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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relato de viaje. Experiencias siguiendo las huellas de la Pedagogía del Oprimido

Cameran, Erica <1980> 27 May 2011 (has links)
La tesis es una invitación al viaje, un híbrido entre un ensayo y una narración que busca llegar directamente al lector con un estilo de escritura que se columpia entre lo lírico y lo científico. Relato de viaje narra y reflexiona sobre el viaje de indagación de una educadora que se está formando como investigadora, un viaje emprendido entre dos escuelas en Argentina y en México con el deseo de construir experiencias de educación más democrática en un ambiente tan autoritario como la escuela, intentado así seguir las huellas de la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire, desarrollando la acción educativa con el instrumento de la animación sociocultural. La investigación narrativa y la reflexión durante la práctica profesional se funden en la indagación sobre dos estudios de caso en la búsqueda de una metodología de investigación adecuada a la realidad del trabajo de campo y a la inquietud personal y profesional. Por esta razón, la tesis no presenta solamente el estudio de los dos casos a través de dos diarios de campo - uno de los cuales redactado en colaboración con los educandos - y de las entrevistas, sino también presenta la descripción del proceso de investigación con las dificultades que conllevó y la descripción del contexto argentino y mexicano a través de un diario personal.

Reconceptualising professional development in early childhood education. A study on teachers' professionalism carried out in Bologna province.

Lazzari, Arianna <1981> 27 May 2011 (has links)
The research undertaken for this doctoral thesis explores the issue of teachers professionalism within pre-school institutions. The issue of early childhood professionalism has become increasingly important in the academic debate over the last decade as it is documented by a growing body of research published on the topic both nationally (Contini & Manini, 2007; Bondioli & Ferrari, 2004) and internationally (Peeters, 2008; Urban & Dalli, 2008; Urban, 2010). The study presented in this thesis aims at investigating teachers’ conceptualisations of professionalism by focusing on their understandings of educational work. The idea standing at the core of this research is that exploring the concept of professionalism from a ground-up perspective could lead to important reflections for a re-conceptualisation of professional development as a space for change directed from within institutions. The study is framed within a broadly sociological concern that inform the data analysis by contextualising the issue of early childhood professionalism in the contemporary socio-political arena. The research involves sixty teachers operating in state, municipal and private pre-school institutions located in Bologna province that took part to focus groups and interviews. The empirical materials, consisting of oral and written statements, are interpreted through phenomenographical analysis that gives account of how features of professionalism vary across the different institutional settings in which they are played out. This thesis, written in English and informed by an European research background, offers a contribution to the furthering of systemic approaches to the investigation of early childhood education professionalism in the context of the national and international academic debate.

Società della conoscenza e social-networking: un esperienza di forum

Maeran, Gilda <1980> 27 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Il filo di Arianna - Una ricerca multi ed interdisciplinare per il superamento degli handicap che la x fragile propone / Ariadne's Thread - A multi-disciplinary and inter institutional action research to overcoming the handicap related to X fragile Syndrome.

Imola, Alice <1980> 28 May 2013 (has links)
Il seguente lavoro di tesi verte sulla ricerca-azione formazione triennale “Il Filo di Arianna” realizzata in convenzione tra Associazione Italiana Sindrome X Fragile e Dipartimento Di Scienze dell’Educazione – Università di Bologna, finalizzata alla superamento degli handicap che la X fragile propone. La ricerca ha un fuoco in Pedagogia Speciale e un carattere multidisciplinare e inter istituzionale grazie alla sinergia con l’area neuroriabilitativa (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) San Raffaele Pisana di Roma) e l’area della Psicologia Clinica (Ospedale Bambin Gesù di Roma). Il lavoro di tesi descrive il percorso per giungere alle linee guida di intervento scaturite dalla ricerca, per il potenziamento cognitivo ed affettivo di bambini e persone con x fragile nei contesti di casa, scuola e tempo libero. / The thesis focuses on the three-year action research named "Ariadne's Thread" organized by the agreement between Associazione Italiana Sindrome X Fragile and the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione of the University of Bologna. The main target of the research, focus on "Pedagogia Speciale" (Special Pedagogy and Didactics of Integration), is the overcoming of the handicap related to X fragile Syndrome. It has a multi-disciplinary and inter-institutional character thanks to the synergy with the neurorehabilitation area(Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) San Raffaele Pisana di Roma) and the area of Clinical Psychology (Ospedale Bambin Gesù di Roma). The final project analyses the path to reach the guidelines for the cognitive and affective enhancement of X fragile children and people at home, school and during spare time.

