Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preschool child"" "subject:"reschool child""
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Logopedická intervence v mateřských školách v podhůří Orlických hor / Logopedic interventions in kindergartens in the foothill of the Orlické MountainsUrbanová, Marcela January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is oriented on special education. The main goal is to find out and describe whether and how is speech and language therapy established in regular kindergartens at the foothills of Orlické mountains. The work is divided into five chapters, four of them are theoretical and the fifth chapter is a practical one. The first chapter is focused on the way how the preschool education is organised in the Czech Republic. It describes the legislation system, clarifies the system of curricular documents established in our republic and mainly the framework educational program for preschool education. The second chapter describes the preschool-child ontogenesis including all aspects of his/her personality and it also depicts the child-speech ontogenesis. The third chapter is focused on the main types of impaired communication ability of preschool children. The fourth chapter is focused on the speech therapy intervention provided in the Czech Republic. The fifth chapter presents combined research, within which the qualitative method of dialogue and the quantitative method of questionnaire were used, together with non-structured observation and comparative analysis among kindergartens. The chapter defines the research goals and used methods, sets the hypotheses and the research sample. In...
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Hodnocení slovní zásoby u předškolních dětí / Lexicon Evaluation of Preschool ChildrenBrožová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Lexicon Evaluation of Preschool Children is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part of this work on speech therapy describes within four chapters the Czech vocabulary, psychological development of children up to the school maturity, speech development also up to the school maturity and finally presents diagnostic materials used in the Czech Republic for school maturity diagnostics and diagnostics of the lexical-semantic speech level. The practical part includes a quantitative research performed on children respondents in preschool classes in maternity schools. The main goal of this speech-therapy research was the modernization and verification of a testing set aimed at active vocabulary. The main reason was the fact that there is a lack of any adequate material for testing vocabulary in the Czech Republic. The new testing set could be also used as a subtest for school maturity diagnostics. The research conclusions were compared with the real situation of the tested children as referred by their teachers. As a part of the practical part there is the establishment of the research aims and hypotheses, and subsequently the research description, verification of the established hypotheses and definition of research conclusions. KEYWORDS Speech development,...
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Hudebně-pedagogické dílo Emila Hradeckého a jeho využití v mateřské škole / Musical-pedagogical work of Emil Hradecký and its application in pre-school educationPetrusová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with musical-pedagogical work of Emil Hradecký. The theoretical part is focused on the personality and music creation of Emil Hradecký and briefly characterizes the piano composition. Furthermore, the work focuses on the issues of musical development of a preschool child, describes musical activities and explains the musical-educational process from the Framework Educational Programme for Preschool Education, MŠMT ČR. The practical part is based on a questionnaire survey of kindergarten teachers, whose main aim is to find out the teachers' use of the music-pedagogical work of Emil Hradecký in their pedagogical work. The partial goals map the subjective attitudes of kindergarten teachers to the inclusion of musical activities in practice and find out which specific music materials from E. Hradecky these teachers know and how they prefer to work with them. The next aim of the thesis is to design the model situations in which the piano miniatures of Emil Hradecký are used in kindergarten in musical and other aesthetic-educational activities. Key Words piano miniatures, Emil Hradecký, musical activities, model situation, kindergarten, preschool child
