Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatient are team."" "subject:"apatient are beam.""
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Nurses' and physicians' attitudes toward physician-nurse collaboration in private hospital critical care units.Le Roux, Lynn 25 April 2014 (has links)
In the setting of the critical care unit, the nurse is caring for the critically ill patients and is the care giver who is present at the bedside for 24 hours. The nurse comes into contact with all other disciplines attending to the patient and is thus often the common link in the multidisciplinary team. It is therefore essential that there is effective collaboration between the physician and the nursing practitioner.With the world-wide shortage of skilled nurses worsening, it is imperative that we look at a means of retaining our current nursing personnel and attracting new nurses into the profession. Many studies examining the relationship between a healthy work environment and the retention of nurses have rated collaboration as a key aspect.
The setting for this study was five critical care units within the private health care sector. The study investigated both nurses’ and physicians’ attitudes towards collaboration in critical care units, as well as identifying factors which facilitate and constrain effective physician-nurse collaboration. Recommendations for enhancing collaboration within the critical care unit were explored.
In this study a non-experimental descriptive design was be used. The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration, a 15 statement Likert scale, was utilized to collect data from both the nurses and the physicians. The data was analysed using factor analysis and descriptive statistics.
The results showed that nurses had a slightly more positive attitude toward collaboration as compared to the physicians, however the difference in the overall scores was not statistically significant.
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The exploration of the effective use of team nursing amongst professional nurses in Dr George Mukhari HospitalNkosi, Lillian Jabu January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M Cur)--University of Limpopo, 2011. / Title: The exploration of the effective use of team nursing amongst professional nurses in Dr
George Mukhari Hospital.
The aim of this study was to determine the effective use of team nursing amongst professional
nurse with the purpose of determining the barriers of the effective use of team nursing amongst
professional nurses.
Background: Nationwide after the Second World War the professional nurses were still scarce,
although a small number of nurses had been trained. Nurses are constantly being challenged to
seek ways of improving patient care, not only for the benefit of patients, but for the profession
itself. The introduction of team nursing resulted in improved quality patient care.
Objectives: To determine the effective use of team nursing amongst professional nurses
To determine the role of team nursing in patient care
To determine the barriers of the effective use of team nursing amongst professional
Method: A descriptive approach was used to determine the effective use of team nursing
amongst professional nurses, the role of team nursing in patient care and the barriers of the
effective use of team nursing. The sample consisted of professional nurses working in the
theatres, intensive care unit and the surgical wards. Data was collected using questionnaires from
professional nurses working in the different nursing units. A hundred and twenty (120)
questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and the response was eighty five (85%) that is
(102) questionnaires were completed. Data was coded by the researcher and analyzed by a
statistician using a statistical computer program called SAS (Statistical Analysis System), and
presented in figures and tables.
Results: The results of the data collected reveal that poor communication, negative attitude, lack
of cooperation and the autocratic leadership style are the barriers of the effective use of team
nursing amongst professional nurses. The results show that team nursing has a lot of advantages
for patients.
Conclusion: The findings will be used to develop strategies to remedy the barriers of the
effective use of team nursing amongst professional nurses to improve the quality of patient care
rendered. Team nursing is still the best nursing care assignment method in caring for patients.
Key Words: Effective, Exploration, Nursing, Professional, Professional Nurse, Team, Team
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Interprofessionella team i vården : en studie om samarbete mellan hälsoprofessioner /Kvarnström, Susanne, January 2007 (has links)
Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2007. / Härtill 2 uppsatser.
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The Experience of the Health Care Team Members Involved in Facial Transplant Surgery and Patient Care: A DissertationEvans, Linda A. 11 April 2012 (has links)
The attitudes and experiences of the health care team members involved in facial transplant surgery and patient care were explored in this study, which utilized a qualitative descriptive method. The Specific Aims of the study and the interview questions were guided by “Moore’s Ethical Criteria for Surgical Innovation.” Overall, the participants believed that the risk-benefit ratio of facial transplantation favored proceeding with the procedure in the clinical scenarios with which they had been exposed. The participant’s experience was challenging and rewarding, and they expressed personal fulfillment from the opportunity to be involved in the transformation of another human being’s life. Moreover, the entire effort exhibited highly effective team work which displayed esprit de corps, was guided by superior leadership, and illuminated the importance of the clinical, intellectual, and historical environment of the institution where the procedures took place. These components represent a “surgical innovation cluster,” a proposed framework for guiding surgical innovative efforts which represent major paradigmatic shifts in both scientific effort and social philosophy.
