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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés : apport de la neuropsychologie clinique

Hazel, Mylène 12 1900 (has links)
L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques. L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles. Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé. Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements. / The increase of crash rates in elderly population can be attributed in some part to the effects of normal aging on cognitive functioning. In the other hand, older drivers are likely to adopt self-regulated driving behaviours, such as driving habits to restrict their exposure to less complex situations. Neuropsychological assessments have shown some efficacy in the field of fitness-to-drive screening of older drivers suffering from neurological disorders. This thesis aims to assess the relevance of clinical neuropsychology in screening methods considering older drivers population. The main goal is thus to study the contribution and the sensitivity of neuropsychological testing in the prediction of skills and habits of safe driving among older drivers. In the same vein, the thesis investigates the role of other socio-demographic and psychological variables. To this end, article 1 evaluates the predictive validity of seven tests of visuo-attentional functions and working memory efficiency in relation to peripheral detection task performances in 50 drivers aged from 62 to 83 years in a simulated car driving environment. The driving simulation consisted of a simple driving condition and a condition including a "hands-free" cell phone distraction task. The results indicate that some neuropsychological tests, as opposed to age, are good predictors of detection performances. In addition, the predictive validity of the tests is more important in the most challenging driving condition. The Corsi Block Tapping test, assessing visuospatial working memory, is revealed as on of the best predictor of detection skills. Article 2 was carried from previous neuropsychological testing and self-administered questionnaires related to avoidance driving behaviours, drivers perceptions and attitudes. The results indicate that individuals who show higher difficulties in tests assessing visuospatial working memory, processing speed, and divided and selective attention capacities are significantly more likely to adopt avoidance driving strategies. The results also demonstrate that driving avoidance is higher among drivers who tend to depreciate their general driving skills, to express a lower perception of control and an unfavourable attitude towards risky driving. Avoidance strategies are thus proven to be self-regulatory responses which are proportionate to cognitive limitations and individual perceptions. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that peripheral detection performances of older drivers in a simulated car study, are well reflected in neuropsychological testing assessing working memory and other attentional abilities. Since detection skills are crucial for driving safety, an indirect link can be established between neuropsychological measures and road safety among older drivers. It also seems that those drivers, who have greater cognitive limitations, are more likely to avoid challenging driving situations, thereby balancing their crash risk. It is concluded that fitness-to-drive assessments based on neuropsychological screening need to be complemented with the assessment of self-regulatory behaviors. In the context of an aging population, new interventions should focus on strengthening self-regulatory behaviors of older drivers.

Vision, functional and cognitive determinants of motor vehicle incidents in older drivers

