fenômenos em condições controladas de laboratório, e com pouquíssimos registros, quando presentes em eventos naturais. Assim, buscou-se neste trabalho projetar e implementar um aparato experimental operacional e de baixo custo com o objetivo de gerar e aferir tais instabilidades, sob condições controladas e sem a influência de vibrações externas (canalete posicionado sobre uma mesa inercial), seguindo metodologia de ensaio proposta e testada. O fluido teste utilizado foi o gel de carbopol 996, que apresentou boa estabilidade e propriedades reológicas aderentes ao modelo de Herschel-Bulkley, tal qual as lamas encontradas em pés de barragens, lamas oriundas de fluxos hiperconcentrados ou de corridas propriamente ditas. Um sistema de sucção-recalque, através de uma bomba hidráulica de cavidade progressiva, impulsionava o gel para o canal de ensaio, garantindo fluxo contínuo do material em regime de recirculação. Para gerar as instabilidades na superfície livre, foi imposta, a montante do canal, uma perturbação, por meio de um pulso de ar controlado em intensidade e... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

Implementação de um aparato experimental para medição de instabilidade em superfície livre com fluido não-Newtoniano / Implementation of an experimental apparatus for measuring instability on free surface with non-Newtonian fluid

Cunha, Evandro Fernandes da 31 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by EVANDRO FERNANDES DA CUNHA (evandro.cunha@unesp.br) on 2018-11-18T20:13:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Evandro Cunha.pdf: 10054124 bytes, checksum: f324825069efc486e2637a46c1b85371 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-11-21T15:21:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 cunha_ef_dr_ilha.pdf: 10054124 bytes, checksum: f324825069efc486e2637a46c1b85371 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-21T15:21:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cunha_ef_dr_ilha.pdf: 10054124 bytes, checksum: f324825069efc486e2637a46c1b85371 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-31 / Esta tese de doutorado traz uma abordagem experimental sobre mecanismos de geração, desenvolvimento e propagação em canal de instabilidade na superfície livre de um escoamento de fluido não-Newtoniano. Estas instabilidades, quando evoluem para um padrão estável, exibem comprimento, amplitude e celeridade bem definidos, sendo denominadas roll waves. Na literatura existe uma lacuna no que diz respeito às medições destes fenômenos em condições controladas de laboratório, e com pouquíssimos registros, quando presentes em eventos naturais. Assim, buscou-se neste trabalho projetar e implementar um aparato experimental operacional e de baixo custo com o objetivo de gerar e aferir tais instabilidades, sob condições controladas e sem a influência de vibrações externas (canalete posicionado sobre uma mesa inercial), seguindo metodologia de ensaio proposta e testada. O fluido teste utilizado foi o gel de carbopol 996, que apresentou boa estabilidade e propriedades reológicas aderentes ao modelo de Herschel-Bulkley, tal qual as lamas encontradas em pés de barragens, lamas oriundas de fluxos hiperconcentrados ou de corridas propriamente ditas. Um sistema de sucção-recalque, através de uma bomba hidráulica de cavidade progressiva, impulsionava o gel para o canal de ensaio, garantindo fluxo contínuo do material em regime de recirculação. Para gerar as instabilidades na superfície livre, foi imposta, a montante do canal, uma perturbação, por meio de um pulso de ar controlado em intensidade e frequência. Após evolução e estabilização, a onda (roll wave) era aferida por meio de sistema de medição ultrassônico na configuração de pulso-eco e, seguindo metodologia inovadora proposta nesta tese, por meio de técnica fotométrica em função da absorção luminosa de um corante (azul de metileno) adicionado ao fluido teste em escoamento. Para confirmação da qualidade dos resultados obtidos pela aplicação das técnicas de medição experimental, foram feitas confrontações entre as técnicas experimentais propostas e entre estas e um modelo numérico, desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa. Por fim, foram testados dois estudos de caso de formação e propagação de roll waves no canal, o primeiro visando a obtenção e tratamento das amplitudes em diversos pontos ao longo do canal, e, no segundo, a influência da frequência de perturbação sobre a amplitude da roll wave, todos para cenários experimentais com números de Froude superiores ao Froude mínimo, condição necessária à geração do fenômeno. / This doctoral thesis brings an experimental approach on generation, development and propagation mechanisms of instabilities free-surface flows of a non-Newtonian fluid. When these instabilities evolve to a stable pattern, they display well-defined length, amplitude and celerity, being denominated as roll waves. There is a great gap in literature concerning experimental data. Few experiments are found relating laboratory measurements of these phenomena in controlled conditions; this is also true when it comes to in situ measurements from natural events. Thus, the aim of this project was to design and implement a low cost operational experimental apparatus to generate and measure such instabilities under controlled conditions, isolated from external vibration influences. This project follows a previous methodology developed which was tested and approved. Carbopol gel 996 was used as test fluid, presenting good stability and rheological properties matching to Herschel-Bulkley model, oftenly used for modeling industrial sludge, slurry fluids, natural mud, among others. A hydraulic circuit was installed in which a progressive cavity hydraulic pump pushed the gel to the inlet of the testing channel, ensuring continuous flow of material, capturing the fluid at the channel outlet. A free-surface disturbance was imposed to the flow through a controlled pulse of air (intensity and frequency) on the upstream flow to produce the free-surface instabilities. After evolution and stabilization, the wave (roll wave) was measured through ultrasonic measurement system in the pulse-echo configuration and also through photometric technique using light absorption by a dye (methylene blue) added to the test fluid. Confrontations of the experimental data were made among the proposed experimental techniques and also with numerical simulations developed by the research group in order to assess the quality of the results obtained by the application of the experimental measurement techniques. Lastly, two case studies of formation and propagation of roll waves were tested: the first one aimed to obtain and process the amplitudes in several points along the channel; the second one, the influence of frequency of disturbance over the amplitude of the roll wave was studied. All the experimental scenarios were tested for Froude number over the minimum value necessary for the generation of the phenomenon.

