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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aard van betekenisgewing in die identiteitsvestiging van adolessente met probleme

Warren, Madelief 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die aard van betekenisgewing in die identiteitsvestiging van adolessente met probleme, veral ten opsigte van die realiteit en by die aanleer van sekere lewensvaardighede, te ondersoek. Die ondersoek bestaan uit 'n literatuurstudie sowel as 'n eie empiriese ondersoek. Die betekenisgewingsfenomeen is vanuit 'n empiries-pedagogiese perspektief ondersoek, veral met die implikasies daarvan vir identiteitsvestiging. Die adolessent met probleme is geneig om op 'n onrealistiese wyse betekenisse aan sy verskillende relasies toe te ken. In kort bestaan die probleem daarin dat die adolessent met probleme nie oor die vermoe beskik om die eie 'self' objektief waar te neem nie. Die adolessent se gebrekkige insig en begrip van die realiteit lei dikwels tot irrasionele of onlogiese betekenisgewing. Irrasionele denkwyses veroorsaak by sommige adolessente gevoelens soos angs, vrees, emosionele opwelling, selfverwyt, minderwaardigheid en rigiditeit. Hierdie emosionele probleme manifesteer in 'n identiteitskrisis en word sigbaar in die adolessent se gedrag. Adolessente wat irrasionele betekenisse toeken en nie tot realistiese identiteitsvestiging kom nie, leef dikwels hulle probleme uit deur te steel, seksueel losbandige lewens te lei, dwelmmiddels te gebruik en selfs van die huis weg te loop. In die literatuurstudie is verder ook aandag gegee aan die volgende: • Terapievorme wat van toepassing is in die hulpverlening aan adolessente wat irrasionele betekenisse toeken, • Hulpverlening in groepsverband en • Kommunikasie in groephulpverleningsgebeure. Die empiriese ondersoek is 'n idiografiese ondersoek wat aan die hand van 'n model, volgens Dryden, wat gestruktureer en aangepas is, uitgevoer is. Die model is gebaseer op rasionele-emotiewe-terapie (RET) soos voorgestaan deur Ellis. Vyf adolessente is in die ondersoek betrek. Aan een adolessent is op individuele basis hulp verleen terwyl die ander vier adolessente groepshulpverlening ontvang het. Dit blyk uit die idiografiese ondersoek dat die model en werkswyse wat toegepas is, wel 'n bydrae kan lewer tot die wysiging van onrealistiese betekenisgewing by adolessente met probleme. Deur die hulpverlening verwerf die adolessent 'n lewensvaardigheid waardeur oorgegaan word tot realistiese betekenisgewing en -identiteitsvestiging. Uit die bevindinge van die ondersoek word enkele aanbevelings met betrekking tot verdere navorsing en praktykvoering gemaak. / The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of meaning attribution by which adolescents with problems establish their identity. The following aspects were focussed on: the reality and acquiring certain life-skills. The investigation comprises a literature study as well as an empirical investigation. An empirical-pedagogic perspective was used to examine the phenomenon of significance attribution and the implications thereof in establishing identity. The adolescent with problems tends to attribute unrealistic meaning to his various relationships. Briefly the problems exist because of the lack of ability to perceive the 'self' objectively. This inadequate perception of the adolescent with problems, causes him to attribute irrational or illogical meaning. The tendency of some adolescents, to attribute irrational meaning, causes feelings of anxiety, fear, emotional ebullition, self-blame, inferiority and rigidity. These emotional problems are manifested in an identity crisis and show in the actions of the adolescent. The adolescents, who attribute unrealistic meaning and who do not arrive at realistic self-definition, often act out their problems by stealing, living promiscuous lives, abusing drugs and absconding from home. In the study of literature the following aspects were also focussed on: • Types of therapy applicable in rendering assistance to the adolescent who attributes unrealistic meaning. • Group therapy. • Communication in group therapy events. The empirical research comprises an idiographic investigation, structured on an adapted form of Dryden's model. The model is based on rational-emotive therapy, (RET) as advocated by Ellis. five adolescents were used in this investigation. Individual therapy was given to one adolescent while the other four adolescents received group therapy. From the idiographic investigation it has become evident that the model and the procedure followed, can make a contribution to the adolescent with problems, in changing his tendency to attribute unrealistic meaning to his relationships. He can make successful use of the model as an acquired life-skill to attribute significant meaning in his efforts to arrive at a realistic self-definition. He is thus able to actualise his defined self. Based on the findings of this investigation certain recommendations, concerning further research, as well as counselling in practice, were proposed. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Empiriese Opvoedkunde)

