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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The geology of the Unki platinum-base metal deposit, Selukwe subchamber, great dyke, Zimbabwe

Murahwi, Charley Zvinaiye January 1996 (has links)
This thesis focuses on platinu'm group element (PGE) mineralization in the Unki Section of the Selukwe Subchamber of the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe), and is based on drill hole intersections and underground and surface exposures of the Main Sulphide Zone (MSZ) which hosts significant concentrations of PGE. The petrological and geochemical data presented are part of a broader study currently underway and the present are restricted to the 2m section of the PGE-rich MSZ encountered in drill hole MR126. The PGE-rich MSZ at Unki is unique in having a shear, locally referred to as the Footwall Shear, developed at or close to its base . It is however, similar to the other PGE occurrences on the Great Dyke (MSZ) in having its hanging-wall restricted to within 1m of the websterite/bronzitite contact. Slight axial tilting to t he west is indicated by steeper dips on the eastern flank. The sulphide concentration wit hin the MSZ can be used as a rough guide to the PGE-rich zone, but is not sufficiently precise to be used in stope control. The visual identification of the potentially mineable zone remains a problem that is unlikely to be solved. Based on petrological evidence, the bulk of the sulphides with which the PGE are associated, are cumulus in status. This provides unequivocal evidence for an orthomagmatic origin of the MSZ. The dominant platinum group mineral (PGM) phase is the Arsenide/Sperrylite group which is most commonly found at the contact zones between base metal sulphides (BMS) and gangue. The PGM range up to 90 ~m in length. Geochemical evidence from the analyses of cumulate orthopyroxenes through the 2m PGE-rich MSZ interval at Unki reveals a trend of arked Fe enrichment upwards which corresponds to an enrichment in sulphide. This indicates that precipitation of sulphide was caused by fractionation with lowering of temperature in the magma. The Fe enrichment is followed by a reversal in Mg# of orthopyroxene which corresponds to the decrease in sulphide content, suggest i ng that the termination of the PGE-rich MSZ was due to an increase in temperature associated with an influx of new magma. Coupled with these magmatic events are a complex interplay of chemical and physical processes occurring at a critical stage in the overall fractionation of the Great Dyke magma chamber. The overall persistence and continuity of t he PGE zone as observed in the Unki area is consistent with the inferred orthomagmatic origin of the mineralization

Gold fineness in hydrothermal ores : an investigation into the distribution of gold and silver in Southern Rhodesian gold ores

Eales, Hugh V January 1961 (has links)
This investigation is concerned with primary variations in the silver content of gold which occurs in hydrothermal deposits, particularly those of hypothermal character which are found in Basement rocks in Southern Rhodesia. The nature of the gold produced by a number of different mines has been studied by reference to production data, and microscope techniques as well as gold and silver assays have been used to determine and to explain the variations in gold fineness. The literature does not contain a great deal of information which is relevant to this topic, but an attempt has been made here to summarize the more important contributions by different writers. From this it emerges that the interpretations given by different investigators are in conflict and that paradoxes may arise when efforts are made to explain observed variations in fineness in terms of certain generalizations which have become entrenched in the literaure. In particular, it is shown that falling temperature alone cannot account for the occurrence of silver-rich gold in certain deposits. The Gwanda district of Southern Rhodesia has been selected as a typical gold belt, and the variation in fineness in 150 producers is described. The deposits are hypothermal in character, and the average fineness of the gold is high but variable, but in a small proportion the fineness is low. It is shown that the nature of the host rock and the distance of a deposit from the granite contact appear to have no influence on the fineness of the gold and that there is no zonal arrangement of fineness values. There is a suggestion that diversity of mineral species in any particular area may be accompanied by rather wide fluctuations in the gold fineness. The variations of fineness in eight typical Southern Rhodesian deposits are studied in detail, by analysis of production data, by assaying specimens of the ore and by the examination of polished specimens of gold-bearing ore. Briefer reference is made to two other deposits in the territory, and to deposits in other countries which appear to bear out the conclusions reached in this section. It emerges that there are two factors which can commonly be correlated with variations in fineness. The first of these is the grade of the ore: high-grade ore generally contains purer gold than low-grade ore. Secondly, the textural evidence indicates that gold which separates relatively early in the paragenesis contains more silver than that which is deposited in the final stages of metallization. A general survey which draws on the literature as well as on the writer's examinations of deposits in the territory indicates that, in general, gold which is associated with late-stage minerals such as tellurides, antimony, bismuth and bismuthinite is silver-poor. Gold associated with galena may be either silver-rich or silver-poor, whereas gold which is of the same age as chalcopyrite or sphalerite is very frequently rich in silver. The difficulty which is encountered in establishing the age of gold which is intimately associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite renders uncertain the correlation between fineness and age of gold in these latter cases. There are, however, indications that gold which is truly contemporaneous with either pyrite or arsenopyrite is silver-rich. In the discussion, the objections to the common practice of singling out temperature as the most potent factor controlling gold fineness are listed. Chief amongst these objections is the fact that gold does not in all deposits increase in fineness with increasing depth: examples are quoted where fineness was found to decrease as deeper levels of the ore body were exploited. It is shown that there is no consistent relationship between the size of gold grains and their silver content. It is the writer's conclusion that in hydrothermal deposits in this territory the high fineness of the gold is due to increasing solubility of silver in the ore fluids in the late states, and that where hydrothermal deposits are characterized by gold with low average fineness, an unusually large proportion of the gold has been deposited early in the paragenotic sequence. In the majority of hypothermal deposits, however, the bulk of tho gold separates late in the sequence and the fineness is accordingly high. It is believed that the relationship which exists between fineness and tenor in many deposits is due to protracted crystallization of gold in those portions of the ore body which remained permeable to the latest stages. These portions of the ore body, which represent either valuable ore shoots or ore shoots in miniature, are likely to contain gold of variable character, but the average silver content will be low because a large proportion of the gold is "late" gold. The factors which might cause epithermal gold to have a lower fineness than mesothermal or hypothermal gold are briefly discussed. Some possible applications of this study are indicated in the final chapter. It is claimed that records of gold fineness might constitute a valuable addition to mill records. Tentative suggestions are made regarding a method whereby the approaching exhaustion of a deposit might in some cases be predicted. With regard to the origin of the gold in the Witwatersrand sediments, it is pointed out that the modified placer hypothesis is not fully equipped to explain certain of the variations in the composition of the gold.