Modelagem e investigação numérica de escoamentos de fluidos estruturados tixotrópicos

Fonseca, Cleiton Elsner da January 2013 (has links)
Fluidos Não-newtonianos estão presentes em grande quantidade na natureza e em muitas aplicações industriais. Tais fluidos apresentam uma variedade de comportamentos específicos. Dentre eles podemos citar: elasticidade, plasticidade, viscosidade variando com a taxa de deformação, tixotropia. Esta tese de doutorado apresenta um recente modelo para Fluidos Estruturados Tixotrópicos (de Souza Mendes, 2009), no qual baseasse nas tradicionais equações de balanço de momentum e massa, em uma equação constitutiva de Maxwell-b modificada e uma equação de evolução para o nível de estrutura do material. Na equação constitutiva de Maxwell-b modificada, tempo de relaxação e viscosidade estrutural são funções da estrutura do material. A equação evolutiva para o parâmetro de estruturação prevê efeitos de tixotropia, dependentes do tempo de equilíbrio do material. As equações que constituem o modelo mecânico para Fluidos Estruturados Tixotrópicos são aproximadas numericamente através do Método de Elementos Finitos de Galerkin Mínimos-quadrados (GLS). Tal método adicionou termos dependentes de malha ao método clássico de Galerkin, de forma a aumentar a estabilidade da formulação original, proporcionando compatibilizar os sub-espaços de velocidade e pressão. São investigados escoamentos creeping flow de Fluidos Estruturados Tixotrópicos em dois problemas clássicos de engenharia: em torno de um cilindro confinado entre duas placas e em uma expansão planar abrupta. Parâmetros relevantes ao modelo são variados em faixas pertinentes ao problema físico simulado e os resultados demonstraram uma boa capacidade de previsão. / Non-Newtonian fluids are present in large quantities in nature and in many industrial applications. Such fluids exhibit a variety of specific behaviors. Among them we can mention: elasticity, plasticity, viscosity varying with the strain rate, thixotropy, etc. This thesis presents a new model for thixotropic Structured Fluids (de Souza Mendes, 2009), in which were a basis in traditional balance equations of mass and momentum, the constitutive equation of Maxwell-type and an evolution equation for the level structure of the material. In the modified constitutive equation of Maxwell-b, relaxation time and structural viscosity are functions of material structure. The structure parameter evolutive equation provides effects of thixotropy, dependent on the equilibration time of the material. The equations which constitute the mechanical model for Structured Thixotropic fluids are approximated numerically using the Galerkin Least-squares Finite Element Method (GLS). Such a method added mesh dependent terms to the classical method of Galerkin in order to increase the stability of the original formulation, providing compatibility between sub-spaces of velocity and pressure. Are investigated Structured Thixotropic Fluids creeping flow in two classical problems in engineering: around a cylinder confined between two plates and in a planar abrupt expansion. Relevant parameters to the model are varied in pertinent ranges to physical problem simulated and the results demonstrated a good predictive capability.

