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Handbollstränares upplevelser och erfarenheter av knäskadeförebyggandeträning inom handbollBjörk, Johan, Lagerqvist, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund/problemformulering Knäskador inom handbollen är utbredda och allmänt kända. Kvinnliga handbollsspelare har visat sig ha en högre risk för långvariga knäskadeproblem. Knäskador inom handboll är beforskat utifrån incidens och även vilken typ av träning som är fördelaktig för att förebygga skador. Däremot har inga studier kring vad handbollstränare har för upplevelser och erfarenheter kring knäskadeförebyggande träning gjorts. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka och kartlägga upplevelser och erfarenheter hos handbollstränare för flickor i 10–19 år angående knäskadeförebyggande träning. Design och metod Kvalitativ explorativ design. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med intervjuguide. Till databearbetning användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys Resultat Tränarna såg knäskadeförebyggande träning som en viktig del i träningen. Det förekom variationer i upplägg och innehåll. Flertalet faktorer kring skadeprevention belystes som exempelvis resurser, kompetens och motivation hos spelarna att delta i knäskadeförebyggande träning. Slutsats Bland de faktorer som påverkar möjligheten till optimal skadeförebyggande träning är motivation hos unga spelare en av de större. Det kan tänkas att om tränarna utbildas inom områdena beteende och motivation och hur dessa påverkar varandra, att den skadeförebyggande träningen får än större effekt. / Background Knee injury within handball are well heard of. Female handball players have shown a greater risk developing long term knee injury. Injury to the knee is well investigated from incidence and also what kind of training is beneficial for preventing knee injury. However no studies have yet enlightened what experiences handball coaches possess in the area. Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate and to survey what experiences regarding knee injury prevention training handball coaches’, coaching girls between the ages of 10- 19 years old possessed. Design and method A qualitative explorative design was used. Five semi-structured interviews based on a interview guide fort. A qualitative content analysis was used for data processing. Result The handball coaches looked at knee injury prevention as an important part of the overall training though there were variations in set up and content. A great deal of factors about injury prevention where mentioned, for example, resources, knowledge and motivation to participate in knee injury preventive exercises among the players. Conclusion Amongst the factors affecting the possibility for effective knee injury prevention training, motivation of young players was one of the most important ones. If coaches acquire education within the area`s behavior and motivation and how they affect each other it might lead to knee injury prevention being more effective.
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Zhodnocení úrazů a bolestivých stavů u irských tanců v ČR a Evropě / Assessment of injuries and painful conditions in Irish dancing in CZ and EuropeKudrnová, Anežka January 2018 (has links)
Author: Anežka Kudrnová Title: Assessment of injuries and painful conditions in Irish dancing in CZ and Europe The goals of the thesis: The goal of this thesis is introduction of Irish dancing with its specification, and its current state here in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe. Further, mapping of the most common injuries and painful conditions, assessing the quality of preparation of the organism for the strain. Methodology: In this thesis a research was conducted of foreign and Czech sources addressing Irish dancing from historical point of view, organisation and primarily injuries. For mapping of the most common injuries, their causes and solution methods were chosen anonymous non-standardised questionnaires. These questionnaires were distributed to dancers from different states, all dancing categories, with age limitation only on the bottom level and that of 12 years old. From 150 distributed questionnaires were returned 130 completely filled and their results were processed by Microsoft Excel. Results: On the bases of the research it was ascertained, that absolute majority of the injuries occurred during Irish dancing, is localised on lower limbs. More than a half of all injuries is then related to the area of the hock joint. From external causes are the dancers affected mostly by footwear....
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Prevence úrazů seniorů v domovech pro seniory / Prevention of injuries of elderly clients in retirements homesSTRAKOVÁ, Dana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the characteristics of aging process and old age, it deals with the prevention of injuries of elderly clients in retirement houses. While dealing with these problems the secondary literature is properly researched and analysed. The main aim of this thesis is to find out whether proper measures for prevention of injuries are taken in the selected retirement houses. The theoretical part of thesis focuses firstly on possible risks of injuries, secondary on the measures needed within the scope of prevention of injuries. Regarding the methodology the qualitative research is being used and it is based on interviews and observation of the researcher himself. In the practical part of the thesis the outcomes of the research are discussed. As the result there are proper measures taken by the retirement houses to lower the risks of injuries. This diploma thesis might be used for education and enhancement of awareness of the staff in the retirement houses.
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Problematika zranění pohybového aparátu u golfistů / Issues of the motion apparatus injuries among golf playersLagatorová, Sendi January 2012 (has links)
Title: Issues of the motion apparatus injuries among golf players Objectives: The goal of the work is to find out the most common health problems among golf players and possible preventative measures against their formation. Methods: The work is structured as a research, which has been created on the basis of an analysis of relevant sources. The literature, printed and electronic monographs and periodical were obtained from library catalogues and the Internet. The foreign studies were obtained from databases PubMed and SPORTDiscus. Results: The most common vertebrogenic difficulty among both amateur and professional golf players is low back pain (LBP). It appears more often among men than women. Specific issues are the overload of the paravertebral muscles, occurrence of the osteophytes and degenerative changes in the area of the facet joints and intervertebral disc. Other health problems among golf players are inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons, posterior glenohumeral subluxation, acromioclavicular disfunction, shoulder joint arthritis, stress fracture of the ribs, epicondylitis, and in the area of the wrist and arm of the golf players occur especially fractures, subluxation of the joints and overload of the tendons (especially adductors, flexors and extensors). Almost all the studies...
