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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Pontine A5 Cell Group on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in the Rabbit

Woodruff, Michael L., Baisden, Ronald H., Whittington, Dennis L. 30 July 1986 (has links)
The effects of electrical stimulation of the A5 noradrenergic cell group of the ventrolateral pons was assessed in rabbits. Stimulation administered through either concentric bipolar or monopolar electrodes produced current-intensity related increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP). Decreases in heart rate (HR) accompanied the increases in MAP, but were essentially eliminated by bilateral vagotomy or destruction of the nucleus and tractus solitarii (NTS), thereby indicating that the HR decelerations were secondary to activation of baroreceptor reflexes. Neither vagotomy nor midcollicular section of the brainstem altered the MAP response to A5 stimulation. Bilateral destruction of the NTS slightly enhanced the response. Several rabbits received microinjections of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the A5 region 2 weeks before the experiment. Other rabbits received vehicle injections and served as control subjects for the non-specific effects of the 6-OHDA injections. 6-OHDA injections, but not vehicle injections, prevented the vasopressor effects of A5 stimulation. However, stimulation of the A1 noradrenergic nucleus of the ventrolateral medulla produced decreases in MAP in rabbits given prior microinjections of 6-OHDA into A5. These observations are interpreted to indicate that the 6-OHDA injections produced neurotoxic effects which were relatively restricted to the A5 region. Furthermore, the data from all of these experiments are interpreted as indicating that the vasopressor effects observed as a consequence of electrical stimulation of A5 are due to excitation of the noradrenaline-containing neuron cell bodies of this region and that this effect is mediated via pathways arising from this region and terminating in the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord.

La iglesia de Biar y su portada protorrenacentista. Análisis histórico, arquitectónico, constructivo y estudio diagnóstico. Aplicación de técnicas LIDAR

Huesca Tortosa, José Antonio 19 February 2021 (has links)
La iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción recae a la plaza de la Constitución, espacio público que marca el centro de la Villa de Biar, y está catalogada como monumento bien de interés cultural (BIC) junto con su entorno más próximo. Es gótica tardía en esencia, atendiendo a su estructura interior, con nave única cubierta por tres grandes bóvedas de crucería separadas por arcos ojivales. La bóveda mayor presenta planta cuadrada y se resuelve con nervaduras en forma de estrella, las otras dos bóvedas menores son de planta rectangular con terceletes. En los laterales, situadas entre contrafuertes, aparecen dobles capillas con bóvedas nervadas, 6 en total a cada lado. La portada protorrenacentista, ubicada en el lado del Evangelio, permite el acceso desde la fachada principal que recae a la plaza de La Constitución. A la derecha de los pies de la iglesia se ubica la capilla de la comunión, ligeramente girada en planta respecto al eje de la nave con la que se comunica a través de la Capilla de Les Ánimes. El presbiterio barroco de planta poligonal cierra la nave por el sur y junto a este se sitúa en la esquina sureste la gran torre barroca, visible desde toda la población de Biar. Junto a la portada se construye una pequeña Capilla del Rosario anexa a la nave y en el lado de la Epístola la sacristía, en un primer nivel el archivo de la iglesia y en un segundo las dependencias parroquiales con museo y espacio para almacén. El interior del edificio presenta una escasa iluminación invitando al recogimiento. La iglesia se ha ido construyendo en varias fases que comienzan en el s. XV hasta finales del s. XVIII. Probablemente ya en el S.III existiera una mezquita sobre donde se levanta la iglesia. Éstas ubicadas en la esquina sureste de la muralla que cerraba la ciudad. Al año del comienzo de la portada protorrenacentista se elimina una parte de esta muralla para abrir un espacio público frente a ésta, que todavía se construía. La portada se construye entre 1519 y 1522, según un documento encontrado que así lo indica y junto con el autor de la misma, un entallador de sillería alemán que llega desde Córdoba con el nombre de Guillem Alamany (o Guillermo Alemán). Este descubrimiento supone un hito en la introducción del renacimiento en tierras valencianas y posiblemente en las influencias y relaciones con las murcianas. Con unas proporciones todavía al “viejo” estilo gótico hay una clara influencia en lo compositivo que indica un periodo de cambio al nuevo estilo, basado en las nuevas ideas italianizantes plasmadas en el Codex Esculiarensis e influenciadas de la escuela florentina de Ghirlandiano. La torre se ejecuta desde 1702 hasta 1767 y posteriormente se levanta el presbiterio según trazas del maestro cantero de Valencia Bautista Pons. Sobre las capillas laterales del lado del evangelio se construye una Sala Capitular a la que se accede desde el campanario. La Capilla de la Comunión se termina a finales del s. XVIII. Las cubiertas se sobre elevan. En la restauración de los años 70 se elimina un muro que se habría ejecutado en el momento de la Sala Capitular, rebajando la cubierta y ocultándola detrás de un antepecho de balaustres exnovo colocado siguiendo el modelo de la Portada de las Cadenas de Murcia. En el edificio se han empleado diferentes litologías, todas de naturaleza caliza. Presenta elevada degradación pétrea especialmente en la portada. Y mediante las técnicas digitales LIDAR terrestre, fotogramétricas y SIG se han conseguido las nubes de puntos base para generar los modelos tridimensionales y reales del edificio y ortoimágenes realistas.

