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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ankle kinematics and ground reaction force during single leg drop landing in sports participants with chronic groin pain

Harwin, Lauren Sandra 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aims: This study aims to ascertain if there are differences in ankle kinematics and ground reaction force in sports participants with chronic groin pain compared to healthy controls. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study design was used. Twenty participants - 10 cases with chronic groin pain and 10 healthy controls participated. The 10 cases included participants with unilateral pain (n=7) and bilateral pain (n=3). For analysis, the bilateral pain group was divided into the most and less painful side. The study was conducted at the FNB 3D Motion Analysis Laboratory, Stellenbosch University. Sagittal plane kinematics and VGRF was analysed during a single leg drop landing. Results: The group with unilateral groin pain had a higher peak force compared to the matched side of the controls. The bilateral pain groups had less plantarflexion at foot contact (most affected p=<0.001; least affected p=<0.001) and total range of motion (p=<0.05) compared to the control group. The bilaterally injured groin pain groups demonstrated less peak force when compared to controls. Conclusion: This is the first study to indicate alterations in ankle kinematics and VGRF and that these changes are more apparent in sports participants with bilateral pain. Less range of motion during the landing task illustrated by the bilateral pain group suggests less effective force absorption of the distal segments. In the bilateral groups it suggests that force attenuation may have occurred high up the kinetic chain which may place more strain on the groin. Clinically rehabilitation of the athlete with chronic groin pain should include the distal segments of the lower limb. Further research should be conducted in larger groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelstellings: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of daar verskille in enkelbeweging en grondvloer-reaksiekrag is in deelnemers van sport met chroniese liespyn in vergelyking met gesonde kontrole deelnemers. Metode: ‘n Deursnee beskrywende studieontwerp is gebruik. Twintig deelnemers, 10 gevalle met chroniese liespyn en 10 gesonde kontrole het deelgeneem. Die 10 gevalle het ingesluit deelnemers met eensydige pyn (n=7) en bilaterale pyn (n=3). Vir die analise, is die bilaterale pyngroep verdeel in die mees en mins geaffekteerde kant. Die studie is gedoen by die FNB3D Beweginsanalise-laboratorium, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Sagitaal-platvlak kinematiek en vertikale reaksiekrag is geanaliseer gedurende ‘n enkele beenlanding. Resultate: Die groep met eensydige liespyn het ‘n hoër piekkrag gehad in vergelyking met dieselfde kant van die kontrolegroep. Die bilaterale pyngroep het minder plantaarfleksie met voetkontak getoon (mees geaffekteer p=<0.001; minste geaffekteer p=<0.001) en totale beweginsomvang (p=<0.05) in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep. Die bilateraal-liesbeseringsgroep het minder piekkrag getoon in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep. Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie is die eerste studie om veranderings in enkelbeweging en grondreaksiekrag aan te toon, asook dat hierdie veranderinge meer opvallend is in persone wat aan sport deelneem wat bilaterale pyn ondervind. Verminderde beweginsomvang gedurende die landingstaak deur die bilaterale pyngroep suggereer minder effektiewe kragabsorpsie van die distale segmente. In die bilaterale groep suggereer dit dat kragvermindering waarskynlik hoog op die kinematiese ketting voorgekom het wat weer meer stremming op die lies plaas. Kliniese rehabilitasie van die atleet met chroniese pyn behoort die distale segmente van die onderste ledemaat in te sluit. Verdere navorsing behoort in groter groepe uitgevoer te word.

Pelvic kinematics during single-leg drop-landing in sports participants with chronic groin pain

