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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru v České republice / Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic

Kovařovicová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation describes the current situation of Public Private Partnership (PPP), and then analyzes the development of this concept in the Czech Republic from 2004 to the present time, especially regarding to the implementation of Governmental policy in the field of Public Private Partnership declared in the key resolutions of the Government, institutional ensure and number and volume of the implemented projects. This dissertation also defines the main causes of failure of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic. Moreover, the thesis also includes a comparison of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic and in selected European countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Portugal) and formulation of the preconditions for successful implementation of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic in the future.

Public Private Partnership projekty ve zdravotnictví a sociálních službách / Public Private Partnership in healthcare and social services

Javůrková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of Public private partnerships in the Czech Republic. Specifically it focuses on healthcare and social services. At first we introduce the partnership between the public and private sector in general. We inform about its forms, risks, advantages and disadvantages. We concentrate on legislative and institutional environment in the Czech Republic. The fundamental contribution of the thesis can be seen in monitoring of individual realized and unrealized projects. There we make effort to find common factors of their realization. The main aim is to answer the question whether PPP projects are appropriate tool for solving the situation in the health sector. The results show that the state PPP projects are not appropriate instrument to address investment in the current conditions. On the contrary better management is seen at municipalities especially in social services. PPP projects can not be seen as means of solving long-term problems in the health sector in the Czech Republic. In conclusion we give recommendation regarding application of the concept of PPP in the healthcare or the social services in this country.


Kliková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the Private-Public-Partnership (PPP) projects, as a tool for mutual financing of the public projects by private sector. Its main goal is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis, that the PPP projects are more effective form of the financing of the public projects and solve the problem of the debt trap into which countries entered in last decades. The thesis also defines the problem of the PPP project, their advantages and disadvantages and possible risks, analyses their usage in the Czech Republic and compares the experiences from the Great Britain in first two decades of the 21st century. The theoretical part of the thesis copes with the topic of financing of the projects of public sector and PPP projects. The descriptive and comparative methods will be used. In the practical part of the thesis will be performed the comparison of the chosen projects by synthetic analysis and the recommendation for the Czech Republic will be formulated based on the findings.

Limity a rizika rozvoje PPP projektů / Limits and Risks of Public-Private Partnerships Development

Šafránková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Objective of this diploma thesis is to identify risks and barriers connected with expansion of using the Public-Private Partnership concept, fractional objective is to identify limiting factors which affect still not very developed PPP projects in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to definition of PPP concept and explanation of its specific characteristics in providing of public goods. The practical part is focused on chosen projects. On this sample are limits of expansion of using PPPs identified and analysed using the method of partial generalization. On the basis of analysis of available literature and qualitative research made there are suggested possible solutions.

Potential use of PPP at the reconstruction of prison in Uherské Hradiště / Potential use of PPP at the reconstruction of prison in Uherské Hradiště

Gracová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to consider the usage of PPP method by the reconstruction of the object of former prison in town Uherské Hradiště using the methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part the description of the PPP method and its features is given. In the practical part the simplified financial model for project is counted. The outcomes of the model should be taken from the public sector point of view as the basic source for making decision if PPP method is the most efficient for this project.

Odpovídají rozdíly českých a britských Public Private Partnership rozdílným potřebám jejich ekonomik? / Are differences between Czech and British Public Private Partnership related to the necessities of their economics?

Španerová, Zuzana January 2006 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce ?Odpovídají rozdíly českých a britských Public Private Partnership rozdílným potřebám jejich ekonomik?? je analyzovat Public Private Partnership procesy v České republice a Velké Británii, a to z hlediska institucionálního a legislativního zabezpečení. První část diplomové práce podává ucelený obraz o spolupráci soukromého a veřejného sektoru formou PPP. Druhá část se zabývá vývojem a současnou situací v České republice v oblastech legislativního a institucionálního uspořádání PPP procesů. Třetí část je obdobou druhé části, je zde ale analyzována Velká Británie. Poslední kapitola Rozdíly v procesu Public Private Partnership/Public Finance Initiative ve Velké Británii a v České republice směřuje k naplnění hlavního cíle diplomové práce, tedy nalezení rozdílů mezi českými a britskými PPP a jejich zdůvodnění s ohledem na potřeby ekonomik.

