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Sportovní činnost a její vliv na psychickou odolnost dítěte mladšího školního věku / Sport activites and their impact on the psychological resilience of a primary school age childRázek, Vítězslav January 2012 (has links)
Sport activites and their impact on the psychological resilience of a primary school age child The work is focused on the study of the relationship between the psychological resistance and the top dance sport. The aim of this paper is to verify whether is the psychological resilience in children of a primarys school age positively influenced by the top dance sport. In the theoretical part are described possible approaches to psychological resistance. Chapters ares dedicated to its definition and a list of potential diagnostic measuring methods. The study describes the relationship of sport and psychological resilience, which is based on those studies illustrated the positive impact of sport. Attention is also paid to the theoretical interpretation of the relationship of sport and children. For research are used: Mirror drawing test and questionnaires. The research confirmed the assumption that a higher resistance rate is witnessed in case of top athletes children than in the control group children. In the characteristics as adaptability - maladaptability. Higher level of resistance was confirmed when comparing the questionnaire "Self-efficacy to regulate exercise" and "Children's self-efficacy scale". Key words: psychological resiliency, primary school age child, self-efficacy, sport
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Percepce seniorů dětmi mladšího školního věku (6-8 let) / How primary children perceive seniors (6-8 years)BÁRTKOVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concentrated on perception of seniors by primary children (aged six to eight years). How primary children imagine seniors, how they perceive them and what characters children think seniors have got. The theoretical part is divided to three chapters. At first there is defined a primary school age. There are described characteristics and relationships between children, with their parents and mainly with their grandparents. In the second chapter there is characterized the old age, the role of seniors in families and their relationship with grandchildren. Then there is described the attitude to the old age seen by society. The last chapter of the hteoretical part contains the way I collected information (through a drawing and an interview). The practical part is focused on the fact how children draw seniors and searching for attributes in children´s drawings. Children´s attitudes to the old people are searched through interviews.
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Úroveň koordinačních schopností dětí mladšího školního věku / Coordination abilities level of younger school age childrenVlčková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Title: Coordination abilities' level of primary school children Author: Petra Vlčková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: Mgr. et Mgr. Zdeňka Engelthalerová Abstract: This thesis is devided into two parts. The theoretical part includes theoretical knowledge, which relates to motoric abilities, especially their definition and structuring in relation to primary school children. There is also a description of coordination abilities and their possibile recognising and development in detail. In the practical part there is a description of testing procedure which finds out the level of space orientation, balance and rhythm coordination abilities by pupils in the forth form at primary school. The tests results are statistically analysed and annotated. Obtained data are compiled in charts and diagrams. There is a supplement to the practical part containing the compendium of activities for coordination development. Key words: coordination abilities, primary school age, motor learning, motor tests
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Iva Procházková: literární dílo metodami dramatické výchovy / Iva Prochazkova: literatury work by methods of drama educationVágnerová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
The Abstract My dissertation is dedicated to a characteristic of pupils of primary school age from the point of developmental psychology and mutual relation of this age group and the reading in its teoretical part. The importan part of dissertation are the chapters which are aimed to well- marked personality of our literature Mrs. Iva Procházková. There is an analysis of Prochazkova's creation in my dissertation too. There is a more detailed characteristic of three chosen tituls - Pět minut před večeří, Středa nám chutná, Únos domů in teoretical part. And this part looks into mutual relation between dramatic education and literature. The target of my research is to prove the suitability of chosen chapters for the work in dramatic education. There are analysis of these literature patterns from education's view in the practical part. These titules are made as the projects of teaching lessons.
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Úroveň základní motorické výkonnosti a tělesné zdatnosti dětí mladšího školního věku / Basic motor performance and physical ability level of primary school age childrenBrázdová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to find out a level of a basic motor performance and a physical ability of the children attending the fifth grade of primary school. Part of this thesis is a survey made on the basis of the Unifittest and somatic measurements. Gained results - that proved below-average level of the physical ability of primary school age children - were compared with results of the Unifittest made in 2002. From motor and somatic testing results the physical ability of children was compared on the basis of place of residence. In connection with the discovered below-average physical ability of children we recommend introduction of the third compulsory P.E. lesson at primary schools.
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Jak probíhá rozhodování o výběru organizovaných volnočasových aktivit dětí mladšího školního věku? / Decision-making about primary school-aged children's participation in leisure activitiesPETROVÁ, Marie January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to clarify the fact who or what decides for primary school-aged children about the organized leisure activities. The theoretical part is focused on factors and effects which can influence and have an impact on the child. Also, the thesis outlines education styles and the family itself, which has, as one of the factors, a great influence in all directions. The theoretical part provides a preview which can help to connect and understand individual aspects which can influence the decision. The thesis presents qualitative research findings (grounded theory, two focal groups) in the form of decision-making scenarios.
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Hygienické návyky dětí mladšího školního věku na malotřídních školách / Hygiene habits of children of primary school ageGLÜCKSELIGOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the health habits of the primary school children at smallclass schools. It deals with the problem to which extent children follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle in everyday life, especially in the area of physical activity, sleep, organization of daily routine and extent of mental strain. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge of the characteristics of younger school age period and its development in the physical, mental and social context. Other chapters focus on the hygiene habits, mental hygiene, sleep and its disorders. Attention is also paid to the nophysical activity, nutrition, and their relationship to health. The research part presents the current results of the survey, to which there were used: A standardized questionnaire Řehulka (1987), Timetable of the day (Mužík, Bártová, 2010) and registration of physical activity with using a pedometer. This is a qualitative and quantitative research, which 78 children from four selected smallclass schools have been subjected to. The results show that there were not alarming deficiencies in fulfilling the above aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
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Rozvíjení hudebnosti u dětí mladšího školního věku při volnočasových aktivitách / Development of Musical Appreciaton by Younger Schoolars in leisure activitiesCHLUBNÁ, Dagmar January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains the characteristics of school age, basic physiology of hearing and voice, describes the development of musical abilities and their classification. It also defines the basic concepts of music psychology, describes some of the basic methodology of music education and addresses issues of motivation at school. The practical part consists of a project for school clubs on "Round the world journey". The project focuses on developing musical skills and abilities through play, building positive relationships within the group and learning about the culture of other nations.
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Vnímání a použití barev ve výtvarném projevu dětí mladšího školního věku / How primary children perceive and use colours in graphic activitiesZAJÍCOVÁ, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
The diploma work is concentrated on colours and how primary children perceive them. The theoretical part of this work deals with colour from the view of physics, optics and physiology. The theory of colours also partly touches on history and culture, and - more extensively - on psychological meaning of colours. It is followed by findings in the development of using colours in art expression of children and existing research on preferences of colours. The research part of this work is concentrated on primary children´s preferences of colours and on their differences in relation to age and gender.
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Rozvoj silových schopností dětí mladšího školního věku / Development of power abilities of children of primary school agePixová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ABILITIES OF CHILDREN OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to verify whether the formed set of exercises will have a positive effect on the strength capability progress of the 4th graders. The program is composed of different balance and coordinative workouts. It will be going on under my guidance twice a week for a period of three months, always at the beginning of every P. E. lesson. The package of practices will take 10 minutes, excluding stretching and warm-up. All the exercises will be noted down in didactical sheets. The indicator of the program success rate is going to be the tested by a motion test; specifically by staying power in pull-up, standing long jump and 60 second sit-ups. The measured performances and the weight of all the exercisers will be recorded. The same measurement will be carried out with the controlled group which is supervised by its form teacher. Finally, the efficiency of the whole program is compared. KEYWORDS: power abilities, balance exercises, primary school age
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