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Qualification of WestinghouseBWR lattice physics methods againstcritical experimentsLandelius, Kim January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is part of a larger qualification effortperformed at Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB of the PHOENIX5 latticephysics code. The aim of the thesis is to validate PHOENIX5 withregards to cold criticality tests performed at the Toshiba NCAfacility in 2010-2011. For this, 26 different models were built torepresent the experiments performed by Toshiba in PHOENIX5. As anindependent reference, models were also built for the probabilisticMonte Carlo code SERPENT. The parameters examined in this thesis arethe criticality of the system, as well as the pin fission rates forselected experiments. Two different PHOENIX5 libraries were utilized,along with a HELIOS library. The results show that there is a Kinf trend between the differentlibraries. Furthermore, a void trend was found. This void trend waspresent for all models, including the SERPENT models. Pin fissionrate predictions give results close to those of the experiments forboth PHOENIX5 libraries. The system also proved sensitive to meshingchanges, as well as for the chosen water reflector width.
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