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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The lanceolate projectile point in southwestern Oregon : a perspective from the Applegate River /

Nisbet, Robert A. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Oregon State University, 1981. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-82). Also available online.

Influences of landslides, floods and land use on channel changes of the upper Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon 1936-1980 /

Lyons, Joseph Kevin. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 1982. / Typescript (photocopy). One map folded in pocket. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-78). Also available via the World Wide Web.

Plowzone archaeology : the analysis of site 35JA85, Jackson County, Oregon /

Lebow, Clayton Gale. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Oregon State University, 1983. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-114). Also available via the World Wide Web.

User perceptions of appropriate standards for recreation opportunity spectrum criteria at Steens Mountain, Oregon /

Lee, Martha Eugenia. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 1983. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-73). Also available on the World Wide Web.

Assessing the Benefits of a Virtual Transhipment Hub in the Swedish Forestry Industry

Danell, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to reduce the transportation costs and environmental distress by improving the transportation routes needed to supply the sawmills in the county of V¨asterbotten, Sweden, their raw material. It is of particular interest to explore the possible benefits of implementing a so called virtual transshipment hub for this purpose. The outline of the hub is to allow the companies within the system to deduce raw materials from other companies’ contracted harvesting areas. The hub would thus create a pool of the total raw material appointed by each specific company. These companies may deduce the raw material needed but can have it transported from a closer site than their own contracted lumbering area. Sawmill companies rely on the use of harvesting areas to provide the needed raw material and it is of common practice to contract different harvest areas. The thesis is that the permission to use other companies’ harvest areas would create new possible routes resulting in better planning and as an extension more efficient routes. This master thesis will investigate the current situation in the industry and adapt a model suitable for the purpose from the information gathered. This thesis work will also provide a number of cost allocation models which are used in cooperations between different companies in order to determine how to allocate the savings / costs between the companies. It was revealed in an interview that it was desired to include an exploration of the ETT trucks in this paper. The ETT trucks is a new type of truck which is not currently permitted in Sweden. It has a higher loading capacity than the conventional trucks used today. Gathering data proved much more difficult than initially anticipated. As a result, this paper will not provide any actual data testing, but the Results section will show that the model is working as intended by using with trivial data. More on the difficulties associated with the data in the section Discussion. Due to the trivial data it is impossible to express an actual cost saving in using a numerical value or percentage. The results from this survey did however show that there were a signification reduction of the cost associated with the transportation of raw material when the two companies tested cooperated in comparison to when they worked separately. The use of the ETT trucks would reduce the transportation costs and CO2 emissions by 20 % respectively, as presented in a survey conducted by L¨ofroth and Svenson (2012). The conclusion is that regardless if the government allows the use of ETT trucks, it should lie in the best interest to further explore the implementation of a virtual transshipment hub using real data and a thorough investigation of eligible participants through the cost allocation models and a subsequent maintenence of the system using supply chain management.

Il registro di un prestatore ebreo bolognese degli anni 1426-1431: edizione del testo ebraico e versione italiana

Marucchi, Chiara <1975> 09 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Censimento, catalogazione e ricomposizione dei frammenti di manoscritti ebraici medievali riusati come legature di registri e libri in biblioteche ed archivi italiani