Ανάλυση και αποτίμηση της απόδοσης παθητικών οπτικών δικτύων Ethernet για πολυδιάστατη κίνηση

Κόκιου, Αντωνία 07 June 2013 (has links)
Η επιθυμία του ανθρώπου για ποιοτική και αδιάκοπη επικοινωνία, έχει ωθήσει την τεχνολογία να κάνει άλματα εξέλιξης. Η συνεχής ανάπτυξη των απαιτήσεων των χρηστών των τηλεπικοινωνιακών δικτύων, καθιστά αναγκαία την ανανέωση των τεχνολογιών και ιδιαίτερα την αύξηση του παρεχόμενου εύρους ζώνης, ώστε να συμβαδίζει με τις ανάγκες τους. Γι’αυτό το λόγο τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουν εμφανιστεί οι οπτικές ίνες, που με τα πλεονεκτήματα που παρουσιάζουν, κερδίζουν ολοένα και περισσότερο τις αγορές και τους καταναλωτές. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική παρουσιάζονται τα πλεονεκτήματα και οι τεχνολογίες που χρησιμοποιεί ένα δίκτυο βασισμένο σε οπτικές ίνες (παθητικό οπτικό δίκτυο – PON). Εξετάζεται τόσο η τεχνολογία TDMA, όσο και η WDMA στα PONs. Η μελέτη γίνεται πάνω στο πρότυπο ΕΡΟΝ (Ethernet-PON), που ορίστηκε ως το καταλληλότερο συγκριτικά με άλλα παρόμοιά του. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, εξετάζεται η διάθεση εύρους ζώνης στο ανοδικό κανάλι (από τον χρήστη προς το τηλεπικοινωνιακό κέντρο) στα συστήματα ΕΡΟΝ και τι αποτελέσματα και συμπεράσματα μπορούν να ληφθούν. Αρχικά, αναφέρεται μια προηγούμενη μελέτη ενός ΕΡΟΝ η οποία κάνει χρήση του αλγορίθμου IPACT, της περιορισμένης υπηρεσίας (limited service) του αλγορίθμου και υποστηρίζει μονοδιάστατη ανοδική κίνηση δεδομένων. Το δίκτυο ΕΡΟΝ μοντελοποιείται και προσφέρει αποτελέσματα ύστερα από μαθηματική ανάλυση με χρήση της γλώσσας προγραμματισμού C, καθώς και αποτελέσματα με τη χρήση της γλώσσας προσομοίωσης SIMSCRIPT II.5. Στη συνέχεια, περιγράφεται και μοντελοποιείται ένα δίκτυο ΕΡΟΝ που κάνει χρήση της σταθερής υπηρεσίας (fixed service) του αλγορίθμου IPACT και υποστηρίζει πολλαπλές κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών ανοδικής κίνησης δεδομένων με διαφορετικές προτεραιότητες. Και σε αυτή την περίπτωση, το δίκτυο ΕΡΟΝ προσφέρει αποτελέσματα τόσο από ένα αναλυτικό μοντέλο, όσο και από ένα μοντέλο προσομοίωσης. Τέλος, περιγράφεται και μοντελοποιείται ένα δίκτυο όμοιο με το προηγούμενο δίκτυο ΕΡΟΝ, με τη διαφορά να έγκειται στη χρήση της τεχνολογίας WDM στο ΕΡΟΝ. Η μελέτη σε αυτό το τμήμα της εργασίας γίνεται με χρήση επίσης της σταθερής υπηρεσίας (fixed service) του αλγορίθμου IPACT και υποστηρίζει πολλαπλές κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών ανοδικής κίνησης δεδομένων με διαφορετικές προτεραιότητες. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο επιτυγχάνεται μια σημαντική αύξηση του διαθέσιμου εύρους ζώνης του ανοδικού καναλιού που προσφέρεται στους χρήστες. Για άλλη μια φορά παρουσιάζονται αποτελέσματα ύστερα από ανάλυση και προσομοίωση του μοντέλου, με χρήση, όπως και προηγουμένως, της γλώσσας προγραμματισμού C και της γλώσσας προσομοίωσης SIMSCRIPT II.5. Τα συμπεράσματα που εξάγονται, ύστερα από τις παραπάνω μελέτες, είναι άξια προσοχής. / In the past few years technology, in the communication field, has made great progress due to the fact that people desire more and more good quality of service. The continuous demand for development of the subscribers using the telecommunication services, necessitates the technological renewal and especially the increase of the available bandwidth. For this reason, optical fibers have appeared in the networking field and they are becoming more known by the users and in the market every day. In this dissertation the advantages and the technologies a network, based on optical fiber uses, are presented. An optical fiber network it is also called Passive Optical Network (PON). The TDMA (Time Division Multiplexing Access) and WDMA (Wavelength Division Multiplexing Access) technologies are examined. The study is based on an EPON (Ethernet-PON) standard, which was chosen as the most suitable among others. More specifically, the available upstream (from the users to the Central Office) bandwidth in an EPON model and the results that can be deduced are examined. In the beginning, a previous study of an EPON which uses the IPACT (Interleaved Polling with Cycle Time) algorithm is reported. The EPON network uses the limited service of the IPACT algorithm and supports a single rate. A specific model of an EPON network is studied and results using the C programming language and the simulation language SIMSCRIPT II.5 are given. Moreover, an EPON network which uses the fixed service of the IPACT algorithm which supports a multi-rate upstream with different priorities is described and modeled. In this case as well, the EPON model network gives results based on analysis and simulation. In the end, a same EPON network, as the one described before, is studied and modeled having as a difference that a WDM technology is used. The fixed service of the IPACT algorithm is used and a multi-rate upstream with different priorities are supported again. With this different technology, an important increase in the available upstream bandwidth which is provided to the users is accomplished. Once again, the results are presented after an analysis and a simulation of the model, using the programming language C and the simulation language SIMISCRIPT II.5. The extracted results which the models can offer are worthy of attention.

