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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participants' experience and perceptions of the Future Search Conference as an organizational change strategy in the Nursing Board of Namibia

Layne, Nelao January 2006 (has links)
Future Search is a new concept in Namibia. This study looks at the application of a Future Search Conference (FSC) with the Nursing Board of Namibia with a view to investigating participants' experiences and perceptions of the FSC as an organizational change strategy. I conducted a case study in the interpretive paradigm, since I was interested in understanding the subjective experience and individual perceptions of five respondents with regard to the FSC. To obtain in-depth information on how participants felt about the FSC, I employed two data gathering tools: un-structured individual interviews and observation. The findings confirmed that the Future Search is a new concept in the Ministry of Health in particular and in Namibia as a whole. Participants are of the opinion that leaders and managers are key figures in the success or failure of the Future Search. They showed a tremendous interest in the process and are willing to embrace and master the tool so they could try it in their various areas of work. Emphasis was put on the need to get the FSC introduced to leaders and higher management cadres on a wider scale, because they are decision makers and can decide whether or not the Future Search could be institutionalized. This study concludes with an appeal from respondents to be exposed to the Future Search again in a better time frame than the short time we had.

An organisation development intervention in a secondary school in the Erongo region of Namibia

Steenkamp, Angeline Anna January 2011 (has links)
The challenge for Namibia is to translate Vision 2030 into realistic and implementable programmes and to develop and adopt a set of interventions which will raise the quality of education. The quality of education currently on offer varies from school to school and, indeed, from class to class (Namibia. MoE, 2006, p. 1). The National Standards and Performance Indicators (ETSIP, 2006) for schools in Namibia and the Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP), have been developed to address the quality of education across the country, and to make provision for school managers to be trained. Organisation Development is a planned change approach which focuses on the change processes of the organisation, by opening up communication, decreasing internal destructiveness – such as win-lose conflicts – and by increasing creativity in problem solving. It is based on the values and assumptions about people and their organisations. OD promotes interdependence and interconnectedness, involvement in problem solving and decision making. OD is a process for teaching people how to solve problems, take advantage of opportunities, and learn how to do better over time. OD was introduced to Evergreen Senior Secondary School in the form of a Survey Data Feedback (SDF) where data was collected, analysed and fed back to the participants. The case study involved 20 staff members made up of the principal, two head of departments and 17 teachers. Formal and focus-group interviews, as well as observation, were used to collect data. What was derived from the data was that the OD approach was something new to the participants, and served as an eye-opener. Further, it became evident from the data that participants had high hopes that OD would bring about immediate visible changes regarding the operation of their organisation. It is essential to remind participants that OD is a long-term change process, and not a “quick fix”.

A critical investigation of a Future Search Conference as a planned organisational change initiative within the National Health Training Network in Namibia

Hausiku, Marthina Ndahepa January 2006 (has links)
“The world is changing faster than the experts” (Weisbord & Janoff, 2000:xi). Change, according to Meyer & Botha (2000:223), is the movement of people from a current state to a defined, different, improved and desired new state. Change is needed in all organisations because it has direct influence on the organisation’s performance, and the National Health Training Network in Namibia is no exception. The Future Search Conference as a powerful organisation development strategy, can help people transform their capacity for action. The National Health Training Network (NHTN), like any other institution, has been experiencing some managerial/administrative problems. I, being a member of the NHTN, together with most of the organisation, was faced with the challenge of not knowing what to do. Learning about approaches that might help organisations to develop, concepts such as organisation development in general and Future Search in particular, I developed an interest especially in the Future Search Conference. My interest was based on successful developmental stories of Future Search Conferences in organisations across the world. I decided to introduce the Future Search Conference to our organisation, which I thought might be a remedy for our problems at a later stage. The aim of the study was to investigate participants' experiences and the perception of the Future Search Conference as an approach to organisational change, through interviews. The study found that Future Search was a new concept/approach to the NHTN as well as to the whole Ministry, and it is different from the traditional strategic planning. The difference is seen in the way Future Search involves all stakeholders in issues of concern, while strategic planning involves only managers. The responses revealed the willingness of participants to implement the Future Search Conference in their organisation. Data also revealed, however, that it was not clear how ready the managers were to carry out this task, as they are the gatekeepers. Participants suggested a separate Future Search Conference with managers, to sensitise them to the approach, so that they can see whether it addresses the values and goals of the organisation and can be implemented for developmental purposes.

