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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podpora QoS v MANET sítích / Support of QoS in MANET networks

Figurny, Roman January 2012 (has links)
The theoretical part of Master's thesis has been dealing with issues of MANET networks, issues of providing quality of services in MANET networks and analysis of various implementations of quality of services in these networks. At the start of the practical part of this thesis was described modified OLSR process model with support of quality of services. In simulation program OPNET Modeler was designed a topology of MANET network, firstly was run a simulation of this network without any support of quality of services and then was run a simulation with support of quality of services. The results of these simulations were analyzed, compared and graphically interpreted. In the next part of this thesis was designed a real MANET network with OLSR support. OLSR network communication was captured with the use of Wireshark. In the last part of this thesis was firstly described a meaning and functions of plugins in OLSR implementation and then was developed a plugin which is responsible for sending messages which contain a state of the links between nodes of MANET networks.

Návrh laboratorní úlohy zaměřené na protokol OLSR / Design of laboratory tasks focused on the OLSR protocol.

Pecina, Martin January 2018 (has links)
An ad hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. In order to simplify communication within the network, a routing protocol is used to discover routes between nodes. The primary goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered on time. Route construction should be done with a minimum of overhead and bandwidth consumption. This document describes the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The key concept used in the protocol is that of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs provide an efficient mechanism for flooding control traffic by reducing the number of transmissions required.

Analysis and design of quality link metrics for routing protocols in Wireless Networks / Analyse et conception des métriques de qualité de liens et routage dans les réseaux sans fil

Javaid, Nadeem 15 December 2010 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche menés dans le cadre de cette thèse concernent l'amélioration du débit et de la qualité de service dans les réseaux sans fil basés sur les standards de la famille 802.11. Des simulations exhaustives ont été menées pour l'analyse et l'évaluation des performances des protocoles de routages réactifs AODV, DSR et DYMO ainsi que des protocoles de routage proactifs DSDV, FSR et OLSR. Plusieurs paramètres ont été considérés comme la mobilité des noeuds la charge du réseau et la mise à l'échelle. Nous pouvons observer que la métrique de qualité de lien est un paramètre important dans toute stratégie de routage. L'objectif du présent travail est de proposer une analyse comparative des différents protocoles de routage, basée sur les métriques de qualité de lien et de proposer une nouvelle métrique permettant d'améliorer le routage en termes de routage et de délai bout-en-bout. Dans la disparité des métriques proposées dans la littéraire, la métrique ETX (Expected Transmission Count) a été largement utilisée. Aussi, nous focaliserons, principalement, sur les métriques basées sur ETX. Notre constatation est que les besoins en termes de qualité de service dans les réseaux sans fil multi-saut, sont affecté entre autre par le protocole de routage adopté et la métrique de lien utilisée. Cependant, ceci est aussi strictement lié à la qualité des canaux de communication au niveau physique et l'état des files d'attente au niveau MAC. Aussi, une nouvelle métrique de qualité de lien est proposée, basée sur ETX et appelée IBETX (Interference and Bandwidth Adjusted ETX). Cette nouvelle métrique prend en considération les effets de l'interférence et de l'impact de l'état de la couche MAC sur les performances des liens de communication. Des simulations ont été conduites sous NS-2 afin de montrer l'intérêt de la métrique utilisée. Ainsi IBETX améliore le débit efficace de 19% par rapport à ETX et de 10% par rapport à ETP (Expected Throughput). Par ailleurs, la métrique proposée réduit le délai bout en bout de 16% par rapport à ELP ( Expected Link Performance) et de 24% par à ETX / This dissertation endeavors to contribute enhancements in goodputsof the IEEE 802.11-based Wireless Multi-hop Networks (WMhNs).By performing exhaustive simulations, for the deep analysis and detailed assessment of both reactive (AODV, DSR, DYMO) and proactive (DSDV, FSR, OLSR) protocols for varying mobilities, speeds, network loads and scalabilities, it is observed that a routing link metric is a significant component of a routing protocol. In addition to finding all available paths, the fastest end-to-end route is selected by a link metric for the routing protocol. This study aims the quality routing. In the class of quality link metrics, Expected Transmission Count (ETX) is extensively used. Thus, the most recently proposed ETX-based metrics have been analyzed. Though, newly developed metrics over perform ETX but still they can be improved. By profound analysis and particularized comparison of routing protocols depending upon their classes (reactive and proactive) and ETX-based metrics, we come to realize that users always demand proficient networks. In fact, WMhNs are facing several troubles which they expect to be resolved by the routing protocol operating them. Consequently, the protocol depends upon the link metric for providing quality paths. So, we identify and analyze the requirements to design a new routing link metric for WMhNs. Because, considering these requirements, when a link metric is proposed, then : firstly, both the design and implementation of the link metric with a routing protocol become easy. Secondly, the underlying network issues can easily be tackled. Thirdly, an appreciable performance of the network is guaranteed. Keeping in view the issues of WMhNs, increasing demands of users and capabilities of routing protocols, we propose and implement a new quality link metric, Interference and Bandwidth Adjusted ETX (IBETX). As, MAC layer affects the link performance and consequently the route quality, the metric therefore, tackles the issue by achieving twofold MAC-awareness. Firstly, interference is calculated using cross-layered approach by sending probes to MAC layer. Secondly, the nominal bit rate information is provided to all nodes in the same contention domain by considering the bandwidth sharing mechanism of 802.11. Like ETX, our metric also calculates link delivery ratios that directly affect throughput and selects those routes that bypass dense regions in the network. Simulation results by NS-2 show that IBETX gives 19% higher through put than ETX and 10% higher than Expected Throughput (ETP). Our metric also succeeds to reduce average end-to-end delay up to 16% less than Expected Link Performance (ELP) and 24% less than ETX