Stavrou, Eftyhia P. January 2006 (has links)
Background: The proportion of older individuals in the driving population is predicted to increase in the next 50 years. This has important implications for driving safety as abilities which are important for safe driving, such as vision (which accounts for the majority of the sensory input required for driving), processing ability and cognition have been shown to decline with age. The current methods employed for screening older drivers upon re-licensure are also vision based. This study, which investigated social, behavioural and professional aspects involved with older drivers, aimed to determine: (i) if the current visual standards in place for testing upon re-licensure are effective in reducing the older driver fatality rate in Australia; (ii) if the recommended visual standards are actually implemented as part of the testing procedures by Australian optometrists; and (iii) if there are other non-standardised tests which may be better at predicting the on-road incident-risk (including near misses and minor incidents) in older drivers than those tests recommended in the standards. Methods: For the first phase of the study, state-based age- and gender-stratified numbers of older driver fatalities for 2000-2003 were obtained from the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau database. Poisson regression analyses of fatality rates were considered by renewal frequency and jurisdiction (as separate models), adjusting for possible confounding variables of age, gender and year. For the second phase, all practising optometrists in Australia were surveyed on the vision tests they conduct in consultations relating to driving and their knowledge of vision requirements for older drivers. Finally, for the third phase of the study to investigate determinants of on-road incident risk, a stratified random sample of 600 Brisbane residents aged 60 years and were selected and invited to participate using an introductory letter explaining the project requirements. In order to capture the number and type of road incidents which occurred for each participant over 12 months (including near misses and minor incidents), an important component of the prospective research study was the development and validation of a driving diary. The diary was a tool in which incidents that occurred could be logged at that time (or very close in time to which they occurred) and thus, in comparison with relying on participant memory over time, recall bias of incident occurrence was minimised. Association between all visual tests, cognition and scores obtained for non-standard functional tests with retrospective and prospective incident occurrence was investigated. Results: In the first phase,rivers aged 60-69 years had a 33% lower fatality risk (Rate Ratio [RR] = 0.75, 95% CI 0.32-1.77) in states with vision testing upon re-licensure compared with states with no vision testing upon re-licensure, however, because the CIs are wide, crossing 1.00, this result should be regarded with caution. However, overall fatality rates and fatality rates for those aged 70 years and older (RR=1.17, CI 0.64-2.13) did not differ between states with and without license renewal procedures, indicating no apparent benefit in vision testing legislation. For the second phase of the study, nearly all optometrists measured visual acuity (VA) as part of a vision assessment for re-licensing, however, 20% of optometrists did not perform any visual field (VF) testing and only 20% routinely performed automated VF on older drivers, despite the standards for licensing advocating automated VF as part of the vision standard. This demonstrates the need for more effective communication between the policy makers and those responsible for carrying out the standards. It may also indicate that the overall higher driver fatality rate in jurisdictions with vision testing requirements is resultant as the tests recommended by the standards are only partially being conducted by optometrists. Hence a standardised protocol for the screening of older drivers for re-licensure across the nation must be established. The opinions of Australian optometrists with regard to the responsibility of reporting older drivers who fail to meet the licensing standards highlighted the conflict between maintaining patient confidentiality or upholding public safety. Mandatory reporting requirements of those drivers who fail to reach the standards necessary for driving would minimise potential conflict between the patient and their practitioner, and help maintain patient trust and goodwill. The final phase of the PhD program investigated the efficacy of vision, functional and cognitive tests to discriminate between at-risk and safe older drivers. Nearly 80% of the participants experienced an incident of some form over the prospective 12 months, with the total incident rate being 4.65/10 000 km. Sixty-three percent reported having a near miss and 28% had a minor incident. The results from the prospective diary study indicate that the current vision screening tests (VA and VF) used for re-licensure do not accurately predict older drivers who are at increased odds of having an on-road incident. However, the variation in visual measurements of the cohort was narrow, also affecting the results seen with the visual functon questionnaires. Hence a larger cohort with greater variability should be considered for a future study. A slightly lower cognitive level (as measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]) did show an association with incident involvement as did slower reaction time (RT), however the Useful-Field-of-View (UFOV) provided the most compelling results of the study. Cut-off values of UFOV processing (>23.3ms), divided attention (>113ms), selective attention (>258ms) and overall score (moderate/ high/ very high risk) were effective in determining older drivers at increased odds of having any on-road incident and the occurrence of minor incidents. Discussion: The results have shown that for the 60-69 year age-group, there is a potential benefit in testing vision upon licence renewal. However, overall fatality rates and fatality rates for those aged 70 years and older indicated no benefit in vision testing legislation and suggests a need for inclusion of screening tests which better predict on-road incidents. Although VA is routinely performed by Australian optometrists on older drivers renewing their licence, VF is not. Therefore there is a need for a protocol to be developed and administered which would result in standardised methods conducted throughout the nation for the screening of older drivers upon re-licensure. Communication between the community, policy makers and those conducting the protocol should be maximised. By implementing a standardised screening protocol which incorporates a level of mandatory reporting by the practitioner, the ethical dilemma of breaching patient confidentiality would also be resolved. The tests which should be included in this screening protocol, however, cannot solely be ones which have been implemented in the past. In this investigation, RT, MMSE and UFOV were shown to be better determinants of on-road incidents in older drivers than VA and VF, however, as previously mentioned, there was a lack of variability in visual status within the cohort. Nevertheless, it is the recommendation from this investigation, that subject to appropriate sensitivity and specificity being demonstrated in the future using a cohort with wider variation in vision, functional performance and cognition, these tests of cognition and information processing should be added to the current protocol for the screening of older drivers which may be conducted at licensing centres across the nation.