Μελέτη τηλεπικοινωνιακής κίνησης οπτικών δικτύων που χρησιμοποιούν την πολλαπλή πρόσβαση με διαίρεση οπτικού κώδικα (OCDMA)

Αναγνωστόπουλος, Ιωάννης 21 December 2011 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη τηλεπικοινωνιακής κίνησης και η αποτίμηση της επίδοσης OCDMA δικτύων ως προς την πιθανότητα φραγής κλήσης. Αρχικά γίνεται αναφορά στην εξέλιξη και τις ιδιότητες των οπτικών ινών και των οπτικών δικτύων. Στη συνέχεια περιγράφονται τα χαρακτηριστικά και οι ιδιότητες των OCDMA συστημάτων. Ακολούθως χρησιμοποιούνται αναλυτικά μοντέλα, τα οποία υλοποιούνται στη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού C, για τον υπολογισμό των πιθανοτήτων φραγής κλήσης σε συγκεκριμένα οπτικά δίκτυα στα οποία υφίσταται μία υπηρεσία (service class). Τα αποτελέσματα των μεθόδων ανάλυσης συγκρίνονται με τα αποτελέσματα της αντίστοιχης προσομοίωσης που υλοποιείται με χρήση της γλώσσας προσομοίωσης SIMSCRIPT ΙΙ.5. Τέλος, η προναφερθείσα διαδικασία πραγματοποιείται για οπτικά δίκτυα πρόσβασης υπό την παρουσία πολλών υπηρεσιών και επιπρόσθετων ειδών θορύβου. / The objective of this thesis is the study of telecommunications traffic and the progress evaluation of OCDMA networks. In the first place,my essay starts with presentation of optical fiber technology.At the second chapter we focus on the characteristics of OCDMA systems.Finally,using analytical models,we calculate the blocking probabilities in certain optical networks that support one service class. The analytical results are compared with the relevant simulation results. Moreover,the above procedure applies for optical access networks with many service classes plus extra kinds of additive noise.