Investigação reológica e análise mecânica de compósitos não-newtonianos /

Kiryu, Hamilton dos Santos. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Geraldo de Freitas Maciel / Banca: Edson Del Rio Vieira / Banca: Jefferson B. Libardi Liborio / Resumo: Esta dissertação de mestrado traz à discussão o comportamento reológico de misturas formadas por água+colóides+detritos (areia fina), visando entender e esclarecer os processos físicos e mecânicos, tais como sedimentação e ressuspensão de materiais inertes no seio da massa fluida não-newtoniana (água+colóides), bem como verificar a validade ou adeqüabilidade do modelo reológico de Herschel-Bulkley (modelo previamente investigado e validado para misturas compostas de água+colóides) para misturas viscoplásticas com presença de grãos. A variação das propriedades reológicas das misturas, em função das características físicas dos grãos (diâmetro, massa específica e área superficial), é investigada, e um modelo de estimativa de tensão crítica é apresentado. Ademais foram realizados ensaios preliminares de escoamento de fluidos hiperconcentrados em canais inclinados, na tentativa de calibrar uma lei de atrito. Dentro dessas perspectivas, a dissertação é composta de 6 Capítulos com um denso Estado da Arte que descreve os fenômenos e mecanismos que regem os escoamentos desse tipo de compósito. Com base na literatura estudada e, a partir da análise dos resultados experimentais, pôde-se concluir que, para misturas compostas de água+colóides+detritos, o comportamento reológico das misturas é o mesmo que aquele do fluido intersticial (água+colóides), desde que a homogeneidade da mistura seja garantida (não ocorrência de sedimentação e ressuspensão sucessivas). Neste caso, o modelo reológico de Herschel-Bulkley continua sendo válido para explicar as curvas de escoamento ou de fluxo das misturas viscoplásticas com grãos. Para misturas que apresentem os fenômenos de sedimentação e ressuspensão, o modelo de Bagnold, adaptado a fluidos hiperconcentrados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work retakes the discussion about the rheological behavior of mixtures composed by water+ kaolinitic clay+fine sand in order to investigate the physical and mechanical processes such as sedimentation and suspension of inert materials into the non-Newtonian or interstitial fluid (water+colloids), as well as verify the adaptability of the Herschel-Bulkley rheological model (model previously investigated and validated for composed mixtures of water+ kaolinitic clay) for explain the viscoplastic+coarse materials rheological properties. The variation of the rheological properties of the mixtures in function of the coarse material characteristics (diameter, specific mass and superficial area) was investigated and a model predicting yield stress was proposed. Furthermore, some tests were performed in an inclined canal to determine a friction law for this kind of fluids. Inside of these perspectives, this dissertation is composed of 6 Chapters whit a dense State of the Art describing the phenomena and their mechanisms were pointed up. Based on literature and from the experimental results, one could concluded that the viscoplastic + coarse material mixtures behavior is the same of the interstitial fluid one, since that the homogeneity of the mixture is guaranteed (not occurrence of successive sedimentation and resuspension). In this case, Herschel-Bulkley rheological model is still valid to explain the curves of flow of the viscoplastic + coarse material. For mixtures that present the phenomena of sedimentation and resuspension, Bagnoldþs model, adapted to the hyperconcentrated fluids, describes well the variations of rheological parameters in function of the shear rates applied. Finally, it could be concluded that the experiments of free surface in canals, despite partial, can... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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