Sagradini, Enrica <1976> 08 July 2009 (has links)
Il lavoro di tesi si è incentrato sull’analisi dei frammenti di manoscritti ebraici medievali rinvenuti in alcuni archivi e biblioteche dell’area emiliano-romagnola ossia, come è noto, la regione italiana che vanta il maggior numero di frammenti rinvenuti; ben 6.000 frammenti sui circa 10.000 censiti sino ad oggi in tutta l’Italia, vale a dire un numero pari al 60% del totale. Nello specifico è stato esaminato il materiale pergamenaceo ebraico conservato in Archivi e Biblioteche delle città di Cesena, Faenza ed Imola, per un totale di 230 frammenti ebraici. Ho, quindi, proceduto all’identificazione di tutti i frammenti che, se dal punto di vista testuale ci documentano parti delle principali opere ebraiche diffuse nel Medioevo, sotto l’aspetto paleografico ci attestano le tre principali tradizioni scrittorie ebraiche utilizzate in Occidente, ossia: quella italiana, la sefardita e quella ashkenazita, oltre che ad alcuni rari esempi di grafia sefardita di tipo provenzale, una tipologia rara, se si considera che fra i quasi 10.000 frammenti finora scoperti in Italia, il numero di quelli vergati in questa grafia è davvero piccolo. Successivamente ho preso in esame le caratteristiche codicologiche e paleografiche dei frammenti, in particolar modo quelle relative a rigatura, foratura, mise en page e alle varianti grafiche individuali dello scriba, fra cui abbreviazioni, segni grafici di riempimento e resa del tetragramma sacro del nome di Dio, elementi che mi hanno consentito di identificare i frammenti smembrati da uno stesso manoscritto. Ciò ha permesso di individuare ben 80 manoscritti dai quali furono smembrati i 230 frammenti ebraici rinvenuti. Infine, sulla base dei dati raccolti, è stato realizzato un catalogo di tutti i frammenti, all’interno del quale i frammenti sono stati ricomposti per manoscritto. A loro volta, i vari manoscritti, suddivisi per soggetto, sono stati ordinati per secolo, dal più antico al più recente, in base alla grafia in cui sono vergati, ossia: Italiana, Sefardita (Provenzale) o Ashkenazita e per stile: quadrata, semicorsiva e corsiva. A motivo, poi, di nuovi ritrovamenti in diverse località italiane, mi sono dedicata ad un aggiornamento della mia ricerca compiuta per la tesi di Laurea, pubblicata nel 2004, sui frammenti talmudici e midrashici scoperti negli archivi e nelle biblioteche italiani; un genere di letteratura i cui rinvenimenti, per vari motivi, sono estremamente rari. In quell’occasione furono catalogati 475 frammenti talmudici, appartenenti a 151 manoscritti diversi, databili su base paleografica tra i secc. X e XV, e 54 frammenti midrashici appartenenti ad 8 manoscritti databili tra i secc. XII e XV. Ad oggi, dopo 4 anni, sono stati scoperti 21 nuovi frammenti talmudici ed un nuovo frammento midrashico. Nello specifico di questi 21 frammenti: 17 contengono parti tratte dal Talmud babilonese e 4 dal Sefer ha-Halakot di Alfasi (un noto compendio talmudico); mentre il frammento midrashico, rinvenuto presso la Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Foligno, contiene una parte del Midrash haggadah a Deuteronomio, costituendo pertanto già di per se stesso un rinvenimento molto importante. Questo frammento, ad una prima analisi, sembrerebbe completare alcune lacune del Midrash Haggadah ai cinque libri della Torah pubblicato a Vienna nel 1894 da S. Buber sulla base del solo manoscritto esistente che, tuttavia, presentava delle lacune, come riferisce lo stesso autore nella prefazione all’opera.

Regolamentazione dello status della discendenza in Mishnah e Tosefta: studio sull'unità del testo

Tavoloni, Marco <1978> 12 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Refugee Experiences of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Marusiak, Christopher W. Unknown Date
No description available.

Outsourcing versus in-house production : Development of a make-or-buy decision model at Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB

Palmgren, Daniella, Linn, Bränneby January 2015 (has links)
The question regarding whether to produce in-house or to purchase from an external supplier is nowadays commonly highlighted as a central and strategic decision for manufacturing firms. Furthermore, the importance of creating a competitive and consistent make-or-buy strategy that is adapted to the context of the firm as well as to today´s dynamic business environment cannot be underestimated. Today, the division Surface and Exploration Drilling (SED) within Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB in Örebro lack a standardized and holistic process to support this decision making, why this is requested. Consequently, this master thesis aims to, in line with Atlas Copco´s business strategy, develop a decision model in order to facilitate the make-or-buy decision at the SED. In order to be able to fulfill the purpose, a thorough examination of the contemporary academic findings was executed. Furthermore, as the requested make-or-buy decision model should be adapted to the firm’s contextual circumstances, SED´s corporate strategy was analyzed and interviews with concerned employees from different functions were conducted. As a result of this, an initial list of parameters that affect the make-or-buy decision was generated. Thereafter, how to decompose, measure and prioritize this selected parameters were determined. Additionally, if any parameter should be considered as a knockout criterion was established as well. Based on this, the first draft of the decision model was developed and presented. An in depth analysis regarding areas of improvements was thereafter executed, and the first draft of the decision model was updated accordingly. Inputs to this analysis were gained from an empirical investigation. In more detail, interviews at both SED and at external suppliers, a calculative case study where the first draft of the model was tested as well as a workshop at SED were all sources of additional inputs. Based on the outcome of the in depth analysis, modifications of the first draft of the model was made which resulted in the final version of the make-or-buy decision model. The result of this investigation can consequently be described as a corporate adapted make-or-buy decision model. The model is divided into seven steps, namely: Core competence analysis Determination of module characteristics Configuration of the make-or-buy setup Request of quotations to potential supplier Volume flexibility, lead time and total cost analysis Risk evaluation Synthesis of above stated parameters, including the parameters: time flexibility impact on R&amp;D operations acquiring competitive knowledge product flexibility the opportunity to share risks long-term capacity Furthermore, the end-user needs to have an idea of what module and what assembly level that could be of interest and use the decision model in order to investigate whether to reject or proceed with this suggested make-or-buy setup. The model also illustrates the need of a regular re-evaluation of the decision made, in order to cope with the dynamic internal and external business environment. One additional advantage with the decision model is that it takes both quantitative and more qualitative aspects into consideration after which a holistic analysis of these can be made.

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