Le rappresentazioni sociali della musica degli insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia. Documenti orientativi e indagini empiriche a confronto tra Italia e Venezuela / Social representations of music teacher school. Guidance documents and surveys empirical comparison between Italy and Venezuela

Gallicchio, Adriana <1970> 28 May 2013 (has links)
Questo lavoro si occupa di studiare l’effetto delle rappresentazioni sociali della musica degli studenti universitari che diventeranno insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia e in particolare i cambiamenti che intervengono durante il periodo di formazione universitaria sia italiana sia venezuelana. Obiettivo fondamentale è quindi realizzare un’analisi comparativa sulle seguenti tematiche: bambino musicale, competenze dell’insegnante e finalità dell’educazione musicale. Questo lavoro si è inserito all’interno del progetto “Il sapere musicale come rappresentazione sociale” (Addessi-Carugati 2010). L’ipotesi guida è che le concezioni implicite della musica funzionino come rappresentazioni sociali che influenzano le pratiche dell’insegnamento e dell’educazione musicale. Il primo capitolo, affronta i temi dei bambini, degli insegnanti e dell’educazione musicale nella scuola dell’infanzia in Italia e Venezuela. Nel secondo vengono presentati gli studi sui saperi musicali; la teoria delle rappresentazioni sociali (Moscovici 1981) e il progetto pilota realizzato presso l’Università di Bologna “Il sapere musicale come Rappresentazione Sociale”. Il capitolo successivo presenta l'analisi e l'interpretazione dell’indagine empirica effettuata su un gruppo di studenti dei corsi di formazione per insegnanti dell’Università di Mérida (Venezuela). Nel quarto capitolo si sviluppano riflessioni e discussioni riguardo i risultati dello studio comparativo; i piani e programmi di studio universitari e il profilo professionale musicale dell’insegnante. Le conclusioni finali illustrano come l’ipotesi iniziale sia effettivamente confermata: dall’analisi e interpretazione dei dati sembra che le concezioni implicite sui saperi musicali possedute dagli studenti influiscano sulla loro pratica professionale in qualità di futuri insegnanti. Si è anche osservato che le differenze incontrate sembrano essere dovute ai diversi tipi di variabili del contesto dove si trova l’insegnante di educazione musicale; e soprattutto ai significati espressi dai programmi di studi, dai contenuti didattici diversi, dai contesti sociali e culturali e dal curriculum universitario. / This work is to study the effect of social representations of music college students who will become teachers of kindergarten and in particular the changes that occur during the university education period in Italy and Venezuela. The main objective was to make a comparison on the following issues: musical child, skills of the teacher and the purpose of music education. This work is embedded within the project "The musical knowledge as a social representation" (Addessi-Carugati 2010). The leading hypothesis is that the implicit conceptions of music work as social representations that influence the practices of teaching and music education. The first chapter deals with the themes of children, teachers and music education in kindergarten in Italy and Venezuela. The second shows studies on musical knowledge, the theory of social representations (Moscovici 1981) and the pilot project at the University of Bologna "The musical knowledge as Social Representation". The third chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the empirical investigation carried out on a group of students of teacher training at the University of Mérida (Venezuela). In the fourth chapter we reflect and discuss on the results of the comparative study, the plans and programs of graduate study and the professional music teacher profile. The conclusions illustrate how the initial hypothesis has actually been confirmed: by the analysis and interpretation of the findings seems that the concepts implicit knowledge about music owned by the students affect their practice as future teachers. It was also noted that the differences encountered seem to be caused by different types of variables in the environment of the music education teacher, and especially by the meanings expressed by the different teaching contents, the social and cultural contexts and university curriculum.

