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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wine tourism in Argentina and Spain : a neoliberal perspective

Newey, Peter January 2012 (has links)
The wine industries of Argentina and Spain have undergone significant structural change over the last thirty years that has coincided with a period of trade liberalisation and as part of neoliberal economic reforms. In addition new markets have emerged in North America, Europe and Australasia, domestic consumption has declined, competition has increased and there has been a shift in consumer tastes to better quality, fine wines. As a result the patterns of supply and demand have changed and there has been a transition from a protected productivist to a post-productivist regime. Wine tourism has provided the medium through which these post productive features of transition brought about by neoliberalism have been investigated. The analysis uses and extends the work of Marsden (1995) and Wilson (2001) by emphasising the importance of locally assembled networks and clusters and the integration of the producers with their local communities. It also reworks Le Heron (2001; 2005) to argue that reconfigurations of the supply chain are indicative of the post productive transition. The research specifically looks at the wine industries in Argentina and Spain from the point of view of the producer. It compares and contrasts wine tourism in these countries with wine tourism in the English speaking world and it looks at the rationale and benefits of wine tourism. Consequently, it broadens our knowledge of wine tourism and post productivism beyond the boundaries of the English speaking world where both have been adequately documented, to Spanish cultures in the Old and New Worlds, in Europe and Latin America.

Non-metropolitan gated developments in the Western Cape : patterns, processes and purpose

Spocter, Manfred Aldrin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gated developments, also known as gated communities, have become a feature of urban living throughout the world and have been the subject of intensive research. Gated developments in South African cities are a ubiquitous feature of the post-apartheid urban landscape with many new housing developments in the form of secure estates or fortified townhouse complexes. Almost all the international literature on gated developments has focused on them as a metropolitan phenomenon. Very few international studies have investigated gated developments in non-metropolitan locales and this topic is unexplored in the South African context. This dissertation addresses this research gap. The study area is the entire non-metropolitan area of the Western Cape province. The politicoadministrative concept of non-metropolitan is used rather than the descriptor rural because the latter implies an area of primary production with no diversification of productive activities. The study area excludes the metropolitan area of Cape Town but includes the rest of the province within which there are settlements of varying sizes having a diverse range of economic activities. It is in these places that gated developments were investigated to cover and discover particular aspects of the hitherto unexplored non-metropolitan gated developments of South Africa. The specific objectives were to place the research in the theoretical and conceptual debates of gated developments; map the occurrence of the phenomenon; and spatially analyse the location and security aspects of the developments at a macro scale. Two towns, Swellendam and Ceres, were selected as case studies as their gated developments present a host of significant features warranting further micro-scale analysis. The spatial and locational analyses yielded other researchable themes specific to certain types of developments, namely retirement gated developments in Oudtshoorn and Swellendam and gated developments outside the urban edge. A comprehensive spatially-linked database of gated developments in the study area was compiled from numerous sources, culminating in a process of groundtruthing that resulted in the collection of data on the physical features of each development. Qualitative data was collected from respondents through interviews, electronic communications and a questionnaire survey. Distribution patterns of gated developments were determined from spatial data and data on physical features was used to calculate security level index values for the gated developments. These data sets enabled spatial and typological comparisons to be