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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användarinvolvering och acceptans av affärssystem

Wodzyński, Jacob, Prskalo, Matija Unknown Date (has links)
<p>[ An abstract in English will follow]</p><p>Denna uppsats handlar om på vilket sätt användarinvolvering påverkar acceptansen av ett affärssystem. I studien redogörs varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, samt hur påverkan sker och vad som leder till den. </p><p>IT genomsyrar idag så gott som alla former av företagsamhet. Affärssystem stödjer affärsprocesser i flera branscher, från tillverkande företag till renodlade tjänsteföretag. Ett företag behöver exempelvis anpassa både sina affärsprocesser och det nya affärssystem för allt som sker inom företaget. På grund av komplexiteten som detta för med sig är implementeringen ofta ett stort steg för företaget och dess anställda. De framtida användarna av systemet ställs inför en stor förändring som ett nytt affärssystem medför. För att göra övergången så enkel som möjligt och få användarna att acceptera systemet brukar användarna vara delaktiga i implementationen genom en process som benämns som användarinvolvering.</p><p>Forskning inom området har enats om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen av ett system (Dickson & Simmons, 1970; Powers & Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003;, Gable, et al., 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). Desto mindre finns skrivet om varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, hur den påverkas, samt vad det egentligen är i användarinvolveringen som påverkar acceptansen. Denna uppsats undersökte detta genom att en kvalitativ studie utformades. </p><p>Teorin om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen kombinerades med Technology Acceptance Model (en modell för undersökning av acceptansen föreslagen av Davis, 1989) för att skapa en egenutvecklad modell. Den egenutvecklade modellen användes för att skapa teman kring vilka den öppna individuella intervjun utformades. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med fyra användare som var involverade i en implementationsprocess. Resultatet från intervjuerna strukturerades på ett sätt som matchade teman i den egenskapade modellen. Därefter analyserades resultatet med hjälp av det teoretiska materialet som insamlades under studiens inledningsfas. </p><p>Slutsatsen är att användarinvolveringen som process består av flera företeelser som tros påverka acceptansen. De företeelserna som tros ha påverkat acceptansen på företaget som studerades var: användarnas förståelse för vad som kommer krävas av dem i framtiden, utbildningen och dess kvalité, användares tidigare kunskap och förmåga att ta in ny kunskap samt företagets mål med implementationen och hur väl det nya systemet kan uppfylla dessa. </p><p>Slutligen bör man inte bortse ifrån de krav som företaget ställer på sina anställda. En medarbetare kan känna sig tvungen att acceptera ett visst system, då det redan är beslutat att företaget ska bruka systemet.</p><p>[English abstract]</p><p>This essay covers what in the user involvement process affects user acceptance of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). The study reads up on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the influence derives and where it comes from.</p><p>Information Technology permeates all forms of enterprise. ERP systems support business processes for many different types of enterprise, ranging from manufacturing to service oriented. A company needs to adapt both its business processes and the new ERP system to fit the company’s business processes and support them throughout the value chain. As a result of the complexity that this adaptation implies, the implementation turns often out to be a big step for the company and its employees. Because of that, future ERP system users face a huge change in their work life. To make this easy and increase the chances of the future users to accept the new system, a process called user involvement is often used. </p><p>Research has shown that user involvement affects the acceptance of a system (Dickson & Simmons, 1970; Powers & Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003; Gable, Sedera & Chan, 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). On the contrary, less is known on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the relation looks like and what in the user involvement process actually affects the acceptance. This essay studied that using a qualitative approach. </p><p>By combining the theory that user involvement affects the acceptance, with the Technology Acceptance Model (a theory proposed by Davis (1989) that models how users come to accept and use a technology), a new model was developed. The self-created model was used to develop themes which were used as a base for the empirical research. Four interviews with system users took place and the result was analyzed using the theories collected in the earlier part of the study. </p><p>The conclusion is that user involvement as a process contains many different parts which we believe may influence acceptance. Our study has shown that the acceptance depends on – but not limited to – the following: user’s understanding of what will be required of them in their future work, the educational process and its quality, user’s technical knowledge before the implementation process began, user’s ability to learn, as well as the company’s goals set for the implementation and to which degree the new system will fulfill these goals. </p><p>Finally, the demands which the company sets on its employees must not be ignored. An employee can feel obligated towards company’s choice of the ERP system and compelled to accept the new system, because it has already been decided that the company would use it.</p>