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Interakce rodič - dítě s poruchou autistického spektra / Interaction parent-child with autistic spectrum disordersŽupová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Interaction between parent and child with autistic spectrum disorder. The theoretical part is about mental development neurotypical preschool child and child with ASD, focused on social skills, speech and play. Emphasis is placed on reciprocity in parent-child socio-communication interaction. Next chapter is devoted to the specifics of raising a child with ASD. Empirical part contains qualitative research to investigate individual variability in social-communication behaviour in dyadic interaction parent-child with ASD. Videos were taken from which the socio-reciprocal skills, frequency and quality of interactions and initiation of contact on the part of the child and its response to parental initiation were analysed. Special attention was paid to making eye contact. The output of the thesis is practical recommendations for mothers, detailed qualitative analyses of observed interactions and a more detailed description of the socio-communicative behaviour of children with PAS. Keywords: interaction parent-child with ASD, social skills, social reciprocity, reciprocity in social communication, reciprocal-social behavior, play of preschool child, preschool child with ASD
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Neurofiziološki aspekt prvog gubitka svesti kod dece / Neurophysiological aspect of the first loss of consciousness in childrenPeričin Starčević Ivana 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uzroci gubitka svesti su različiti i teško ih je diferencirati. Razlikovanja epileptičkih od neepileptičkih gubitaka svesti je od krucijalnog značaja za ispitivanje, lečenja i prognoze ovih poremećaja. Elektroencefalografija (EEG) je standardna, neinvazivna metoda koja se koristi u ispitivanju nakon gubitka svesti. Inicijalni EEG nalaz nakon prvog gubitka svesti može biti normalan, specifičan ili nespecifičan. Procenat patološkog EEG nalaza je veći kod rano urađenog EEG pregleda. Kod dece rani EEG pregled u roku od 48h ne pokazuje statistički značajne abnormalnosti. Spontanim spavanjem ili EEG pregledom nakon deprivacije spavanja se beleži značajno veća prisutnost epileptiformnih promena kod dece starije od 3 godine, čak i kada je prvi EEG u budnom stanju normalan. Kombinacijama pregleda u budnom stanju i spavanju povećava prisutnost patoloških promena u EEG zapisu. Materijal metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 198 dece uzrasta od 3-12 godine života nakon prvog gubitka svesti. Ispitanici su klasifikovani u dve grupe na osnovu otpusne dijagnoze: na grupu dece kod kojih dijagnoza epilepsije nije postavljena i na grupu dece kod kojih je dijagnoza epilepsije potvrđena. Korelirani su nalazi EEG-a u budnom stanju i spavanju (spontanom ili nakon deprivacije spavanja) sa anamnestičkim i kliničkim podacima o gubitku svesti, podacima o dužini trajanja gubitka svesti i vremena oporavka, vremenom kada je urađen prvi EEG u odnosu na gubitak svesti kao i sa podacima o ličnoj i porodičnoj anamnezi, a koji su navedeni u protokolu istraživanja. Ispitanici su potom podeljeni prema uzrastu u pet grupa u intervalima od 2 godine (3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12). Rezultati: Nakon prvog gubitka svesti specifičan (epileptiformni) nalaz EEG u budnom stanju imalo je 41,97% ispitanika, a 58,03% je imalo nespecifičan ili uredan EEG nalaz u budnom stanju, dok je specifičan nalaz EEG u spavanju imalo je 73,57% ispitanika, a 26,43% je imalo nespecifičan ili uredan EEG nalaz u spavanju. Ispitanici koji su imali specifičan EEG nalaz u budnom stanju imali su i specifičan nalaz u spavanju, a 45,07%, nakon deprivacije sna. Ispitanici koji su u budnom stanju imali nespecifičan ili uredan EEG nalaz u budnom stanju su u 35,92% nakon deprvacije spavanja imali specifičan EEG nalaz u spavanju, za razliku od 1,41% dece koji su imali specifičan EEG nalaz u spontanom spavanju. Sumarno gledano bolesnici koji su “aktivirani” odnosno oni kod kojih je deprivacija spavanja uticala na dobijanje specifičnog nalaza (epileptiformnih pormena) u spavanju čine 37.32% od svih ispitanika sa specifičnim (epileptiformnim) promenama u EEG-u u spavanju Zaključak: Kod većine pacijenata nakon prvog gubitka svesti EEG nalaz u budnom stanju je bio nespecifičan ili uredan. Procenat specifičnih EEG nalaza (epileptiformnih promena) se značajno povećao prilikom snimanja EEG u spavanju. Naročito velika korist od deprivacije spavanja kao metode aktivacije potvrđena kod onih pacijenata koji su imali inicijalni EEG u budnom stanju uredan ili nespecifičan. Dobijeni rezultati nesumljivo ukazuju na efikasnost deprivacije spavanja kao provokacione metode i povećanja procenta interiktalnihepileptiformnih EEG promena. Neprovociranih prvi gubitci svesti su se češće javljali u grupi dece kod kojih je dijagnoza epilepsije potvrđena, dok su se provocirani gubitci svesti javljali češće u grupi dece kod kojih dijagnoza epilepsije nije postavljena. Uzrast dece nije uticao na postavljanje dijagnoze epilepsije kao ni na inicijalne nalaze EEGa u budnom stanju i spavanju ali se registrovalo povećanje specifičnih nalaza (epileptiformnih promena) EEG-a, nakon deprivacije spavanja , sa porastom godina života.