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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výukový text pro úvodní fyzikální praktikum / Basic Physical Practice Coursebook

MITTASCH, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents basic concepts of measuring, physical quantities, units of measurement and Physics instruments. There are instructions how to realize the measuring in practice and an introduction of measuring deviation. There are examples showing processing of measured values including use of some Microsoft Excel functions.

Řízení a monitoring decentralizovaných zdrojů energie a akumulačních zařízení / Control and monitoring of a distributed energy generation systems based on renewable sources with storage system

Smugala, Ondrej January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dealing with possible approaches to control distributed energy resources and storage systems. One of these approaches is a virtual power plant and its concept is described in the first part of the thesis. The virtual power plant is a controlled system of distributed energy resources, storage systems and controllable loads interconnected via communication network, that can act as a conventional power plant. The theoretical part contains a survey of control system's topologies, a brief summary of available communication infrastructures and standards. The second part of the thesis is focused on the description of operation and control of hybrid system that represents an inseparable component of virtual power plant. A Matlab Simulink model was created for this purpose. A simulation of hybrid inverter's step response is realised to test the operation of the hybrid system and it is compared with the real measurements in the laboratory. A comparison of control approaches of hybrid system implemented on the basis of measurements is also included in this thesis and was published in the scientific paper attached in the appendix.

Monitorování peerů sdílejících torrenty / Torrent Peer Monitoring

Bezděk, David January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with analysis and implementation of methods for BitTorrent monitoring focusing on the Mainline DHT protocol. The aim of the thesis was to create a system, that will be looking for BitTorrent peers that participe in the illegal file distribution. Another task of the system was to collect and analyze data for counting size of the BitTorrent network. That was achieved by taking over of existing method. The system was designed and implemented as a module for monitoring of cybernetic crime. It also defines an interface for storing and sharing data, that provides data evaluation, easy data manipulation and serves for possible future extensions.

Modul rozšiřující funkcionalitu GDPR řešení / Module Extending Functionality of GDPR Solution

Janeček, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to introduced the principles of access control technologies, the General Data Protection Regulation and the software for data leakage protection. An essential part of the work is a draft and implementation of the expansion module for user device authentication including shared storage access authorization. Therefore, this module allows to verify whether a user can access shared corporate resources. It also allows to enable or disable access based on specified attributes, such as the type of the protected service or user permission. The basic verification of the module's functionality is realized through different sets of tests and a virtual environment that simulates the corporate environment. The result of the draft is a module that allows to verify access based on the device, and this module is moreover integrated into the Safetica security platform.

Predikce Pohybu Bezdrátových Uzlů v Mobilních Ad Hoc Sítích (MANET) / Movement Prediction of Wireless Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS)

Makhlouf, Nermin January 2019 (has links)
Rychlý vývoj v oblasti mobilní informatiky vyústil v nový, alternativní způsob mobilní komunikace, v němž mobilní uzly tvoří samoorganizující se bezdrátovou síť, jíž se říká mobilní síť ad hoc (Mobile Ad hoc Network, MANET). Specifické vlastnosti sítí MANET stavějí návrh síťového protokolu před řadu problémů na všech vrstvách protokolové sady . Příčinou jsou nepředvídatelné změny topologie a mobilní povaha těchto sítí. Nástrojem, který řeší problémy plynoucí z mobility uzlů, je predikce budoucích změn v topologii sítě. To má zásadní význam pro různé úlohy jako přesměrování. Tato disertační práce se zabývá dvěma metodami predikce mobility pro sítě MANET. První metoda se nazývá „predikce mobility s využitím virtuální mapy“ (mobility prediction using virtual map) a předpokládá, že každý uzel si dokáže vybudovat svou virtuální mapu v závislosti na svém umístění v průběhu času. Vyvinutý predikční algoritmus byl implementován do síťového simulátoru NS-2, aby jej bylo možné vyhodnotit. V této práci zkoumám stávající modely mobility a způsob, jakým v nich lze aplikovat tuto metodu predikce. Simulace sledují zlepšení výkonnosti, co se týče průměrného zpoždění na bázi end-to-end, poměru doručených paketů a propustnosti sítě. Navržený koncept predikce byl implementován pomocí směrovacího protokolu AODV(Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector). Pro druhou metodu jsem vyvinula umělou neuronovou síť pro predikci pohybů v sítích MANET. Model pro predikci mobility vznikl na základě dat shromážděných ze vzorců umístění. K učení či trénování ANN byl využit bayesovský přístup. Ten byl implementován v softwaru pro trénování bayesovských neuronových sítí s názvem Model Manager. Nejlepším způsobem hodnocení závěrečného modelu je provedení predikcí a jejich srovnání s cílovými daty. Predikce vznikají na základě 50 vzorců jako vstupních proměnných. Dosažené výsledky prezentované s diskutované v práci se vyznačují zlepšením zásadních parametrů komunikační sítě, jako jsou propustnost, zpoždění, Poměr doručených paketů, až o 30% v porovnání s klasickým směrovacím protokolem AODV, kde není implementován predikční model.