Användarinvolvering och acceptans av affärssystem

Wodzyński, Jacob, Prskalo, Matija January 2009 (has links)
[ An abstract in English will follow] Denna uppsats handlar om på vilket sätt användarinvolvering påverkar acceptansen av ett affärssystem. I studien redogörs varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, samt hur påverkan sker och vad som leder till den. IT genomsyrar idag så gott som alla former av företagsamhet. Affärssystem stödjer affärsprocesser i flera branscher, från tillverkande företag till renodlade tjänsteföretag. Ett företag behöver exempelvis anpassa både sina affärsprocesser och det nya affärssystem för allt som sker inom företaget. På grund av komplexiteten som detta för med sig är implementeringen ofta ett stort steg för företaget och dess anställda. De framtida användarna av systemet ställs inför en stor förändring som ett nytt affärssystem medför. För att göra övergången så enkel som möjligt och få användarna att acceptera systemet brukar användarna vara delaktiga i implementationen genom en process som benämns som användarinvolvering. Forskning inom området har enats om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen av ett system (Dickson &amp; Simmons, 1970; Powers &amp; Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003;, Gable, et al., 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). Desto mindre finns skrivet om varför acceptansen påverkas av användarinvolveringen, hur den påverkas, samt vad det egentligen är i användarinvolveringen som påverkar acceptansen. Denna uppsats undersökte detta genom att en kvalitativ studie utformades. Teorin om att användarinvolveringen påverkar acceptansen kombinerades med Technology Acceptance Model (en modell för undersökning av acceptansen föreslagen av Davis, 1989) för att skapa en egenutvecklad modell. Den egenutvecklade modellen användes för att skapa teman kring vilka den öppna individuella intervjun utformades. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med fyra användare som var involverade i en implementationsprocess. Resultatet från intervjuerna strukturerades på ett sätt som matchade teman i den egenskapade modellen. Därefter analyserades resultatet med hjälp av det teoretiska materialet som insamlades under studiens inledningsfas. Slutsatsen är att användarinvolveringen som process består av flera företeelser som tros påverka acceptansen. De företeelserna som tros ha påverkat acceptansen på företaget som studerades var: användarnas förståelse för vad som kommer krävas av dem i framtiden, utbildningen och dess kvalité, användares tidigare kunskap och förmåga att ta in ny kunskap samt företagets mål med implementationen och hur väl det nya systemet kan uppfylla dessa. Slutligen bör man inte bortse ifrån de krav som företaget ställer på sina anställda. En medarbetare kan känna sig tvungen att acceptera ett visst system, då det redan är beslutat att företaget ska bruka systemet. [English abstract] This essay covers what in the user involvement process affects user acceptance of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). The study reads up on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the influence derives and where it comes from. Information Technology permeates all forms of enterprise. ERP systems support business processes for many different types of enterprise, ranging from manufacturing to service oriented. A company needs to adapt both its business processes and the new ERP system to fit the company’s business processes and support them throughout the value chain. As a result of the complexity that this adaptation implies, the implementation turns often out to be a big step for the company and its employees. Because of that, future ERP system users face a huge change in their work life. To make this easy and increase the chances of the future users to accept the new system, a process called user involvement is often used. Research has shown that user involvement affects the acceptance of a system (Dickson &amp; Simmons, 1970; Powers &amp; Dickson, 1973; Wu, et al.,2002; Kujala, 2003; Gable, Sedera &amp; Chan, 2003; Amoako-Gyampah, 2005; Sharp, et al., 2007). On the contrary, less is known on why the acceptance is affected by user involvement, how the relation looks like and what in the user involvement process actually affects the acceptance. This essay studied that using a qualitative approach. By combining the theory that user involvement affects the acceptance, with the Technology Acceptance Model (a theory proposed by Davis (1989) that models how users come to accept and use a technology), a new model was developed. The self-created model was used to develop themes which were used as a base for the empirical research. Four interviews with system users took place and the result was analyzed using the theories collected in the earlier part of the study. The conclusion is that user involvement as a process contains many different parts which we believe may influence acceptance. Our study has shown that the acceptance depends on – but not limited to – the following: user’s understanding of what will be required of them in their future work, the educational process and its quality, user’s technical knowledge before the implementation process began, user’s ability to learn, as well as the company’s goals set for the implementation and to which degree the new system will fulfill these goals. Finally, the demands which the company sets on its employees must not be ignored. An employee can feel obligated towards company’s choice of the ERP system and compelled to accept the new system, because it has already been decided that the company would use it.

