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探討Podcasting採用因素與使用行為之研究 / The Research of the Influential Factors of Podcasting Adoption and Usage Behavior

賴郁淇, Lai,Yu-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Podcasting被譽為繼Blog之後最受歡迎的個人化媒介,具備了RSS、可攜性、個人隨選性、內容草根性等特性,在全世界已經帶起一股風潮,尤其在美國更是受到極大的重視與歡迎,而Podcasting在台灣未來的發展又會如何呢?任何新科技的發展都必須回歸到使用者身上來討論,因此,本研究欲探討影響目前使用者採用Podcasting因素與使用行為。Podcasting的使用行為主要包含兩類型,一為下載收聽Podcast,二為自行製播Podcast。因為目前純粹下載收聽Podcast的使用者為多數,因此本研究以此族群為主要研究對象。 本文主要援引UTAUT理論加上「認知有趣性」與「PIIT」兩構面,試圖形成更完善的解釋模型,進行量化研究。此外,輔以深入訪談方法,以了解Podcaster(又稱播客)製作經驗以及對Podcasting發展的看法,豐富量化研究之討論,並歸結出台灣發展Podcasting的優勢與劣勢,以及對Podcasting未來推廣之方向與建議。研究發現影響使用者採用Podcasting最重要的原因就是「認知有趣性」,如果使用者在收聽Podcast過程中得到樂趣,則越會想要去使用。「績效期望」、「PIIT」亦皆正向顯著影響「使用意向」,「社會影響」對於「使用意向」則無顯著影響。而「實際使用行為」方面,「使用意向」為最重要的影響構面,「有利條件」則無顯著影響。此外,從訪談資料中得知,影響使用者收聽行為還包含內容的豐富度、建置完善的節目集散平台,影響使用者製作行為則有個人心態問題、節目製作難易度、是否有合適的頻寬與免費(或便宜)的網路空間、音樂智財權等問題,這些問題亦都是發展Podcasting上重要的關鍵。當然,Podcasting具有極大的發展潛力,未來可朝向相當多元面向的應用。 / Podcasting is known as the most popular personal media while Blog is previously considered the most important personal media. There are many attractive traits of Podcasting including RSS, portability, personal on demand, grassroots content. Podcasting has already become a hot trend in many countries, especially in America. What will be the future of Podcasting in Taiwan? When it comes to the development of new technology, we should go back to the users’ level to find the answers. Thus this paper explores the influential factors of Podcasting users’ acceptance and their behavior. The main objects of the study are the users who only download and listen to Podcasts because they are the majority in Taiwan so far. This paper is based on UTAUT theory adding "Perceived Playfulness" and "PIIT" in an attempt to form a more perfect interpretative model to do quantitative research. To broaden the scope of the whole research, I also adopt in-depth interviews in a qualitative way. Research results show that the most important factor affecting users’ intention is "Perceived Playfulness". Regarding "Use Behavior", "Behavior Intention" is noted as the most significant factor. Based on the information gathered from the interviews, the causes which lead to influence the users’ behavior are the diversity of the content and the maturity of the platforms. What influenced podcasters making podcasts are podcasters’ personality, ease of production process, the availability of suitable bandwidth and free (or cheap) network space, music and other intellectual property issues. All factors mentioned above are important issues in the development of podcasting. Of course, Podcasting has great potential for development so we can expect that there will be multi-oriented applications in the future.

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