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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the theory of Thomson scattering and reflectometry in a relativistic magnetized plasma

Bindslev, Henrik January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Spectral and temporal harmonic studies of laser-produced plasmas

Carter, Peter Duncan January 1980 (has links)
Studies of emission corresponding to the second (3w0) and three-halves (3/2w0) harmonics are reported from laser produced plasmas. These plasmas were produced by means of a neodymium laser with an irradiance up to 2.10<sup> 16</sup> W/cm-2, in pulses of nominally 100ps duration. The spectral resolution of these harmonics from a range of targets has enabled various theories tobe verified and the location of the interaction identified. Acomputer code has been used to account for refraction of the emerging radiation in the plasma density profile. The expansion velocity and temporal variation of this profile has also been taken into account. Temporal resolution of the 2Wo and 3/2-Wo spectra has shown both harmonics to occur in pulses of less than the instrumental resolution limit which was ~10ps. This result gives some indication of the timescale for growth and saturation of parametrically excited instabilities.

Interaction of CO2 laser radiation with dense plasma

Abdel-Raoof, Wasfi Sharkawy January 1980 (has links)
The instabilities which occur in the interaction of CO2 laser radiation with a dense plasma have been studied. A TEA CO2 laser provided pulses of up to 30 joules of energy with a duration of 50 nanoseconds. By focussing the radiation on to a plane target a focal spot of about 180 micrometers diameter was formed with a irradiance of 10 to 10 W cm. The scattered radiation was collected by a laser focussing lens and analysed with a grating spectrometer. Linear relationships have been found between the incident irradiance and the back scattered energies. This is in contrast to the results of other workers who have found quadratic relations at high irradiance. The back scattered energies were of the order compared with the incident energy. The spectrum of shows a displacement to longer wavelength which is attributed to stimulated Brillouin scattering, there being an ion acoustic wave which is driven by the laser radiation. A similar displacement occurs in the 2 W spectrum and is attributed to the scattering of plasmons from the ion acoustic wave. The measured displacement is in agreement with a theory due to Silin. Fine structure also exists in the 2W spectrum, a shoulder being found on the red side of the line and this may result from a non-Maxwellian electron temperature distribution. There is also a satellite which is displaced towards longer wavelengths by about 0.1 micrometers from the precise value of 2W Explanations of this feature are offered. The self-generated magnetic field has been measured and its effect on the interactions have been examined. The plasma temperature has been determined by X-ray measurements and compared with the values estimated from the scattered spectrum.

A study of an ablation-derived plasma in an acceleration device

Norton, B. A. January 1975 (has links)
The results of a study of non-thermal Carbon and Fluorine plasmas in an electromagnetic acceleration device are presented, the plasmas being created by ablation from the surface of a solid dielectric. The dielectric is close to a steady discharge through which ablated material, on entry, is heated and accelerated, and it is concluded that the high level of radiative power loss, which consists mainly of optically thick resonance line radiation, is in part responsible for the uniformity and stability of the plasma plume. Plasma velocities around 1-2 x 10<sup>6</sup> cm/s. are attained. In addition to conventional electrical and spectroscopic diagnostic methods, several new spectroscopic techniques are described, providing greater accuracy in the measurement of particle temperatures and densities in non-thermal, non-hydrogenic plasmas. In order to make these methods possible, as well as allowing estimates of the radiation losses, a model describing the papulation distribution among the bound ionic states was constructed and solved for a wide range of plasma conditions. From these results new values of collisional-radiative ionization and recombination coefficients are obtained, which are in broad agreement with experimental values. A model was developed which described the rate of ablation from the solid and which formed part of a larger numerical scheme for calculating the temperature, density and velocity of the plasma plume. This model gives results which are in good agreement with the observations and is used to predict the plasma behaviour under different operating conditions and with different dielectric materials. The extension of certain parts of this work to other situations is also discussed, in particular, laser heating of plasmas, problems of ablation in high-temperature plasma containment devices, and as a source for selective excitation spectroscopy. The possibility of using the device as a soft X-ray laser is also investigated.