Affärssystem och flexibilitet

Lind, Gabriel, Rydberg, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
Affärssystem har blivit allt vanligare i organisationer och framhålls av systemleverantörer som ett verktyg för att öka organisationers flexibilitet. Forskning tyder dock på att affärssystem både kan öka och minska flexibiliteten för organisationer. Få empiriska studier har genomförts vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på organisationers flexibilitet och forskningen är splittrad vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på flexibiliteten för organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att illustrera och förklara hur ett affärssystem påverkar flexibilitet i en organisation. För att besvara syftet skapas en analysmodell som syntetiserar tidigare forskning om flexibilitet med en organisatorisk förändringsmodell. En fallstudie utförs genom att anställda intervjuas på Posten Norden AB där affärssystemet SAP används. Uppsatsens undersökning, analys och slutsatser indikerar på att: (1) det arbetsflöde Postens affärssystem tillhandahåller är oflexibelt, (2) affärssystemet möjliggör flexibilitet i kommunikationen (3) affärssystemet hämmar flexibiliteten för vissa arbetsuppgifter på Posten, och (4) affärssystem har en komplex påverkan på flexibilitet i organisationer.

Spatial Impacts Of Globalization: Case Study Maslak Istanbul

Isik, Banu Isil 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Today, the world is in a continuous process of change, which is conceptualized as globalization. Although the concept is generally related to economy, it affects aspects of human life / i.e. social, cultural, political and so on. The impact of globalization on urban areas requires a special emphasis. Economic development has played a significant role in restructuring the city. Particularly following the 1970s, with the changes in the international economic system, the world has started to transform into a global market and the capital has gained liquidity in this system. Along with the changing system after the industrial restructuring, capital accumulation in developed countries has started to accumulate towards new places. In order to attract capital, the roles of cities are reshaped in the globalization perspective. Globalization led to the formation of the new land uses in order to adapt to the competitive global system, which caused a transformation period of spatial structure. However, these competitive conditions led to unplanned spatial development, especially in the cities of developing countries. This study aims to identify the spatial changes caused by changes in economic conditions, under the impact of globalization and the development process of Maslak, which has been taking place along with the globalization process, and the role of planning system throughout this process in the global city of Istanbul constitute.