Die Suksesbelewing van die kinderhuiskind met spesifieke verwysing na selfkonsepontwikkeling

Beukes, Igna-Leonie 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was soos volg: Om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen selfkonsepontwikkeling en suksesbelewing by die kinderhuiskind; (ii) Om te bepaal of daar 'n verskil is tussen die selfkonsep van die kinderhuiskind en die selfkonsep van die kind wat by sy ouers woon. Die ontwikkelingsvlak van die adolessent is in terme van die ontwikkelingskrisisse volgens Erikson bespreek. Die liggaamlike, fisiologiese en sosiale ontwikkeling het aandag geniet. Die morele ontwikkeling van die adolessent volgens Kohlberg asook die kognitiewe ontwikkeling volgens Piaget, is bespreek. Enkele begrippe, faktore wat die selfkonsep beinvloed en die ontwikkeling van die selfkonsep van die kinderhuiskind, is bespreek. Veertien leerders van Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis in Langlaagte, Johannesburg en veertien leerders van Hoerskool Vorentoe in Johannesburg het ingewillig om deel van die proefgroep te vorm. Hieruit is een kinderhuiskind geselekteer, op wie 'n diepte-ondersoek uitgevoer is. Ten slotte is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar wei 'n verband bestaan tussen selfkonsepontwikkeling en die belewing van sukses. Daar is ook bevind dat die kinderhuisgroep 'n laer algemene selfkonsep as die ouerhuisgroep het. / The objectives of the study were as follows: (i) To establish whether there is a relationship between self concept development and experiencing of success of a foster home child; (ii) To establish whether there are differences between the self concept of a foster home child and a child residing in his parents' home. The level of development of the adolescent was addressed in terms of the developmental crises a~cording to Erikson. The physical, physiological as well as social development were also addressed. The moral development of the adolescent was addressed in terms of Kohlberg, while cognitive development were also addressed in terms of the Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Certain ideas and factors that influence the self concept, as well as the development of the self concept, were addressed. Fourteen learners from the Abraham Kriel Foster Home in Langlaagte, Johannesburg and fourteen learners from Vorentoe High School in Johannesburg declared themselves willing to partake as members of the test group. One learner from the foster home group was selected for a in-depth study. In conclusion it was found that there is a relationship between self concept development and the experience of success. It was furthermore found that the foster home group had a lower general self concept compared to the own parents group. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of South Africa, 2000

Identiteitsontwikkeling tydens adolessensie : 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige studie

