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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyphase Deformation in San Miguel Las Minas, Northern Acatlan Complex, Southern Mexico

Barley, Brent J. 26 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Tectonique intracontinentale dans le bloc de Chine du sud : exemple de la chaîne du Xuefengshan / Intracontinental tectonics in the South China block : example of the Xuefengshan belt

Chu, Yang 15 September 2011 (has links)
Les observations détaillés indiquent que la chaîne de Xuefengshan peut être divisé en deux parties, la zone Ouest, caractérisée par des plis-coffrés, et la zone Est à déformation ductile polyphasée. Elles sont séparées par le chevauchement principal vers l'Ouest. Dans la zone Est, les structures dominantes sont des plis à vergence NW associés à des schistosités pénétratives de plan axial et des linéations NW-SE. De l'ouest vers l'est, la schistosité montre un style en éventail. Les roches du socle affleurent seulement autour des plutons triasiques. Les roches de la chaîne de Xuefengshan sont généralement déformées ductilement mais faiblement métamorphisées, toutefois, sous la croûte supérieure, on met en évidence un décollement ductile et synmétamorphe qui accommode les différences de déformation entre les roches sédimentaires et le socle. L'architecture de la chaîne du Xuefengshan résulte de la déformation polyphasée: la première phase (D1) est caractérisée par un cisaillement ver le nord-ouest. Le deuxième phase (D2) correspond au rétro-plissement vers le SE. La dernière phase (D3) est un événement de raccourcissement NW-SE avec des plis doits et schistosités verticales. En combinant ces nouveaux résultats structuraux avec les données géochronologiques, la chaîne de Xuefengshan est interprété comme un orogène intracontinental formé au Trias moyen. Cette chaîne résulte du sous-charriage continental d’une partie du bloc de Chine du Sud, en réponse à l’effet lointain de la subduction de la plaque de Paleo-Pacifique vers le nord-ouest. / Detail field observations indicate that the Xuefengshan Belt can be divided into a Western OuterZone, characterized by km-scale box-fold structures, and an Eastern Zone, separated from theWestern Outer Zone by the Main Xuefengshan Thrust. In the Eastern Zone, NW verging folds coevalwith a pervasive slaty cleavage and a NW-SE trending lineation are the dominant structure. Fromwest to east, the dip of the cleavage surface exhibits a fan-like pattern. Basement rocks are sparselylocated around some Triassic plutons. The rocks of the Xuefengshan Belt are generally ductilelydeformed but weakly metamorphosed, however, below this upper crustal level, a high straindecollement accommodates the difference of deformation between the sedimentary and the basementrocks. The architecture of the Xuefengshan Belt results from polyphase deformation: the first one(D1) is characterized by a top-to-the-NW shearing. The second one (D2) corresponds to a backfoldingand back-thrusting stage. The last phase (D3) is a NW-SE shortening event associated withupright folds with vertical axial plane cleavages. Combined with geochronological data, theXuefengshan Belt is interpreted as an Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogen, which possiblyoriginated from the continental underthrusting to the SE of a piece of the South China block inresponse to the far-field effect of the northwest directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.

Polyfázový strukturní vývoj rozhraní suprastruktury a infrastruktury v orogenních zónách / Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zones

Peřestý, Vít January 2012 (has links)
Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zones Proterozoic basement rocks of the Teplá-Barrandian Unit (TBU) are affected by two main tectono-metamorphic events. The central and SW part of the TBU is a well-preserved relict of Cadomian episode. On the other hand, the western margin of the TBU shows superposition of polyphase early-varicsan deformation and metamorphism onto the pre- variscan fabric. The Střela river profile in the northern part of Teplá Crystalline Complex (TCC) exposes a continuous crustal section through western margin of the TBU from the low-grade phyllites (near biotite izograd) in the east to the high-grade rocks of kyanite zone at the contact with high-pressure Mariánské-Lázně Complex (MLC). Three main deformation events were distinguished in the studied area and the cross-section is interpreted as a fossil (devonian) suprastructure-infrastructure transition zone preserved in the carboniferous TBU superstructure. The oldest pre-variscan D1 phase produced flat-lying metamorphic foliation showing normal metamorphic zonation from the very low-grade in the upper part to at least garnet zone in the structurally lower part. Large scale upright folding of prevariscan foliation S1 occurred during early-variscan D2 event. Tight F2 folds were...