Janse van Rensburg, Lienke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Chronic groin injuries are common among athletes and have the potential to lead to chronic and career-ending pain. There is no evidence available whether pelvic kinematics can be perceived as a risk factor in developing chronic groin pain in sport or be the cause of further injuries of the lower quadrant or lumbar spine. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if there are any differences in pelvic kinematics of active sports participants with chronic groin pain compared to healthy controls during a single-leg drop-landing. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted. The three-dimensional (3D) pelvic kinematics of ten cases with chronic groin pain and ten asymptomatic controls was analyzed. Pelvic kinematics was analyzed at the FNB 3D Vicon Laboratory at Stellenbosch University using an eight camera Vicon system. A physical examination, including functional movements, posture analysis, hip, knee and ankle passive range of motion measurements, sacro-iliac tests and anthropometric measurements was done by two physiotherapists prior to the 3D analysis. To analyze the pelvic kinematics, each participant performed six single-leg drop-landings. The main outcome measure was 3D pelvic kinematics at initial foot contact (IFC) and foot contact at lowest vertical position (LVP). The following sub-groups were analyzed: seven with unilateral groin pain and three with bilateral groin pain; the latter was further divided into those with the most painful leg and the least painful leg. Mean and standard deviations (SD) for pelvic kinematics were calculated and significant differences between sub-groups were determined using two-tailed Student’s t-tests. The Cohen’s D effect size calculator was used to calculate the effect size of significant differences in pelvic kinematics between case and control groups. Results: The findings indicated a significant difference (p=0.03) in frontal plane pelvic kinematics at IFC for the unilateral group. The most painful groin group showed significant differences at IFC (p=0.004) and at LVP (p=0.04) in the frontal plane pelvic kinematics. The least painful groin group showed a significant difference at LVP (p=0.01). All cases landed with pelvic downward lateral tilt during the landing phase compared to matched controls. The groin pain group with bilateral pain showed significant differences at IFC (p < 0.001) and LVP (p=0.005) for the most painful groin; and the least painful groin at IFC (p=0.01) and LVP (p=0.01) in the sagittal plane pelvic kinematics. The bilateral groin pain group showed an increase of anterior pelvic tilt in the sagittal plane during the landing phase when compared to matched controls. Increased internal pelvic rotation in the transverse plane was significant for the unilateral group at IFC (p=0.04) and for the most painful groin group at IFC (p < 0.001) and LVP (p < 0.001) compared to matched controls. Conclusion: Results from this study shows that pelvic kinematic changes in the frontal, sagittal and transverse planes do occur in patients with chronic groin pain when compared to controls. This may imply that muscle weakness around the hip and pelvis may contribute to the development of chronic groin pain in active sports participants. Rehabilitation of these muscles should be taken into consideration when treating patients with chronic groin injuries. Further research should be focused on muscular recruitment patterns in sports participants with groin pain to critically define the muscular causal factors in more depth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Kroniese lies beserings is ‘n algemene verskynsel onder die aktiewe sport populasie. Dit mag tot kroniese pyn lei en het die potensiaal om ‘n sport loopbaan te be-eindig. Tans, is daar geen verdere navorsing beskikbaar oor die invloed van bekken kinematika op onderste ledemaat beserings asook die moontlike oorsaak tot kroniese lies pyn in atlete nie. Oogmerk: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel watter verskille in die bekken kinematika ontstaan tussen aktiewe sport deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn teenoor aktiewe sport deelnemers sonder enige pyn of beserings tydens ‘n enkel been aftrap beweging. Metodologie: Tien deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn en tien asimptomatiese deelnemers is gebruik om die verskille tussen die 3D bekken kinematika te bepaal. Die FNB 3D Vicon Lab by die Stellenbosch Universiteit is gebruik vir die data analise en insameling. Deelnemers het ‘n fisiese ondersoek ondergaan wat die voglende ingesluit het: funksionele bewegings, postuur analise, omvang van beweging van die heup, knie en enkel, toetse ter uitsluiting van die ilio-sakrale gewrig asook antropometriese aftmetings. Elke deelnemer is versoek om ses enkel-been aftrap sessies te doen. Die hoof uitkomsmeting was die bekken hoeke in the frontale vlak by inisiële voet kontak (IVK) asook die voet kontak teen die laagste vertikale posisie (LVP). Resultate: Die resultate wys ’n beduidende verskil (p=0.03) in die frontale vlak vir bekken kinematika by IVK vir die unilaterale groep. Die mees geaffekteerde been wys ’n beduidende verskil by IVK (p=0.004) en by LVK (p=0.04) in die frontale vlak vir bekken kinematika. Die groep met die minste geaffekteerde been toon ’n beduidende verskil by LVP (p=0.01). Alle simptomatiese deelnemers het met die bekken in afwaartse bekken kanteling geland tydens die landings fase. Die groep met bilaterale pyn toon ’n beduidende verskil by IVK (p < 0.001) en by LVP (p=0.005) vir die mees geaffekteerde been en vir die minste geaffekteerde been by IVK (p=0.01) en LVP (0.01) in die sagittale vlak vir bekken kinematika. Die bilaterale groep met kroniese lies pyn land met meer anterior bekken kanteling in die sagittale vlak gedurende die landings fase teenoor die asimptomatiese groep. Interne bekken rotasie was beduidend meer vir die unilaterale groep by IVK (p=0.04) en vir die mees geaffekteerde been by IVK (p < 0.001) en LVP (p < 0.001) teenoor asimptomatiese deelnemers. Gevolgtrekking: Die resultate van hierdie studie bewys dat daar wel ‘n verskil is in die bekken kinematika van deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn teenoor asimptomatiese deelnemers. Hierdie verskille is waarneembaar in die frontale, sagittale en transverse vlakke. Dit impliseer dat spier swakheid van die bekken en heup spiere ‘n bydrae mag he tot die ontwikkeling van kroniese lies beserings in atlete. Rehabilitasie van bogenoemde spiere is belangrik in die behandeling van kroniese lies beserings. Verdere navorsing oor spier aktiverings patrone in aktiewe, sports deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn word benodig, om die oorsprongs faktore te ondersoek.