Analýza směrovacích protokolů používaných v MANET sítích / Analysis of routing protocols used in MANET networks

Vala, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is analysis of routing protocols used in MANET networks focusing on protocols OLSR, AODV and HWMP. The work consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the routing protokols, which are used in MANET networks and their applications to FANET networks. In practical part, there are describes of created mobility model in the NS-3, which are used for comparison routing protocols on the created scenarios of mobility according to the qualitative parameters of the networks.


Shah, Syed Iftikhar Hussain, Shaheed, Syed Hassan January 2011 (has links)
The research study determines OPNET simulation to evaluate the MANET routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR, GRP and OLSR performance for HTTP and FTP base application traffic. Results from the simulation result helps to measure the performance matrix i.e. packet delivery fraction, normalized routing load, throughput and end to end delay. Scalar values are extracted from simulation to plot desired performance graphs to analyze. The research results and conclusion produces enough information for the selection of best routing protocol for MANET in terms of HTTP and FTP application types.

Recherche sur les techniques clés pour les communications multimédias dans les Ad-Hoc réseaux

Zhou, Liang 14 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions certains points techniques clé sur ce sujet et proposons une résolution pratique et efficace des aspects suivants: Dans un cadre de design inter-couche, nous avons d'abord réglé le problème du contrôle de débit et du routage. Nous étudions la combinaison de l'acheminement et le contrôle du taux avec une formulation optimisation convexe afin de proposer une solution distribuée commune basée sur la conception des inter-couche. Nous avons d'abord développé un modèle de distorsion qui couvre à la fois l'impact de la quantification du codeur et la perte de paquets en raison de la congestion du réseau sur la qualité vidéo globale. Ensuite, le contrôle du taux d'émission optimal commun et le choix du routage sont réalisés en adaptant la vitesse variable d'émission au cours du temps et en minimisant la congestion du réseau global. Ensuite, nous abordons le problème du mécanisme d'authentification du codage conjoint. Dans cette partie, nous proposons un cadre pour une collaboration entre authentification et codage multimédia transmis sur des réseaux sans fil. Premièrement, nous fournissons un système d'authentification basé sur des méthodes graphiques qui peut non seulement construire une authentification flexible, mais aussi un compromis parmi certaines exigences pratiques telles que la robustesse et le retard. Puis, un taux de distorsion conjoint Source-Canal (JSCC) est optimisé ; une approche résistante aux erreurs vidéo encodée adpatative est présentée, dans laquelle la vidéo est encodée en plusieurs flux indépendants et à chaque flux est attribué une correction (Forward Error Correction-FEC) afin d'éviter la propagation des erreurs. En outre, nous considérons l'authentification avec le régime spécifique JSCC afin de parvenir à un résultat satisfaisant en termes de qualité de reconstruction de bout en bout. Ensuite, nous proposons d'appliquer conjointement la résilience aux erreurs (ER) et la super-résolution (SR) afin d'améliorer glabalement la résolution des flux d'images transmises sur les réseaux sans fil. Afin de lutter contre la propagation d'erreurs, une description multiple, méthode flexible de codage basée sur SPIHT-3-D (partitionnement 3-D dans des arbres hiérarchiques) est présentée pour générer des descriptions variables indépendantes en fonction de l'état du réseau. Puis, une stratégie originale de protection inégale contre les erreurs suivant le niveau de priorité est prévu afin d'attribuer un niveau supérieur de protection contre les erreurs des parties les plus importantes des flux. En outre, un algorithme robuste SR est proposé, en présence de différents types de taux de perte de paquets pour améliorer la résolution de l'image. Enfin, nous décrivons le problème du contrôle du taux pour le multimédia sur des réseaux hétérogènes. Dans cette partie, nous développons et évaluons un cadre d'allocation des taux optimaux sur plusieurs réseaux hétérogènes toujours basés sur le cadre de la conception inter-couches. Au début, nous développons et évaluons un modèle de distorsion en fonction de taux disponibles observés (ABR) et du temps d'aller-retour (RTT) dans chaque réseau d'accès, ainsi que des caractéristiques de chaque application. Ensuite, la répartition du taux est formulée comme un problème d'optimisation convexe qui minimise la somme de la distorsion attendue sur tous les flux applicatifs. Afin d'obtenir une résolution satisfaisante et simple à ce problème, nous proposons un théorème d'approximation par morceaux afin de simplifier le problème convexe et de prouver la validité de la théorie. En outre, la réalisation de l'algorithme rapide heuristique pour parvenir à une répartition optimale de qualité de service ou quasi-optimale de bout en bout dans le cadre du budget global des ressources limitées est le point le plus important de cette partie de thèse. En fin de compte, un bref résumé de tous les sujets abordés dans cette thèse est donné. Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont alors rappelés.