made. Qualitative data added a ‘voice’ to the quantitative data and provided insights into social, economic and planning aspects of gated developments. The location of gated developments in the province is largely determined by proximity to metropolitan Cape Town and areas with high occurrences of amenities. The spatio-temporal patterns and typological distinctions of gated developments are influenced by location-specific factors. In some towns the gated developments typify a living space and in others a living and lifestyle space. The security features of gated developments also vary typologically and spatially. Crime data was used to show that the distribution of non-metropolitan gated developments is not necessarily associated with towns with high levels of criminal activity. Security in these developments is not a response to rampant crime, rather a strategy brought into play in case something happens – preparedness in the unlikely event of a breach of security. The gated developments in the two case-study towns are strongly influenced by locationspecific needs, the purposes of residents and the processes of municipalities. Niche market gated developments, as represented in the thematic case studies of retirement gated developments and gated developments outside the urban edge are promoted by pull factors within towns and by the allure of an exclusive rural residential lifestyle of living in areas with high amenity offerings. The latter is linked to the transformation of agricultural land into gated developments, which signals a shift to postproductivist change in the study area. The results of this seminal investigation into non-metropolitan gated developments suggest avenues for further research endeavour. These include the need for greater understanding of the changing nature of social relations between gated and the non-gated inhabitants of non-metropolitan locales; investigation of the potential for increased topophobia within towns; and examinations of the functions of the various stakeholders and role players in establishing non-metropolitan gated developments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslote woonbuurte, ook bekend as geslote gemeenskappe, ’n kenmerk van baie stede regoor die wêreld, het die onderwerp van intensiewe navorsing geword. Geslote woonbuurte in Suid-Afrikaanse stede is ‘n alomteenwoordige kenmerk van die post-apartheid stedelike landskap met baie nuwe behuisingsontwikkelings wat as beveiligde landgoede en meenthuiskomplekse gebou word. Die meerderheid van die internasionale literatuur oor geslote woonbuurte beskou hulle as ’n metropolitaanse verskynsel. Baie min internasionale studies het geslote gemeenskappe in niemetropolitaanse lokaliteite ondersoek en dié onderwerp is onverken in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Hierdie proefskrif vul dié navorsingsleemte. Die studiegebied is die hele nie-metropolitaanse gebied van die Wes-Kaap provinsie. Die politiesadministriewe konsep ‘nie-metropolitaans’ word gebruik in plaas van die benaming ‘landelik’ omdat laasgenoemde ’n gebied van primêre produksie met geen diversifisering van ekonomiese aktiwiteite impliseer. Dus, sluit die studiegebied die metropolitaanse gebied van Kaapstad uit, maar sluit die res van die provinsie in waar nedersettings van verskeie grootte en met ’n diverse reeks ekonomiese aktiwiteite voorkom. Dit is in hierdie gebiedens dat geslote woonbuurte ondersoek word met die doel om besondere aspekte van hierdie tot nou toe onverkende nie-metropolitaanse geslote woonbuurte in Suid-Afrika, na vore te bring. Die spesifieke doelwitte is om die navorsing binne die breër teorietiese en konseptuele debatte rondom geslote woonbuurte te plaas; die verspreiding van die verskynsel te karteer; die ligging en die sekuriteitsaspekte van die woonbuurte op makro skaal ruimtelik te ontleed. Ceres en Swellendam word as gevallestudies behandel. Die twee dorpe se geslote woonbuurte ’n menigte beduidende kenmerke van hul geslote woonbuurte vertoon, wat verdere mikro skaalanalise regverdig. Die ruimtelike en liggingsanalises het navorsingwaardige temas oor spesifieke tipes geslote woonbuurte onthul. Die temas sluit geslote aftreewoonbuurte in Oudtshoorn en Swellendam en geslote woonbuurte buitekant dorpsgrense in. ’n Omvattende ruimtelike databasis van geslote woonbuurte binne die studiegebeid is uit verskeie bronne saamgestel en ’n proses van terreinverifiëring het vir die inwin van data oor fisiese kenmerke van elke woonbuurt gesorg. Kwalitatiewe data is by respondente verkry deur middel van onderhoude, elektroniese kommunikasie