Public Private Partnership jako alternativní možnost financování dálniční infrastruktury v ČR / Public Private Partnership as an Alternative Method of Financing Highway Infrastructure in the Czech Republic

Chovanec, Pavel January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce je členěna na tři části. V první části je popsána teorie k oblasti dálniční infrastruktury, faktory umožňující její optimální využití, se zaměřením na odpovídající financování, formy veřejného, soukromého a veřejno-soukromého zabezpečení.V druhé části je provedena analýza koncepce Public Private Parnership a komparace s konvenčním financováním dálniční infrastrukuty. V závěrečné části jsou formulována doporučení nezbytných podmínek pro úspěšnou realizaci projektů Public Private Partnership, zahrnující transparentnost projektů, potřebu podpory od vlády, rozdělení rizik, zakotvení právního rámce. Jsou zdůrazněna omezení použití koncepce Public Private Partnership a nenahraditelnost konvenční veřejné zakázky pro páteřní sítě dopravní infrastruktury.

Relationship Bonding, Trust and Cultural Distance in Strategic International Public-Private Partnerships in Africa

Van den Houten, Gerardus Jan January 2018 (has links)
Strategic international public-private partnerships (SIPPPs) involve private multinational and public domestic sector parties. SIPPPs are a more complex but less studied form of international strategic alliance (ISA) and increasingly important in the development of emerging economies. A growing body of ISA research has suggested the importance of cultural differences in the often-reported failure of such cross-cultural relationships, but their exact nature remains unknown. This study examines the effects of both national and organisational cultural value systems on trust-building in SIPPPs. It uniquely also tests whether the two types of cultural values are accorded differently by the two types of partner, private and public. The complex relationship building processes were studied through the combined lenses of social-exchange and cultural-exchange theories, providing a rich perspective on the phenomenon under study. The sample, based on purposive sampling, consisted of successful and unsuccessful SIPPS of various sizes, from different industries, operating in a number of African countries. Africa, with its challenging environment and increasing focus on SIPPPs, represented an "extreme context" within which hypotheses could be rigorously tested. The relationships were tested empirically using structural equation modelling. The study confirmed a strong relationship between partners’ economic and collaborative interdependency on the one hand, and mutual trust-levels on the other. Cultural difference was shown to have both a negative direct effect as well as a positive moderating effect on trust building, providing support for the notion of a “cultural paradox”. Strong evidence was provided that partners from opposite sides of the dyad, informed by their respective cultural backgrounds, have different perceptions of the relative importance of these relationships in building trust. The findings have theoretical and practical significance, suggesting that SIPPP partners can improve trust levels and sustain their relationship by building ties of economic interdependence and engaging in collaborative actions to build their collaborative interdependence. The importance of partners being sensitive to each other’s needs and perceptions, and of engaging in reciprocity to build mutual confidence and trust seems critical. The findings have important implications for SIPPP design and needed management skills, as well as for future cross-cultural dyadic research. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / PhD / Unrestricted

“Social housing in South Africa : are public private partnerships (PPP) a solution?”

Sobuza, Yandisa 03 July 2011 (has links)
South Africa faces a shortfall in its provision of housing for low income households. This study explores the potential to use public private partnerships (PPP) to address these supply problems. A review of the housing market and an examination of the opportunities and challenges presented by PPP are presented, including a review of the international experience in the provision of social housing. Interviews with key stakeholders are undertaken to evaluate the appropriateness of PPP in the South African social housing sector. PPP are believed to have the potential increase the supply of social housing, provided there is continuing support from the state. However, none of the key stakeholders were keen to use the “traditional” PPP process, suggesting a need for innovative partnership models more appropriate for the sector. Copyright / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

