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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti umělé indukce polyploidů u vybraných podnoží ovocných druhů

Pavelková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Proměnlivost druhu Urtica dioica na území střední Evropy / Variation of the species Urtica dioica in Central Europe

Rejlová, Ludmila January 2016 (has links)
Although the European flora belongs to the best explored at the global scale, still there are several largely neglected plant groups, which may surprise by marked variation. One of these groups is Urtica dioica s. l., consisting of vaguely described taxa (microspecies / subspecies) with indefinite distribution. The most important source of variation in U. dioica s. l. is probably polyploidy (2x, 4x; x = 13). The complex comprises an ubiquitous tetraploid cytotype (U. dioica s. str.) and several obscurely defined relict 2x taxa. The cytogeographical analysis through Europe (770 populations / over 3 200 individuals) revealed marked distribution pattern of U. dioica s. l. cytotypes. We identified 106 diploid populations (13%) and 633 (82%) tetraploid populations. For the first time we detected triploid and pentaploid level (from mixed populations). Prevailing tetraploid U. dioica s. str. is predominantly synanthropic, whereas diploid taxa strictly occur in primary and relict habitats (primarily alluvial forests, tundra, Mediterranean mountains). The analysis of the absolute genome size of individuals from U. dioica clade and other closely related taxa showed different values of 2x U. kioviensis (19 % higher than 2x U. d. subsp. subinermis) and 2x U. bianorii (33% higher than 2x U. d. subsp....

Ekologické a evoluční důsledky edafické diferenciace v polyploidních komplexech rostlin / Ecological and evolutionary consequences of edaphic differentiation in plant polyploid systems

Kolář, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with evolutionary and ecological consequences of edaphic speciation (adaptation to different soil types) and genome duplication (polyploidization), acting in concert. Using a wide range of ecological, karyological and molecular approaches, several hypotheses of general importance have been examined in three model angiosperm systems (ploidy variable species or species aggregates occurring both on and off specific substrates, including serpentines and calcareous soils). In the Knautia arvensis group (Caprifoliaceae) a unique cryptic diploid lineage in central Europe was identified to be restricted to serpentine and limestone outcrops, which served as refugia during environmental changes (forest spread, human impact) in the Holocene. These refugial populations exhibited strong evolutionary potential because they were able to polyploidize and escape beyond the borders of their original edaphically-conditioned refugia owing to hybridization with surrounding widespread homoploid genotypes. Survival of both Knautia cytotypes on serpentine soils was facilitated by their high tolerance to chemical stress factors such as high Ni concentrations and low Ca/Mg ratios. In the Galium pusillum group (Rubiaceae), a striking cytological, ecological, and taxonomic, diversity was revealed in northern and...

Evolution of polyploid Brassica genomes : genome structure and the evolution of duplicated genes /

Axelsson, Tomas. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2000. / Thesis based on 4 papers, which are included in the volume. Includes bibliographical references.

Fylogeneze a evoluční trendy v subtribu Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) / Phylogeny and evolutionary trends in subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae)

Zahradníček, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Endemický taxon Krkonoš Campanula bohemica: zhodnocení rizika hybridizace s C. rotundifolia / Risk assessment of interspecific hybridization between endemic Campanula bohemica and widespread C. rotundifolia s.l.

Hanušová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with phenotypic, ploidy and genetic variation of two Campanula species occurring in the Krkonoše Mts., namely the endemic C. bohemica and widespread C. rotundifolia subsp. rotundifolia. For comparative purposes subspecies sudetica of the latter species was also included. The main aim was to get insight into population structure and assess the threat of interspecific hybridization to the survival of the endemic bluebell. Flow cytometry, distance-based morphometrics and molecular analysis were used to address these questions. Three distinct groups of fluorescence intensities were revealed by flow cytometry, corresponding to DNA diploids, tetraploids and pentaploids. While diploids morphologically matched the nominate subspecies of C. rotundifolia, tetraploids corresponded either to C. rotundifolia subsp. sudetica or C. bohemica. Most populations from the Krkonoše Mts. were uniform although a sympatric growth of diploids and tetraploids was encountered in 12 populations. Only two pentaploids individuals, most likely of hybrid origin, were found, which indicated that interspecific hybridization is much less common than previously assumed. The two tetraploid taxa were distinguished by molecular markers. A combination of flow cytometry and molecular analyses thus allowed reliable...

Mikroevoluční procesy a meziploidní interakce v sympatrických populacích více cytotypů / Microevolutionary processes and inter-cytotype interactions in mixed-ploidy populations

Trávníček, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
[Abstract] This thesis is aimed at better understanding of cytotype co-existence in mixed- ploidy populations with an emphasis on a microevolutionary processes behind it. Our past knowledge was based on a few thoroughly investigated model taxa like Chamerion angustifolium and Heuchera grossulariifolia, but some generalizations seem to be premature in the light of new findings. A detailed research of other taxa included in the thesis showed that polyploid complexes can vary dramatically in their ability to cope with the co-existence of cytotypes in mixed-ploidy popu- lations. Whereas mixed-ploidy populations are virtually lacking in some species (an example being Vicia cracca, Paper III.), ploidy-heterogeneous populations are very common in others, maintained by free mating interactions and the absence of reproductive isolation among cytotypes (e.g. Pilosella echioides, Paper II.). The strenght and cumulative effect of various breeding barriers (both pre- or post- zygotic) govern the position of a particular multi-ploidy complex between these two extremes and co-determine the type of cytotype co-existence in its mixed- ploidy populations. Despite the fact that the number of studies revealing cytotype co-existence has been increasing rapidly, evolutionary background and consequences of such co-...