Progettualità e interventi educativi nella dislessia. Il progetto ProDSA e le prospettive future di ricerca. / Educational intervention in Dyslexia. ProDSA: the project and future prospects of research.

Emili, Enrico Angelo <1976> 28 May 2013 (has links)
Il presente lavoro è strutturato in quattro parti analizzando e comparando le pubblicazioni del settore scientifico italiano, anglofono e tedesco di riferimento. Nel primo capitolo della tesi viene proposta una riflessione sulle parole che ruotano attorno al tema dei DSA e della disabilità. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentati, a partire dalla letteratura scientifica di riferimento, gli indicatori di rischio che segnalano possibili disturbi specifici di apprendimento e le caratteristiche di apprendimento dei DSA mettendo in luce potenzialità e talenti spesso intrinseci. Nel terzo capitolo viene vagliata la normativa di riferimento, in particolare la recente Legge 170/2010 e le relative Linee Guida. Nel quarto capitolo, partendo dal tema della diffusione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (da ora in poi TIC) nel mondo della scuola, sono ampiamente trattati i principali strumenti compensativi (sintesi vocale, libri digitali, mappe concettuali, Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale) e le misure dispensative adottabili. Nel quinto capitolo viene analizzato in tutte le sue parti il Piano Didattico Personalizzato (da ora in poi PDP) e viene proposto un possibile modello di PDP pubblicato sul sito dell'Ufficio per l’Ambito Territoriale di Bologna. Nel sesto capitolo della tesi viene presentato il Progetto Regionale ProDSA. Il Progetto, rivolto a studenti, con diagnosi di DSA, delle scuole secondarie di primo grado e del primo biennio delle secondarie di secondo grado dell’Emilia-Romagna, ha visto, grazie a un finanziamento della Regione, la consegna in comodato d'uso gratuito di tecnologie compensative agli alunni che hanno aderito. La sezione empirica del presente lavoro indaga l’uso reale che è stato fatto degli strumenti proposti in comodato d’uso e le motivazioni legate alla scelta di non utilizzarli in classe. Nel settimo capitolo vengono proposti strumenti progettati per rispondere concretamente alle criticità emerse dall'analisi dei dati e per sensibilizzare il mondo della scuola sulle caratteristiche dei DSA. / This work consists of four sections and many international publications have been examined and analized. The first chapter presents a reflection about the word “Dislexya” and the differences between the Italian scientific community that does not consider it as a disability and the English scientific community that sees it as a “learning disability”. The second contains the basics and the characteristics of Dislexya, in addition, in the third one I have talked about the recent law about Dislexya, Law 170/2010 that, unfortunately is not so well-known yet, on the strength of a personal cognitive survey for parents and teachers in Bologna. The forth contemplates the main technological means (TTS, text-to-speech, digital books and ISB, Interactive Smart Board) and the projects like “Classi 2.0” and “Lab-InT”, which are relevant to teachers from all sectors at primary and secondary level (ages 6-13) to spread the use of technology inside the school context. The fifth concerns the PDP, a document for teaching plan that can be easily modified by teachers for their own particular classroom and the sixth chapter is dedicated on ProDSA, a regional project about students with Dislexya in Emilia Romagna, that consisted of giving a laptop and text to speech for free. The seventh deals with a range of different ways of promotion about Dislexya, by providing ideas which can stimulate and support the teachers and the parents, like different materials available to download from the official instructional site of Emilia Romagna and from my personal website www.inclusione.it as well. The final part refers to how much important is to leave room for technologies inside the inclusive context because they can favorite a good setting oriented to the instructional design and an accesible environment for everyone.

