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Glucocorticoid receptors in inflammatory skin diseases:the effect of systemic and topical glucocorticoid treatment on the expression of GRα and GRβKubin, M. (Minna) 29 November 2016 (has links)
Glucocorticoids are the most important and widely used treatment modality in dermatology. A large variety of topical as well as systemic preparations is available. Most patients treated with glucocorticoids respond quickly to the treatment, but some are considered insensitive or even resistant to glucocorticoid therapy. Currently, there is no known measurable variable, through which the response can be predicted.
Glucocorticoids mediate their actions through glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Several isoforms of GR exist, but the α (GRα) and β (GRβ) isoforms are clinically the most important. Based on previous studies, it has been proposed that the abundance of GR isoforms or the GRβ: GRα –ratio could affect individual responsiveness to corticosteroid treatment. In particular, up-regulation of GRβ expression has been shown to be linked to resistance to corticosteroid treatment.
This thesis comprises three sub-studies. Firstly, we wanted to determine whether GRα and GRβ are expressed in inflammatory skin diseases. Secondly, we examined if the expression is altered by corticosteroid treatment in eczema atopicum, bullous pemphigoid and psoriasis. Finally, we measured the effects of a topical vitamin D3 analogue (calcipotriol) combined with betamethasone compared with betamethasone monotherapy on inflammatory biomarkers of psoriasis.
Our studies provide detailed novel data about the expression of GRα and GRβ. GRα and GRβ were shown to be expressed in the blood lymphocytes and lesional skin of patients with eczema atopicum, bullous pemphigoid and psoriasis, as well as in the skin of patients with eczema nummulare, lichen simplex chronicus and lichen ruber planus. Systemic corticosteroid treatment was shown to affect the expression of GRα and GRβ in eczema atopicum and bullous pemphigoid, but the inconsistent variation in their expression between patients prevented us from drawing firm conclusions. Neither GRα nor GRβ as a single marker were found to be a suitable predictor of corticosteroid responsiveness. Clinical and laboratory analyses showed that topical treatment of psoriasis with calcipotriol/betamethasone combination ointment is more beneficial measured by both than betamethasone monotherapy. / Tiivistelmä
Glukokortikoideja (”kortisoni”) käytetään tulehduksellisten ihotautien hoidossa paikallisesti tai systeemisenä lääkkeenä. Suurin osa potilaista reagoi hoitoon nopeasti, mutta osalla hoitovaste on heikompi tai ilmenee hitaasti. Tällä hetkellä ei tunneta keinoja ennustaa luotettavasti kortisonihoidon vastetta.
Glukokortikoidit vaikuttavat elimistössä glukokortikoidireseptorien (GR) kautta. Glukokortikoidireseptorista tunnetaan useita alatyyppejä, joista tärkeimmät ovat α (GRα) ja β (GRβ). Aiemman tiedon pohjalta on pidetty mahdollisena, että GR-alatyyppien suhteella tai määrällä on merkitystä kortisonivasteen syntymisessä. Erityisesti on arveltu, että ylimäärä GRβ:aa voisi estää kortisonihoidon vaikutusta. Tässä väitöskirjassa tavoitteena on ollut selvittää, tapahtuuko GR-alatyyppien ilmenemisessä muutoksia tulehduksellisia ihosairauksia sairastavilla potilailla sekä tutkia, miten kortisonihoito vaikuttaa GR-tasoihin atooppista ihottumaa, pemfigoidia ja psoriaasia sairastavilla potilailla. Lisäksi olemme verranneet paikallishoitoa pelkällä kortisonivoiteella D-vitamiinijohdos kalsipotriolin ja kortisonin yhdistelmähoitoon psoriaatikoilla.
Tutkimus on antanut uutta yksityiskohtaista tietoa GRα:n ja GRβ:n esiintymisestä ihossa ja tulehdussoluissa ihosairauksia sairastavilla potilailla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että GRα ja GRβ esiintyvät atooppista ihottumaa, pemfigoidia ja psoriaasia sairastavien potilaiden ihossa ja veren tulehdussoluissa sekä nummulaari-ihottumaa, neurodermatiittia ja punajäkälää sairastavien potilaiden ihossa. Suun kautta annettu kortisonihoito vaikuttaa GRα- ja GRβ–lähetti-RNA:n ilmenemiseen, mutta potilaskohtaiset erot ovat suuret, eikä kumpikaan, GRα tai GRβ, sovellu yksinään ennustamaan kortisonihoidon vastetta. Paikallisella kortisonihoidolla D-vitamiinijohdos kalsipotrioliin yhdistettynä on suotuisampi vaikutus psoriaasin tulehduksellisiin välittäjäaineisiin ja tulehdussoluihin kuin pelkällä paikallisella kortisonihoidolla.
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Genetics of ankylosing spondylitisKaraderi, Tugce January 2012 (has links)
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common inflammatory arthritis of the spine and other affected joints, which is highly heritable, being strongly influenced by the HLA-B27 status, as well as hundreds of mostly unknown genetic variants of smaller effect. The aim of my research was to confirm some of the previously observed genetic associations and to identify new associations, many of which are in biological pathways relevant to AS pathogenesis, most notably the IL-23/T<sub>H</sub>17 axis (IL23R) and antigen presentation (ERAP1 and ERAP2). Studies presented in this thesis include replication and refinement of several potential associations initially identified by earlier GWAS (WTCCC-TASC, 2007 and TASC, 2010). I conducted an extended study of IL23R association with AS and undertook a meta-analysis, confirming the association between AS and IL23R (non-synonymous SNP rs11209026, p=1.5 x 10-9, OR=0.61). An extensive re-sequencing and fine mapping project, including a meta-analysis, to replicate and refine the association of TNFRSF1A with AS was also undertaken; a novel variant in intron 6 was identified and a weak association with a low frequency variant, rs4149584 (p=0.01, OR=1.58), was detected. Somewhat stronger associations were seen with rs4149577 (p=0.002, OR=0.91) and rs4149578 (p=0.015, OR=1.14) in the meta-analysis. Associations at several additional loci had been identified by a more recent GWAS (WTCCC2-TASC, 2011). I used in silico techniques, including imputation using a denser panel of variants from the 1000 Genomes Project, conditional analysis and rare/low frequency variant analysis, to refine these associations. Imputation analysis (1782 cases/5167 controls) revealed novel associations with ERAP2 (rs4869313, p=7.3 x 10-8, OR=0.79) and several additional candidate loci including IL6R, UBE2L3 and 2p16.3. Ten SNPs were then directly typed in an independent sample (1804 cases/1848 controls) to replicate selected associations and to determine the imputation accuracy. I established that imputation using the 1000 Genomes Project pilot data was largely reliable, specifically for common variants (genotype concordence~97%). However, more accurate imputation of low frequency variants may require larger reference populations, like the most recent 1000 Genomes reference panels. The results of my research provide a better understanding of the complex genetics of AS, and help identify future targets for genetic and functional studies.
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