Spelling suggestions: "subject:"role"" "subject:"hole""
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Difrakce na prostorových a/nebo hlubokých objektech / Diffraction on Spatial and/or Deep ObjectsHrabec, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
This discourse deals with a theoretical study of the radiation passage through a diffraction screen with non-zero size in the propagation direction of the radiation, i.e. the radiation passage through a three-dimensional object. Without any loss of generality, we solve the problem for cylindrical cavity in metal. The task exceeds evidently standard scalar theory of diffraction, thus we solve the problem using a waveguiding theory. Following the principles of the electromagnetic theory, we derive required formulae to determine mode distribution at the entry of the cavity. Further, we solve numerically the radiation propagation through the cavity, then we actually seek for radiation distribution at the very end of the cavity. This yields, with a help of the discrete Fourier transform, an intensity distribution of Fraunhofer diffraction pattern, consequently compared with an intesity distribution of the radiation pattern of Fraunhofer diffraction on infinitely thin circular opening having the radius of the cylinder cavity under study. A comparison of such patterns results to a conclusion, that the cavity length has a significatn influence on the diffraction pattern and more importantly, that the scalar diffraction theory appears incorrect for a coherent light passage through cavities longer than their radius squared. Similarly, the same conclusion is inversely proportional to a wavelength of the interacting radiation. Finally, we mention an existence of the so called "focal regime", when the radiation repeatedly exhibits roughly one order increased intensity on the symmetry axis of the cavity.
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Větrání kabiny osobního automobilu – výzkum charakteru proudění z rozmrazovací mřížky předního skla a účinnost tohoto systému. / Ventilation in a light duty vehicle – research on defrost of windshield and its efficiency.Hapala, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with research of the jet issuing from the defrost duct of Skoda Octavia car. Components of velocity and turbulence intensity were measured using hot wire anemometry. Obtained data were presented in graphs and contour maps. Results were confronted with previous research.
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Manipulátor velkorypadla KK1300 / Manipulator of bucket wheel excavator KK1300Adamík, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The document describes a manipulator for a wheel excavator. The purpose of the manipulator is to handle with the propulsive shaft of a crushing machine and the tension cylinder of an interchanging conveyor-belt during the assembling and maintenance. The objective of the master's thesis is the strength analysis of the manipulator components and the telescopic arm with using the finite element method. The thesis also comprises the assembly drawing of the manipulator with additional devices and the propulsion system calculation. The project is carried out with the cooperation of NOEN a.s.
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Hypereliptické křivky a jejich aplikace v kryptografii / Hyperelliptic curves and their application in cryptographyPerzynová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Cílem této práce je zpracovat úvod do problematiky hypereliptických křivek s důrazem na konečná pole. T práci je dále popsán úvod do teorie divizorů na hypereliptických křivkách, jejich reprezentace, aritmetika nad divizory a jejich využití v kryptografii. Teorie je hojně demonstrována příklady a výpočty v systému Mathematica.
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Studium vlastností povrchových plazmonových polaritonů na magnetických materiálech / Study of Properties of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Magnetic MaterialsDvořák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the experimental study of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on nano-structures with the Au/Co/Au multilayer. Plasmonic structures were prepared by the electron beam lithography and by the focused ion beam. A Scanning optical near-field microscope was used for detection of surface plasmon polaritons. SPPs were confirmed by the experiment with different polarizations of the illuminating light. Furthermore, differences in plasmon interference wavelengths was measured for different surface dielectric functions. Finally, the decantation of the SPPs interference image was measured in dependence on the external magnetic field.
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Návrh systému pohonu elevátoru skladovacího systému LogiMat / Design of the elevator drive for storage system LogiMatDosedla, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the new elevator drive for storage system Logimat. Diploma is focused to design a new drive for a load up to 1200 kg and to adapt the elevator frame to the new drive design. In the first part is done research for suitable drive systems. There are followed by design and stress analysis. The second part deals with appropriate roller chain parameters calculation and the power output of electric motors.
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Analýza konstrukce a funkce stroje na drážkování hlavní / Barrel Rifling Machine Designe and Function AnalysisLoutocký, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis is devoted to rifling technologies of the barrel bore of fire and gas arms. In cooperation with the company Winston Production, s.r.o. also enters into operation issues of selected manufacturing machine Zs 151 for barrel rifling. It contains an analysis of legislative demands on the technical documentation, description of the construction and function of machinery and materials for the creation of local operating safety rules for its operation. The part of work is also 3D model of the machine created in software SolidWorks.
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Komplexní simulační model vibračního generátoru / Complex simulation model of vibration power generatorHarapát, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This work is focusing on analysis of current development in energy harvesting projects in aerospace industry field, and on analysis of current development in vibration generator field. It is also concentrating on establishment of a complex simulation model of vibration generator. It deals with modeling of magnetic field of generator and its cross connection with a mechanic and an electronic model.
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Měření extinkčních spekter opticky zachycených plazmonických nanočástic / Measurement of extinction spectra of optically trapped plasmon nano-particlesFlajšmanová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dark-field imaging and the optical spectroscopy of optically trapped plasmonic nanoparticles. The optical trapping and the characterization of a single particle or multiple nanoparticles as well are demonstrated. The number of the optically trapped particles can be estimated from the dark-field scattering intensity. Experiments show the presence of the interparticle coupling among trapped metallic nanoparticles which has not been observed in case of dielectric particles. The scattering spectra of the plasmonic nanoparticles were compared with theoretical models based on the Mie theory and the Discrete dipole approximation.
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Elektrostatické vychylovací a korekční systémy / Electrostatic Deflection and Correction SystemsBadin, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to explore and study dynamic aberration correction options in electron-beam lithography systems. For the calculations, the thesis uses the optical column of the BS600 electron-beam writer. The thesis focuses on corrections of the third order field curvature, astigmatism, and distortion aberrations of the currently used magnetic deflection system and a newly designed electrostatic deflection system. The parameters of the two deflection and correction systems were compared.
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