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Využití "peer" prvku v prevenci dětských úrazů na prvním stupni základní školy / Peer Element in Prevention of Children's Injuries at Primary SchoolKalinová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis engages in the issue of protection of children's health. It focuses on the prevention occurrence of accidents among children. The aim of this thesis is to refer to the importance of this topic and to realize the project, in which primary school pupils have an opportunity to reduce the rate of accidents actively. The theoretical part presents epidemiological data about childhood's accidents, warns of the specifics of psychomotor development of primary school children. In addition to inform about the methods of intervention and prevention levels and it gives an overview of organizations which engage in the protection of health. The practical part presents the results of a survey that addressed the teachers in point of view on idea of leadership in teaching by older primary school pupils. Then constitute the specific prevention project in which fifth grade pupils prepares a lesson on the subject of injury prevention for the second grade pupils. Conclusion the practical part includes modifying the original project and recommendations for teachers, based on the experience gained in implementing the project.
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Prevence rizik vzniku pracovních úrazů na stavbách / Prevention of hazards leading to work injuries on constructionsDrkal, Vítězslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to prepare a basic overview of the issue of prevention risks of occupational accidents at construction sites. Prevention is the only effective tool to prevent risks of occupational accidents and occupational diseases (health hazards). The thesis describes the procedures and methods to search, evaluation and risk prevention in the workplace and basic description of the standard ČSN OHSAS 18001. At the same time, there are also compared the results of statistical analysis of occupational accidents for the years 2006 to 2010 in the Czech Republic and selected construction company.
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Программа профилактики травматизма коленного сустава у юных баскетболистов : магистерская диссертация / Knee joints injury prevention program for young basketball-playersКрасовский, В. Д., Krasovskiy, V. D. January 2017 (has links)
Basketball is one of the most injury-risk team sports. Taking into consideration high frequency of knee joint injuries in both young and professional basketball-players and especially issues of overloads of locomotor apparatus in adult basketball, it is crucially important to develop and propose an effective prevention programs to avoid acute injuries and traumas of knee joints. The proposed study was focused on the development of special training prescriptions and recommendations for coaches and physical trainers aimed to implement prevention methods in the training process. The study was conducted in the Ural Federal University Sports Technologies Research Lab. Twenty young athletes born in 2002 from basketball youth sport schools (Yekaterinburg, Russia) were recruited for the study. The significant interrelations between functional state, oxygen transport and utilization systems and power of working muscles were established for the first time. A novel prevention program of knee joint injuries was introduced, effectiveness of which was proved during the study. / Баскетбол входит в пятерку самых травмоопасных командных, контактных видов спорта. Актуальность исследования обусловлена высокой частотой травматизма коленного сустава, как у молодых, так и у профессиональных баскетболистов. В особенности это грозит игрокам молодежных составов, так как при переходе в профессиональную команду растёт объем интенсивности нагрузки на опорно-двигательный аппарат и зачастую отсутствуют программы профилактики травматизма. Данная работа посвящена разработке рекомендаций по построению тренировочного процесса и внедрение в него программы профилактики травматизма для снижения степени риска повреждения коленного сустава. Исследование проводилось на базе лаборатории «Технологии восстановления и отбора в спорте» ЦКП ФГАОУ ВО УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина. В исследовании приняли участие 20 юных спортсменов 2002 года рождения, воспитанники детско-юношеских спортивных школ (г. Екатеринбург). Впервые была установлена связь между общим функциональным состоянием организма спортсмена, системой транспорта и утилизации кислорода работающими мышцами и силой мышц нижних конечностей. Была разработана и внедрена в тренировочный процесс программа профилактики травматизма коленного сустава, эффективность которой была доказана в ходе исследования.
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Vliv dynamického strečinku na výslednou dynamiku dolních končetin u volejbalistů / Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleybalHons, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleyball Objectives: The aim of this work was to find out if there is a correlation between long term dynamic stretching and muscle dynamics of lower limbs of volleyball players. Methods: Theoretical part is based on foreign literature and researches. To gain the necessary data, experimental study was created. It contained 10 male probands in the age of 16-19. In the beginning of the experiment, all the participants attended the Bosco test at the biomedical lab at UK FTVS. The main parameter was the total flight time of the entire 60 seconds. After that participants attended 8 weeks of 2 times a week of dynamic stretching before the training instead of their usual stretching stereotype. Immediately after those 8 weeks, second Bosco testing took place and the comparison of the data of the whole group and individuals was made from the view of their volleyball posts. Results: There was a slight improvement in all the data at the whole group and significant improvement in anaerobic endurance. After comparing of the results of all the probands no significant differences between the probands from the perspective of player's volleyball posts. Keywords: volleyball, stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching,...
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Efekt cíleného tréninku dolních fixátorů lopatek na funkci pletence ramenního u hráčů ragby. / Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players.Přibyl, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players The concept of the problem: Rugby is one of the toughest ball sports and there is no shortage of injuries. In addition, injuries in the shoulder area are among the most common and any possibility of reducing these injuries is beneficial. There is not much time left for compensation and targeted intervention; moreover, it is not usually led by physiotherapists but by fitness coaches and only in larger clubs. The consequence is a muscle imbalance in the shoulder girdle, which can result in the so-called scapular dyskinesis. This is turn affects the function and stability of the shoulder joint not only by the overhead athletes. It is possible to influence scapular dyskinesis in various ways. One of them is the inclusion of targeted training of lower scapular fixators into fitness training and thus their stability is improved. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether rugby players with painful shoulder have sufficiently scapular fixation based on kinesiological and biomechanical knowledge. Another aim of this thesis is to create such an exercise unit that would ensure the correct activity of the lower scapular fixators and verify this by measurement. The final...
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