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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nachhaltigkeit als semantische Komponente in Firmennamen

Spitzner, Ingrid 19 September 2018 (has links)
The term sustainability is an essential part of the languages of business (commercialese). A lot of enterprises consider it as an inherent part of their busines strategy and not as a marketing approach. How do enterprises cope with this term and which role does sustainability play in their names?

Inoffizielle Ortsnamen

Siegfried, Inga 19 September 2018 (has links)
In onomastic and linguistic research literature, there are only a few works dealing explicitly with modern unofficial place names. The terminological delimitation of this name class alone presents some difficulties. For what an unofficial place name is is first of all explained by what it is not, namely officially fixed. Unofficial toponyms are essentially distinguished by the fact that they do not have an officially standardized status. They have mostly been developed in oral communication and are used by various groups of speakers at different times, above all to mark social affiliations. But it is precisely in their lack of official fixation that they allow an illuminating look at mechanisms of name genesis, name establishment and the social role of place names.

Die Motivation von Quellen- und Brunnennamen im Sprachraum des Spanischen

Ruhstaller, Stefan 19 September 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to classify the names with which traditional local speakers designate places where springs and wells, sites of enormous economic importance especially in arid regions, can be found. The linguistic analysis of the material, extracted from an extensive corpus of toponymic material collected in a large part of the Spanish speaking area, unveils numerous data of interest for the lexicology and the dialectology of Spanish. Besides, its classification according to different motivational types reveals aspects of the referents considered especially relevant by the speaker. In this way, the names studied reflect the way in which the traditional rural population has been related to the geographic environment in which its daily life developed, and sheds light on the phenomenon of the creation of names.

Zur Benennungsmotivik von Frühstücksnamen: Deichgraf, Piccolo, Super Start und Co.

Reimann, Sandra, Trpak, Andreas 19 September 2018 (has links)
This paper focuses on the reasons for the various designations for breakfasts which are to be found on current menu cards in Passau’s cafes, and which are not always transparent. Breakfast names can be considered to be trademarks. They fulfill informative, advertising, and contact functions. Against the background of our changing food culture, the context of names also raises questions concerning the definition of ‘breakfast’: What constitutes a contemporary breakfast? Is it the time we have it? Is it the food, which we consume? Literature concerning menu cards, cooking recipes, baking recipes, aliments and stimulants are thematically close to that topic and thus to be considered as well.

Zur Namengebung Balzacs in der ‘Comédie humaine’: Ein Beitrag zur literarischen Onomastik

Menzel, Franziska 19 September 2018 (has links)
About Balzac’s naming in the ‘Comédie humaine’. A contribution to literary onomastics. What do Gobseck, Grégoire Rigou and La Torpille have in common? There are three of about 2000 characters’ names of the ‘Comédie humaine’ (1842-1855) by Honoré de Balzac. However, they not only designate the figures, they also draw them: in character, biographically, mystifying, playing with semantics, sound, intertextuality and the theory of predetermination by a name. The essay, basing on the author’s MA thesis in 2002, deals with the wide landscape of personal names in Balzac’s cycle of 98 novels and short stories, embedded in the typologies of literary names of Lamping, Birus and others. Numerous examples show how Balzac understood names as action-bearing and connecting text elements and how he used the expressiveness of names as a great narrator. His special gift of finding names does not contradict his intention to create fictionally a realistic image of the French society. By analyzing Balzac’s names, the essay seeks to sensitize the readers for their own excursions into literary onomastics.

Phraseonymie: Die Phraseologie im Dienste französischer Ergonyme

Lobin, Antje 19 September 2018 (has links)
The present study is intended to contribute to a deeper insight in the field of nomination for commercial purposes by means of phraseological units. The article focusses on French names of restaurants and stores, which can be considered at the intersection of brand names, as they have much in common with their functions, and names of settlements. The investigation reveals that phrasemes are not only widely used in advertising in general, but that their occurrence in nomination deserves more attention. These reflections lead us to the term of “phraseonymy”, a phenomenon that ought to be studied at a larger scale, including other romance languages and also considering the recipient’s perspective.

The new Personal Names Act in Sweden: some possible consequences for the name usage

Leibring, Katharina 25 September 2018 (has links)
Das neue Personennamengesetz in Schweden – einige mögliche Konsequenzen für den Namengebrauch. Der Ausgangspunkt des Beitrages ist die ambivalente Relation zwischen einer relativ strikten Namengesetzgebung und den offiziellen Aufforderungen zur Namensänderung, die seit der ersten Namenverordnung im Jahre 1901 in Schweden vorliegen. Es werden im Beitrag einige problematische Bereiche des neuen Personennamengesetzes vom 01.07.2017 aufgegriffen, unter anderem wie gut das Gesetz an die multilinguale Gesellschaft des heutigen Schwedens angepasst ist und wie die beiden Möglichkeiten, Doppelnamen als Familienname zu benutzen und bei einer Namensänderung von den gewöhnlichsten Familiennamen frei wählen zu dürfen, auf den künftigen Familiennamenbestand einwirken wird.

Hat die Reformation Einfluss auf die Namengebung in Leipzig?

Kremer, Dietlind 25 September 2018 (has links)
The article deals with the question of whether the Reformation influenced the naming in Saxony – on the example of Leipzig. On the basis of church books of the Leipzig region and baptismal entries of St. Thomas church in the city of Leipzig can be shown that the Reformation (1539 introduced in Leipzig) has virtually no influence on the naming. One of the reasons for this is the simultaneous advent of naming after godparents.

Spätmittelalterliche Personennamen im Bayerischen Vogtland: Die Namen des Urbars des Klosters St. Klara in Hof von 1499

Kohlheim, Rosa, Kohlheim, Volker 25 September 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes the personal names contained in the 1499 tax roll of the St. Klara Monastery at Hof, a town on the north-eastern border of Upper Franconia in Bavaria. At the end of the 15th century among the tenants of this monastery first names of Germanic etymology are already in the minority; names of foreign origin, exclusively saints’ names, are significantly more frequent. – In 1499 also in the rural anthroponymy of the Hof area the system of first name and surname is completely established. Most tenants bear surnames derived from nicknames. The next frequent groups are surnames derived from first names, mainly from first names of Germanic origin, followed by occupational names. Considerably less tenants bear surnames derived from place names or from special traits of their respective residences. All in all, the tax roll of the St. Klara Monastery gives a representative impression of the rural anthroponymy of a small South German area at the end of the Middle Ages only a short time before the Reformation.

A lost Lancashire Place-Name: Lox(h)am

Insley, John 25 September 2018 (has links)
Der verschwundene Lancashire-Ort Lox(h)am lag vermutlich in der Gemeinde (parish) Penwortham. Der Ortsname Lox(h)am, der als Familienname überlebt hat, ist ein Kompositum, das aus einem Fluss- oder Bachnamen Lox < britisch *Losko- ‘der Verbogene’ und der Dativpluralform hūsum ‘bei den Häusern’, die formal sowohl altenglisch wie altskandinavisch sein kann, gebildet wird. Die Bedeutung wäre dann ‘bei den Häusern, die in Verbindung mit dem Flüsschen Lox stehen’. In diesem Beitrag wird vielmehr eine skandinavische Etymologie für hūsum bevorzugt. Die Anwesenheit von Skandinaviern in diesem Teil von Lancashire in der Wikingerzeit wird durch das Vorhandensein von skandinavischen Personennamen in mittelalterlichen Privaturkunden bestätigt.

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