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音韻及語法的互動—「喫」(吃)和「乞」字被動式考察 / Interaction between phonology and syntax— The passive construction of “chi”and “qi” in Chinese陳菘霖, Chen sung lin Unknown Date (has links)
閩方言單用的被動標記「乞」基本上都必須帶有施事者,形成長被動「NP1+乞+NP2+V」,但有少數的用例顯示,仍可以接受不帶施事的短被動「NP1+乞+V」。動詞「乞」的語義本身就帶有下對上的位階關係,因此操控權並非只限於 「乞」的主語。據此,論文的最後一章推測短被動「乞」的形成有兩個重要條件:動詞作格化(被動化)、動作事件的發生是在非自願性(不幸說)。歷史上「乞+N」最早出現,但是因為名詞動詞的模糊性產生「乞+N」>「乞+V」如「乞降」。
關鍵字: 詞彙擴散 被動標記 與格轉換 作格化(被動化) / Abstract
This paper is aimed at two perspectives, “synchronic time” and “diachronic time,” and explores issues relating to “喫” “吃,” and “乞” from dialect, cross-linguistic phenol, and historical corpus discussions, including historical phonology, dialectic grammar, and historical grammar.
The results show that the two words “喫” and “吃” are replaced by the “齧” and “齕” parts, while the mixed mechanism of “喫” and “吃” is derived from the homophone of “乞 (beg)” and “契”(bond), thus leading to the synonyms “喫” and “吃”
Additionally, targeting the word “喫” that means diet, historic-phonology-related speculations were made. According to the sound shift rules, the word “喫” with “見” system and “溪” constituent should be pronounced as a palatalized sound (tilde) in the modern Chinese language. However, under the influence of lexical diffusion, some consonants fall under the “照” system. Other examples such as “廈” and “閘” also follow this pattern.
According to literatures, there have been cases of “喫” “吃” and “乞” used as passive markers, which have been alternatively used. According to the phonological information of the Min dialect, it shows that the semantic roots of “喫” “吃” and “乞” are not the same and that the alternative use is mainly to form a set of homophones from the historical sound shifts.
In the Min dialect, there is a single checked tone “乞” which means “give, causative, beg, supplicate, and passive.” In the Minnan region, the passive usage is “乞與” or the dative verb to be given “與.” Hence, the hypothesis is the passive marker “beg” in the Min dialect may have different semantic roots: one is the dative verb that compounds with “與” and “乞與” which are headed toward the direction of give>causative>passive; the other is the word “乞” that shifts from demand to passive. In order to demonstrate this point, the English word “get” was observed in this paper. The dative shift, lexical decomposition, and Porto agent Porto patient were explored.
The dialectic corpus shows that “乞” can appear in the position of the verb and dative marker, thus forming S+乞+DO+乞+IO and the double object construction 乞+IO+DO. Through the dative shift theory, the latter can be deduced from the former. Additionally, the “乞與+IO+DO” double object construction has also been throughout history. The existence of the two sentence patterns plays the role of “to distinguish,” just like “borrowing” and “lending” in the Chinese language. In the Min dialect, the “乞與+IO+DO” double object construction is not used. Therefore, it is speculated that “乞與” was first formed as a set of opposite (meaning) antonym. With the collocation of “與” and the grammaticalization of “乞與” compounded to form and tie with the causative verb and head toward passive marker development. In conjunction with the development of “乞與” it is speculated that the source of the sole use of “乞” is worth exploring.
Basically, the passive marker “乞” used in the Min dialect must have a causal agent, forming long passive construction “NP1+乞+NP2+V.” However, few cases show that short passive construction “NP1+乞+V” without a causative agent is still acceptable. The verb “乞” itself possesses the semantic bottom-to-top relationship. Thus, the control is not restricted to the “乞” subject. Accordingly, the last chapter in this paper covers two speculated important conditions that contribute to the formation of “乞”: ergativization/passivization and occurrences of actions that are involuntary (sad to say). In history, “乞+N” first appeared, but due to the ambiguity of the nouns and verbs, “乞+N” > “乞+V” such as “beg to surrender or got tamed” resulted. On the other hand, the generation of the long passive “乞,” as observed through other passives, is associated with the “NP1+被+V+於+NP2” structure. Through syntactic operations and sentential convergence, “NP1+乞+NP2+V” eventually resulted.
In contrast of the two, short passive is the reanalysis of “乞” in “乞+V” to derive at a secondary verb (coverb), while long passive is generated through syntactic operation.
Keywords: Lexical diffusion, Passive markers, Dative shift, Ergativization (passivization)
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Μορφοσυντακτική ανάλυση των ρημάτων ψυχικού πάθους της νέας ελληνικής / Morphosyntactic analysis of the psych verbs in modern GreekΚαλαμίδα, Αντιγόνη 04 May 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι να δώσει μια ανάλυση των ρημάτων ψυχικού πάθους της Νέας Ελληνικής βασισμένη σε δύο σημαντικούς παράγοντες: α) την συντακτική πραγμάτωση των ορισμάτων του κατηγορήματος και β) την μορφολογία της φωνής του ρήματος. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, εξετάζω την κατηγορία ρημάτων ψυχικού πάθους που παρουσιάζει την εναλλαγή μεταξύ των δύο συντακτικών δομών Object Experiencer και Subject Experiencer με ταυτόχρονη εναλλαγή στην μορφολογία της φωνής του ρήματος μεταξύ της ενεργητικής και της μεσοπαθητικής. Το βασικό ερώτημα στο οποίο επιχειρώ να απαντήσω είναι εάν οι δομές Subject Experiencer με μεσοπαθητική μορφολογία στο ρήμα αποτελούν παθητικοποιημένες δομές των αντίστοιχων δομών Object Experiencer με ενεργητική μορφολογία στο ρήμα.