Ackermann, Chris (Christiaan Johannes),1948- 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (DEd) -- Stellenbosch University, 1993. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examined the process of identity development in secondary school adolescents. Identity formation can be regarded as a central developmental task during adolescence. Psychological maturity and a functional personality depend on the effective solution of the identity crisis. The process of identity formation is, however, complicated by various trends in modern society. This is particularly true for South Africa in its present transitional phase. This study was undertaken due to various research deficiencies, and because a thorough knowledge of the process of identity formation during adolescence is of vital importance for educators on all levels. Based on an extensive literature study the concepts identity and identity development are described, and research findings on identity development during adolescence are reviewed. The focus of the empirical investigation is on four selected domains of identity development, namely future career, religion, friendships and dating. Two objective questionnaires, the Ackermann Identity status Inventory (AISI) (which was designed by the researcher) and the Dellas Identity Status Inventory (DISI), and a semi-structured interview were used to determine the identity status of adolescents. A third questionnaire was administered in order to determine adolescents r evaluation of the importance of various identity domains. The research group included all the standard 7 and 10 pupils (N - 1152) from 6 Afrikaans medium secondary schools in the Southwestern Cape. From this group a stratified sample of 96 pupils was taken for the interview. When selecting the research groups three variables were taken into account, namely sex, age, and residential area. Some of the most important findings include the following: Adolescents manifest different patterns of identity development in different domains. Identity development should therefore be investigated separately in different domains. There are significant differences in the identity status of standard 7 and standard 10 pupils. Only minor differences in identity status development exist between the sexes. No significant differences in identity status were found between rural and urban adolescents. Regarding the religious domain the research group had a strong tendency towards identity foreclosure. This finding has important implications for religious educators. various implications for education were pointed out. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proses van identiteitsontwikkeling by skoolgaande adolessente is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die verwerwing van 'n eie identiteit kan as 'n sentrale ontwikkelingstaak tydens adolessensie beskou word. Die effektiewe hantering van die identiteitskrisis is 'n voorwaarde vir die verwerwing van psigologiese volwassenheid en vir positiewe persoonlikheidsfunksionering. Verskeie tendense in die hedendaagse samelewing kompliseer die proses van identiteitsontwikkeling. Dit geld Suid-Afrika in besonder, aangesien die land tans in 'n transformasieproses verkeer wat verskeie lewensterreine raak. 'n Grondige kennis van die proses van identiteitsontwikkeling by adolessente is van kardinale belang vir primêre en sekondêre opvoeders. In die lig van bestaande leemtes in navorsing op hierdie terrein is die studie onderneem. Teen die agtergrond van 'n omvattende literatuurstudie is die aard en wese van identiteit en identiteitsontwikkeling beskryf en 'n oorsig is gegee van bestaande navorsingsbevindinge oor identiteitsontwikkeling tydens adolessensie. Die empiriese ondersoek is gerig op vier geselekteerde domeine van identiteitsontwikkeling , naamlik beroep, godsdiens, vriendskappe en uitgaan (Engels: dating). Met die oog op die bepa ing van die status van adolessente se identiteitsontwikkeling is twee objektiewe vraelyste, naamlik die Ackermann Identiteitstatusvraelys (AISV) en die Dellas Identity status Inventory (DISI), en 'n gestruktureerde onderhoud gebruik. Die AISV is vir die doel van die ondersoek deur die ondersoeker ontwerp. 'n Derde vraelys is afgeneem ten einde adolessente se belewing van die belangrikheid van verskeie identiteitsdomeine te bepaal. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit die standerd 7- en standerd 10-1eerlinge (N = 1152) van ses Afrikaansmedium sekondêre skole. Uit die groep is 'n gestratifiseerde steekproef van 96 leerlinge vir die onderhoud getrek. Gelyke verteenwoordiging van drie veranderlikes is met die trekking van die steekproewe in ag gensem, naamlik ouderdom, geslag en nedersettingsgebied. Van die belangrikste bevindinge wat uit die ondersoek geblyk het, is die volgende: Adolessente toon verskillende patrone van identiteitsontwikkeling in verskillende domeine. Dit is daarom belangrik dat identiteitsontwikkeling in terme van afsonderlike domeine ondersoek word. Beduidende verskille in identiteitstatusontwikkeling kom tussen adolessente in st 7 en st. 10 voor. slegs enkele verskille in identiteitstatusontwikkeling kern tussen die twee geslagte voor. Daar is nie 'n beduidende verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse adolessente se identiteitstatusontwikkeling nie. In die domein van godsdiens is 'n neiging tot vroeë identiteitsluiting gevind. Dit hou belangrike implikasies vir opvoeders en ander betrokke instellings in. Belangrike opvoedkundige implikasies van die ondersoekbevindinge is aangedui.

Jonathan's buddy system : exploring alternative ways of being

Brink, Sylvia Janine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The labelling and marginalisation practices implemented and sustained by conventional methods of education and psychology motivated the research curiosity. The significance of the learner's own experiences, the learner's own meaning-making through his/her own story-telling or the stories others tell about him/her and the constituting effects of alternative identity conclusions are explored as means of creating more preferred identity conclusions In engaging in the re-tellings of a learner's experiences at home and school, a qualitative research practice has been apllied, revealing meaning-making of alternative stories. Feminist theory and post-modern ideas and discourses have assisted me, and the participant, in the deconstruction of ADHD, depression, identity and divorce which contributed to the marginalisation of a learner due to dominant discourses within culture, education and psychopathology. Narrative approaches to therapy and an ethic of participation have guided us to emphasise the necessity of recognising a learner's preferred ways of understanding his/her experiences and what that tells about the person. Pseudonyms have been used to respect the participant's privacy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ettikettering en marginaliserende praktyke wat gebasseer en onderhou word deur konvensionele opvoedkundige en sielkundige diskoerse, het die navorsingsnuuskierigheid by my ontlok. Die beduidenheid van 'n leerder se eie ervarings en pogings tot betekenismaking deur die oorvertel van sy/haar eie stories en die aanhoor van ander se stories oor hom/haar word uitgelig. Die konstitusionerende aard van hierdie alternatiewe identiteitskonklusies word geeksploreer om meer verkose identiteitskonsepte daar te stel. Met my deelname aan die oorvertelling van die leerder se ervarings by sy huis en skool, is 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg, wat die betekenismaking van alternatiewe stories kan uitlig. Feministiese teorie, postmoderne denke en diskoerse was die sleutels wat gebruik is deur my en die deelnemers, om die betekenis van ADHD, depressie, identiteit en egskeiding te ontsluit en te dekonstrueer. Die marginaliserende praktyke wat in die naam van hierdie fenomene gepleeg word binne die dominante kultuur, opvoedkundige praktyke en psigopatologie word bevraagteken. 'n Narratiewe benadering tot terapie en 'n etiek van deelname het ons gelei om die nodige erkenning aan die leerder se verkose maniere om sy ervaringe te verwoord en wat dit omtrent sy identiteit impliseer. Pseudoname is gebruik om die deelnemer se privaatheid te respekteer.

