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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a musculatura lisa e sobre o epitélio endometrial em úteros de ratas adultas, após uterotomia: estudo experimental / Effects of the pulsed ultrasound of low intensity on the flat musculature and on the epithelium endometrial in uteruses of adult female rats, after uterotomia: experimental study

Vieira, Humberto Stelita 28 February 2007 (has links)
Esta investigação experimental teve como finalidade de avaliar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a regeneração do miométrio e do endométrio de ratas submetidas à uterotomia. Foram utilizadas neste experimento 20 ratas adultas da raça Wistar, submetidas a uma uterotomia mediante incisão longitudinal de 1,5 cm total de uma das paredes do corno uterino. As ratas foram divididas em 2 grupos de 10 animais cada, sendo que um grupo foi submetido à estimulação ultra-sônica por 10 dias durante 15 minutos diários e outro grupo, chamado controle, foi submetido à estimulação fictícia pelo mesmo tempo e período. Seis horas antes do sacrifício, os animais receberam via intramuscular 0,10 mg de colchicina para cada 100 g de peso corporal com a finalidade de bloquear as mitoses em metáfase. A avaliação dos tecidos baseou-se na análise comparativa entre a contagem de células em mitose do endométrio e do miométrio de animais estimulados com o de animais controle. Os achados morfológicos foram analisados estatisticamente e são sugestivos de que o U.S.P. estimula a regeneração do miométrio bem como do endométrio de ratas. / This experimental investigation had the purpose to evaluate the low-intensity pulsed ultrasound effects under the regeneration of the myometrium and the endometrium of the rats that were submitted to uterotomia. It was used, in this experiment, twenty adult rats of the Wistar race, submitted to uterotomia beyond the longitudinal incision of total 1, 5 cm of one of the uterine horn walls. The rats were divided in two groups of ten animals each, the first group went trough fifteen daily minutes ultra-sound stimulation during ten days, and the second group, called control, went through fictional stimulation by the same time and period of the first group. Six hours before the sacrifice, the animals received, by intra muscular, 0, 10 mg of colchicine for each 100 g of body weight, with the intention to block the mitosis in metaphase. The evaluation of the tissue was based on the comparative analysis between the mitosis cell count of the stimulated animals\' endometric tissue and the control animals\' one. The morphologic findings were statistically analyzed.

Efeitos da estimulação ultra-sônica sobre a espermatogênese de ratos pré-púberes e adultos: estudo experimental / Effects of the stimulation ultrasonic about for spermatogenesis of rats prepubertal and adult: experimental study

Silva, Ruberval Farias da 02 March 2007 (has links)
Esta investigação tem a finalidade estudar experimentalmente os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a espermatogênese de ratos pré-púberes e adultos. Foram utilizados 40 ratos machos da raça Wistar, sendo 20 pré-púberes e 20 adultos, os quais tiveram os testículos estimulados por 15 minutos durante 10 dias consecutivos. Cada grupo experimental constou de 10 animais pré-púberes ou adultos, estimulados com o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade ou não estimulados. Administrou-se Colchicina, 6 horas antes do sacrifício dos animais com a finalidade de bloquear a divisão das células em metáfase para facilitar a avaliação do ciclo espermatogenético. Mediante morfometria estimou-se as áreas dos túbulos seminíferos e fez-se a avaliação dos estadios do ciclo espermatogenético quando foi constatado um aumento significativo das áreas dos túbulos seminíferos dos animais estimulados. O ciclo espermatogenético de ratos pré-púberes e adultos foi avaliado mediante contagens de associações celulares do ciclo nos estadios VII e VIII e XIV, correspondentes ao fim e início de cada ciclo. Houve aumento temporal do ciclo espermatogenético por apresentar maior número de associações com características dos estadios VIII significando acentuada maturidade de espermatozóides nos ratos pré-púberes estimulados. Os testículos dos animais adultos estimulados apresentaram aumento de peso em relação aos dos controles, exibindo uma diferença significativa. Nossos resultados são compatíveis com a hipótese de que o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade estimula o aumento do peso dos testículos dos ratos adultos e das áreas dos túbulos seminíferos, bem como acelerando o ciclo espermatogenético em ratos pré-púberes. / This is an experimental study of the effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the spermatogenesis of prepubertal and adult male rats. Forty male Wistar rats - twenty prepubertal and twenty adults -, whose testicles were stimulated for fifteen minutes for ten consecutive days were studied. Each experimental group was composed of ten prepubertal or adult animals, stimulated with low intensity pulsed ultrasound or not. Six hours before killing, the rats were given Colchicine to block the division of metaphasic cells, in order to facilitate the assessment of the spermatogenetic cycle. The area of the seminiferous tubule was done estimated by morphometry and the stages of spermatogenetic cycle were assessed, showing a significant increase of the areas of the seminiferous tubules of the stimulated animals. The spermiogenesis of prepubertal and adult rats was assessed through counts of cell associations in the stages VII and VIII and XIV, corresponding to the end and beginning of each cycle. There was a temporal increase in the spermatogenetic cycle due to a higher number of the associations with stage VIII characteristics, which means accentuated sperm cell maturity of the stimulated prepubertal rats. The testicles of the stimulated animals were weight increase regarding the of the control animals, showing a significant difference. Our results are compatible with the hypothesis that the low intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulates the increase of the testicle weight, the rats adults, and the area of the seminiferous tubules as well as accelerating the spermatogenetic cycle in rats prepubertal.