Nová hybridní jednovodičová sběrnice pro mikroelektronické systémy / Novel Hybrid One-wire Bus for Microelectronic Systems

Levek, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the research and development of a new hybrid one-wire bus with special use enabling microelectronic integration. The bus, its physical layer and protocol have been developed based on applied research to meet the complex requirements of a new application group. These requirements are especially laid on the bus robustness and its immunity to interference and to work under real operating conditions. Part of the thesis is a description of existing solutions of one-wire buses, definition of current solutions and setting of goals for research of the new bus. Further are made the design of protocol and operating parameters of the bus operating in low power and power mode. In conclusion, the thesis deals with the practical verification of the proposed solution and there is also suggested a perspective of follow-up research in this area.

Model křižovatky s průmyslovou komunikací / Crossroad model with industrial communication

Záviš, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma project summarizes a theoretical introduction regarding the issue of traffic light control. Further there is industrial communication discussed, where they are the Ethernet / IP protocol and the Modbus TCP protocol described more in detail. The following is the description of the Logix series programmable controllers. Then the diploma follows up with market research in order to find the most suitable development kit which is used as a trial prototype. Then it is concerned with a development kit with a communication module from AND-TECH company. Software was developed on them, more specifically a library for processor ports, memory and the Modbus TCP protocol. After verifying the functionality of the software, the hardware design was started. From the first site it is development kit and module and from the second site there are input and output circuits. There must be the assessment of the results found during the test operation. The end of the document describes incorrect steps that were repaired in hardware.

Datový koncentrátor / Data concentrator

Dvorský, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the design and realization of a modular Data concentrator for various types of measurements in diverse conditions. The device conception, basic principles, design and functionality are described herein. Also, the lightweight protocol design for radio communication, standardized XML format for data storage and cloud usage are described. The electrical design of the device as well as the design of the printed circuit board was made using the Eagle Autodesk electronic design automation software (Eagle Autodesk EDA). The control software written in C/C++ for a target microcontroller (ESP32-WROOM-32) is based on a FreeRTOS platform and ESP-IDF framework. An IDE for managing this software is Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO extension. Selected and used Cloud Platform is ThingSpeak from Mathworks, which uses certain components from Matlab platform.

Digitálně řízený rezistor / Digital controlled resistor

Sedlář, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the design of the control circuits for digital potentiometers and their application in analog systems. Digital potentiometers are three-terminal resistors with an adjustable center connection. The digital potentiomneters enable to drive logic gates, LED drivers, LCD drivers, analog switches etc. Controlling of these mentioned devices is possible by the I2C 2- wire serial bus (invented by Philips). The digital potentiometers are used to control of the primary parameters like cut-off frequency and quality factor in the state variable filter and cut-off frequency in a passive filter. Both filters are simulated in PSpice and then compared with the measured results. Next parts of this master's thesis are a computer program and a exemplary protocol.

Optimalizace přenosu hlasu v komunikačních sítích / Optimisation of a Voice Transmission in Communication Networks

Novák, David January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals abou the transmission of voice in communications networks. The theoretical part describes criteria for optimizing voice, such as quality of service, type of service, level of service, service type, and mean opinion score. Next I describe the Internet Protocol, comparing IPv4 and IPv6, VoIP, including security, protocols and parameters necessary for transmission. Other part is about neural networks. There are basically described the neural network, Hopfield neural network and Kohenen neural network. The research is based on a comparison of the network without ensuring the quality of service and with ensuring quality of service. Then, there are compared two types of switches. Classical switch-controlled sequentially, and switch controlled by neural networks. The overall simulation program is implemented in Opnet Modeler. The conclusion deals with the creation of laboratory tasks in this program to compare the different systems of ensuring quality of service.

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