From Industry Specific ERP to Supply Chains ERP¡GAn Application of focused differenciation strategy

Sung, Mao-Lin 17 July 2002 (has links)
In recent years, the trend toward globalization has given rise to rigorous competition for market shares. Businesses have faced the stern demand to swiftly respond to changes in market conditions. They must keep up with environmental situations inside and outside industry, fully integrate various resources of the enterprise, and ponder how to effectively use business resources. Therefore, ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems that integrate the internal value chains of enterprise have received special attention. It is an undisputed fact that an ERP system can integrate internal resources of an enterprise to create for it an overall advantage, improve the flow and elevate the response effectiveness of the enterprise, upgrade information system, and respond to customers¡¦ satisfaction of supply chain management. However, the universal ERP system that is adopted by most enterprises is either costly or difficult to maintain. Moreover, the universal ERP system usually fails to consider special needs of different industries. Therefore, how to ensure a rapid, saving, and effective success through the implementation of ERP systems constitutes the largest challenge faced by enterprises that use such systems. In view of this, this study investigated, from the perspective of ERP supply chain effectiveness of the ¡§differentiation focus strategy¡¨ and the ¡§bowling pin model strategy,¡¨ the impact of the adoption of industry-specific ERP systems on ERP software manufacturers and enterprises that have introduced such a system. Besides, the study used case study approach to conduct a field survey of ERP software manufacturers that have implemented industry-specific ERP system strategy and of four textile and PCB manufacturers that have introduced industry-specific ERP systems with a view to understanding operating models in which industry-specific ERP systems have been successfully introduced and implemented. Through the analysis of this study, it was found that: (1)ERP information manufacturers that adopt industry-specific ERP strategy locating conform to Michael E. Porter¡¦s competitive strategy and differentiation focus strategy, and at the same time verify the bowling pin model theory of Geoffrey A. Moor that technology adopts life cycle. Information manufacturers can enjoy vertical profit-base market advantages of industry-specific ERP and thus avoid competition within industry. As they focus on their specialized field, they not only can strengthen ERP¡¦s professional system functions but also can elevate their effectiveness in follow-up service and maintenance, leading to the reduction of operating costs. From cases of ERP software manufacturers, it was also found that, in areas that special industries cluster, the value of industry-specific ERP in such markets is enlarged. (2)From the perspective of developing industry-specific ERP, after a preliminary development method is used to direct a user to put up concrete industrial characteristic demands and flow, more friendly and suitable operating systems are specified. After being examined and used by a second user, systems are re-examined, revised, and strengthened. After being introduced by a third user and verified and implemented, such systems can become mature, standard industry-specific ERP package systems. (3)From the perspective of enterprise users, adopting the proof of concept method is more practical, accurate, and promising in selecting and evaluating suitable, correct ERP systems. This method can help estimate the outcome after introduction and make it easier to evaluate benefits, for example, keeping project flow schedule and costs under control, implementation and simulation of new enterprise flow schedule. (4)Each industry has professional knowledge and characteristics specific to it. For example, in the case of PCB industry, use rate of base plate material and design and management of engineering data are core professional knowledge of lumber industry. In the case of textile industry, analysis of fabrics, management of characteristics of semi-finished fabrics, integration and automation of process are critical functions essential to competitiveness of this industry. A universal ERP system cannot take care of unique characteristics of various industries. Therefore, only an industry-specific ERP that is specialized in and designed to meet characteristics of a concerned industry can perfectly satisfy the core professional operation of the industry. (5)Because industry-specific ERP systems set the best model of business flow and are concise and suitable, they produce more rapid effectiveness, less impact on organization adjustment, and require smaller investments after being introduced into a business. In view of the preceding findings, the study concluded that the adoption of industry-specific ERP can solidly, effectively, and accurately achieve purposes of ERP systems and can ensure the achievement of potential benefits. At the same time, information manufacturers can obtain vertical profit-base market, enlarging the effect of overall supply value chains.

