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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Awareness and opinions about sugar-sweetened beverage policy in a university setting

Thompson, Helaina 01 August 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore awareness and opinions about sugar-sweetened beverage policy—specifically pouring rights contracts—on a university campus. Participants were 915 students, staff, and faculty currently studying or under employment at the University of Iowa. Participants completed an online survey. Nearly two-thirds (64.2%) of participants reported not being aware of pouring rights prior to completing the survey. Over one-third (38.0%) of participants reported they agreed with universities engaging in pouring rights contracts, while 30.9% of participants neither agreed or disagreed, and 31.0% disagreed with universities engaging in pouring rights contracts. Respondents who identified as male, undergraduate students, and those who agreed that individuals are responsible for their own sugar-sweetened beverage consumption were more likely to support engaging in pouring rights contracts. Understanding awareness, support, and determinants of support for pouring rights contracts is important for those involved in establishing policies targeting sugar-sweetened beverage availability on college campuses.

Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training (BST) to Teach College Students to Pour a Standard Serving of Alcohol: Skill Acquisition and Generality Across Cups and Time

Brock, Margaret 01 January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Binge drinking is prevalent among college students and is associated with a number of serious consequences. However, research suggests college students who count drinks and set drink limits are less likely to engage in binge drinking. In order to successfully use these tactics, college students must identify and pour standard servings of alcohol. Unfortunately, college students typically cannot identify or pour standard servings of alcohol. Behavioral Skills Training (BST), comprised of instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback (Miltenberger, 2008), can be used to teach college students to pour standard servings of alcohol (Hankla et al., 2017). If effective, universities might consider incorporating BST into their mandated alcohol education courses. However, because of the time investment required for properly using BST to teach this skill, it is important to examine whether participants demonstrate maintenance of skills over time and generalization across untrained cups. In the current study we used a non-concurrent multiple baseline across participants research design that included generality assessments with two untrained stimuli (cups), different in shape, color, and volume. All three participants poured inaccurately during baseline. Following BST with the first trained cup, all three poured accurately into the trained cup, reproducing results from previous studies (Hankla et al., 2018; Schultz et al., 2019). During follow up, two participants poured accurately in all three cups, and one participant poured accurately in one cup. This suggests, pending further data collection, that the skill of pouring standard servings of beer might maintain over time and generalize across untrained cups.

Akmenos upės potvynio bangos, sukeltos griūvant Padvarių užtvankai, modeliavimas Kretingos mieste / Dam break modeling of Padvariai reservoir

Martinaitis, Erikas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Potvynių problema pastaruoju metu tampa vis aktualesnė, ypač tai gerai matosi Europoje. Per paskutinį dešimtmetį kilę didžiausi potvyniai įtakos turėjau daugiau kaip 0,6 milijardo žmonių (EM-DAT, 2008). 2006 metai per potvynius, paralyžiavusius, kai kuriuos Austrijos, Čekijos, Vokietijos ir Slovakijos rajonus, žuvo mažiausiai 10 žmonių (Lietuvos, 2006). 2007 metais ES priimta potvynių rizikos valdymo direktyva 2007/60/EB (Lietuvos, 2007). Šiame darbe analizuojamas potvynio bangos modeliavimas konkrečioje vietovėje ir teritorijos užtvindymas jei įvyktų užtvankos avarija. Turint tikslą kuo geriau atskleisti ne tik lokalių potvynių problemą, darbe atlikta gan išsami literatūros analizė, kurioje aptarta potvynių susidarymo veiksniai. Pateikti duomenys apie didžiausius potvynius, klimato kaitos, kaip atskiro veiksnio įtaka potvynių susidarymui. Aptarta programinė įranga skirta užliejamai teritorijai nustatyti, užtvankų ir žemės nuošliaužų avarijoms modeliuoti. Siekiant įgyvendinti vieną iš pagrindinių darbo tikslų, su pasirinktu modeliu (HEC-RAS) atliktas Padvarių užtvankos avarijos modeliavimas ir nustatytos užliejamos teritorijos. Remiantis modeliavimo rezultatais ir sudarytu užliejamų teritorijų žemėlapiu pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai dėl teritorijos, gyventojų ir kitų objektų apsaugos. Sudarius užliejamos teritorijos žemėlapį pastebėta, kad Padvarių užtvankos avarijos atveju potvynio vandens užliejama teritorija viršija 1% tikimybės potvynio užliejamą teritoriją. Daugelis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of inundation becomes more and more relevant; especially it’s relevance is seen in Europe. There is a submergence of particular localities by inundation wave after the collapse of dam being analyzed in this paper. The aim is to reveal more than the problem of local inundations; in this paper there is a comprehensive literature analysis given as well; the factors of inundations are described. The information about the biggest inundations, the influence of climate change as a single factor causing inundations is presented. The software intended to estimate the affluent territory, to model the accidents of dams and slumps is discussed. Seeking to implement one of the main tasks, the Padvariai dam accident modeling using a chosen model (HEC-RAS) was performed and the affluent territories were estimated. According the results of the modeling and the map of the affluent territories, the conclusions and recommendations regarding the safety of territory, inhabitants and the other objects are presented. By examining created map of the affluent territory it was noticed that in case of the Padvariai dam accident the affluent territory would exceed 1% probability of affluent territory. Many bridges existing in the researched territory would be submerged and the risk of their stability would arise. The four situations analysis was performed and the data was used to present the conclusions regarding probability of the inundation arising in extreme situations, the... [to full text]