en ’n vraelys opname. Verspreidingspatrone van die geslote woonbuurte is aan die hand van die ruimtelike data vasgestel en die data oor die fisiese verskynsels is gebruik om ’n sekuriteitsindekswaardes van die geslote woonbuurte te bereken. Die datastelle het ruimtelike en tipologiese vergelykings moontlik gemaak. Kwalitatiewe data het ’n ‘stem’ aan die kwantitiewe data verleen en insig in die sosiale, ekonomiese en beplanningsaspekte van geslote woonbuurte verskaf. Die ligging van geslote woonbuurte in die provinsie is grootliks deur nabyheid aan die Kaapse metropool en gebiede met ’n hoë voorkoms van geriewe beïnvloed. Die ruimtelike- en tydspatrone en tipologiese kenmerke van geslote woonbuurte is deur liggingspesifiekefaktore beïnvloed. In sommige dorpe is die geslote woonbuurte as ’n ‘leefruimte’ gekenmerk, terwyl ander geslote woonbuurte as ‘leefruimte en leefstylruimte’ getipeer word. Die sekuriteitsverskynsels van geslote woonbuurte het ook tipologiese en ruimtelike verskeidenheid getoon. Misdaaddata is gebruik om te toon dat die verspreiding van nie-metropolitaanse geslote woonbuurte nie noodwendig ooreenstem met dorpe met hoë misdaadsyfers nie. Sekuriteit is nie ’n reaksie op buitensporige misdaadsyfers nie, eerder ’n strategie wat in werking tree in geval iets gebeur – paraatheid vir die onwaarskynlike gebeurtenis van ’n sekuriteitskending. Die ontwikkeling van geslote woonbuurte in die gevallestudiedorpe is sterk deur liggingspesifieke behoeftes, die doelstellings van inwoners en prosesse van munisipaliteite beïnvloed. Geslote woonbuurte wat nismarkte bedien, soos dié wat deur die tematiese gevallestudies verteenwoordig is, word bevorder deur sekere aantrekkingsfaktore wat dorpe bied en die bekoring van ’n eksklusiewe landelike residensiële lewensstyl in gebiede met ’n hoë voorkoms van geriewe vir lewensgenieting. Laasgenoemde is gekoppel aan die omskepping van landbougrond vir die bou van geslote woonbuurte wat ’n aanduiding van post-produktivistiese verandering in die studiegebeid is. Dié eerste en gedagteprikkelende ondersoek oor nie-metropoolitaanse geslote woonbuurte opper temas vir verdere navorsing. Dit sluit in ’n verstaan van die moontlike veranderings in sosiale verhoudings tussen die inwoners van geslote en ongeslote nie-metropolitaanse lokaliteite, die moontlikheid van verhoogde topofobie in dorpe; en ondersoeke oor die rol van verskillende insethouers en rolspelers in die ontwikkeling van nie-metropoolitaanse geslote woonbuurte.

The nature, extent and impact of multiple land uses on the agricultural landscape in Stellenbosch as manifestation of a post-productivist mode of agricultural change

Cloete, Gert Johannes Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the nature, extent and impact of multiple land uses on the agricultural landscape in Stellenbosch as manifestation of a post-productivist mode of agricultural change. The research objectives included the provision of a thorough literature review of post-productivism; mapping the spatial distribution of farm-based activities on wine farms within the Stellenbosch area; the compilation of a land-use map of the area that will investigate the extent of multiple land-use diversification; an analysis of the locational relationship between farm-based activities and a range of land-use changes in GIS; mapping the municipal properties and land use on each; the provision of a typology of post-productivist, non-agricultural land consumption practices; and conducting a representatively sampled survey among farm owners/managers who have not followed the trend of multiple land-use practices. Data were collected from questionnaires completed by the owners of wine farms within the Stellenbosch area; by differentiating each land cover type by the changes that took place over the period 1993 to 2010; and from long-term lease agreements of Stellenbosch municipal properties and the land use of each property. An overall increase in the presentation of alternative features/facilities can be observed in the Stellenbosch area. According to the information obtained from the questionnaires, conferences and weddings seems to be the most popular alternatives to primary farming. The research findings indicate that tourism-related functions/facilities on farms lead to a much needed alternative source of income for farmers. The changes in land cover observed over time can be linked to the process of post-productivism, which is aimed primarily at minimising the harmful effects of intensive farming techniques on the environment. In cases where land cover has decreased