Fractured solidarities: labour regulation, workplace restructuring, and employment 'flexibility' in Namibia

Klerck, Gilton-Georg January 2005 (has links)
A central concern of this thesis is the expansion, distribution and control of 'non-standard' employment in Namibia since independence. The employment relationship has assumed various historical forms under capitalism, each of which corresponds to a specific mode of regulation with distinct structural dynamics. An attempt is made to extend the regulation approach 'downwards' to account for the problem of order in the workplace and to place the employment relationship within its own regulatory framework. The point of departure in this study of the dynamics of labour regulation is the contradictory nature of labour's incorporation, allocation, control and reproduction within the labour market. The employment relationship is never only an economic exchange, but is also mediated through an institutional framework that connects the processes of production and social reproduction, and regulates conflicting interests inside and outside the workplace. This relationship, as critical realists have pointed out, is a product of the indeterminate intersection of several generative structures. The roots of these generative structures can be traced to three sets of social processes: the processes of production and the structuring of labour demand; the processes of social reproduction and the structuring of labour supply; and the forces of regulation. Non-standard employment is viewed as a particular social and spatio-temporal 'fix' for the various regulatory dilemmas generated by the standard employment relationship. This conception underscores the fact that a national system of labour regulation decisively shapes the conditions under which employers are able to casualise a part of their workforce. The differential experience across national boundaries suggests that analytical space needs to be provided for systems of labour market regulation which may either accentuate or moderate pressures for casualisation. Segmentation on the demand side of the labour market is explored through an analysis of the types of non-standard jobs created in different economic sectors. The various forms of employment 'flexibility' tend to vary in importance according to the specific manner in which a firm chooses to compete. Consequently, non-standard employees are distributed in a complex and uneven manner across industrial sectors and the occupational hierarchy, and face a diverse range of possibilities and liabilities that shape their levels and forms of participation in the labour market. By counteracting the homogenisation effects of labour law and collective bargaining, the mobilisation of cheap and disposable labour through non-standard employment contracts allows employers much greater discretion in constructing the wage-effort bargain. With non-standard employment, social and statutory regulation is weak or underdeveloped and hence managerial control is autocratic, with a significant contractual component. Although the changing social composition of the workforce associated with employment 'flexibility' poses serious challenges to the modes of organisation that have long served the labour movement, trade unions in Namibia and elsewhere have been slow to respond to the threats of casualisation. Of concern here, is the extent to which attempts to promote the security of existing union members is compatible with attempts to organise non-standard employees. This thesis shows that the unions have developed a complex amalgam of strategies in their efforts to regulate non-standard employment relationships.

An evaluation of the organizational communication of a performance management system in the city of Windhoek