Produkce, charakterizace a návrh aplikací regenerovaných huminových kyselin / Production, Characterization and Design of Applications of Regenerated Humic Acids

David, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá huminovými látkami (HL), zejména huminovými kyselinami a jejich solemi, tj. humáty. V práci je prezentována literární rešerše o huminových látkách, stručně je zmíněna historie výzkumu huminových látek, obsáhle jsou pak prezentovány práce o jejich struktuře a supramolekulovém uspořádání. Jsou též zmíněny metody extrakce huminových látek z různých zdrojů. Dále jsou v tomto pojednání zařazeny a diskutovány práce zabývající se biologickými „hormonálními“ vlastnostmi HL. Z hlediska chemie životního prostředí jsou zmíněny zejména sorpční vlastnosti HL. Popsané průmyslové aplikace HL pak zahrnují celou řadu patentů a publikovaných prací, zabývající se využitím huminových látek jakožto barviv či přísad do polymerů, atd. V experimentální části je popsána příprava regenerovaných lignitů, z nichž jsou dále extrahovány huminové kyseliny a připraveny huminové soli, tzv. humáty. Princip regenerace spočívá v oxidaci původního lignitu širokou koncentrační řadou kyseliny dusičné a peroxidu vodíku. K charakterizaci získaných huminových materiálů je výhodně použit nový přístup, kdy jsou kombinovány výsledky z analýz chemických (elementární analýza, infračervená spektroskopie, termogravimetrie) a fyzikálně-chemických (dynamický rozptyl světla, spektrometrie relaxační nukleární magnetické rezonance, vysoceúčelná velikostně-vylučovací chromatografie a fluorescenční spektrometrie se zhodnocením hydratace humátů pomocí vysocerozlišovací ultrazvukové spektrometrie a hustoměru). Tyto metody jsou navíc položeny do kontextu s charakterizací biologické aktivity humátů, která je provedena pomocí modifikované metody založené na měření délky a hmotnosti kořenů kukuřice a laterálních kořenů. V závěru je použit statistický přístup s využitím Pearsonova korelačního koeficientu a jsou též (na základě výsledků pilotních studií) navrženy dvě potenciální environmentální aplikace regenerovaných huminových materiálů – sorpce antibiotika tetracyklinu a využití regenerovaného lignitu jako zdroje zkvasitelných cukrů.

Emotional intelligence in sport : a predictor of rugby performance

Knobel, Daniël Pieter 11 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted on 74 school first- and second-team rugby players from four Pretoria high schools, to investigate whether start-up A-team players differ significantly from other (B-team start-up and reserve) players on emotional intelligence. It was further investigated whether emotional intelligence is a predictor of rugby performance if measured as being included into the study’s ‘best team’ or being a start-up A-team school rugby player. Various other physical, psychological, social and spiritual predictors were also investigated singularly and in combination with the emotional intelligence predictor to indicate performance. Data were gathered through a self-reporting questionnaire developed by the researcher. The main methods for analysing data used included the Mann-Whitney Test and the Logistic Regression analysis. The study found certain spiritual and social predictor aspects to be significantly related to performance in rugby but not emotional intelligence. Certain underlying emotional aspects where more significant to the study’s B-team players’ performance. / Spiritual aspects / M.A. (Psychology)