</p> / <p>The reasons for the loss of consciousness are various and difficult to be differentiated. It is of utmost importance to differentiate between epileptic and non-epileptic losses of consciousness for the purpose of testing, treating and giving prognosis related to this disorder. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a standard, non-invasive method used in testing after the loss of consciousness. The initial EEG after the first loss of consciousness can be normal, specific and non-specific. The percentage of pathological EEG findings is higher in EEG exams performed at an earlier stage. In children, an early EEG exam within 48 hours does not reveal any statistically relevant abnormalities. Spontaneous sleeping or an EEG examination after sleep deprivation leads to a significantly higher number of epileptiform changes in children above the age of 3, even in cases when the first EEG in the awake state was normal. Combinations of examinations in the awake state and during sleep lead to an increased presence of pathological changes in the EEG recording. Material and methods: The research included 198 children aged 3-12 who have experienced their first loss of consciousness. The subjects were classified into two groups, based on their discharge diagnosis: children who have not been diagnosed with epilepsy and children who have had epilepsy confirmed. A correlation was established between EEG findings in the awake state and sleep (spontaneous or following sleep deprivation) and medical history and clinical data related to the loss of consciousness, the information about the length of the loss of consciousness and recovery time, the time when the first EEG examination was performed in relation to the loss of consciousness, as well as the data from the personal and family history. The subjects were further divided into five groups, depending on their age, with each group covering a 2-year period (3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12). Results: Following the first loss of consciousness, specific (epileptiform) EEG findings were noticed in 41.97% subjects, while 58.03% of them had non-specific, i.e. regular findings in the awake state. When it comes to the findings during sleep, 73,57% were specific, while 26,43% were non-specific, i.e. regular. The subjects who had specific EEG findings in the awake state also had specific findings during sleep, while that percentage was 45,07% after sleep deprivation. The subjects who had non-specific, i.e. regular EEG findings in the awake state had specific EEG findings during sleep in 35.92% of the cases following sleep deprivation, while 1.41% of the children had specific EEG findings during spontaneous sleep. In total, the patients who were “activated”, i.e. those whose sleep deprivation contributed to specific findings (epileptiform changes) during sleep comprise 37.32% of all subjects with specific (epileptiform) changes in the EEG findings during sleep. Conclusion: In most patients suffering from the first loss of consciousness the EEG findings were non-specific, i.e. regular. The percentage of specific EEG findings (epileptiform changes) was significantly increased when the EEG examination was performed during sleep. Sleep deprivation, as an activation method, was particularly useful in patients whose initial EEG findings in the awake state were regular, i.e. non-specific. The results obtained undoubtedly confirm the efficiency of sleep deprivation as a provoking method and the increase of the percentage of interictal epileptiform EEG changes. Unprovoked first losses of consciousness were more common in the group of children who have had the diagnosis of epilepsy confirmed, while provoked losses of consciousness were more common in the group of children who have not been diagnosed with epilepsy. The age of children did not affect the process of establishing a diagnosis of epilepsy, nor did it affect the initial EEG findings in the awake state or during sleep, but it was observed that the number of specific EEG findings (epileptiform changes) following sleep deprivation increased with the increase of the age of the patients.</p>
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Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary schoolLeškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project
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Sourozenci v předškolním věku v mateřské škole / Siblings in pre-school ageRindošová, Milena January 2012 (has links)
