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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontexten & kalifatet : En kvalitativ studie och jämförande av islam i läromedel i religion och historia från 1960 till 2010-talet

Wikström, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Kommunismens himmelska mandat : Juche som en symbios av marxism-leninism, nationalism och konfucianism

Johansson, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
This essay is a hermeneutic reading and analysis of the swedish translation of a selection of Kim il Sungs political writings (jucheidén och dess lysande segrar, 1975). The book consists primarily of impairments of speeches and interviews that Kim participated in or held between 1965-1972. By analyzing his political statements, I intend to show the potential that the concept of Juche is a constructed symbiosis consisted of Confucianism, Marxism-Leninism and nationalism, and to describe how they function together to legitimize Kim il Sung’s political agenda. Furthermore, I intend to present the internal and external complexities which can have contributed to the creation of Juche and the historical effects that can be expected from this symbiosis.          Primarily I will focus on the concept of family, androcentric view of history and the important of culture politics as a mean to unite and control the population of the Peoples Republic of Korea. The purpose of this essay is not simply to point out what is Confucianism respectively Communism, but simply to suggest the possibility to read in a Confucian context in some statements made by Kim il Sung.      The interpretation is theoretically based on Timothy Fitzgerald’s concept of critical religion, which points out religion as an irrelevant and disable concept, combined with Anna Suns argumentation of Confucianism as a non-essential teaching and western invented concept.

Rejecting moral obligation

Robertson, Simon January 2005 (has links)
The thesis argues that, were there any moral obligations, they would be categorical; but there are no categorical requirements on action; therefore, there are no moral obligations. The underlying claim is that, because of this, morality itself rests on a mistaken view of normativity. The view of categoricity I provide rests on there being 'external reasons' for action. Having explained the connections between oughts (in particular the ought of moral obligation) and reasons for action in the first part of the thesis, I then develop and defend a version of reasons internalism that I call 'recognitional internalism'. The basic idea, which is not itself incompatible with categoricity, is that to have a reason one must be able to recognise that one has that reason. However, I work this basic claim into a substantive truth-condition for reason-statements and argue that the reasons one is able to recognise are controlled by one's subjective motives. I use this to argue that there are no categorical moral obligations. Nonetheless, I also argue that the substantive challenge internalism poses morality is importantly different, indeed more pressing, than usually thought. This is to justify the objective supremacy of the reasons for action constitutive of moral obligation.

Religiöst karismatiskt ledarskap : En jämförande fallstudie om Lewi Pethrus- (Pingströrelsen) och Ulf Ekmans (Livets Ord) religiösa karismatiska ledarskap

Sand, Harald January 2018 (has links)
Lewi Pethrus and Ulf Ekman were two of the most well know religious charismatic leaders during the 20th century in Sweden. Lewi Pethrus as the unofficial leader of the Swedish Pentecostal movement (Pingströrelsen) and Ulf Ekman as the leader and founder of the Word of Life (Livets Ord). In the search for comparative studies between Pethrus and Ekman I didn’t find much studies done, therefore I see this as an attempt to contribute to fill up the knowledge gap. Both Pethrus and Ekman were successful in their charismatic leadership. The main question is if their success was built on the same components to create a charismatic unity in their leadership? The purpose with this study is to examine the similarities and differences in Pethrus and Ekman’s religious charismatic leadership, and to increase knowledge in comparative studies between Pethrus and Ekman for future studies on this subject. The main reasons to choosing Pethrus and Ekman is that both were/are well known public figures in Sweden outside their movements and that their charismatic leadership happened on different sides of the 20th century. Pethrus in the beginning of the century, Ekman in the end of the century. Both Pethrus and Ekman’s leadership was built on a strong inner vocation from God to be leaders. Both entrepreneurs built strong institutions, even though the vocation to preach the Word of God was the primary. The method to answer the purpose for this study is based on a double case-study methodology and infrastructure-sociologist Douglas F. Barnes four suggestions to analyse religious charismatic leadership, written in his article Charisma and Religious Leadership: An Historical Analysis (1978). The main purpose of the study was achieved: the similarities and differences between Lewi Pethrus-and Ulf Ekman’s religious charismatic leadership was presented, which resulted in more knowledge in comparative studies between Pethrus-and Ekman's religious charismatic leadership. / <p>2018-06-10</p>

Personlig identitet och moraliskt ansvar : Psykologisk kontinuitet eller äganderelation, vilket är nödvändigt för att kunna hålla en person moraliskt ansvarig för sina tidigare handlingar?

Reichel, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ekolådan : En fallstudie av ett ekologiskt livmedelsföretag, som finns på nätet

Karlsson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Abstract For several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buy organic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year, a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will check one more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organic food has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can push prices down. The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via the Internet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shop clothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade and has grown every year that has passed. What have been slow are the food sales through ecommerce but the organic food sales through e-commerce has succeeded extremely well. The study aims to find out how an ecological company that is on the Internet works and how they are working to develop the company. Through the case study, and a semi-structured interview of the company Ekolådan, have documents collected for the study. The interview was conducted with operational responsibility for Ekolådan. The survey shows that their concept originally comes from England. The concept is to sell organic fruits and vegetables in boxes that are sent to the customer's door. It was revealed that Ekolådan was one of the first in Sweden to start such a company, with it they also got a lot of free advertising. Ekolådan are working to try to help organic farms by having a long-term working relationship with them. In the future they hope that more people will start buying more organic food. But it came up in the investigation of both the marketing and placement of organic food in the stores must be better, if sales will increase. Keywords: organic food, Ekolådan and the organic market