The Patchway Gold Mine : a mineragraphic and petrographic examination of ore from the Patchway Gold Mine, Rhodesia, and an appraisal of the relationship between gold mineralisation and geological structure

Ward, J H W January 1969 (has links)
A remarkable correlation between hydrothermal gold mineralisation and geological structure is discussed. The mineralisation occurs in vein quartz which occupies a fissure in Archaean greenstones of the Basement Complex in Rhodesia, It has been determined that gold which is silver-rich is typical of low-grade ore, and is associated in space with sulphides that crystallised early in paragenesis. Silver-poor gold is characteristic of highgrade ore which is concentrated along the crestal zone of anticlinal warps in the fissure. It is suggested that the local pattern of fracturing and folding is related to fundamental wrench faulting.

The geology of the Shamrocke Mine and surrounding area, Rhodesia

Kyle, Derek Lyndon January 1972 (has links)
The geology of the Shamrocke area is described relative to its regional setting and position within the stratigraphic succession of the Lomagundi System. The stratigraphy in the immediate vicinity of the Shamrocke Mine is detailed and discussed relative to the work of others south of the project area and in other regions. The petrography of the rocks of the Shamrocke Mine area is described and the results of a great deal of mineralogical work recorded. Maps of the project area are presented at various scales from field and photogeological evidence. The thesis area is situated on the South Zambezi Escarpment of Rhodesia, and the geology described included the basaI succession of the Lomagundi System and the pre-Lomagundi Escarpment Series. The Shamrocke Mine is located on a copper orebody associated with a granulite or granofels zone within the Dolomite Series of the Lomagundi System. This ore zone granulite appears to be a metasomatised calcareous grit some 1000 feet above the upper contact of the Deweras Series (basal Lomagundi) and, within the graphitic schist and phyllite, below a dolomitic horizon in the Dolomite Series. The Lomagundi succession in the Mine area unconformably overlies the pre-Lomagundi gneiss and meta-arkose of the older, metamorphosed and deformed Escarpment Series. The basal meta-arkose, meta-quartzite and coarse schist of the Deweras Series ascends southwards through the Dolomite Series (graphitic phyllite and schist, granulite, calcareous grit, dolomite, limestone), and the Argillaceous Series (schist, phyllite, quartzite), the beds dipping steeply to the south at an angle of between 50º and 70º. Post-Lomagundi plagioclase amphibolite (altered, intrusive meta-diabase) forms Iarge semi-concordant and transgressive sills throughout the area, particularly along the contact between the Deweras and Dolomite Series. The Shamrocke Mine is on the northern limb of a large synclinal structure, the Rusere Syncline, which forms a large embayment of Lomagundi rocks into the pre-Lomagundi gneisses and granodiorites northeast from the Mine. The fold is overturned to the east and southeast. The copper mineralisation within the area and in the areas to the south is considered to be invariably associated with the basal rocks of the Lomagundi System. It occurs within both the Deweras and Dolomite Series rocks and more often than not Iies close to the contact between these two Series. The sulphide mineralisation of the Shamrocke orebody is considered, from the results of the present study, to be metasomatically emplaced during carbonate metasomatism, either from an extraneous source or from within the ore zone rock itself. The present writer favours the origin of the copper sulphide to be original syngenetic sulphide of the basal rocks of the Lomagundi depository, which has been mobilised and metasomatically relocated, possibly by the effects of regional metamorphism related to intense deformation. It is perhaps not fortuitous that the majority of the copper occurrences in the area occur where the basaI beds of the succession have been cross-folded. The copper ore comprises a simple suite of minerals, the main constituents being chalcopyrite, cubanite and pyrrhotite. The deposit is compared relative to the other copper deposits of the Lomagundi System.

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