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Zpracování dat pro 3D / 3D data processingBabinec, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis falls within the field of computer vision. It describes the development of the software environment for 3D data processing. The thesis deals with the design of C++ classes suitable for scene description and representation of bonding conditions between scenes elements. There is also discussed the solution of camera calibration, geometric distortion identification and 3D coordinates reconstruction. The solving of these tasks is augmented with planarity and linearity conditions, which support projection equations and augment the computational ability of the environment.
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Optické zpracování dotazníkových dat / Optical processing of questionnairesNožka, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the principles of form design, form printing and form processing. Three different types of forms and applications for their detection are created with the reference of these principles. This application provides to create a new type of form and to print out a form. The application itself is implemented in C++ with the use of OpenCV library. This work describes the classification methods of direction finding marks, identification numbers and submission numbers, bar codes EAN-13, page numbers, answer fields and single answers. The classification of all the handwritten numbers is implemented by neural nets.
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Bezdrátové ovládání počítače PC / Wireless PC controllMacháček, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with design of PC remote control, which is able to control computer with operating system Windows and Linux using Wifi connection. There was also created necessary support software for both operating systems. Communication was secured by ciphering algorithm.
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Metody detekce a rozpoznání obličeje v obrazu / Face detection and recognition methodsZbranek, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to explore methods of face detection and recognition in the picture. The method for face detection and the method for face recognition will be chosen according to literature survey. Both methods will be implemented using the OpenCV library and a program language C/C++. The result of this project is creation of graphic interface which use programmed function for face detection and recognition from a picture and also a camcorder.
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Sledování objektu ve videosekvenci / Object tracking in videosequenceNešpor, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with tracking a predefined object in the movie. After a brief introduction describes the procedure suitable for the detection of an object in a video sequence, where the methods are also discussed in detail. There is dealt with issues of image preprocessing, image segmentation and object detection in the image. The main emphasis is laid on using detectors of interest points and descriptors of areas - SURF and SIFT. The second part deals with the practical implementation of a program suitable to monitor predefined object in the movie. First are analyzed libraries suitable for object tracking in a video sequence in an environment of Java, followed by a detailed description of the selected library OpenCV along with wrapper JavaCV. Further described is own application in terms of control and functionality are described key method. Outputs along with discussion and evaluation are presented at the end of work.
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Pokročilá čtečka QR kódu pro Android / Advanced QR-Code reader for AndroidKubík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to created application for detection and decoding QR codes using devices with the Android Operating System. For preprocessing of the visual field camera is used OpenCV library. Designed preprocessing string searches a perspective transforms possible QR codes. This is suppressed a shape distortion QR code that would otherwise reduce the successful decoding. At the same time the preprocessing string applied unsharp mask, which reduces the effect of motion blur image caused by the camera motion. Thus preprocessing scene is finally decoded using ZXing library. Described manner it is possible to achieve a higher success rate detection and decoding of QR codes than other conventional QR readers.
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Extrakce krevního řečiště z Fundus snímku lidského oka. / Extraction of arteries and veins from fundus image of human retina.Pinkava, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with processing of retinal fundus images. Vision is the most important human sense and its injury has very serious consequences for humans. Automatic processing of retinal images increases the efficiency of medical examination and accelerates diagnoses of deseases. Retina exhibits unique characteristics for each person and thus can also be used to identify people. In this task is briefly discussed the structure and properties of each parts of the eye, particularly the retina, and their possible diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and age related macular degeneration. Subsequently, the task describes the representation and characteristics of the digital image. Also is devoted to selected image segmentation methods namely thresholding, edge detection and segmentation techniques based on the matched filter. The outcome of this task is the application in which several segmentation methods are implemented for the blood vessels extraction. For each of these methods it is possible to set the parameters of the segmentation to ensure high quality blood vessels extraction in images of different quality.
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Čtečka Braillova písma / Braille ReaderZapletal, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of work is conversion of a photographed Braille into ordinary text. On the beginning, there are described Braille specification and principles. In the next part are mentioned types of sensors for taking photos. The main part describes phases of image processing and their implementation in C++. At the end, there are listed possibilities of future development.
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Zpracování obrazu v zařízení Android - detekce a rozpoznání vizitky / Image processing using Android device - automatic detection and recognition of business cardsKrčmář, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s thesis is designing and developing Android application, which will be used for automatic recognition of business cards and import the contact information. The first part describes the history, architecture and development tools of operating system Android. The second part is an analysis of selected computer vision methods that were used during developing application. Libraries OpenCV and Tessaract OCR are described in this part. The main part describes the development of the application with conditions and limitations for the proper function of the application. The final part is an evaluation of the success and recognition of importing contact information from business cards.
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Sledování osoby pódiovým osvětlením s využitím kamery / The people tracking by the podium illumination using a cameraRajnoch, David January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes design and implementation of people tracking system for moving head spot light. The theoretical part describes methods of detection and tracking, practical part deals with hardware selection and software programming. DMX512 is being used to control light. Program is written in C++ and it uses OpenCV library.
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