Estudo dos efeitos da irradiação pulsada de baixa intensidade sobre o desenvolvimento de segmentos de coluna vertebral implantados em camundongos isogênicos / Low-intensity pulsed ultrasonic irradiation effects on development of vertebral column segments implanted in isogenics mice

Cruz, Andrezza Furquim da 15 April 2005 (has links)
Estudo dos efeitos da irradiação ultra-sônica pulsada de baixa intensidade sobre o desenvolvimento de segmentos da coluna vertebral implantados em camundongos isogênicos / The aim of the present research was evaluate the action of low-intensity pulsed ultrasonic irradiation on development and ossification of vertebral column blastemas, through mice new born tail segments implants in adult receptor isogenic mice lineages C57BL/6 and Balb/C. New born tail segments were implanted in subcutaneous tissues of adults isogenics mice C57BL/6 and intramuscularly in adults isogenics mice Balb/C. After 24 hours the implant, the animals in both groups, were stimulated with the low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), 10 minutes per day. After 5 days of stimulus, the receptors animals were death and had the implanted tails removed for histopathology, trhrough Periodic Acid Schiff plus Alcian Blue (PAS/AB), Masson's tricomico and hem lumen-eosin (HE). The group of animals stimulated which received subcutaneous implant presented the implant with accelerated in inter-vertebral diks, faces to chondrocytes organization and chondroblastes findings in cartilaginous matrix, showing maturity in fiber cartilages arrangements. It was observed too, a collagen fibers enlargement in the disks fibro cartilage which show more dense next the pulposo nucleus in the segments implanted and stimulated, compared with the controls segments. The areas of the segments were available by Fisher's test and Student's t. It didn't watch significant differences in the vertebral bodies' areas sizes in the animals which implant was subcutaneous (p'< OU = '0.05). In the intramuscular implants animals group, it was observed a major velocity in the hialuronic acid matrix formation in the intervertebral disks after LIPUS stimulus. Moreover, the fibrous ring fiber cartilages' were better organized with large number of cells inside the cartilaginous matrix compared with the controls segments. With regard to the vertebral bodies in the intramuscular implants, it's not verifies significant increases in the areas (p'< OU =' 0,05). The findings allow conclude that LIPUS should promote the ontogenetic differentation of the structural components of the mice vertebral column more quickly, trhough vertebras endochondral ossification microscopic evaluation and the inter-vertebral disks components differentiation, follow the methodology employed.

Estudo experimental dos efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a regeneração do nervo ciático de ratos após neurotomia, mediante avaliações morfológicas e morfométricas.

Crisci, Ana Rosa 05 June 2001 (has links)
As qualidades biofísicas do U.S.P. levaram-nos a estimar o efeito do mesmo sobre a regeneração de um nervo periférico. Este estudo foi levado a efeito sobre a axotomia experimental do nervo ciático de ratos. Para tal finalidade estimulamos por 12 dias consecutivos, durante 20 minutos o coto proximal dos nervos axotomizados. A morfologia foi avaliada comparativamente entre cortes semifinos corados pelo azul de toluidina e cortes ultra finos à microscopia eletrônica, dos cotos proximais de nervos estimulados e não estimulados. A avaliação morfométrica das estruturas, baseou-se na contagem diferencial das fibras; da espessura da bainha de mielina e da área dos axônios das fibras tipo A, mediante o emprego de um software especializado ( Image Tool). Os achados morfológicos e a análise estatística dos dados morfométricos são altamente sugestivos de que o U.S.P. estimula a regeneração de nervos periféricos. / The biophysical qualities of pulsed ultrasound led us to appraise it¢s effect on the regeneration of a peripheral nerve. In this study our intention was to evaluate the effects of pulsed ultrasound on the axotomy of the ciatic nerve in rats. The proximal stump of the nerve was stimulated on 12 consecutive days with pulsed ultrasound and the effects of the sonication were evaluated through morphologic and morphometric techniques. Our findings suggest that sonication leads to a rapid regeneration of the nerve after axotomization. These affirmations are based on the counting of different types of fibre components in mixed nerves and the morphologic recovery of the same in comparasion with nerves of animals submitted to sham operation.

Avaliação dos efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade na regeneração de músculos esqueléticos com vistas à aplicabilidade em clínica fisioterapêutica. / Evaluation of the effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on skeletal muscle regeneration having in mind its applicability to physiotherapeutic clinic.