drastically, especially plantations, these areas have been transformed into natural vegetation. The Stellenbosch Municipality is strict on compliance with policies, as failure to do so can have harmful effects on the environment. These policies include the Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 (Western Cape, 1985); the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations of 2008 (Western Cape, 2008); the Western Cape Provincial Spatial Development Framework of 2009 (Western Cape, 2009); the Provincial Urban Edge Guidelines of 2005; and the policy on the management of Stellenbosch Municipality’s immovable property of 2012. The municipality also is strict on the fact that the property may only be used for the purpose for which it was zoned. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to the termination of the contract between the municipality and the farmer, without any compensation from the municipality. Recommendations for future research include some development opportunities and marketing strategies for farm-based tourism; suggestions regarding the municipal responsibilities towards the commonages; as well as suggestions regarding the management of changes in rural land use change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die aard, omvang en impak van veelvoudige grondgebruike op die landbou-landskap van Stellenbosch as ’n manifestasie van die postproduktivistiese modus van landbouverandering. Die navorsingsdoelwitte het die volgende ingesluit: die voorsiening van 'n deeglike literatuuroorsig oor postproduktivisme; kartering van die ruimtelike verspreiding van plaas-gebaseerde aktiwiteite op wynplase in die Stellenbosch-omgewing; samestelling van 'n grondgebruikskaart van die gebied wat die omvang van die diversifisering van veelvuldige grondgebruike ondersoek; analise van die liggingsverhouding tussen plaas-gebaseerde aktiwiteite en 'n verskeidenheid van grondgebruikveranderinge in GIS; kartering van die munisipale eiendomme en grondgebruik op elke eiendom; verskaffing van 'n tipologie van die postproduktivistiese, nie-landbou verbruikspraktyke; en die uitvoering van 'n verteenwoordigende opname onder plaaseienaars/bestuurders wat nie die tendens van meervoudige grondgebruike volg nie. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste wat deur eienaars van wynplase in die Stellenbosch-omgewing voltooi is; deur onderskeid te tref tussen verskillende soorte grondbedekking deur te fokus op die veranderinge wat van 1993 tot 2010 plaasgevind het; asook ’n ondersoek van langtermyn huurkontrakte van munisipale eiendomme op Stellenbosch en die grondgebruik van elke eiendom. In die Stellenbosch-omgewing was daar 'n algehele toename in die aanbieding van alternatiewe funksies/fasiliteite. Volgens die vraelyste blyk konferensies en troues die gewildste alternatief tot primêre boerdery te wees. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui daarop dat toerisme en verwante funksies/fasiliteite op plase 'n noodsaaklike alternatiewe bron van inkomste vir die boere verskaf. Die veranderinge in die grondbedekking wat oor tyd waargeneem is, kan gekoppel word aan die proses van postproduktivisme, aangesien die proses daarop fokus om die skadelike uitwerking van intensiewe boerderytegnieke op die omgewing te verminder. In gevalle waar grondbedekking drasties afgeneem het, veral van plantasies, is hierdie gebiede gewoonlik in natuurlike plantegroei omskep. Die Munisipaliteit van Stellenbosch is streng oor die nakoming van beleide, aangesien versuim ʼn skadelike uitwerking op die omgewing kan hê. Hierdie beleide sluit in die Grondgebruikbeplanning Ordonnansie 15 van 1985; Munisipale Bate Oordrag Regulasies van 2008; die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk van 2009; die Provinsiale ‘Stedelike Randgebied’ Riglyne van 2005; asook die beleid op die bestuur van die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se vaste eiendom van 2012. Die munisipaliteit is ook streng oor die feit dat eiendomme slegs gebruik mag word vir die doel waarvoor dit gesoneer is. Versuim om hieraan te voldoen kan lei tot die beëindiging van die kontrak tussen die Munisipaliteit en die boer, sonder enige vergoeding vanaf die munisipaliteit. Voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing sluit in 'n paar ontwikkelingsgeleenthede en bemarkingstrategieë vir plaas-gebaseerde toerisme, voorstelle ten opsigte van die munisipale verantwoordelikhede teenoor meentgronde, asook voorstelle gerig op die bestuur van verandering in landelike grondgebruik.

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