Shilongo, Johannes Angula January 2012 (has links)
This study evaluated how the communication of the new performance management system by the City of Windhoek influenced the beliefs of its employees and consequently to determine the effects of the communication process on the degree to which buy-in and readiness is created. Armenakis, Harris and Field's (1999) five element model of examining the change recipient's beliefs, namely, discrepancy, appropriateness, principal support, efficacy, and valence was used as a framework for this study. These beliefs play a major role in affecting behaviours of the change recipients (employees) toward the implementation of a new change initiative in an organisation. Discrepancy involves assessing if employees believe that a need for change does really exist in the organization. Appropriateness seeks to find out from the change recipients whether the performance management system being introduced in the organization is an appropriate reaction to the need and the vision of the organisation. Principal support describes the support from change agents and opinion leaders for the organizational change. Efficacy refers to a belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments. Valence refers to the intrinsic and extrinsic attractiveness (from the change recipient's perspective) associated with the perceived outcome of the change. Literature on organizational change, organizational communication and change implementation were used, to gain and highlight insights regarding the role of change communication during change implementation, and to provide the conceptual framework for the research design and analysis. A single case study research method was used under a mixed research paradigm. The study used a survey questionnaire that was sent to 711 employees; a sufficient and representative 202 questionnaires were returned from all levels of the organization, yielding a response rate of 22.4%. In addition, three focus group interviews of a representative cross section of staff were conducted as also document analysis to collect data for the study. The summative average percentages of levels of agreements and disagreements of the respondents for each of the five change recipient's beliefs indicate a fairly high degree of agreement (buy-in) and considerably low degree of disagreement (resistance) among the respondents to nearly all five change recipient's beliefs. Discrepancy received the highest degree of agreement (buy-in) 84%; efficacy received 73%, appropriateness 66% and valence 59% whereas principal support scored the lowest degree of agreement of about 40% of the respondents. Despite the high degree of agreement (buy-in) for these elements, there was also a notable number of the respondents who neither agreed nor disagreed to some of the five change recipient's beliefs. In particular, principal support had 38%, valence had 28%, and appropriateness had 22% who neither agreed nor disagreed. The degree of disagreement (resistance) is relatively low in almost all five change recipient‟s beliefs except for principal support which indicated slightly higher levels of disagreement (19%). The results of the study indicate that the communication methods e.g., the road show, leaflets and brochures, discussions and training sessions used during the pre-implementation phase of the new performance management system influenced the change recipient‟s beliefs on the discrepancy for the new performance management system. The evidence is that these communication methods and actions helped to create a sense of urgency and the need to implement a new performance management system among employees. The new performance management system was also believed to be appropriate and its appropriateness was justified through the use of various communication methods which provided detailed explanations on how the new performance management system was different to the earlier performance appraisal system. Notwithstanding the belief in the appropriateness of the new performance management system, the study found that the absence of such a performance management system over a long period of time had cultivated a hidden but unifying shared set of values, beliefs and assumptions among employees that seem not to fit or be suitable to the demands of the new performance management system and the current challenges facing the organization. The employees themselves noted this discrepancy. Hence, they argued, there is a need to bring about new culture with new sets of values, beliefs and assumptions that will better suit and support the current demands facing the organisation and its members. The study found that although employees significantly believe that they have high levels of personal self-efficacy, the change message that was communicated to them did not in itself appear to help to create and further develop this employee self-efficacy. The change message mainly focussed on the need for training, and the design of job descriptions and technical aspects of the performance management system. The study revealed that the employees' belief in principal support of the new performance management system was that principal support was seen as less than sufficient or not as evident as they would have liked. Employees remarked that principal support was only conveyed during the initial stage of communication, thereafter, principal support from senior management was seen to have declined throughout the pre-implementation phase. Nonetheless, immediate supervisors and managers were believed to more supportive than senior management. The literature points to a lack of belief in principal support as an important cause of a loss momentum in change initiatives, which in turn may result in cynicism and greater resistance, especially by those who have vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Valence refers to the intrinsic and extrinsic attractiveness (from the change recipient's perspective) associated with the perceived outcome of the change. The results show that respondents have mixed beliefs about the personal benefits associated with the new performance management system. Thus, 63% of the respondents believe that it will benefit them, 75% believe that it will increase their self fulfilment, 68% believe that it will increase their feeling of accomplishment, 45% believe that their fringe benefit will remain the same after it is implemented, and 58% believe that they could earn high performance return. However, the result also shows that there are still many respondents who neither agree nor disagree to the presence of personal valance with regard to the new performance managements system. This study established that the use of various communication methods persuaded the majority of the City of Windhoek employees to view the new performance management system overall in a favourable light. However, interviewees criticised the communications process on the grounds that most of these methods were only used once and were not repeated, as they would have liked. Lessons on this item from other change studies are that when communicating new change initiatives, change agents should use different methods of communication and as many times as possible to influence the belief of employees. This report is structured as follows: Section 1 provides an abstract and introduction to the study. Section 1.2 presents a brief review of core theories and recent empirical studies relevant to the research problem. Section 1.3 provides a description of the research method followed in addressing aim and objectives of this study. Section 1.4 presents the results of the evaluation report and section 1.5 discusses the findings and make conclusive recommendations. Section 2 of this study complements subsection section 1.2 (in section 1) with a more detailed review of the literature on organizational change, organizational communication and change implementation. This more detailed review was conducted before the field work and write up of Section 1. The literature incorporated into Section 1 was distilled from this more detailed review. Similarly, Section 3 of this study complement subsection 1.3 (of section 1) with an extended description of the research design and research procedure followed in the study.