The collapse of dialogue:Intellectuals and politics in the Uruguayan crisis, 1960-1973

Gregory, Stephen William George, Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 1999 (has links)
In the context of the growing political instability and deepening economic crisis in Uruguay during the 1960s and early 1970s, the thesis examines two propositions. The first is that politically informed intellectuals, though disaffected or marginalised, will integrate themselves into the political mainstream if circumstances demand and a suitable vehicle allows them to participate usefully in the political process. The second is that, in the Uruguayan case, an expanded notion of dialogue is essential in analysing how this was accomplished, partly because the idea of dialogue was a necessary part of how they worked together and communicated with their public, and partly because dialogue was seen as a crucial element in reforming the nation and as the basis of the relationship between the political party that was to be the agent of such reform and its potential constituency. The thesis begins by examining how the so-called 1945 and 1960s generations overcame intergenerational squabbles and worked together, with the help of an expanding publishing industry, to create a public for their meditations on Uruguay's problems. Then, after briefly outlining the importance of dialogue to the essay as a genre and its role in developing national identity in Latin America, the study examines essays on the state of Uruguay by four major writers in the 1960s: Roberto Ares Pons, Alberto Methol Ferr??, Carlos Maggi and Washington Lockhart. The thesis then traces the intelligentsia's role in the several attempts to heal the rifts within the Uruguayan left and in the formation of the centre left coalition, the Frente Amplio, in 1971, to show how the notion of dialogue was incorporated into its structure, mode of operation and political program. The final section, a case study of Mario Benedetti's political activities and propagandist essays of 1971-1973, examines the contradictions of working as a committed intellectual when the very conditions necessary for intellectual life are breaking down. The thesis concludes that the resurrection of the nation as a site for dialogue with and among all members of society, a project in which the intelligentsia had enthusiastically participated, foundered because drastic political polarisation permitted only one militarist and monologic solution.

Organisation et modulation du réseau neuronal de la respiration chez la lamproie.

Gariépy, Jean-François 07 1900 (has links)
Les mécanismes neuronaux contrôlant la respiration sont présentement explorés à l’aide de plusieurs modèles animaux incluant le rat et la grenouille. Nous avons utilisé la lamproie comme modèle animal nous permettant de caractériser les réseaux de neurones du tronc cérébral qui génèrent et modulent le rythme respiratoire. Nous avons d’abord caractérisé une nouvelle population de neurones, dans le groupe respiratoire paratrigéminal (pTRG), une région du tronc cérébral essentielle à la genèse du rythme respiratoire chez la lamproie. Les neurones de cette région sont actifs en phase avec le rythme respiratoire. Nous avons montré que ces neurones possèdent une arborisation axonale complexe, incluant des projections bilatérales vers les groupes de motoneurones du tronc cérébral qui activent les branchies ainsi que des connexions reliant les pTRG de chaque côté du tronc cérébral. Ces résultats montrent que le pTRG contient un groupe de cellules qui active les motoneurones respiratoires des deux côtés et qui pourrait être impliqué dans la synchronisation bilatérale du rythme respiratoire. Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes neuronaux par lesquels le rythme respiratoire est augmenté en lien avec l’effort physique. Nous avons montré que la région locomotrice du mésencéphale (MLR), en plus de son rôle dans la locomotion, active les centres respiratoires pendant la nage, et même en anticipation. Les neurones de la MLR projetant vers les centres locomoteurs et respiratoires sont ségrégés anatomiquement, les neurones localisés plus dorsalement étant ceux qui possèdent des projections vers les centres respiratoires. Nous avons aboli la contribution de la partie dorsale de la MLR aux changements respiratoires en injectant des bloqueurs des récepteurs glutamatergiques localement, sur des préparations semi-intactes. Nous avons montré que lors d’épisodes de nage, une majeure partie de l’effet respiratoire est abolie par ces injections, suggérant un rôle prépondérant des neurones de cette région dans l’augmentation respiratoire pendant la locomotion. Nos résultats confirment que le rythme respiratoire est généré par une région rostrolatérale du pons de la lamproie et montrent que des connexions des centres locomoteurs arrivent directement à cette région et pourraient être impliquées dans l’augmentation respiratoire reliée à l’effort physique. / The neural control of breathing is currently investigated on multiple animal models such as frogs and rats. We have used the lamprey as an experimental model to characterize the brainstem neural networks involved in the genesis and modulation of the respiratory rhythm. We have first characterized a new population of respiratory neurons in the paratrigeminal respiratory group (pTRG). The pTRG is a region that was shown to be essential to respiratory rhythmogenesis in lampreys. We have shown that the pTRG contains a group of neurons with complex axonal arborisations, including bilateral projections to the motoneuron pools of the brainstem that activate gills, as well as bilateral projections connecting the pTRGs on the two sides of the brainstem. These results suggest that pTRG neurons could participate in the descending control of respiratory motoneurons as well as the bilateral synchrony of the respiratory rhythm. We have then studied the neural mechanisms by which respiration is increased during locomotion. We have shown that the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), in addition to its role in controlling locomotion, also increases breathing during locomotion. Neurons in the MLR are anatomically segregated, those projecting to the respiratory centers being located more dorsally. We have abolished the contribution of the dorsal part of the MLR to respiratory changes by injecting glutamate receptor blockers locally in semi-intact preparations. We have shown that during swimming episodes, a major part of the respiratory effect is dependent on the dorsal part of the MLR. Our results confirm that the respiratory rhythm is generated by a rostrolateral region in the pons of lampreys and show that connections from locomotor centers can directly activate this region. These connections could be implicated in the increase of breathing activity related to locomotion.