It takes three to tango:end-user engagement in innovative public procurement

Torvinen, H. (Hannu) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the phenomenon of end-user engagement in innovative public procurement. Innovative public procurement aims at satisfying human needs and fixing societal problems by enhancing the development of innovative products, services or processes. To understand the functions expected from procurement, collaborative interfaces, such as interaction with citizen communities, become instrumental for innovations to materialise. In contrast to the existing debate on innovative public procurement focused on broad policy issues or the dyadic relationship between procurer and supplier parties, the interest of this study lies in the micro-level interaction within the inter-organisational triad of public-sector procurer, private-sector supplier and public-service end-user. Value creation via end-user engagement is examined in the study through the three issues of co-creation activities, end-user roles and procurer capabilities. The empirical findings are based on a qualitative case approach to four innovative public property procurement projects in northern Finland. The primary data are generated through interviews and participant observation on relevant procurer, supplier, end-user and expert informants. The results of the thesis highlight the need to further place end-user interaction at the heart of developing public procurement procedures. First, the study categorises end-user engagement activities following the key principles of value co-creation in dialogue, access, risk assessment and reflexivity as well as transparency related actions. Second, the study identifies four end-user roles, conventional, cooperative, collaborative or controlling roles, each of which embodies different value potential according to the procurement situation. Third, adopting a user-centred approach to public procurement calls for an experimental culture that enables the procurer’s capabilities of learning-by-doing, alliancing and networking as well as the evaluation of external support to take place. By integrating the debate of public service co-production into the public procurement context, the study contributes to both innovative public procurement and public service management discussions. From a practitioner’s perspective, the main motivation to use innovative public procurement should not be financial savings, but the added value-in-use and well-being of the public. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja tutkii loppukäyttäjien sitouttamista innovatiivisissa julkisissa hankinnoissa. Innovatiiviset julkiset hankinnat pyrkivät täyttämään ihmisten tarpeita ja vastaamaan yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin tehostamalla innovatiivisten tuotteiden, palveluiden ja prosessien syntymistä. Ymmärtääkseen hankinnalta vaaditun toiminnallisuuden, yhteistyö julkisia palveluita käyttävien kansalaisten kanssa on elintärkeää innovaatioiden materialisoitumiselle. Siinä missä innovatiivisten hankintojen keskustelu on nykyisellään keskittynyt erityisesti hankintapolitiikkaan ja dyadiseen suhteeseen tilaajan ja toimittajan välillä, tämä tutkimus keskittyy vuorovaikutuksen tarkasteluun mikrotasolla triadisessa suhteessa julkisen sektorin tilaajan, yksityisen sektorin toimittajan ja julkisen palvelun loppukäyttäjän välillä. Loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisella saavutettua arvontuotantoa tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa kolmen sitouttamisen toimintoihin, loppukäyttäjän rooleihin ja tilaajan kyvykkyyksiin liittyvän kysymyksen avulla. Empiiriset tulokset perustuvat laadulliseen tapaustutkimukseen neljästä innovatiivisesta tilahankinnasta Pohjois-Suomessa. Ensisijainen aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla ja havainnoimalla keskeisiä tilaaja-, toimittaja- ja loppukäyttäjäorganisaatioiden edustajia. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat loppukäyttäjävuorovaikutuksen selkeää asettamista innovatiivisten hankintakäytäntöjen ytimeen. Ensiksi, tutkimus luokittelee loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisen vuorovaikutukseen, pääsyyn, riskien hallintaan ja refleksiivisyyteen sekä läpinäkyvyyteen liittyviin toimintoihin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tuloksissa tunnistetaan neljä tilannesidonnaista loppukäyttäjien omaksumaa joko perinteistä, auttavaa, kumppanillista tai hallitsevaa roolia. Viimeiseksi, käyttäjäkeskeinen lähestymistapa julkiseen hankintaan edellyttää kokeilevaa kulttuuria, joka mahdollistaa tilaajalle ensiarvoiset kokeilemalla-oppimisen, verkostoitumisen ja ulkoisen tuen arvioimisen kyvykkyydet. Integroimalla julkisten palveluiden yhteistuotannon keskustelua julkisen hankinnan kontekstiin, tutkimuksen kontribuutiot suuntautuvat sekä innovatiivisten julkisten hankintojen että julkisten palveluiden keskusteluun. Käytännön toimijoiden näkökulmasta tärkeää on, että taloudellisten säästöjen sijasta hankinnan tärkein vaikutin olisi käyttöarvon luominen ja kansalaisten hyvinvoinnin edistäminen.

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