Improving the control of work-in-process at VSM Group AB

Karlsson, Per-Johan, Porto, Mariana January 2008 (has links)
<p>Today many companies face problems with inventory management. The importance of adequate inventory management has become more evident, while organizations try to reduce their costs and increase their service level.</p><p>This master thesis was conducted at VSM Group AB in Huskvarna, which is a manufacturer that produces and delivers sewing machines to a worldwide market. VSM Group AB has problems with the management and the refilling of the work-in-process (WIP) inventories and also with lack of information about component balance and location in the production and material planning system.</p><p>Therefore, the purpose of the thesis was to improve the control of the WIP inventories and the information about the components in the production and material planning system. In order to achieve the purpose, interviews and observations were performed, theories in inventory management were reviewed and the production process was studied.</p><p>Afterwards solutions for improvements were proposed. To solve the management and refilling problem, a kanban ordering system was proposed, which would use kanban cards to order components from the storages to the WIP inventories. To develop the component information displayed in the production and material planning system, an additional feature was proposed to the system. So instead of showing one inventory balance for each component, the system would display balances for three different places in the factory: the goods arrival and quality control area, the storage and the production.</p><p>The proposed solutions can provide several benefits to the company. The kanban ordering system can increase the material handlers’ efficiency, set a standard refilling quantity and be a tool for reducing the WIP inventory levels. The more detailed information in the production and material planning system can improve the decision making for the purchasers and planners and give the ability to measure the flow and level of material inside the factory.</p><p>These solutions will provide a more appropriate inventory management to the company, with better control of the components and improved information quality.</p>

Improving the control of work-in-process at VSM Group AB

Karlsson, Per-Johan, Porto, Mariana January 2008 (has links)
Today many companies face problems with inventory management. The importance of adequate inventory management has become more evident, while organizations try to reduce their costs and increase their service level. This master thesis was conducted at VSM Group AB in Huskvarna, which is a manufacturer that produces and delivers sewing machines to a worldwide market. VSM Group AB has problems with the management and the refilling of the work-in-process (WIP) inventories and also with lack of information about component balance and location in the production and material planning system. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis was to improve the control of the WIP inventories and the information about the components in the production and material planning system. In order to achieve the purpose, interviews and observations were performed, theories in inventory management were reviewed and the production process was studied. Afterwards solutions for improvements were proposed. To solve the management and refilling problem, a kanban ordering system was proposed, which would use kanban cards to order components from the storages to the WIP inventories. To develop the component information displayed in the production and material planning system, an additional feature was proposed to the system. So instead of showing one inventory balance for each component, the system would display balances for three different places in the factory: the goods arrival and quality control area, the storage and the production. The proposed solutions can provide several benefits to the company. The kanban ordering system can increase the material handlers’ efficiency, set a standard refilling quantity and be a tool for reducing the WIP inventory levels. The more detailed information in the production and material planning system can improve the decision making for the purchasers and planners and give the ability to measure the flow and level of material inside the factory. These solutions will provide a more appropriate inventory management to the company, with better control of the components and improved information quality.

Implementation of 2-Step Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy

Sun, Jidi January 2010 (has links)
Intensity modulated arc therapy is a novel treatment technique that has shown great potential to be superior to conventional intensity modulated radiotherapy, both in terms of treatment plan quality as well as treatment delivery. Based on previous literature, a simplified technique called two-step intensity modulated arc therapy (2-step IMAT) was implemented into a treatment planning system. In order to automatically generate treatment plans for this technique, a beam portal shaping method was developed to generate beam segments. A sensitivity analysis was carried out on a geometric phantom to determine optimal parameters for the 2-step IMAT implementation for that particular phantom. The segment weights were optimized using the dose-based and dose-volume-based objective functions. The optimal solution search was based on the gradient-descend algorithm. The dose-based objective function was implemented using a so-called lambda-value-dose-based objective function developed in this work in order to increase both speed and flexibility of the optimization. The successful implementation demonstrated the feasibility of automatic 2-step IMAT treatment planning. A comparison of conventional arc therapy and 2-step IMAT showed improvements in the target dose uniformity by about 50% for both geometric phantom and clinical paraspinal tumor case, whilst also improving the organ sparing. The comparisons between the lambda-value-dose-based and dose-volume-based optimizations showed a speed advantage of the former by a factor of over five in the phantom study. The current beam portal shaping approach can be improved by optimizing the segment width and including multiple organs-at-risk in the segment generation algorithm. Future work will also include the implementation of a stochastic optimization to minimize the chance of getting trapped in local minima during the segment weight optimization. In summary, the work of this research showed that the automatic 2-step IMAT planning is a viable technique that can result in highly conformal plans while keeping the treatment planning and delivery simple and straightforward.