Building cultural capital through value-driven leadership: a case study in an international finance company

Ackerman, Mariana January 2006 (has links)
Today, organizations are placed under extreme pressure to adapt to the ever-increasing changes in their environments in order to survive. Research proves that corporate culture has the ability to either blunt or aid change. Past research conducted in Z-Nam, a subsidiary of an international finance company situated in Namibia, indicated that a divided culture resulted in limitations in their functioning, including their adaptability. Pressure was placed on Z-Nam by its majority shareholder to internalise a set of core values into its daily functioning in order to build a strong adaptable culture. This objective called for values-driven leadership. The four core values identified by Head Office were integrity, respect, accountability and pushing beyond boundaries. In becoming more values-driven, values theory posits that Z-Nam will build its cultural capital and so reap the benefits of higher performance, talent retention and adaptability. In this way Z-Nam will be able to combat the weaknesses in its current culture. Leadership adaptability and the capacity to lead change were seen to distinguish cultural changes that succeed from those that do not. Principles inherent in the field of OD were also considered, as they are seen to assist in the effective management of change. The methodology involved a purposive sample being drawn that included the top leadership team and internal OD consultant. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and thematic analysis employed in analysing the resultant data with three main aims in mind. Firstly, to assess Z-Nam's top management's perception of the current set of values being lived in the organization, to establish their level of support for the desired set of values proposed by Head Office and lastly to establish whether the leadership team is ready to promote the adoption of a new set of core values. Through comparing the themes that emerged from the data with literature on OD, values, culture and change, the researcher was able to make inferences as to the leadership's readiness and capacity to successfully lead cultural change. These findings were substantiated with secondary data from previous research activities. It was found that Z-Nam was not utilising its culture as an asset and that several barriers existed to adopting and implementing the desired values. It was concluded that Z-Nam will not be able to successfully embark on cultural change until its leadership recognises the importance of culture and their personal responsibility in bringing about the desired change, adequately assimilates information from past research and comes to a consensus as to the necessary accommodations that need to be made.

An organization development intervention in a Namibian rural school in Ohanguena region

Kashikatu, Lukas January 2010 (has links)
Post independent Namibia adopted a decentralization policy which involved the transfer of decision-making powers and administrative authority from central government to government institutions, including schools, with a view to improving quality. However, despite new educational policies, Namibian educators continue to operate in a non-participatory manner and are unprepared for their role as change agents. This has created tension between the espoused benefits of decentralizing and the reality in schools. In such a turbulent situation schools need to be helped to understand the complexity of change in order to adapt, and OD plays a crucial role in this regard. OD is a consciously thought of and systematically implemented organization-wide improvement effort which aims at increasing organizational effectiveness and health through action research. Rather than a top-down change approach, the OD practice adopts a bottom-up approach to change. This study introduced and investigated an OD intervention in a Namibian rural school in Ohanguena Education Region, with the purpose of exploring participants’ perceptions and experience of the process and of the possible short-term outcome of the intervention. Its findings could be of significance to educators, organizations and future OD esearchers. The study is an action research case study located in the interpretive and critical paradigms. Multiple data collection tools were used during this study, namely observations, structured one-to-one interviews and focus group interviews. Interpretive analysis was used as the data analysis approach. The study found that despite OD being new to participants, it was embraced as a change strategy as it made significant impact on their understanding of organizations and conception of change which is radically different from the common top-down approach to change. The intervention further empowered participants with new skills of initiating change and problem-solving strategies. Apart from that, the intervention yielded a positive short-term outcome which motivated participants to adopt and apply OD in the future without underestimating challenges associated with the process.