The collapse of dialogue:Intellectuals and politics in the Uruguayan crisis, 1960-1973

Gregory, Stephen William George, Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 1999 (has links)
In the context of the growing political instability and deepening economic crisis in Uruguay during the 1960s and early 1970s, the thesis examines two propositions. The first is that politically informed intellectuals, though disaffected or marginalised, will integrate themselves into the political mainstream if circumstances demand and a suitable vehicle allows them to participate usefully in the political process. The second is that, in the Uruguayan case, an expanded notion of dialogue is essential in analysing how this was accomplished, partly because the idea of dialogue was a necessary part of how they worked together and communicated with their public, and partly because dialogue was seen as a crucial element in reforming the nation and as the basis of the relationship between the political party that was to be the agent of such reform and its potential constituency. The thesis begins by examining how the so-called 1945 and 1960s generations overcame intergenerational squabbles and worked together, with the help of an expanding publishing industry, to create a public for their meditations on Uruguay's problems. Then, after briefly outlining the importance of dialogue to the essay as a genre and its role in developing national identity in Latin America, the study examines essays on the state of Uruguay by four major writers in the 1960s: Roberto Ares Pons, Alberto Methol Ferr??, Carlos Maggi and Washington Lockhart. The thesis then traces the intelligentsia's role in the several attempts to heal the rifts within the Uruguayan left and in the formation of the centre left coalition, the Frente Amplio, in 1971, to show how the notion of dialogue was incorporated into its structure, mode of operation and political program. The final section, a case study of Mario Benedetti's political activities and propagandist essays of 1971-1973, examines the contradictions of working as a committed intellectual when the very conditions necessary for intellectual life are breaking down. The thesis concludes that the resurrection of the nation as a site for dialogue with and among all members of society, a project in which the intelligentsia had enthusiastically participated, foundered because drastic political polarisation permitted only one militarist and monologic solution.

Organisation et modulation du réseau neuronal de la respiration chez la lamproie

Gariépy, Jean-François 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Proposta e implementação de um receptor optoeletrônico integrado para redes ópticas passivas (PONs) empregando multiplexação por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM) / Proposal and implementation of a optoelectronic integrated receiver for passive optical networks (PONs) employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)

