Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic issue"" "subject:"bublic issue""
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Abordagem discursiva da ação pública : análise da transformação da crise na indústria fonográfica em problema público / Approche discursive de l'action publique : analyse de la transformation de la crise dans l'industrie phonographique dans problème public / Discursive Approach of Public Action : analysis of the transformation of the crisis in the phonographic industry in public problemDe carvalho, Leandro 07 April 2017 (has links)
Face à la chute brusque dans le volume de ventes de disques qui déjà persistait depuis ledébut des années 2000, les sociétés du secteur phonographique brésilien ont fait appelau Pouvoir Législatif Brésilien dans la tentative de dépasser la crise qui affrontaient.L'instrument d'interaction entre l'État et le secteur phonographique a été la Propositiond'Amendement Constitutionnel (PEC), qui a eu transaction initiée en 2007. Laproposition connue comme PEC de la Musique a été approuvé en 2013 et, commeconséquence, l'industrie phonographique brésilienne a été incluse entre petit grouped'activités sociales et culturelles qui reçoivent immunité fiscale enregistrée directementdans la Constitution Fédérale. Devant ce contexte, l'objectif central de cette recherche aété enquêter quelles conditions sont déterminant pour qu'une crise sectorielle soitcomprise comme un problème public qui justifie de l'intervention de l'État. Commeoption théorique-méthodologique, ce travail a proposé l'Approche Discursive del'Action Publique, en réunissant les conceptions d'État et des acteurs de la Sociologie del'Action Publique, ainsi que les conceptions de langue et le sujet de l'Analyse deDiscours Française. Les principaux matériels d'analyse ont été la Propositiond'Amendement Constitutionnel 98/2007 et les transcriptions des audiences publiquesqui ont débattu le thème, au-delà des documents historiques qui ont été utilisés pourreconstruire partie des moments de consolidation du modèle d’affaires de l'industriephonographique. Pour comprendre comme s'il construit l'approbation de PEC de laMusique, cette recherche a initialement analysé historicité du discours qui a établi et aconsolidé le modèle d’affaires de l'industrie phonographique. Ensuite, en deuxièmepartie du travail, ont été analysés les réseaux de formulation qui ont soutenu lesglissements de sens exposés au moment de discussion. Donc, cette recherche prouveque deux facteurs ont contribué au succès en la transformation d'une crise sectorielledans problème public : en premier lieu, le joint des mémoires discursives quisuggéraient une relation directe et indiscutable entre musique et le marché de lamusique, en effaçant que cette forme d'appropriation de la musique a été construite àpartir d'une technologie contrôlée par un groupe petit de sociétés et que l'intermédiationentre des artistes et de l'audience s'est donnée dans environnement où les sociétés plusgrand pouvoir de financier contrôlaient l'exposition des productions et les artistes pourle grand public ; et, en deuxième lieu, l'utilisation minutieuse des glissements de senspendant les moments d'audience, qui a rendu possible de généraliser les effets de lacrise, en convainquant que la fin du modèle d’affaires représentait la fin de laproduction musicale au Brésil et que les principaux endommagés par la piraterie étaientles artistes brésiliens en général. / In the face of the sharp fall in the record sales amount that had persisted since thebeginning of the 2000s, companies in the Brazilian music sector turned to the BrazilianLegislative Branch in an attempt to overcome the crisis they faced. The instrument ofinteraction between the State and the phonographic sector was one ConstitutionalAmendment Proposal (PEC, initials in Portuguese), which began its procedures in 2007.The proposal known as “Music PEC” was approved in 2013 and, as a consequence, inBrazil the music industry was included among the small group of social and culturalactivities that receives fiscal immunity, directly registered in the Federal Constitution. Inview of this context, the main objective of this research was to investigate whatconditions are determinant for a sectoral crisis, such to be understood as a public issuethat justifies State intervention. As a methodological-theoretical option, this workproposed the Discursive Approach of Public Action, bringing together the Stateconceptions and actors of the Public Action Sociology, as well as the language andsubject conceptions from French Discourse Analysis. The main analysis materials werethe Constitutional Amendment Proposal 98/2007 and the transcriptions from the publichearings that debated the theme, as well as historical documents that were used toreconstruct part of the moments from the music industry business model consolidation.To understand how the approval of the Music PEC was built, this research initiallyanalyzed the discourse historicity that founded and consolidated the music industrybusiness model. Then, in the second part of the work, we analyzed the formulationnetworks that sustained the sense displacements exposed in the discussion moments.Therefore, this research shows that two factors contributed to the successfultransformation of a sectoral crisis into a public issue: first, the articulation of discursivememories that suggested a direct and indisputable relationship between music and themusic market, erasing that this music appropriation way was constructed from atechnology controlled by a small group of companies, and that the inter mediationbetween artists and audience occurred in an environment in which these greaterfinancial power companies controlled the productions and artists exhibition to thegeneral public; and, secondly, the meticulous use of sensory displacements duringmoments of audience, which made it possible to generalize the crisis effects, convincingthat the end of the business model represented the end of musical production in Braziland that the main affected by piracy were, in general, the Brazilian artists and, therefore,that the PEC approval was unavoidable.
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Primární veřejná nabídka akcií společnosti / Initial Public Offering of Shares in the Czech RepublicGaško, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Capital market is an important part of the economy. Its development undoubtedly influences efficiency of the economy and thus the overall development of the country. This master thesis analyze the process of initial public offering ("IPO") in the Czech Republic, because I believe that IPO can significantly help to develop capital market and thus the entire economy. I analyze the IPO process in terms of the main factors that affect the value of issued shares and through it the basic objective of the joint-stock company in IPO, to maximize equity gained from the process of going public. The analysis shows that significant weaknesses in the Czech regulation have been removed and the IPO process is regulated on the same level and in the same extend as in other EU countries. However, IPO remains an option that many companies do not involve in their strategic planning because of its complexity and high costs. Thorough preparation and analysis of legal options of how to go public in the legal environment can maximize profits from the issue and, moreover, it contributes to achieving higher long-term profits.
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