An organisation development intervention in a rural school in the Omusati region of Namibia

Perestrelo, Helena Ndeyatila January 2008 (has links)
Organizations globally are challenged with a very volatile, fast changing environment. It is only those organizations that develop the capacity to change timeously that will survive in this millennium. (Meyer & Botha, 2000, p.23) Organizational development (OD) is a planned change approach aimed at changing behaviour and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Central to such an approach is continuous business process improvement. OD rests on the foundation of values and assumptions about people and organizations, and it is imperative that organizations adopt systematic methodologies in introducing business improvement interventions. The study introduced an OD approach to one of the rural primary schools in the Omusati region of Namibia, with the purpose of examining if it would bring change in the school. My goal was to explore participants' experience and perception of the OD process and to investigate the possible short term outcome of such an intervention. The case study involved 16 staff members made up of a principal, one head of department and 14 teachers. Data was gathered through formal interviews with the principal, head of department and three teachers, through a focus group interview with teachers, and through observation and observation note entries. The study found that OD was a new concept approach to the participants which differs completely from the way that change processes are introduced in the schools. Participants felt that introducing change in an organization using an OD approach can bring effective change, but it can also place huge demands on participants' commitment. This is particularly so if they do not adopt it as an internal process of business improvement. The OD approach is a long-term change process and not a quick fix. Finally, the outcome of the intervention indicated enthusiasm for the school to continue addressing the prevailing challenges despite various obstacles that they do not have control over.

Exploring staff involvement in an organization development intervention in a school in the Kavango region, Namibia: a case study

Rengura, Demetrius Kativa January 2012 (has links)
Since independence, the Namibian education system has experienced a process of transformation from authoritarianism to democratisation. The philosophy underpinning this process is spelt out in the policy, Toward Education for All, with its four major goals being: Access, Equity, Quality and Democracy. Democratisation of education would mean that people would be equally involved in decision‐making processes both at the system and organizational level, so as to contribute collectively to shaping the destiny of education in Namibia. This would mean at the school level of an organization, that teachers are the facilitators of democracy and agents of change in the learning organization environment. To strengthen democracy and empower people’s participation in the decision‐making process, Namibia further adopted a decentralization policy which involved the devolution of power and administrative functions from central government to regional authorities. In the context of this policy framework, schools should take responsibility to introduce and manage change in their organizations. However, evidence suggests that schools have been slow to take up the challenge and that change is largely still initiated by regional officials. This study looks at how organisation development (OD) may play a role in encouraging a mindset where change may be initiated by the organisation itself. OD is a planned change strategy based on normative re‐educative and empirical rational strategies implemented systematically. OD is participant driven, involving a series of activities that move the organization to a preferred future. It focuses on human behaviour and organizational change through staff participation practising a bottom‐up rather than top‐down approach. This study reports on an OD intervention in a rural school east of Rundu, in the Kavango Educational region of Namibia. The study aimed at exploring staff involvement in an OD intervention and probed participants’ perceptions and experiences of the process. The study is an action research case study located within the interpretive and critical paradigms. Observation and semi‐structured interviews were the main data‐collection tools used in the study. In its preliminary investigation the study found that a lack of staff involvement in decisionmaking processes and participation in meetings were the major factors that were perceived to retard the effectiveness of the organization. The study further found that the authoritative style of leadership in the school contributed to the lack of cooperation and participation of staff members. In contrast, the staff responded positively to the OD intervention. Participants embraced OD as a democratic approach to change as it made a meaningful impact on their understanding and conception of organization change. The intervention further empowered participants with new skills and knowledge of initiating change and problem‐solving. Apart from that, the intervention provided a possible short‐term outcome that encouraged participants to adopt and apply OD in the future, without underestimating the difficulties associated with the process.

The influence of corporate culture on organisational change of First National Bank of Namibia

Simon, Justina 06 1900 (has links)
Change is invariable and continuous, and has become inevitable in almost every sphere of business. The FNB Namibia operates in a highly vibrant competitive environment that is influenced by external and internal change drivers, and has not been resistant to any forces of change. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between corporate culture and organisational change of FNB Namibia. In this study corporate culture is the independent variable while organisational change is the dependent variable under the investigation. The data were collected through the questionnaires distributed to the staff members of the bank. A total of 50 questionnaires were administered, 33 of the questionnaires were correctly completed and returned. The findings showed that there is a relationship between corporate culture and organisational change. The findings also showed that the dominant existing organisational culture at the bank is hierarchy culture. Even though hierarchy culture is found to be the dominant organisational culture of the bank, the findings however, further revealed that the bank has adopted all four types of organisational culture. The study also found that different types of organisational culture have different levels of perceptions towards organisational change. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

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