Explorando Internet das Coisas e Inteligência Artificial no contexto de Saúde em Casas Inteligentes: uma abordagem física e emocional / Exploiting the Internet of Things with Artificial Intelligence in the context of Health Smart Homes: a physical and emotional approach

Alves, Leandro Yukio Mano 27 September 2019 (has links)
Devido ao aumento da população idosa ou com limitações físicas/mentais é possível observar o crescimento de estudos na área de Internet das Coisas com o objetivo de monitorar a saúde e auxiliar no gerenciamento e melhora na qualidade de vida dessa parte da população. Nesse sentido, a abordagem baseada em Internet das Coisas aplicada em ambientes médicos e casas inteligentes tem o objetivo de fornecer conectividade entre o paciente e o ambiente ao seu redor, provendo mecanismos para ajudar em diagnósticos e prevenção de acidentes e/ou doenças. Nesse contexto surge a oportunidade de explorar sistemas computacionais para identificar o estado físico e emocional, em tempo real, de indivíduos com alguma limitação para monitorar a saúde; por exemplo, identificar o comportamento da rotina do usuário e emitir alertas aos familiares e/ou equipe médica sobre algum evento anormal ou identificar indícios de distúrbios emocionais. Ainda, com base na Inteligência Artificial é possível que sistemas computacionais possam aprender e se adaptar ao contexto que se encontra, por exemplo aprender e se adaptar a quantidade de exercícios e/ou estado emocional do usuário em determinadas situações, combinando conceitos tanto de Internet of Things quanto de Inteligência Artificial. Assim, este projeto tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar um modelo que possa: i.) identificar o estado físico e emocional do usuário; ii.) prover um mecanismo que possa monitorar de maneira inteligente as atividades do cotidiano do usuário e; iii.) explorar a abordagem de integração de dados com a utilização de múltiplos sensores IoT para uma melhor interação entre dispositivos computacionais no ambiente Health Smart Homes. / Due to the increase in the elderly population or with physical/mental limitations it is possible to observe the growth of studies in the field of Internet of Things with the objective of monitoring health and assisting in the management and improvement of the quality of life of this part of the population . In this sense, the Internet of Things approach applied in medical environments and smart homes aims to provide connectivity between the patient and the environment around them, providing mechanisms to aid in diagnosis and prevention of accidents and/or diseases. In this context the opportunity arises to explore computational systems to identify the physical and emotional state, in real time, of individuals with some limitation to monitor health; for example, identifying the behavior of the users routine and issuing alerts to family members and/or medical staff about some abnormal event or identifying evidence of emotional disturbances. Also, based on Artificial Intelligence, it is possible for computational systems to learn and adapt to the context they are in, for example learning and adapting the amount of exercises and/or emotional state of the user in certain situations, combining concepts both of Internet of Things and of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, this project aims to develop and evaluate a model that can: i) identify the physical and emotional state of the user; ii) provide a mechanism that can intelligently monitor the daily activities of the user and; iii) explore the data integration approach with the use of multiple IoT sensors for better interaction between computing devices in the Health Smart Homes environment.

Emotional intelligence in sport : a predictor of rugby performance

Knobel, Daniël Pieter 11 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted on 74 school first- and second-team rugby players from four Pretoria high schools, to investigate whether start-up A-team players differ significantly from other (B-team start-up and reserve) players on emotional intelligence. It was further investigated whether emotional intelligence is a predictor of rugby performance if measured as being included into the study’s ‘best team’ or being a start-up A-team school rugby player. Various other physical, psychological, social and spiritual predictors were also investigated singularly and in combination with the emotional intelligence predictor to indicate performance. Data were gathered through a self-reporting questionnaire developed by the researcher. The main methods for analysing data used included the Mann-Whitney Test and the Logistic Regression analysis. The study found certain spiritual and social predictor aspects to be significantly related to performance in rugby but not emotional intelligence. Certain underlying emotional aspects where more significant to the study’s B-team players’ performance. / Spiritual aspects / M.A. (Psychology)

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