Die verband tussen identiteitsontwikkeling en persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure by adolessente in die Wes-Kaap

De Wet, Bernita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between identity development and personality type preference during the adolescent developmental phase. The Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity status (EOM-EIS-2) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) were used as research instruments. School, gender and language were considered as the demographic variables. Personality type preferences and the demographic variables indicated six significant interactions. The Thinking-Feeling (T-J) scale was related significantly to the gender variable. Sensing-Intuition (S-N), Thinking-Feeling (T-J) and Judging-Perception (J-P) were related significantly to language. Sensing-Intuition (S-N) and Judging-Perception (J-P) have indicated significant interactions with the school variable. Identity status and the demographic variables also indicated significant interactions. Gender was related significantly to the interpersonal moratorium status. The school and language variables interacted with the identity diffusion, foreclosure and moratorium statuses in the ideological and in the interpersonal domains.. Significant interactions were indicated among identity status and two of the dimensions of personality type preference, that is Sensing-Intuition (S-N) and Judgement-Perception (JP). Significant preferences for Intuition (N) in relation to the ideological, as well as the interpersonal foraetosure statuses were indicated. Intuition (N) was also related to the. interpersonal diffusion and moratorium statuses. Preferences for Perception (P) were also related significantly to ideological and interpersonal foreclosure, as well as to interpersonal diffusion and moratorium statuses. Neither Thinking-Feeling (T-J) nor Extroversion- Introversion (E-I) dimensions demonstrated any significant interaction with the identity statuses. Educational implications and recommendations are suggested in terms of the indicated personality types and preferences among adolescents, identity formation, as well as the demographic variables related to personality type preferences and identity formation. Recommendations are also suggested with regard to the relationship between identity status and personality type preferences. The researcher would like to emphasise individual differences and diversity (in terms of identity development and personality type preferences) which link up with an inclusive educational approach. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die verband tussen identiteitsontwikkeling en persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure tydens die adolessente ontwikkelingsfase te ondersoek. Die volgende twee vraelyste is gebruik: Die Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (EOM-EIS-2) en die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Skool, geslag en taal is oorweeg as demografiese veranderlikes. Persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure het ses beduidende interaksies met die demografiese veranderlikes getoon. Die Denke-Gevoel-skaal het beduidend met geslag verband gehou. Die Sintuiglik-Intuïtiewe (S-N), Denke-Gevoel (T-J) en Beoordeling-Waarneming (J-P) skale is beduidend met taal geassosieer. Die Sintuiglik-Intuïtiewe (S-N) en Beoordeling- Waarneming (J-P) skale het beduidend met skool verband gehou. Identiteitstatus en die demografiese veranderlikes het ook beduidende verbande aangetoon. Geslag het 'n beduidende verband met interpersoonlike moratorium getoon. Skool en taal het elk ses beduidende interaksies met die identiteitsdiffusie-, premature sluiting- en moratoriumstatusse in die ideologiese en interpersoonlike domeine aangedui. Beduidende interaksies is gevind tussen identiteitstatus en twee dimensies van persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure, naamlik die Sintuiglik-Intuïtiewe (S-N) en Beoordeling- Waarneming (J-P) skale. Beduidende voorkeure ten opsigte van die Intuïtiewe (N) funksie in die ideologiese en interpersoonlike premature sluitingstatusse, sowel as in die interpersoonlike diffusie- en moratoriumstatusse is gevind. Beduidende voorkeure ten opsigte van die Waarnemende funksie is ook in die statusse van ideologiese en interpersoonlike premature sluiting, sowel as in interpersoonlike diffusie en moratorium aangedui. Sowel die Ekstroversie-Introversie (E-I) as die Denke-Gevoel (T-J) dimensies het geen beduidende interaksies met identiteitstatusse aangedui nie. Opvoedkundige implikasies en aanbevelings word aangespreek in terme van die aangeduide persoonlikheidstipes en -voorkeure, identiteitsontwikkeling, en die demografiese veranderlikes wat persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure en identiteitsontwikkeling affekteer. Aanbevelings met betrekking tot die aangeduide verband tussen identiteitstatus en persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure word ook gedoen. Die navorsing wil indiwiduele verskille en diversiteit (ten opsigte van identiteitsontwikkeling en persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure) beklemtoon, wat aansluit by 'n inklusiewe opvoedingsbenadering.