Social inclusion of vulnerable groups through participatory and emancipatory approaches. Implementing active citizenship and socially innovative actions in the framework of civil & human rights model of disability

Traina, Ivan <1976> 06 June 2014 (has links)
The research hypothesis of the thesis is that “an open participation in the co-creation of the services and environments, makes life easier for vulnerable groups”; assuming that the participatory and emancipatory approaches are processes of possible actions and changes aimed at facilitating people’s lives. The adoption of these approaches is put forward as the common denominator of social innovative practices that supporting inclusive processes allow a shift from a medical model to a civil and human rights approach to disability. The theoretical basis of this assumption finds support in many principles of Inclusive Education and the main focus of the hypothesis of research is on participation and emancipation as approaches aimed at facing emerging and existing problems related to inclusion. The framework of reference for the research is represented by the perspectives adopted by several international documents concerning policies and interventions to promote and support the leadership and participation of vulnerable groups. In the first part an in-depth analysis of the main academic publications on the central themes of the thesis has been carried out. After investigating the framework of reference, the analysis focuses on the main tools of participatory and emancipatory approaches, which are able to connect with the concepts of active citizenship and social innovation. In the second part two case studies concerning participatory and emancipatory approaches in the areas of concern are presented and analyzed as example of the improvement of inclusion, through the involvement and participation of persons with disability. The research has been developed using a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, aimed at providing a knowledge-base that fosters a shift from a situation of passivity and care towards a new scenario based on the person’s commitment in the elaboration of his/her own project of life.

Ambienti innovativi per l'apprendimento: Modelli interpretativi e contributi di esperienze. Uno studio sull'organizzazione di Scuola-Città Pestalozzi a Firenze / Innovative learning environments: interpretative models and contributions of experience. A study on the organization of “Scuola-Città Pestalozzi” in Florence

Giovannini, Valentina <1966> 06 June 2014 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema dell'innovazione della scuola, oggetto di costante attenzione da parte delle organizzazioni internazionali e dei sistemi educativi nazionali, per le sue implicazioni economiche, sociali e politiche, e intende portare un contributo allo studio sistematico e analitico dei progetti e delle esperienze di innovazione complessiva dell'ambiente di apprendimento. Il concetto di ambiente di apprendimento viene approfondito nelle diverse prospettive di riferimento, con specifica attenzione al framework del progetto "Innovative Learning Environments" [ILE], dell’Organisation For Economic And Cultural Development [OECD] che, con una prospettiva dichiaratamente olistica, individua nel dispositivo dell’ambiente di apprendimento la chiave per l’innovazione dell’istruzione nella direzione delle competenze per il ventunesimo Secolo. I criteri presenti nel quadro di riferimento del progetto sono stati utilizzati per un’analisi dell’esperienza proposta come caso di studio, Scuola-Città Pestalozzi a Firenze, presa in esame perché nell’anno scolastico 2011/2012 ha messo in pratica appunto un “disegno” di trasformazione dell’ambiente di apprendimento e in particolare dei caratteri del tempo/scuola. La ricerca, condotta con una metodologia qualitativa, è stata orientata a far emergere le interpretazioni dei protagonisti dell’innovazione indagata: dall’analisi del progetto e di tutta la documentazione fornita dalla scuola è scaturita la traccia per un focus-group esplorativo attraverso il quale sono stati selezionati i temi per le interviste semistrutturate rivolte ai docenti (scuola primaria e scuola secondaria di primo grado). Per quanto concerne l’interpretazione dei risultati, le trascrizioni delle interviste sono state analizzate con un approccio fenomenografico, attraverso l’individuazione di unità testuali logicamente connesse a categorie concettuali pertinenti. L’analisi dei materiali empirici ha permesso di enucleare categorie interpretative rispetto alla natura e agli scopi delle esperienze di insegnamento/apprendimento, al processo organizzativo, alla sostenibilità. Tra le implicazioni della ricerca si ritengono particolarmente rilevanti quelle relative alla funzione docente. / This doctoral thesis explores the issue of innovation in school education, a topic international institutions and school organization are increasingly interested in for the economic and socio-political implications involved. The research undertaken aims at offering a contribution to the systemic and analytic studies in the field of learning approaches innovation, focusing on a theoretical investigation and empirical analysis. The concept of learning environment has been approached from different perspectives, focusing mainly on the project framework "Innovative Learning Environment" (ILE) of the Organization for Economic and Cultural Development (OECD). A holistic approach is at the basis of the above project, making the learning environment the key factor to educational innovation in keeping with 21st century skills. The criterions used in the project framework have been used for analyzing an experience proposed as a case-study, Scuola-Città Pestalozzi in Florence, selected as in the school year 2011/2012 it carried out a transformation "plan" of the learning environment affecting above all the features of time/school. The qualitative research aimed at bringing out the interpretations of the actors: from the analysis of the project and the material provided by the school a guideline for an exploratory focus-group has followed, leading to the choice of the issues of the semi-structured interviews to primary and lower secondary schools teachers. As for the results, the transcriptions of the interviews are interpreted through phenomenographical analysis selecting text units logically connected to relevant conceptual categories. The empirical material thus analyzed has pointed out some interpretative categories in relation to the nature and to the aims of teaching/learning experiences, to the organization process, to sustainability. Of special interest among the research results are those played by the teacher role.