Performance management as a mechanism for effective service delivery at Emfuleni Local Municipality / by Jeany Noma Mkumbeni

Mkumbeni, Jeany Noma January 2008 (has links)
Section 38 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (32 /2000) tasks municipalities to establish a performance management system that corresponds with resources, circumstances, objectives, indicators and targets as stated in the municipalities integrated development plan. The Act further states that a culture of performance management should be promoted amongst all stakeholders. Thus, the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) has the statutory obligation to provide an effective and efficient people cantered administration that will ensure quality and sustainable service delivery. The Emfuleni Local Municipality tends to have a culture of non - performance or low service delivery which is prevalent amongst employee or personnel. Performance Management System (PMS) is the service delivery tool, which in this regard is designed to specifically enhance service delivery among the communities. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of implementation of PMS by officials and employees to ensure whether there is effective, efficient and economic delivery of services at ELM. For the purpose of this study, the hypothesis was formulated that due to the inability of integrating IDP planning system with performance management and service delivery, Emfuleni Local Municipality is ineffective in successful implementation of the IDP. To test the validity or otherwise of the hypothesis, use was made of theoretical review of literature on PMS as a tool for enhancing service delivery at ELM. Further there was an empirical research methodology of open - ended questionnaire that was used to test attitudes and perceptions of municipal officials and employees and effectiveness of implementation of PMS at ELM. It was found among others, that: there is lack of experience and proper training among municipal officials at ELM, ELM employs inexperienced and not well trained employee in the management level, balance scorecard remains a valid instrument at Emfuleni's disposal to influence commitment to the delivery of service, management at ELM did not market PMS effectively to the staff, the PMS has positive influence on production, the political and administrative accountability in a democratic government cannot be dissociated from each other. The study ends with recommendations for action to be taken by management of ELM. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Performance management as a mechanism for effective service delivery at Emfuleni Local Municipality / by Jeany Noma Mkumbeni

Mkumbeni, Jeany Noma January 2008 (has links)
Section 38 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (32 /2000) tasks municipalities to establish a performance management system that corresponds with resources, circumstances, objectives, indicators and targets as stated in the municipalities integrated development plan. The Act further states that a culture of performance management should be promoted amongst all stakeholders. Thus, the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) has the statutory obligation to provide an effective and efficient people cantered administration that will ensure quality and sustainable service delivery. The Emfuleni Local Municipality tends to have a culture of non - performance or low service delivery which is prevalent amongst employee or personnel. Performance Management System (PMS) is the service delivery tool, which in this regard is designed to specifically enhance service delivery among the communities. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of implementation of PMS by officials and employees to ensure whether there is effective, efficient and economic delivery of services at ELM. For the purpose of this study, the hypothesis was formulated that due to the inability of integrating IDP planning system with performance management and service delivery, Emfuleni Local Municipality is ineffective in successful implementation of the IDP. To test the validity or otherwise of the hypothesis, use was made of theoretical review of literature on PMS as a tool for enhancing service delivery at ELM. Further there was an empirical research methodology of open - ended questionnaire that was used to test attitudes and perceptions of municipal officials and employees and effectiveness of implementation of PMS at ELM. It was found among others, that: there is lack of experience and proper training among municipal officials at ELM, ELM employs inexperienced and not well trained employee in the management level, balance scorecard remains a valid instrument at Emfuleni's disposal to influence commitment to the delivery of service, management at ELM did not market PMS effectively to the staff, the PMS has positive influence on production, the political and administrative accountability in a democratic government cannot be dissociated from each other. The study ends with recommendations for action to be taken by management of ELM. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

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