Kvalitativní a kvantitativní charakteristika spermatu polyploidních jeseterů (Acipenseridae) / Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of polyploid sturgeon sperm (Acipenseridae)

KAŠPAR, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to compare 4n sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and 8n and 12n siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) sperm. Relative quantitative values and % of live spermatozoa as a qualitative factor have been compared between species. At the same time influences of four different types of substances (CPE, Ovopel, GnRHa25 and GnRHa75) on sperm quality were compared.

Acquisition de connaissances sur la génétique de l'espèce Dioscorea alata L. pour la production de variétés polyploïdes. / Knowledge on the genetics of the species Dioscorea alata L. for the production of polyploid varieties

Némorin, Alice 29 June 2012 (has links)
Nous avons étudié les phénomènes de polyploïdisation chez l'igname Dioscorea alata qui comprend trois cytotypes diploïde (2n=40), triploïde (2n=60) et tétraploïde (2n=80) en vue d'optimiser les stratégies de production d'hybrides polyploïdes. Chez ce complexe polyploïde l'augmentation de la ploïdie est corrélée avec une augmentation de la vigueur et des rendements plus élevés et plus stables. Dans un premier temps nous avons démontré l'autotétraploïdie des variétés tétraploïdes à l'aide de trois approches différentes: des analyses d'hérédité de marqueurs microsatellites, l'observation de phénomènes de double réduction et l'étude des méioses des cellules mères de pollen. Nous avons ensuite déterminé quels sont les mécanismes les plus probables à l'origine des polyploïdes naturels via l'étude de la transmission de l'hétérozygotie parentale à l'aide de microsatellites et par l'étude des incompatibilités au niveau de l'albumen lors de différents croisements intracytotypes et intercytotypes en utilisant la cytométrie en flux. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les polyploïdes de D. alata seraient apparus via la formation de gamètes non réduits de clones diploïdes. Le pool triploïde se serait édifié et diversifié uniquement par voie femelle, du fait de la non viabilité des croisements intercytotypes et de la stérilité des femelles et mâles triploïdes. Le pool tétraploïde serait apparu par union de deux gamètes non réduits de clones diploïdes (polyploidisation sexuelle bilatérale). Par la suite ce pool aurait été diversifié via des croisements intercy / We studied polyploidisation phenomena in the yam Dioscorea alata that includes three cytotypes -diploid (2n=40), triploid (2n=60) and tetraploid (2n=80) -in order to optimise polyploid hybrid production strategies. In this complex polyploid, the increase in ploidy is correlated with an increase in vigour and higher and more stable yields. We first showed the autotetraploidy of tetraploid varieties using three different approaches: heredity analyses of microsatellite markers, the observation of double reduction phenomena, and the study of meiosis of pollen mother cells. We then determined the mechanisms most likely to be at the origin of natural polyploids through the study of the transmission of parental heterozygoty using microsatellites and the study of incompatibilities at the endosperm level at the time of different intracytotypic and intercytotypic crosses using flow cytometry. The results obtained reveal that the polyploids of D. alata probably appeared through the formation of non-reduced gametes of diploid clones. The triploid pool would then have been constituted and diversified through the female pathway as a result of the non-viability of intercytotypic crosses and the sterility of female and male triploids. The tetraploid pool would have appeared as a result of the union of two non-reduced gametes of diploid clones (bilateral sexual polyploidisation). This pool would then have diversified through intercytotypic crosses with the formation of 2n gamètes through both the female and the male pathway, as well as by intracytotypic crosses within the 4X pool.

Introgresní zóna druhů Arabidopsis lyrata a A. arenosa ve střední Evropě / Introgressive zone of Arabidopsis lyrata and A. arenosa in Central Europe

Hojka, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Genetic composition of hybrid zones often reflects geographical and ecological gradients. Hybrid zone of Arabidopsis lyrata and A. arenosa in Central Europe can be convenient model system for testing such hypothesis. These are well circumscribed but still interfertile, and their offspring is fully fertile. Besides repeated hybridisation events, the current state is complicated by the autopolyploidisation events of one of the parents, namely A. lyrata, which is present in the area studied both as diploid and tetraploid. This hybrid zone was already described in previous publications, which showed certain gradient of introgression. Moreover, the area of the hybrid zone represents a transition between Alpine and Pannonian climate along an altitudinal gradient leading from the Prealps to the lowland Wienerwald. The current thesis is the as yet most detailed study of this hybrid zone both in respect of number of studied populations and the amount of data acquired using the methods of RAD Sequencing, multivariate morphometrics and flow cytometry. The analysis of genetic data showed a gradient of introgression, where parental populations are placed at opposite ends, whereas genetically intermediate hybrids are placed in its centre. Analysis of the genome size showed an additional gradient, where hybrids...

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