Striations in a plasma column

Perkin, Robert Melson January 1976 (has links)
An investigation into wave interactions between self-excited ionization waves - striations - in the positive column of a direct current argon discharge is described. Since such self-excited ionization waves are determined by the ionization processes in the discharge, they are inherently nonlinear and a variety of nonlinear effects may be observed. After reviewing the theory and experimental observations for small amplitude linear ionization waves in gas discharges, experimental data obtained from an argon discharge, 5 cm in diameter, 110 cms in length, run at gas pressures between 0.1-1.5 torr and discharge currents of 20-250mA, are presented. Linear interactions between large amplitude self-excited waves of the same frequency, and nonlinear mode coupling between waves of different frequencies and wave numbers are reported and the characteristics of each wave type are described. In order to interpret some of the phenomena observed for the self-excited waves, experiments where an external alternating voltage was applied across the discharge were performed. Following a general discussion of wave modulation the wave-wave mode coupling is interpreted as due to nonlinear interactions which may arise during the initial nonlinear growth of ionization waves. A physical model for the nonlinear behaviour is described. By including a nonlinear term in the basic theory of striations expressions are derived which account for the mode-coupling and support the physical interpretation. Theoretical techniques previously used to describe the nonlinear behaviour of water waves are outlined, and then applied to ionization waves to predict further nonlinear effects which could not be obtained from the modified linear theory. Finally, a general overall view of two-wave interactions between ionization waves in a discharge is presented using, as an example, the results from a neon discharge. The experimental observations are related to the linear and nonlinear growth of the waves.

High pressure radio frequency plasma in a pulsed magnetic field

Shamim, Ahmed January 1976 (has links)
The high pressure plasma produced by an r.f. induction plasma torch has been investigated in a pulsed magnetic field using spectroscopy, high speed photography, inductive probes and a diamagnetic loop. Radiation and temperature of the plasma have been measured under various conditions of the torch and various intensities of the pulsed field. In most cases Joule-heating has been found the main mechanism of energy transfer to the plasma. From the decay of temperature in the plasma afterglow a value of radiative recombination in dense argon plasma has been found. Various properties of the torch in the absence of a pulsed magnetic field have also been investigated. These investigations cover gas breakdown at the torch initiation, measurements of the r.f. magnetic field in the plasma and the plasma instabilities. The measurements of the r.f. magnetic field provide information leading to estimates of plasma conductivity, electrical parameters and efficiency of the torch. The study of plasma instabilities reveals their sources and helps to suppress the acoustic noise from the torch.

The Microphysics of Gyroresonant Streaming Instabilities and Cosmic Ray Self-Confinement

Holcomb, Cole James 21 February 2019 (has links)
<p> The self-regulation of cosmic ray (CR) transport in the interstellar and intracluster media has long been viewed through the lenses of linear and quasilinear kinetic plasma physics. Such theories are believed to capture the essence of CR behavior in the pres- ence of self-generated turbulence, forming the basis for the so-called &ldquo;self-confinement paradigm,&rdquo; which has been proposed to explain the isotropic propagation of CRs in the interstellar medium. However, the coupled nonlinear equations that describe the time-dependent system of CRs and electromagnetic fields are analytically intractable in the general case. Thus, obtaining analytical solutions has always relied on simplify- ing assumptions that remove potentially critical details arising from the nonlinearities of the problem. </p><p> We utilize the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) numerical method to study the time- dependent nonlinear behavior of the gyroresonant streaming instabilities, self- consistently following the combined evolution of particle distributions and self- generated wave spectra in one-dimensional periodic and aperiodic simulations. In the periodic case, we demonstrate that the early growth of instability conforms to the predictions from linear physics, but that the behavior can vary depending on the properties of the initial CR distribution. We emphasize that the nonlinear stages of instability depend strongly on the initial anisotropy of CRs. We derive estimates for the wave amplitudes at saturation and the time scales for relaxation of the CR distribution. In the aperiodic case, we show that the expansion of CRs from small injection regions naturally induces highly anisotropic CR distributions. Pitch-angle diffusion of CRs is then limited by the predominantly right-handed circularly polarized self-generated turbulence, allowing bulk CR drift velocities of ?0.5c. We compare against a set of analytical solutions to the CR expansion problem and find that they do not accurately predict the time-dependent properties of the CR population. We briefly study the wave damping processes of nonlinear Landau iii damping and ion-neutral friction in order to assess the viability of performing damped CR streaming simulations in the future with the PIC method. </p><p>

Formalismo semi-clássico convergente para o cálculo de alargamento e deslocamento de linhas espectrais de átomos neutros em plasmas. / Convergent semi-classical formalism for the calculation of broadening and shift of spectral lines in neutral atoms in plasmas