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Team effectiveness of an healthcare institution in Hong Kong.January 1999 (has links)
by Chan Wai Kei Victoria. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-79). / ABSTRACT --- p.3 / Chapter CHAPTER I: --- INTRODUCTION --- p.4 / Chapter CHAPTER II: --- GLOBAL AND LOCAL HEALTHCARE REFORM --- p.7 / Chapter CHAPTER III: --- HEALTHCARE REFORM AND TEAMWORK --- p.12 / Chapter CHAPTER IV : --- LITERATURE REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON TEAMWORK --- p.15 / Chapter CHAPTER V : --- CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY --- p.24 / Chapter CHAPTER VI: --- METHODOLOGY --- p.32 / Chapter CHAPTER VII : --- INTERVIEW RESULTS --- p.37 / Chapter CHAPTER VIII : --- ANALYSIS --- p.53 / Chapter CHAPTER IX : --- RECOMMENDATION --- p.61 / Chapter CHAPTER X : --- CONCLUSION --- p.71 / APPENDIX : GUIDELINE FOR INTERVIEWING HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS IN HONG KONG --- p.72 / REFERENCES --- p.75
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Interprofissionalidade na estratÃgia saÃde da famÃlia: condiÃÃes de possibilidade para a integraÃÃo de saberes e a colaboraÃÃo interprofissional / Interprofissionalidade strategy in family health: conditions of possibility for integration of knowledge and interprofessional collaborationAna Ecilda Lima Ellery 17 April 2012 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / O princÃpio da interprofissionalidade à critÃrio fundamental que orienta equipes multiprofissionais na EstratÃgia SaÃde da FamÃlia. A aÃÃo profissional, no entanto, parece ser marcada por uma lÃgica caracterizada pela delimitaÃÃo estreita de territÃrios de cada categoria, conformando um quadro de disputa entre as lÃgicas contraditÃrias da profissionalizaÃÃo e da interprofissionalidade. Esta à compreendida como a sÃntese de um processo de integraÃÃo de saberes e de colaboraÃÃo interprofissional, processos estes mediados pelos afetos. Considerando haver obstÃculos diversos para a efetivaÃÃo da
interprofissionalidade, a pesquisa objetiva compreender a dinÃmica das relaÃÃes interprofissionais na produÃÃo do cuidado na EstratÃgia SaÃde da FamÃla, explorando a existÃncia de condiÃÃes de possibilidade para a construÃÃo da interprofissionalidade na AtenÃÃo PrimÃria à SaÃde no Brasil. Trata-se de estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, inspirado na HermenÃutica. O cenÃrio de estudo à um Centro de SaÃde da FamÃlia, numa capital brasileira. A recolha das informaÃÃes foi procedida no perÃodo de marÃo a agosto de 2011, com realizaÃÃo de entrevistas abertas, observaÃÃo das atividades desenvolvidas pelas equipes e realizaÃÃo de oficinas de produÃÃo de conhecimento, envolvendo 23 profissionais
da ESF, NÃcleos de Apoio à SaÃde da Familia e residentes de Medicina e de SaÃde da FamÃlia e Comunidade. Foram identificadas condiÃÃes de possibilidades da interprofissionalidade na ESF, sintetizadas em trÃs dimensÃes: organizacional, coletiva e subjetiva. Incluem-se na dimensÃo organizacional dispositivos e arranjos institucionais, suportes para as atividades interprofissionais, quais sejam: a estruturaÃÃo de uma âRede de SaÃde â Escolaâ, transformando todas as unidades de saÃde de um municÃpio em espaÃos de ensino, pesquisa e assistÃncia; a âEducaÃÃo Permanente Interprofissionalâ que contribua para ultrapassar a lÃgica
da profissionalizaÃÃo ainda hegemÃnica na formaÃÃo dos trabalhadores da saÃde; bem como a âAbordagem Centrada na FamÃliaâ, em contraposiÃÃo à tendÃncia de organizar os serviÃos de saÃde com base em interesses corporativos. A segunda dimensÃo enfoca aspectos relacionados à organizaÃÃo dos profissionais como grupo de trabalho, ou seja, a organizaÃÃo
do coletivo em comunidade de prÃtica, caracterizada pela pactuaÃÃo de um projeto em comum, engajamento mÃtuo e repertÃrios compartilhados. Mesmo tendo sido os profissionais
da saÃde formados hegemonicamente para a lÃgica da profissionalizaÃÃo, envolvendo luta por status e reserva de mercado de trabalho, a participaÃÃo numa equipe da ESF, constituida como comunidade de prÃtica, possibilita a aprendizagem de outros valores, favorecendo a integraÃÃo de saberes e a colaboraÃÃo interprofissional, embora nÃo livre de conflitos. A terceira dimensÃo privilegia aspectos subjetivos, como a identificaÃÃo dos profissionais com o modelo assistencial da ESF, saber lidar com frustraÃÃes e a afetividade. Consideramos ser possÃvel a interprofissionalidade, desde que sejam disponibilizadas condiÃÃes organizacionais e coletivas, mobilizadoras de aspectos subjetivos dos profissionais. A oferta das condiÃÃes de possibilidade, no plano organizacional, à indispensÃvel, mas nÃo suficiente para a integraÃÃo de saberes e a colaboraÃÃo interprofissional. Sem a mobilizaÃÃo dos afetos, dos desejos e dos micropoderes de cada sujeito, nÃo hà interprofissionalidade possÃvel. / The principle of interprofessional learning and practice is a fundamental criterion that guides multidisciplinary teams in the Family Health Strategy (FHS).The professional action