Baron Samedi: Modern avatar av Osiris och levande transcendenssymbol : En jämförande studie mellan afrikanska dödsgudar ur ett religionspsykologiskt perspektiv

Gren, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
Abstrakt Långt tillbaka i tiden i antika Egypten dyrkades Osiris, en omtyckt och respekterad dödsgud vilken lämnat spår efter sig in i nutid. Han representerade inte bara döden utan även livet självt och möjligheten till uppståndelse. Långt senare kom en ny gestaltning och inkarnation av “Döden och livet” att träda fram, en Loa av voodoo; Baron-Samedi. Två till synes helt olika gudomar från skilda religioner, kulturer och tidsepoker; men båda kopplade till den Afrikanska kontinenten.  Syftet med denna undersökning är att skapa en djupare förståelse av dessa två gudars liknande symboliska funktioner; hur skillnader yttrar sig samt hur likheterna sammanfaller. Detta är gjort genom först en litteraturstudie där olika förklaringar och åderberättelser av de båda gestalterna behandlas, sedan analyseras det funna materialet utifrån ett religionsfenomenologiskt och ett religionspsykologiskt perspektiv. Genom det valda teoretiska ramverket är målet att den undermedvetna symboliska funktionen av de båda gudarna ska kunna belysas och jämföras.  Resultaten av undersökningen visade att bilden och förståelsen av gudarna varierar beroende på vilken litterär källa man vänder sig till. Olika variationer av Osiris-myten återges och olika symbolisk tolkning presenteras. Baron-Samedi är relativt konstant i sin presentation men hur detaljerad denna är beror på källa. Det material som samlades in är tillräcklig för att utifrån den kunna göra en analys och se att de båda två kan tolkas som en religionsfenomenologisk arketyp och som en Jungiansk transcendens symbol och medel för en individuationsprocess. Trots sina yttre skillnader och skilda kontexter, så fyller de båda dödsgudarna samma funktion i form av att förkroppsliga behovet av frigörelse, personlig utveckling och upplysning. Hur denna funktion yttrar sig och hur denna kontakt med gudarna formas skiljer sig dock åt dock mellan de båda gestalterna. Nyckelord: Jämförandestudie; Osiris, Baron-Samedi; Religionsfenomenologi; Mircea Eliade; Jungiansk Psykologi; Carl G. Jung; Transcendens

Att bilda, men inte att bilas : Elevers uppfattningar av religionsundervisningen

Bäck, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to explore the perceptions which students who study Religious Education experiences regarding the education that they receive. The study has been done by using a survey in which upper secondary students have participated. The research is based on the problems, which the result of earlier research claims to be a part of the Swedish Religious Education. These difficulties are a result of an education focusing on facts, minimized discussion regarding contemporary questions and not enough time given to reflect over the self and the pupils’ own identity. The findings of this study thus counter these claims of Religious Education with the students’ own perceptions as point of reference. The study concludes that many of the questioned students experience the education as non-relevant for them personally, but that it is an important part of cultivating the society.

Missionär bakom och bortom Järnridån : En kvalitativ studie kring missionsarbetares livsberättelser

Martinsson, Jonny January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Är tiden kommen för de äldre? : En argumentationsanalys av för-argumentationen för en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter

Tahiraj, Hyra January 2020 (has links)
The world’s population is ageing and will continue to do so, this demographic change is considered a triumph. However, population ageing has exposed challenges, such as discrimination based on older age which has negative impact on older persons enjoyment of human rights. With it follows the question on how to best protect the elderly and their rights. Some argue that an international (UN) convention on the rights of older people is needed, while other argue against. As there is no consensus to this question the purpose of this thesis has been to examine whether there are sufficient reasons for the advancement of a UN convention on the rights of older persons. To do so, the arguments in favour of such convention has been analysed by considering the effectiveness of conventions on human rights advancement and other relevant documents. Throughout, the thesis has presumed that there is a need for stronger protection for the elderly and that the alternative to a convention is to further advance the protection within the existing international human rights system. The result of the study, based on the arguments analysed and the current practice, shows that, at present, there are insufficient reasons for the advancement of a UN convention on the rights of older persons. It suggests that the potential of strengthening the protection of older people within the international human rights system have not yet been exhausted. The study further reflects the complexity of the question on whether a UN convention on the rights of older people should be advanced. / Världens befolkning åldras och fortsätter göra så, den demografiska förändringen ses som en triumf. Med åldrandet har dock en del utmaningar uppdagats, såsom utbredd diskriminering mot personer på grund av äldre ålder, vilket har negativ påverkan på åtnjutandet av mänskliga rättigheter. Därför följer frågan på vilket vis äldre personer bäst ges skydd som möjliggör åtnjutande av mänskliga rättigheter. En del argumenterar för formulerandet av en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter och en del argumenterar mot. Då det saknas konsensus i frågan är det uppsatsens syfte att undersöka huruvida en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter bör formuleras. Detta görs genom att analysera de för-argument som anges för en sådan konvention genom att beakta konventioners verkan på respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och annat relevant material. Genomgående utgår uppsatsen från att behovet av stärkt skydd för äldre är verkligt och att alternativet till en FN-konvention är att stärka arbetet inom det befintliga internationella människorättssystemet. Resultatet av studien, som baseras på den argumentation som redogörs för och rådande praxis, visar att det inte finns tillräckliga skäl att, i skrivande stund, formulera en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter. Den föreslår att möjligheterna för att stärka äldre personers skydd inom det befintliga internationella människorättssystemet ännu inte uttömts och att det därför finns ytterligare potential att stärka arbetet inom detta. Studien reflekterar komplexiteten kring frågan om en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter bör formuleras.

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