Comparative Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols in Internet Based Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Zabin, Mahe, Mannam, Roja Rani January 2012 (has links)
In crucial times, such as natural disasters like Earthquakes, Floods, military attack, rescue and emergency operations, etc., it is not possible to maintain an infrastructure. In these situations, wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc networks can be an alternative to wired networks. In our thesis, due to the importance of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) applications, we do research on MANET and its subtype IMANET (Internet based Mobile Ad-hoc Network). In MANETs, finding an optimum path among nodes is not a simple issue due to the random mobility of nodes and topology changes frequently. Simple routing algorithms like Shortest Path, Dijksta‟s and Link State fail to find route in such dynamic scenarios. A number of ad-hoc protocols (Proactive, Reactive, Hybrid and Position based) have been developed for MANETs. In this thesis, we have designed an IMANET in OPNET 14.5 and tested the performance of three different routing protocols namely OLSR (Optimum Link State Routing), TORA (Temporarily Ordered Routing Algorithm) and AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) in different scenarios by varying the number of nodes and the size of the area. The experimental results demonstrate that among the three protocols, none of the routing protocol can ensure good quality HTTP and voice communication in all our considered scenarios.

Stratégies de routage multi-chemin dans les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts / Multipath routing techniques for wireless multi-hop networks

Doghri, Inès 30 May 2012 (has links)
Un réseau sans fil multi-saut est un ensemble d’entités mobiles et/ou fixes formant un réseau dynamique temporaire avec ou sans l’aide de toute administration centralisée. Cette particularité rend le routage problématique en cas d’instabilité des éléments qui composent les communications non directes. Afin de palier ces problèmes, de nouvelles formes de routage sont utilisées comme le routage multi-chemin (MC). Le routage MC permet d’envoyer les données sur des chemins multiples et semble être une solution efficace pour ces réseaux. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier les techniques de routage MC dans un contexte sans fil multi-saut en vue d’obtenir de meilleures performances. Nous avons choisi pour notre étude une extension MC du protocole OLSR, appelée MP-OLSR. Nous évaluons ses performances sous divers scénarios sous NS-2. Ces tests d’évaluation nous ont amenés à mettre en ´evidence deux problèmes dans MP-OLSR : la réactivité du protocole de routage MC suite à des ruptures de route et la stratégie de répartition des données sur les chemins multiples. Nous avons étudié la réactivité de tels mécanismes dans MP-OLSR. Nous avons proposé trois nouvelles techniques de réparation de pannes qui diminuent les temps de rétablissement d’une route et réduisent le taux de perte des flux transmis. Nous proposons aussi un mécanisme qui détecte la dégradation de la qualité des liens durant le transfert d’un trafic de données. Les informations déduites de ce mécanisme servent à adapter la proportion de trafic à affecter à chaque chemin selon les conditions réseaux. Cette nouvelle variante du protocole MP-OLSR est évaluée par simulation. / Wireless multi-hop networks consist of a collection of mobile and/or fixed nodes which dynamically exchange data with (or without) reliance on a (any) centralized administration. They are by definition self-organized. The frequent topological changes make multi-hop routing a crucial issue for these networks. To overcome these problems, new forms of routing schemes are used as the multipath routing (MP). MP routing uses multiple paths to send data and can be regarded as an effective solution for these networks. The purpose of this PhD thesis is to study the MP routing techniques in a wirelessmulti-hop context for better performance. We choose for our study a MP extension of OLSR, called MP-OLSR. We evaluate its performance under various scenarios in NS-2. These tests have led us to highlight two problems in MP-OLSR : the long recovery delays when facing network failure situations and the allocation strategy of data on multiple paths. We define and seek to evaluate the latency introduced by both protocols OLSR and MP-OLSR to find a new path after a link failure. We propose three new different recovery schemes and accordingly extend these original protocols in order to decrease theexpected latency and reduce the packet loss rate of transmitted flow. We also propose a mechanism which is able to detect the deterioration of the link quality during the transfer of data traffic. The information derived from this mechanism is used to adjust the proportion of traffic to be assigned to each path according to network conditions. This new version of MP-OLSR protocol is evaluated by simulation.