Quality Teaching in Large University Classes: Designing Online Collaboration among Learners for Deep Understanding

Yang, Nan January 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to explore the impact of eLearning on quality teaching in higher education and to implement Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) that targeted the quality challenges in practice. It was a mixed method research composing of three stages. It initially focused on university teachers’ perception of quality teaching, problems, and strategies in practice to understand the actual usage of eLearning by practitioners. Seventeen university teachers participated in the inquiry of stage 1. It found the common perception of quality teaching was students’ deep understanding of the learning subject. Besides, large class teaching was the most common problem faced by teachers who already achieved quality teaching in small classes, which became the research focus in the inquiry of stage 2. CSCL was selected as a potential eLearning strategy that targeted quality challenges in large class teaching due to its theoretical benefits. the inquiry of stage 2 aimed to explore the impact of CSCL on quality teaching in large classes. Considering the institutional influence on teaching approaches, it defined the case in the university level. Two universities composed of ten teachers were investigated. It found the majority of participants perceived a limited quality in large class teaching, and this limitation was due to two issues: insufficient teacher-student interaction, and the difficulty in checking students’ understanding in the learning process. Besides, CSCL was not widely adopted in practice, and adopted strategies did not target those two issues mentioned above. The inquiry of stage 3 designed and implemented CSCL activities in an authentic large university class with the aim to explore its impact. It indicated CSCL helped to improve teaching quality in large classes – students’ deep understanding - by enhancing interaction and feedback in the learning process. In sum, this three-stage study revealed the practical challenges of quality teaching in higher education, then designed and implemented eLearning activities to tackle them.

Sperimentare le idee di Maria Montessori: percorso di ricerca nella scuola primaria trentina.

Caprara, Barbara January 2019 (has links)
In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati delineati i tratti salienti dell’approccio educativo montessoriano, evidenziandone da una parte la profonda complessità nonché attualità che lo caratterizzata e dall’altra le numerose conferme sia dalla didattica considerata innovativa, sia dalle scienze psicologiche. È stato inoltre presentato un percorso di ricerca volto a monitorare la recente sperimentazione dell'approccio pedagogico montessoriano in alcune scuole primarie della provincia di Trento. La ricerca é stata condotta utilizzando sia strumenti di natura qualitativa (come una check list osservativa prodotta ad hoc per la ricerca), sia questionari standardizzati, con l'intento di confrontare i dati raccolti con un campione rappresentativo di una più vasta realtà scolastica.

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