Αρχικά, στο κεφάλαιο 1 συζητώ το πρόβλημα σύνδεσης των θεματικών ρόλων και των συντακτικών θέσεων που εμφανίζουν τα ρήματα ψυχικού πάθους γενικά, καθώς και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο τα ρήματα ψυχικού πάθους της Νέας Ελληνικής εκδηλώνουν αυτό το πρόβλημα. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό υποστηρίζω ότι ένας σημαντικός παράγοντας που πρέπει να μελετηθεί είναι η μορφολογία της φωνής του ρήματος. Έπειτα, στο κεφάλαιο 2 που αποτελεί το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο, παρουσιάζω α) τις σημαντικότερες συντακτικές αναλύσεις που έχουν προταθεί για την ερμηνεία της συμπεριφοράς των ρημάτων αυτών και, β) τις ιδιότητες και ερμηνείες της μεσοπαθητικής μορφολογίας της φωνής στην Νέα Ελληνική που αποτελεί σημαντικό παράγοντα για την μελέτη των ρημάτων αυτών. Στο κεφάλαιο 3 επεκτείνω την κατηγοριοποίηση που έχει προταθεί για τα ρήματα ψυχικού πάθους, με βάση την συντακτική προβολή των ορισμάτων του κατηγορήματος και την μορφολογία της φωνής στα ρήματα αυτά και συζητώ την συντακτική συμπεριφορά κάθε κατηγορίας.
Στο κεφάλαιο 4 εξετάζω σε βάθος μια συγκεκριμένη κατηγορία ρημάτων ψυχικού πάθους της Νέας Ελληνικής η οποία παρουσιάζει την εξής συμπεριφορά: τα ρήματα αυτά μπορούν να εμφανίζουν την εναλλαγή μεταξύ Object Experiencer και Subject Experiencer συντακτικών δομών, η οποία συνοδεύεται από εναλλαγή στην ρηματική μορφολογία της φωνής. Αρχικά, ελέγχω την δυνατότητα συντακτικής παθητικοποίησης των Object Experiencer ρημάτων κι έπειτα, εξετάζω την ερμηνεία των δομών Subject Experiencer με ρήμα μεσοπαθητικής μορφολογίας. Καταλήγω στο συμπέρασμα ότι μια Subject Experiencer δομή με ρήμα μεσοπαθητικής μορφολογίας μπορεί να έχει α) την παθητική δομή και ερμηνεία, και σε αυτή την περίπτωση παράγεται από την αντίστοιχη Object Experiencer ενεργητική δομή, β) την μέση δομή και ερμηνεία, όταν το ποιητικό αίτιο παραλείπεται και, γ) την αυτοπαθή δομή και ερμηνεία όταν η προθετική φράση που εμφανίζεται σε αυτή δηλώνει την αιτία. Αυτό εξαρτάται από την θέση στην όποια παράγεται το μεσοπαθητικό μόρφημα στην βαθεία δομή, στην παρουσία η όχι προσαρτήματος και στο είδος του προσαρτήματος αυτού. Στο κεφάλαιο 5 κάνω μια ανασκόπηση όλης της εργασίας και συνοψίζω τα συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν από την ανάλυση που έγινε στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο. / The purpose of the present study is to provide an analysis of the psych verbs in Modern Greek which is based on two significant factors: a) the syntactic realization of the arguments of the predicate and b) the voice morphology of the verb. More specifically, I am examining a particular category of the Greek psych verbs: the category that involves at the same time an alternation between two syntactic structures, the Object Experiencer and the Subject Experiencer structures and an alternation between the active and the mediopassive voice morphology. The basic question which I will try to answer is whether the Subject Experiencer structures with the mediopassive voice morphology on the verb are the passivized forms of the corresponding Object Experiencer structures with the active voice morphology on the verb.
First of all, in the first chapter I am discussing the linking problem between thematic roles and syntactic positions that the psych verbs generally pose, as well as the way in which this problem is manifested by the Greek psych verbs in particular. In this context, I claim that a very important factor that has to be investigated is the voice morphology of the verb. Moreover, in chapter 2, that is the theoretical background of the present study, I am presenting a) the most important syntactic analyses that have been proposed for the explanation of the behavior of these verbs and b) the properties and interpretations of the mediopassive voice morphology of the verb in Modern Greek that is a very significant factor for the study of these verbs. In chapter 3 I am expanding the categorization of the psych verbs that has been proposed, on the basis of the syntactic projection of the arguments of the predicate and the voice morphology of these verbs and I am discussing the syntactic behavior of each category.
In chapter 4 I am examining in deep a specific category of psych verbs in Modern Greek which presents the following behavior: these verbs can involve the alternation between the Object Experiencer and the Subject Experiencer syntactic structures, which is combined with an alternation in the voice morphology of the verb. To begin with, I am examining the possibility of syntactic passivization of Object Experiencer verbs and then, I am investigating the interpretation of Subject Experiencer structures with a verb that has the mediopassive morphology. The conclusion to which I am reaching is that a Subject Experiencer structure with a verb that has the mediopassive morphology can have a) the passive structure and interpretation, and in this case the structure is derived by the corresponding Object Experiencer active structure, b) the middle structure and interpretation, when the agent is omitted and, c) the reflexive structure and interpretation when the prepositional phrase that is present in it expresses the cause. The aforementioned depends on the position in which the mediopassive morpheme is derived in the Deep Structure, on the presence or not of an adjunct and on the nature of this adjunct. In chapter 5 I am summarizing the whole study and providing a synopsis of the main conclusions of the analysis that was depicted in the fourth chapter.
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