Identity and its relationship with borderline symptoms : the development of an identity questionnaire

Cairns, Mari January 2008 (has links)
Clinical and theoretical literature suggests that some people who present with psychological problems have a poorly developed sense of their own identity. It has also been suggested that cognitive theory and therapy does not always adequately identify, conceptualise, and address these identity problems. The current study aims to develop a self-report questionnaire measure to assess these identity problems. It also tests some specific hypotheses about the relationship between identity problems and other psychological constructs, including borderline personality disorder symptomatology. anxiety and depression.

Perceived Parental Goal Projections and Parental Pressure on the Development of Children's and Adolescents' Goal Orientations in Sport

Weigand, Daniel A. (Daniel Arthur) 12 1900 (has links)
The present investigation evaluated sport-related motivational climates by assessing personal and perceived parental goal orientations and perceived parental pressure in children and adolescents. Data were collected from 202 middle-class, racially diverse students, including 43 male and 50 female children aged 12 or below (M age = 10.6) and 51 male and 58 female adolescents aged 13 or above (M age = 14.7), who had participated in a variety of organized sports, and were enrolled in elementary, middle, and high schools of the Dallas (TX) Independent School District. Measures included personal and parental projected versions (mother's and father's) of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), the Sport Parental Pressure Scale (mother's and father's versions), and a background assessment.

Violent and Nonviolent Juvenile Offenders: An Assessment of Differences in Impulse, Ego Structure, and Object Relations Using the Psychoanalytic Rorschach Profile

Callahan, Theresa A. (Theresa Ann) 08 1900 (has links)
The present study used the Psychoanalytic Rorschach Profile (PRP) to assess differences in personality organization in violent and nonviolent juvenile offenders.

The Adolescent Stress Response to a Naturalistic Driving Stressor

Wingo, Mary 08 1900 (has links)
The proposed study examined the role of anxiety and risk-taking in driving performance in adolescents. In addition to examining the sample as a whole, gender differences were assessed given earlier reports from our laboratory and others indicating that males and females differ with respect to risky behaviors to driving performance and anxiety. Adolescents' subjective and physiological responses to a driving simulator task were assessed. Anxiety was measured via self report and salivary cortisol. Participants provided a baseline saliva sample and 3 post-task samples for cortisol analysis. Subjective anxiety scores were obtained at both baseline and following the driving stressor. Information concerning impulsivity, as well as other psychological constructs was also collected at baseline. Unlike the pilot study, there were no relationships (with or without respect to gender) between salivary cortisol and both self-reported anxiety (state and trait) or impulsively measures for this sample. These results suggest that this group of adolescents may not have been anxious about the driving task. This discrepancy may stem from error introduced by the smaller sample size obtained from the initial findings or to other factors remaining outside the parameters of the current study. The task did, however, induce a slight hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis response indicating some physiological arousal. Males had significantly higher cortisol levels at baseline than females and at time point 3 while approaching significance at time points 2 and 4. Females possessed significantly higher trait anxiety than males and all post task cortisol levels were positively correlated to age while time points 2 and 4 (with time point 3 approaching significance, p=0.09) were inversely correlated with Self Depreciation scores. Additionally, females had Persecutory Ideas scores that were also negatively correlated with cortisol at time points 3 and 4. For both the entire sample and males only, the correlation between post-task cortisol and driving performance was positive and approached significance (p=0.07 and p=0.08, respectively), suggesting that some HPA activation may be facilitative for successful driving task performance. Correlations between driving performance and psychological constructs were explored and discussed with and without respect to gender.

The Impact of Unresolved Loss on Adolescent Anger and Defiant Behavior

Myers, Janell 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the impact of issues of loss on adolescents. It was hypothesized that adolescents who experienced incidents of loss which were not adequately supported or processed to the point of resolution are much more likely to exhibit more angry and defiant behaviors than those who did not have such life experiences. Three instruments were used to identify loss and related impact. The first is the Interview Process, designed to identify issues of loss and screen for problematic behavior. This tool is used to qualify the participant for the study, and to designate which study group the participant will be assigned. The Family Constellation Exercise is an experiential assessment tool that exemplifies how emotionally close or distant the participant feels in relation to his or her nuclear family members. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Assessment - Adolescent version (MMPI-A) is used to identify behaviors and thought patterns associated with anger and defiance.The study was able to conclude that there is a strong potential for unresolved loss to negatively impact an adolescent. The study also discovered that many teenagers who do not exhibit angry or defiant behaviors have also experienced loss, yet do not act out anger. Suggestions are made as to why this is so, and implications for future research are made.

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