Vilma Sidneia Walder 17 August 1982 (has links)
Neste trabalho o formalismo semi-clássico convergente sugerido por Cattani é desenvolvido para calcular o alargamento e deslocamento provocado por colisões eletrônicas de linhas espectrais de átomos neutros em plasmas . Para testar o referido formalismo calculamos a largura e o deslocamento de muitas linhas espectrais do hélio neutro em plasmas com temperaturas que vão desde 5000 até 40000K e densidades eletrônicas que variam de 10 POT. -15 até 10 POT. -18cm POT. -3. Efeitos de \"screening\" de Debye e trajetória não retilínea dos elétrons são levados em conta no formalismo. Um estudo sobre a contribuição das colisões iônicas para o alargamento e deslocamento desenvolvido para elétrons e as aproximações quase estática de Griem e adiabática de Barnard, Cooper e Smith, e Griem, Baranger, Kolb e Oertel. Os alargamentos e deslocamentos calculados são comparados com resultados experimentais obtidos por Wulff, Berg e colaboradores, Kelleher e Diatta e teóricos previstos por Griem e Sahal-Bréchot. / n this work the semiclassical convergent formalism suggested by Cattani is developed to calculate the broadening and shift of spectral lines produced by electronic collisions of neutral atoms in plasmas. To test this theory we calculate the widths and shifts of many spectral lines of neutral helium in plasmas with temperatures that goes from 5000 up to 40000 K and electronic densities in the range of 10 POT. -15 até 10 POT. -18cm POT. -3. Effects of Debye screening and non straight line trajectory are taken into account in our approach. To study the ionic collisional contribution to the widths and shifts we use the same convergent treatment developed for electrons and the quasi-static approximation of Griem and adiabatic approximation of Barnard, Cooper and Smith, and Griem, Baranger, Kolb and Oertel. The calculated widths and shifts are compared with experimental results obtained by Wulff, Berg and collaborators, Kelleher and Diatta and theoretical predictions of Griem and Sahal-Bréchot.

Control and Visualization of Highly Nonlinear Processes

Grynko, Rostislav I. 12 February 2019 (has links)
<p> This dissertation encompasses experimental and theoretical studies on two cornerstones of modern nonlinear optics: laser filamentation and harmonic generation. Laser filaments are self-guided light structures balanced by Kerr self-focusing and diffraction/plasma defocusing, enabling applications in lightning guiding, long-range spectroscopy, and high-precision laser weapons. Harmonic generation is a nonlinear process that up-converts optical frequencies, and it is a promising source of table-top, ultrashort X-ray/UV radiation. </p><p> The goal of this work is two-fold: control and visualization of nonlinear optical phenomena. First, variable focusing geometries are used to eliminate high-power laser multifilamentation, which is a stochastic process that is notoriously difficult to control. Next, two-color pump-probe experimental schemes are used to enhance third-harmonic generation in air by several orders of magnitude. Our experimental results agree well with calculations based on state-of-the-art unidirectional pulse propagation equations, which give insight into the physical mechanisms underlying our experimental findings. An overarching theme of this work is ultrafast visualization: by combining femtosecond-time-resolved pump-probe methods with advanced quantitative phase microscopy, we can visualize and quantitatively characterize dynamically-evolving micro-structures during various nonlinear laser-matter interactions. Finally, this work will describe some novel properties of mid-infrared and long-wavelength infrared ultrashort pulse propagation, with a focus on the generation of light bullets, which represent a holy grail of nonlinear optics.</p><p>

Ressonância Eletromagnética em Cavidades Toroidais - Teoria e Experiência / Electromagnetic resonance in toroidal cavities - theory and experience

Giraldez, Douglas Cavalli 05 March 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho procura caracterizar uma cavidade eletromagnetica ressonante toroidal teorica e experimentalmente. Do ponto de vista teorico, foi obtida a relacao de dispersao para as autofrequencias da cavidade, resolvendo as equacoes de maxwell usando teoria de perturbacao. Duas solucoes em ordem zero foram obtidas: uma em termos de funcoes hipergeometricas e outra em termos de uma serie de frobenius. Os resultados foram comparados com a literatura. Baseados nestes autovalores calculados, foi projetado e construido um toroide em cobre, com seccao transversal circular e razao de aspecto 1,25 (\'R IND.0\'=0.125m e \'R IND.0\'=0.100m). As medidas experimentais realizadas incluem as autofrequencias e seus respectivos indices de merito. Pelo que se sabe, estas medidas foram as primeiras feitas num toroide. Os dados experimentais tambem foram comparados com os resultados teoricos, permitindo estabelecer qual dos tratamentos e mais compativel com a realidade e fornecendo elementos para um aprimoramento da teoria / Electromagnetic resonance in toroidal cavities - theory and experience

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