Aspects of gating system improvement in a cast iron foundry

Green, Fahami Annan, Göttfert, Felix January 2021 (has links)
The gating system transfers the iron melt from the ladle to the void in the casting mould. The gating systems dimensions and designs are crucial for the success of a casting and a poor gating system is a leading cause of scraps. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the pouring basins and sprues at Norrlandsgjuteriet, an iron foundry located in northern Sweden. The step in the offset step basin and other variables that affect the gating system is explained, investigated and simulated in MAGMASOFT. Furthermore, put to practice at Norrlandsgjuteriet. Adding a step in the offset basin fills a very important function in the system, fending off air bubbles that might enter the mould and reduce the horizontal velocity of the melt. The basin’s height and the sprue’s cross-section control the casting time and simulations conducted in this thesis show that a step can create a beneficial rounding to the flow over the step, creating a laminar flow of the melt, down the sprue contributing to a lower casting time. A narrower sprue is better, in which the melt’s surface tension is maintained, creating an oxide pipe-layer that protects the flowing melt entering the mould and from entrainment defects. The results show that replacing the offset basins used today with offset step basins, which are 30% smaller in volume, together with a tighter sprue will not only reduce the annual material consumption by 1% or 13 000 kg but more importantly increase the quality of the casting. This due to lower melt velocity, a more homogenous temperature, better flow in the basin with less air entering the mould. / Ingjutsystemet   transporterar   det   smälta   järnet   från   skänken   till   gjutformens   hålrum. Ingjutsystemets dimensioner och utformning är avgörande för en lyckad gjutning och ett dåligt utformat ingjutsystem är den främsta orsaken till kassationer. Syftet med denna rapport är att förbättra  gjutskålarna  samt nedlopp  som  Norrlandsgjuteriet,  ett  järngjuteri  i  norra  Sverige, använder. Steget i den förskjutna gjutskålen och andra variabler som påverkar ingjutsystemet förklaras, undersöks och simuleras i MAGMASOFT. Utöver detta testas det även praktiskt hos Norrlandsgjuteriet.  Att  lägga  till  ett  steg  i gjutskålen  fyller  en  väldigt  viktig  funktion  i ingjutssystemet i och med att luftbubblor avvärjs från att följa med in i formen samt minskar även  smältans horisontella  hastighet.  Gjutskålens  höjd  och  nedloppets  tvärsnittsarea  avgör gjuttiden  och  simulationer  som  genomfördes  visade  också  att  stegets rundning  i  gjutskålen skapar ett fördelaktigt flöde över steget vilket skapar ett laminärt flöde ner i nedloppet vilket samtidigt bidrar till en minskad gjuttid. Ju smalare nedlopp desto bättre upprätthålls smältans ytspänning vilket skapar ett oxidskikt som skyddar den flytande smältan, som ska fylla formen, från inblandning  av  luft  och  oxider.  Resultaten  visar  att  genom  att  byta  ut  de förskjutna gjutskålarna som används idag med förskjutna steggjutskålar, som är 30% mindre i volym, tillsammans med en smalare nedlopp så kommer inte bara den årliga materialförbrukningen att minska med 1% eller 13 000 kg men ännu viktigare att höja kvaliteten på de gjutna detaljerna. Detta på grund av lägre smälthastighet, en mer homogen temperatur, bättre flöde i gjutskålen samt mindre luft som tränger in i formen.

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