however, seems to be marked by a logic characterized by the narrow boundaries of the territories of each category as a scene of contention between the contradictory logics of
professionalization and interprofessional practice. This is understood as the synthesis of a process of integration of knowledge and interprofessional collaboration (COLET, 2002).
These processes are mediated by affects. Considering that there are several obstacles to the realization of the interprofessional learning and practice, the research aims to understand the dynamics of inter-relationships in the production of care in the familyÂs health strategy,
exploiting the existence of conditions of possibility for the construction of interprofessional learning and practice. This is a qualitative case study inspired by hermeneutics. The scenario is a study of the Family Health Center, in a Brazilian capital. The gathering of the
information was provided from March to August 20122, with open interviews, observation of activities in the FHS and workshops for knowledge production, involving 23 professionals. Conditions were identified in the possibilities of interprofessional FHS, combined in the
following groups: Organizational, collective, and subjective. Included in the organizational dimension are devices and institutional arrangements, cross-media activities for the structuring of a âHealth-Education systemsâ, transforming all health facilities of a
municipality into areas of teaching, research, and assistance. The âinterprofessional continuing educationâ helps to overcome the hegemonic logic of professionalism, sill found in the training of healthcare workers and user-centered approach, in contrast to the trend of
organizing health service base on corporate interests. The second dimension focuses on aspects related to the organization of professionals working as a group, or the organizations of the collective community practice, characterized by agreeing on a common project, mutual
engagement and shared repertoire. Even though health professionals trained to the hegemonic logic of professionalization, involving a struggle to preserve status and labor market participation in the ESF team, the way they are formed as a community of practice, enables
the learning of other values, knowledge and practice, favoring the integration of interprofessional collaboration and knowledge, though not free of conflict. The third
dimension includes subjective aspects such as the identification of professionals of the ESF health care model, dealing with frustration and affection. We consider that the interprofessional learning and practice is possible, if subjected to the organizational and collective conditions, mobilizing subjective aspects of professionals. The offering conditions of possibility in the organizational level are essential but not sufficient for integration of knowledge and interprofessional collaboration. Without the mobilization of emotions, desires
and micro powers of each subject, inter-professional learning and practice is not possible.
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Co-operation among rehabilitation actors for return to working life /Kärrholm, Jenny, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Nurses' attitudes about nurse/physician collaboration an exploration of the influence of work setting and educational background /Brown, Catherine Elizabeth. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1987. / "A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ..."
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Nurses' attitudes about nurse/physician collaboration an exploration of the influence of work setting and educational background /Brown, Catherine Elizabeth. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1987. / "A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ..."
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Factorial validity of the team skills scale as used for Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training (GITT) /Owens, Myra G., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006. / Prepared for: School of Allied Health Professions. Bibliography: leaves 189-212. Also available online.
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