Směrovací protokol OLSR pro MANET sítě v simulačním prostředí OPNET Modeler / OLSR routing protocol for MANET networks in OPNET Modeler simulation environment

Hošek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The first part focuses on general routing of computer networks. It describes the importance of routing, basic elements, algorithms and protocols. It also describes the so-called MANET networks, where there are discussed routing protocols in these networks. The next chapter deals with the analysis of routing protocols OSPF version 3 and OLSR protocol. For both protocols basic algorithms, their use and structure are described. In OSPF protocol there is also described historical development and differences between versions 2 and 3. The OLSR protocol properly describes the principle of MPR nodes, which is one of the most important parts of the protocol which differs it from the others. Next there is a brief introduction of a powerful simulation tool OPNET Modeler which allows simulating the operation and behavior of almost any computer network with a very extensive possibility of options for the functioning of the entire network, as well as nodes it selves. The practical part is divided into five parts. The first section describes the structure of process models, the basic elements, variables, and block editors OSLR routing protocol in OPNET Modeler program. The second part is devoted to the ICI data structure, which is used for inter-process communication and verify the creation and reception of messages using this function. The third part deals with the process model of OLSR routing model. There is a description of various blocks and functions involved in its function of protocol and significance. The fourth chapter shows an extension of data unit protocol OLSR HELLO messages to other fields, which is able to transmit a numeric value between neighboring stations, and these values print it in the console. The last block of the practical part is dedicated to creating its own message which is broadcast between stations like part of the OLSR packet messages. This message includes the parameter of actual data traffic rate of each communicating stations. These values are for each station exported to an external file for later processing.

An Extensible Information Dissemination Scheme over the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Mehrjoo, Kaveh 10 October 2007 (has links)
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is formed by a collection of self-organizing nodes. Such networks are being deployed in a variety of environments, for example to provide mission-critical services in times of crises. Nodes participating in a MANET tend to have limited energy and computing resources and depend on various network-based resources to operate as a cohesive system. The same features such as dynamic and adaptive network topologies that make MANETs powerful also make the discovery and operation of network services a challenge. This thesis presents the design and implementation of an extensible information dissemination scheme that is integrated with the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol to address the challenges of service discovery in mobile ad hoc networks. The thesis presents a detailed design of the information dissemination scheme based on the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) ProtoLib network protocol programming framework. In the proposed scheme, a solution that separates the routing process from the NRL OLSR routing protocol was designed, thus making OLSR a topology discovery protocol. This can further facilitate the implementation of various routing algorithms based on other metrics, such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of wireless links or the nodes' level of cooperation, when forwarding messages in the network. Additionally, a reusable event-driven programming interface to the NRL OLSR routing protocol was designed and implemented in this research. Events are triggered based on changes in the network topology. This programming interface can be used by other management and monitoring clients on the network for receiving real-time updates about link and topology changes as seen by OLSR. A priority message delivery scheme was developed that provides different quality of service (QoS) levels for information dissemination in mobile ad hoc networks. To ensure a fair use of the transport media and support various message sizes, a message fragmentation solution was implemented. The proposed information dissemination solution was then deployed in a real wireless ad-hoc environment for further validation and testing. Using experiments with six nodes and various test scenarios, this research verified the functionality and characterized the performance of the proposed system. It was observed that the link-state nature of information dissemination solution helped it to adapt to topology changes. It was also realized that service discovery latency after information convergence in the network was independent of the number of nodes between the service providers and clients. The experiments also confirmed that the immediate message delivery scheme provides superior quality of service to registered users in presence of radio interference and other delays caused by Multipoint Relay Nodes (MPR) message forwarding in OLSR. / Master of Science

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