ANOTACE: Rodina je místem, kde dochází k prvním sociálním vztahům a vazbám. Každý jedinec, má potřebu kontaktů s jinými lidmi. Ještě před dovršením tří let věku dítěte roste v každém touha být ve společenství vrstevníků. Tyto první kontakty dítě zažívá v rodině se sourozenci a v mateřské škole. Sourozenecká skupina vymezuje osobnost jedince, má vliv na jeho osobnostní charakteristiky a chování. Vědomí sama sebe se buduje prostřednictvím vztahů k druhému. Jakou roli bude dítě v rodině mít, je spjato s mnoha faktory, kterými jsou: počet sourozenců v rodině, pořadí narození sourozenců, věkový rozdíl a pohlaví. Následně záleží na výchovném přístupu rodičů. Vstup dítěte do mateřské školy je velkou životní změnou pro dítě i pro celou rodinu. Aby vstup proběhl hladce, musí být dítě připraveno odloučit se od rodičů, zvykat si na nové prostředí, na společenství vrstevníků, najít si svou vlastní identitu. Jak proběhne vstup a adaptace do skupiny vrstevníků, záleží na stupni socializace předškolního dítěte. V diplomové práci se zabývám na základě poznatků z rozhovorů, dotazníků a pozorování porovnáním schopností a dovedností sourozeneckých dvojic při nástupu do mateřské školy. Ve výzkumu se soustřeďuji zejména na to, zda ovlivnilo adaptaci mladšího sourozence vědomí, že v mateřské škole má staršího sourozence a jakým...
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Mezigenerační učení ve výchově dětí předškolního věku / Intergenerational Learning in Education of Preschool ChildrenKlinerová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the intergenerational learning in families of preschool children. The first, theoretical part, discusses the ongoing intergenerational learning in families and possibilities of intergenerational programs outside the family. The second, practical part, examines whether and how progress the intergenerational learning in families with preschool children and deals with the parentʼs attitudes toward intergenerational program in kindergarten. Research is carried out via survey in families of children, structured interviews with parents and observation and interviews with children in kindergarten. One part of the thesis is to create the design and implementation of a project focused on intergenerational learning in cooperation of kindergarten and senior citizen home and subsequent reflection process, which arises during intergenerational activities between children and seniors from non-family environment.
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Připravenost mateřských škol na inkluzivní vzdělávání dětí se zrakovým postižením v Jihočeském kraji / Readiness of kindergarten on inclusive education for children with visual impairments in the South Bohemian RegionVychopeňová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This submitted thesis deals with the exclusive education of kindergarten aged children. The main purpose of this thesis is to chart the preparedness of the kindergarteners for inclusive education of children with visual impairment in the South Bohemian Region. The subject is being processed according to theoretical and practical background of special education and related fields. The researched area of interest is judged on a basis of set conditions based on a concept of inclusive pedagogy. Analysis of the questionnaire research is bringing a view of preschool educators who have experience with the education of children with visual impairment. Examples of good practice are presented, which complement and support a view of information gained with first grade educators, who also have experience with teaching visual impaired children. Outcomes for practice are made as Activities Concepts or children with visual impairments. Concepts are created as suggestions or inspiration for kindergarten educators, where there are visually impaired children. Activities are created so they can be applied throughout the day care centre's routine, and involves the participation of all preschool children.
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Soudobé umělecko-hudební kontexty předškolní pedagogiky ve světle pedagogického výzkumu / Contemporary artistic-musical contexts of the preschool education in the field of pedagogical researchBobková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis in theoretical layer deals with issues of pedagogical secondary schools, particularly in methodological approaches to preschool education. The author will focuses on this topic from the perspective of high-school of pedagogy teachers. She will elaborate on psychological characteristics of a preschool age child in the context of integration and polyaesthetization. She will characterise processes by which personal values are formed. She will deal with dynamics of contemporary changes of both society and family and with perception of education in kindergartens in the field of personality concept of education. The research will introduce opinions on contemporary needs of pedagogical practice and its reflection on professional pedagogical, scientific and academic grounds that will be ascertained through the means of interviews with teachers having a long-time experience with teaching at pedagogical high schools in the Czech Republic and by survey among secondary pedagogical school's students.
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