Manfrin, Stilante Koch 01 July 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e implementação de duas configurações distintas de um receptor optoeletrônico integrado. A primeira configuração é similar a um projeto encontrado na literatura mas apresenta diversas modificações que lhe conferiram melhor desempenho em comparação ao projeto original. A segunda configuração é uma nova proposta deste trabalho. O receptor foi desenvolvido e implementado visando sua aplicação em redes de comunicações ópticas passivas (PONs) de alta velocidade comutadas a pacote, para possibilitar a utilização da técnica de multiplexação em comprimento de onda (WDM), aumentando assim a capacidade de transmissão da rede, em particular no ramo de ligação da rede de serviços com o usuário final, denominado rede de acesso. O principal objetivo do receptor aqui desenvolvido foi proporcionar uma sintonia rápida entre os canais disponíveis na rede, possibilitando sua seleção num tempo inferior àquele necessário para a transmissão de um único pacote de informação, diminuindo assim o atraso de sintonia e, por conseguinte, a perda de informação. Para tanto, os circuitos integrados implementados e caracterizados referem-se aos circuitos de chaveamento eletrônico e do amplificador de transimpedância das duas configurações investigadas. Os dados experimentais obtidos para as duas configurações confirmaram a previsão de chaveamento dos canais de entrada num intervalo de tempo da ordem de alguns nanosegundos, o que é totalmente compatível com a velocidade de transmissão das aplicações a que se destina este receptor (aproximadamente 5 Gbits/s). Adicionalmente, são apresentados os dados experimentais relativos à freqüência de corte, ganho direto, isolação, relação on/off e características de ruído dos circuitos implementados. / The present work describes the design and implementation of two configurations of an integrated optoelectronic receiver. The first one is similar to a previously reported design but with some modifications to improve its performance. The second one is a new proposal of this work. The goal of the receiver design and implementation was its application in high bit rate packet-switched passive optical networks (PONs) employing the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technique to increase the network capacity, in particular on the connection branch of the network core with the final user, the access network. The main goal of the receiver design was to achieve a fast channel tuning, allowing a tuning time smaller than the required for the transmission of a single information packet, decreasing the tuning latency and, therefore, the rate of information packet loss. In order to accomplish this goal, the implemented and tested integrated circuits include the electronic switching circuit and the transimpedance amplifier for both configurations investigated. The measured data for both configurations confirm the expected input channel switching time results, of about a few nanoseconds, which is certainly useful for the expected bit rate of operation (approximate 5 Gbps). Additionally, experimental results concerning cutoff frequency and bandwidth, direct gain, isolation, on/off ratio, and noise characteristics of both implemented circuits are presented.

Proposta e implementação de um receptor optoeletrônico integrado para redes ópticas passivas (PONs) empregando multiplexação por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM) / Proposal and implementation of a optoelectronic integrated receiver for passive optical networks (PONs) employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)

Stilante Koch Manfrin 01 July 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e implementação de duas configurações distintas de um receptor optoeletrônico integrado. A primeira configuração é similar a um projeto encontrado na literatura mas apresenta diversas modificações que lhe conferiram melhor desempenho em comparação ao projeto original. A segunda configuração é uma nova proposta deste trabalho. O receptor foi desenvolvido e implementado visando sua aplicação em redes de comunicações ópticas passivas (PONs) de alta velocidade comutadas a pacote, para possibilitar a utilização da técnica de multiplexação em comprimento de onda (WDM), aumentando assim a capacidade de transmissão da rede, em particular no ramo de ligação da rede de serviços com o usuário final, denominado rede de acesso. O principal objetivo do receptor aqui desenvolvido foi proporcionar uma sintonia rápida entre os canais disponíveis na rede, possibilitando sua seleção num tempo inferior àquele necessário para a transmissão de um único pacote de informação, diminuindo assim o atraso de sintonia e, por conseguinte, a perda de informação. Para tanto, os circuitos integrados implementados e caracterizados referem-se aos circuitos de chaveamento eletrônico e do amplificador de transimpedância das duas configurações investigadas. Os dados experimentais obtidos para as duas configurações confirmaram a previsão de chaveamento dos canais de entrada num intervalo de tempo da ordem de alguns nanosegundos, o que é totalmente compatível com a velocidade de transmissão das aplicações a que se destina este receptor (aproximadamente 5 Gbits/s). Adicionalmente, são apresentados os dados experimentais relativos à freqüência de corte, ganho direto, isolação, relação on/off e características de ruído dos circuitos implementados. / The present work describes the design and implementation of two configurations of an integrated optoelectronic receiver. The first one is similar to a previously reported design but with some modifications to improve its performance. The second one is a new proposal of this work. The goal of the receiver design and implementation was its application in high bit rate packet-switched passive optical networks (PONs) employing the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technique to increase the network capacity, in particular on the connection branch of the network core with the final user, the access network. The main goal of the receiver design was to achieve a fast channel tuning, allowing a tuning time smaller than the required for the transmission of a single information packet, decreasing the tuning latency and, therefore, the rate of information packet loss. In order to accomplish this goal, the implemented and tested integrated circuits include the electronic switching circuit and the transimpedance amplifier for both configurations investigated. The measured data for both configurations confirm the expected input channel switching time results, of about a few nanoseconds, which is certainly useful for the expected bit rate of operation (approximate 5 Gbps). Additionally, experimental results concerning cutoff frequency and bandwidth, direct gain, isolation, on/off ratio, and noise characteristics of both implemented circuits are presented.

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