Spelling suggestions: "subject:"protected"" "subject:"nprotected""
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Projekt cyklistické naučné stezky v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras / Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian KarstTesařová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Title: Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Bohemian Karst Objective: The objective of this work was to create an Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst. The trail, natural and cultural attractions and other information process into guidebook which will be available at tourist information centers and on the Internet. Methods: Collecting and sorting information about the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Summarizing information in guidebook and creating a trail. Subsequent test the applicability of a booklet form of a questionnaire to a group of cyclists who created the route with the completed booklets. Results: The results of this work are two proposal of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area of the Bohemian Karst, which are processed into guidebook that contains trail description, information about each trail and map material. The final form of the trail is also based on results of questionnaires and direct responses of testees. The guidebook can be offered to information centers in the area of Bohemian Karst or through them be available in electronic form on the Internet. Keywords: cycling, Educational trail, Protected Landscape Area, Bohemian Karst.
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Právní úprava národních parků v ČR / Legal regulation of National Parcs in the Czech RepublicChlíbek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a legal regulation of National Parks in the Czech Republic. The National parks are declared within territorial nature conservation in places with unaffected ecosystems or ecosystems little influenced by people. The thesis is composed of ten chapters dealing with declaring of National Parks, protective conditions, visitor rules, management plans, zoning systems and buffer zones. The separate parts focus on the possibility of establishing fees in National Park areas and reaching a compromise between nature conservation and tourism. The closing part looks at the imperfections of institutions of National Parks. The aim of the thesis is to analyze an effective legal regulation and then to propose its modification in order to protect nature more efficiently in the area of National Parks.
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Chráněné bydlení pro osoby s mentálním postižením očima jeho klientů / Supported Housing for Persons with Learning Disability from the Viewpoint of Those PersonsFialová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on supported protected housing for persons with learning disabilities and the personal experience of such persons using various types of such housing. The first chapter contains the theoretical basis of this topic and its subchapters list certain trends in social services. It contains the definition of the expression supported protected housing for persons with learning disabilities and its individual types. Chapter two focuses on the users of the social services consisting in provision of supported protected housing for persons with learning disabilities. Its first subchapter focuses on the expression of adulthood, the other subchapters then deal with psychological characteristics and particular features of persons with learning disabilities. Chapter three contains the research. It contains the justification of the research issue, stipulates the objective of the thesis, and defines the research questions. Its subchapters discuss the research methods and describe the place where the research has taken place. The method of selection of research respondents and the respondents selected are described. Chapter four contains the presentation of the individual participants of the research through case studies and the written transcript of the interviews with them, containing the...
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Právní režim provozování turistiky a sportu ve zvláště chráněných územích / The legal regime of practicing tourism and sports in specially protected areasManková, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with legal regime of practicing tourism and sports in specially protected areas of the Czech Republic. Specially protected areas are areas with stricter protection regime of nature on specific accurately assessed flat territory. The thesis is composed of five chapters dealing with mutual relationship between sports and environmental protection, general definition of law of specially protected areas of the Czech Republic with a focus on protection tools and sports and tourism activities. Last two chapters are devoted to the pursuit of climbing in the Protected Landscape Area Jizerské hory and the National Park České Švýcarsko. The aim of the thesis is to summarize and to assess the existing legal regulation and to identify of problematic issues. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Právní režim chráněných území a ochranných pásem v ochraně vod / Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones to protect waterKašpar, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regime of protected areas and protective zones used to protect water. The diploma thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one defines basic terms, a protected area and protective zone, in general. This chapter also contains a comparison of both institutes and their application in environmental protection. The second chapter deals with the sources of relevant legislation protected areas and protective zones to protect water. Chapters three and four are central of the thesis as they contain an interpretation of legislation of each types of protected areas and protective zones to protect water. For individual institutes is analyzed their concept, function, form and method of their determination and especially their special legal regime based namely on bans and restrictions regarding certain activities in the given area. Attention is also paid to various limitations of property rights to real estate in the protected areas and protective zones and to possible compensations for such limitations.