Exploring strategies used by older drivers during ingress and egress and their varying physical mobility

Leung, Dale January 2016 (has links)
The overall purpose of the present study was to examine the strategies used by older adults with regard to both foot placement and hand contact location as they enter (ingress) and exit (egress) a vehicle. A cross-sectional study was used to identify and, in turn, examine the participants’ ingress and egress strategies in relation to their physical mobility and other characteristics. All participants had a valid driver’s license and they completed the following: 1) demographic (self-report) questionnaires; 2) clinical measures of physical mobility (i.e. Timed Up and Go, Berg Balance Scale, One Legged Stance test, Rapid Pace Walk test). A physical mobility index was also developed using these clinical measures. During both ingress and egress, older drivers were more likely to use one-foot strategies, which are considered less stable. Participants who used one-foot ingress and egress strategies had better overall physical mobility. The armrest location was used by the majority of older drivers for both ingress and egress, and is used most often during one-foot strategies. Participants who used multiple hand contact locations during ingress/egress had lower physical mobility than participants who used a single hand contact location or made no contact with the vehicle. Finally, the results from this study can inform educational materials targeting this population and determining design changes to the automobile that can prevent injuries to older drivers. / Thesis / Master of Health Sciences (MSc)

Evaluating Factors Contributing to Crash Severity Among Older Drivers: Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches

Alrumaidhi, Mubarak S. M. S. 23 February 2024 (has links)
Road crashes pose a significant public health issue worldwide, often leading to severe injuries and fatalities. This dissertation embarks on a comprehensive examination of the factors affecting road crash severity, with a special focus on older drivers and the unique challenges introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing a dataset from Virginia, USA, the research integrates advanced statistical methods and machine learning techniques to dissect this critical issue from multiple angles. The initial study within the dissertation employs multilevel ordinal logistic regression to assess crash severity among older drivers, revealing the complex interplay of various factors such as crash type, road attributes, and driver behavior. It highlights the increased risk of severe crashes associated with head-on collisions, driver distraction or impairment, and the non-use of seat belts, specifically affecting older drivers. These findings are pivotal in understanding the unique vulnerabilities of this demographic on the road. Furthermore, the dissertation explores the efficacy of both parametric and non-parametric machine learning models in predicting crash severity. It emphasizes the innovative use of synthetic resampling techniques, particularly random over-sampling examples (ROSE) and synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE), to address class imbalances. This methodological advancement not only improves the accuracy of crash severity predictions for severe crashes but also offers a comprehensive understanding of diverse factors, including environmental and roadway characteristics. Additionally, the dissertation examines the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on road safety, revealing a paradoxical decrease in overall traffic crashes accompanied by an increase in the rate of severe injuries. This finding underscores the pandemic's transformative effect on driving behaviors and patterns, heightening risks for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists. The study calls for adaptable road safety strategies responsive to global challenges and societal shifts. Collectively, the studies within this dissertation contribute substantially to transportation safety research. They demonstrate the complex nature of factors influencing crash severity and the efficacy of tailored approaches in addressing these challenges. The integration of advanced statistical methods with machine learning techniques offers a profound understanding of crash dynamics and sets a new benchmark for future research in transportation safety. This dissertation underscores the evolving challenges in road safety, especially amidst demographic shifts and global crises, and advocates for adaptive, evidence-based strategies to enhance road safety for all, particularly vulnerable groups like the older drivers. / Doctor of Philosophy / Road crashes are a major concern worldwide, often leading to serious injuries and loss of life. This dissertation delves into the critical issue of road crash severity, with a special focus on older drivers and the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on data from Virginia, USA, the research combines cutting-edge statistical methods and machine learning to shed light on this pressing matter. One important part of the research focuses on older drivers. It uses advanced analysis to find out why crashes involving this group might be more serious. The study discovered that situations like head-on collisions, driver distraction or impairment, and not wearing seat belts greatly increase the risk for older drivers. Understanding these risks is crucial in identifying the special needs of older drivers on the road. Then, the study explores the power of machine learning in predicting crash severity. Here, the research stands out by using innovative techniques to balance out the data, leading to more accurate predictions. This part of the study not only improves our understanding of what leads to severe crashes but also highlights how different environmental and road factors play a role. Following this, the research looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted road safety. Interestingly, while the overall number of crashes went down during the pandemic, the rate of severe injuries in the crashes that occurred increased. This suggests that the pandemic changed driving behaviors, posing increased risks especially to pedestrians and cyclists. In summary, this dissertation offers valuable insights into the complex factors affecting road crash severity. It underscores the importance of using advanced analysis techniques to understand these dynamics better, especially in the face of demographic changes and global challenges like the pandemic. The findings are not just academically significant; they provide practical guidance for policymakers and road safety experts to develop strategies that make roads safer for everyone, particularly older drivers.

The Role of Transportation Support in the Driving Cessation Process among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Choi, Moon J. 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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