Polycyclic evolution of the Eastern Central-Asia orogenic belt : microtectonic analysis, geochronology and tectonics in central Inner Mongolia / Evolution polycyclique de la partie orientale de la ceinture orogénique d'Asie Centrale : analyse microtectonique, géochronologie et tectonique dans le centre de la Mongolie Intérieure, Chine

Shi, Guanzhong 29 September 2013 (has links)
Il est débattue sur le temps closural finale de l'océan paléo-asiatique et la position. Certains géologues ont préconisé la suture "Solonker" marque la zone closural finale du Permien , tandis que d'autres insistent sur le fait Paléozoïque milieu. Nos trois domaines d'étude, le Hongqi , le Ondor Somme et le Mandula ont essentiel et important de résoudre ces controverses. Les unités litho-tectonique reconnus dans le domaine Hongqi-Ondor Sum sont le mélange Belt de Hongqi-Ondor Sum, la Belt de l'arc Bainaimiao, craton du Nord de Chine et les roches sédimentaires post-orogéniques. Le mélange Belt de Hongqi-Ondor Sum connu déformation ductile en deux phases et une phase de la déformation ductile-fragile. D1 est responsable de la S1 foliation, linéation minérale L1, et intrafolial pli F1. Les critères cinématiques indiquent un sens cisaillement de top-to-the-NW. D2 est caractérisée par divers taille de plis asymétriques avec axe presque NE correspondant à la poussée NW cisaillement. D3 formé le cadre régional dans le Hongqi et les zones Ondor Sum. La zone Mandula contient les sédiments olistostrome, les sédiments turbiditiques et roches volcanosédimentaires. Grains de zircons détritiques dans des échantillons sédimentaires indiquent la zone d'étude Mandula reçu des matériaux d'arc Bainaimiao et matières contemporaines de l'éruption volcanique du Permien. Les sédiments et les roches volcaniques dans la région Mandula soumettent un NW-SE ou près de N-S du raccourcissement. Les données géologiques indiquent qu'une subduction et collsion dans Paléozoïque inférieur, et rifting et fermeture rift dans Palezoic supérieur. Les fragments ophiolitiques "Solonker" sont en effet olistostrome. Composants ophiolitiques typiques ne sont pas observés dans la région Mandula. / It is hotly debated about the final closural time and position of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Some geologists advocated the “Solonker” suture marks the final closural zone in Permian, whereas others insist in middle Paleozoic. Our three study areas, the Hongqi, the Ondor Sum and the Mandula is essential and important to solve those controversies. The litho-tectonic units recognized in the Hongqi-Ondor Sum area include the Hongqi-Ondor Sum mélange belt, the Bainaimiao arc belt, North China Craton and post-orogenic unconformably sedimentary rocks. The Hongqi-Ondor Sum mélange belt experienced two phase ductile deformation and one phase ductile-brittle deformation. D1 is responsible for the regional greenschist foliation S1, elongated mineral lineation L1, and intrafolial fold F1. The kinematic criteria indicates a top-to-the-NW shearing sense. D2 is characterized by various sized of unsymmetrical folds with nearly NE axis corresponding to the NW thrust shearing. D3 formed the regional framework in the Hongqi and the Ondor Sum areas. The Mandula area contains olistostrome sediments, turbiditic sediments and volcano-sedimentary rocks. Detrital zircon grains in sedimentary samples argue the Mandula study area received the southern Bainaimiao arc materials and coeval Permian volcanic erupting materials nearby. The sediments and volcanic rocks in Mandula area subject a nearly NW-SE or N-S compressional shortening. The geological data support that an Early Paleozoic subduction and collsioan, Late Palezoic rifting and rift closure model. The so called “Solonker” ophiolitic fragments indeed are olistostrome. Typical ophiolite components are not observed in the Mandula area.

Polycyclic evolution of the Eastern Central-Asia orogenic belt : microtectonic analysis, geochronology and tectonics in central Inner Mongolia

Shi, Guanzhong 29 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
It is hotly debated about the final closural time and position of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Some geologists advocated the "Solonker" suture marks the final closural zone in Permian, whereas others insist in middle Paleozoic. Our three study areas, the Hongqi, the Ondor Sum and the Mandula is essential and important to solve those controversies. The litho-tectonic units recognized in the Hongqi-Ondor Sum area include the Hongqi-Ondor Sum mélange belt, the Bainaimiao arc belt, North China Craton and post-orogenic unconformably sedimentary rocks. The Hongqi-Ondor Sum mélange belt experienced two phase ductile deformation and one phase ductile-brittle deformation. D1 is responsible for the regional greenschist foliation S1, elongated mineral lineation L1, and intrafolial fold F1. The kinematic criteria indicates a top-to-the-NW shearing sense. D2 is characterized by various sized of unsymmetrical folds with nearly NE axis corresponding to the NW thrust shearing. D3 formed the regional framework in the Hongqi and the Ondor Sum areas. The Mandula area contains olistostrome sediments, turbiditic sediments and volcano-sedimentary rocks. Detrital zircon grains in sedimentary samples argue the Mandula study area received the southern Bainaimiao arc materials and coeval Permian volcanic erupting materials nearby. The sediments and volcanic rocks in Mandula area subject a nearly NW-SE or N-S compressional shortening. The geological data support that an Early Paleozoic subduction and collsioan, Late Palezoic rifting and rift closure model. The so called "Solonker" ophiolitic fragments indeed are olistostrome. Typical ophiolite components are not observed in the Mandula area.

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