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Právní úprava poskytování náhrad škod způsobených vybranými zvláště chráněnými živočichy / Legal regulation of compensation for damage caused by selected specially protected species of animalsMašková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the current legal regulation in the field of compensation for damage caused by selected, specially protected animals, which is in the Czech legal system regulated by Act No. 115/2000 Coll. It belongs to one of the means adopted in order to protect nature and environment and its objective is to reduce the conflict that has arisen between human activities and selected, specially protected animals, which are known to cause damage on the property of people. In accordance with the above mentioned legislation, amongst these so called conflicting species are included the Brown Bear, Northern Lynx, European Elk, River Otter, European Beaver, the Wolf and also Great Cormorant that, however, is no longer in the field of activity of this Act. Such an objective should be reached through the provision of financial compensation for the damage caused by these animals to some predefined objects owned by individual entities. The thesis is divided into three main chapters dealing mainly with the actual Act No. 115/2000 Coll. and some other related issues. The first chapter focuses on basic legal terms with relevance for the protection of animals. With a help of the relevant legislation, terms such as animal are introduced with emphasis on their legal status in the Czech legislative...
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Udržitelný turismus ve vybraných zvláště chráněných územích ČR / Sustainable tourism in selected protected areas in the Czech RepublicGörner, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The designation of protected areas is currently the most widely adopted means of conserving natural ecosystems. Whilst the conservation of nature is the primary concern in protected areas, it is also recognized that meeting the needs and priorities of participants (e. g. local residents, visitors) is vital to the long-term survival of such areas. Studies dealing with attitudes of participants may improve protected area management, and help to identify the problems in the area. The Ph.D. thesis "Sustainable tourism in selected protected areas in the Czech Republic" was carried out in Krkonose National Park (KPNAP), Sumava National Park (NP) and Protected Landscape Area (PLA) in the Czech Republic and in Karkonoski Park Narodowy (KPN) in Poland. Many socioenvironmental research studies have been done focusing on the problems of tourism in these areas. The results of these studies could be affected by the timing and location of the survey. The main objective of the research is to compare characteristics and attitudes of visitors and local people in protected areas in different seasons (winter and summer) and in different types of protected areas (national parks and protected landscape area). The first part of the results finds the differences between perceptions and attitudes of visitors of the...
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Projekt cyklistických naučných stezek v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Křivoklátsko / Project of Educational cycle trails in the Protected Landscape Area in Krivoklatsko.Šnajdr, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Title: Project of Educational cycle trail in the Protected Landscape Area in Krivoklatsko. Objective: The aim is to create cycling trails nature trails in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area. Paths and routes the information to the stop and focus on routes processed into a form guide. Methods: Gathering and sorting information about the natural and cultural richness of the area. Summary information through research. Creating a printed guide with the different routes of trails. Subsequent verification of application of the resulting guide in the form of a questionnaire to a group of cyclists who tracks created by the guide completed. Results: The result of the work projects are three cycling nature trails in the protected landscape area Křivoklátsko, which are processed into a printed guide which contains a description of trails, information on routes and stops map material. The guide will be available at tourist information centers in the area and also on the Internet with the help of QR codes will be placed through stickers on existing information boards in the area. Keywords: cycling, nature trail, protected landscape area Křivoklátsko
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Ochrana půdy v chráněných územích a ochranných pásmech. / Protection of soil in protected areas and protection zonesGotart, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the legal regime of the protected areas and zones designed to protect the soil.The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is devoted to a general definition of the environment and describes the reasons why to protect them. The second chapter deals with soil protection in general, and mainly focuses on the problems they are currently facing with the land protection. The third chapter is devoted to the sources of legislation on the soil protection. Chapter four and five of the thesis includes a central and legal analysis of soil conservation in protected areas and zones in the laws on nature protection and landscape in the Water Act. Each institute is described, defined, and especially emphasize the special legal regime consisting mainly of the bans and restrictions on certain activities in the area through which the soil is being protected. Fifth and sixth chapter focuses on soil protection contained in the Act on spas and mining.
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Integrating economic costs into global biodiversity conservation priorities: Sensitivity of prioritization to the use of differing cost indicatorsBarth, Georg 08 February 2016 (has links)
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