Bassoli, Dyjalma Antonio 27 June 2001 (has links)
Foi utilizado na presente pesquisa o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade, com a finalidade de avaliar, experimentalmente, seus efeitos físicos sobre a regeneração do músculo esquelético de ratos. Foram empregados no experimento 10 animais de ambos os sexos. Após eleição do músculo glúteo maior, foram feitas incisões perpendiculares (pós anestesia) às suas fibras, alcançando aproximadamente dois terços de sua espessura. Seguinte às incisões, realizou-se síntese do músculo e dos planos superficiais. Foi convencionado estudar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado após 3, 6 e 10 dias de estímulo. Antes do sacrifício dos animais foi-lhes administrado Colchicina, com a finalidade de bloquear a células em divisão. Mediante análise histopatológica comparativa dos músculos, constatou-se que enquanto nos animais não estimulados desenvolveu-se, aos 3 dias, áreas de necrose e inflamação, naqueles estimulados houve uma diminuição das mesmas. Além disso, nos animais estimulados, ocorre intensa neovascularização nas áreas de lesão. Observou-se também uma migração de células miogênicas (satélites) para restos de bainhas remanescentes de fibras musculares regeneradas. Constatou-se um aumento de mioblastos com núcleos em metáfase. Aos 10 dias, os animais estimulados exibiam inúmeros miotubos com formação de miofibrilas, caracterizando células musculares em franca maturação. Longe da área estimulada, o ultra-som foi capaz de induzir mitoses em células satélites. Notou-se que os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado aceleram a regeneração de fibras musculares mediante uma intensa neoformação vascular, acelerando a reparação da necrose e formação de mioblastos, os quais agregam-se em miotubos formando novas células. / It was used in the present research the low intensity pulsed ultrasound with aim of evaluating, experimentally, its physical effects on the regeneration of rats skeletal muscle. Ten male and female animals were used in this experiment. After election of the gluteus maximus muscle, perpendicular incisions were made (after anesthesia) in its fibers, reaching approximately two thirds of its thickness. After the incisions, a synthesis of the muscles and superficial plans was performed. It was established to study the effects of the pulsed ultrasound after 3, 6 and 10 day-stimuli. Before sacrificing the animals Colchinine was given aiming to block cells in division. By means of comparative histopathological analysis of the muscles, it was verified that in non-stimulated animals an area of necrosis developed in three days, while in those that were simulated there was a decrease of the same. Moreover, on the stimulated animals, there is intense neovascularization in the damaged area. A migration of myogenic cells (satellites) to rests of remaining sheaths from regenerated muscle fiber was also observed. It was verified an increase of myoblasts with nuclei in metaphase. In ten days, the stimulated animals showed countless myotubes with formations of myofibrils, characterizing mature muscle cells. Far from the stimulated area, the ultrasound was able of inducing mitosis to satellite cells. It was noticed that the effects of the pulsed ultrasound accelerate muscle fiber regeneration by means of an intense vascular neoformation, accelerating the restoration of the necrosis and the formation of myoblasts, which aggregates in myotubes forming new cells.

Avaliação dos efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade na regeneração de músculos esqueléticos com vistas à aplicabilidade em clínica fisioterapêutica. / Evaluation of the effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on skeletal muscle regeneration having in mind its applicability to physiotherapeutic clinic.

Dyjalma Antonio Bassoli 27 June 2001 (has links)
Foi utilizado na presente pesquisa o ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade, com a finalidade de avaliar, experimentalmente, seus efeitos físicos sobre a regeneração do músculo esquelético de ratos. Foram empregados no experimento 10 animais de ambos os sexos. Após eleição do músculo glúteo maior, foram feitas incisões perpendiculares (pós anestesia) às suas fibras, alcançando aproximadamente dois terços de sua espessura. Seguinte às incisões, realizou-se síntese do músculo e dos planos superficiais. Foi convencionado estudar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado após 3, 6 e 10 dias de estímulo. Antes do sacrifício dos animais foi-lhes administrado Colchicina, com a finalidade de bloquear a células em divisão. Mediante análise histopatológica comparativa dos músculos, constatou-se que enquanto nos animais não estimulados desenvolveu-se, aos 3 dias, áreas de necrose e inflamação, naqueles estimulados houve uma diminuição das mesmas. Além disso, nos animais estimulados, ocorre intensa neovascularização nas áreas de lesão. Observou-se também uma migração de células miogênicas (satélites) para restos de bainhas remanescentes de fibras musculares regeneradas. Constatou-se um aumento de mioblastos com núcleos em metáfase. Aos 10 dias, os animais estimulados exibiam inúmeros miotubos com formação de miofibrilas, caracterizando células musculares em franca maturação. Longe da área estimulada, o ultra-som foi capaz de induzir mitoses em células satélites. Notou-se que os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado aceleram a regeneração de fibras musculares mediante uma intensa neoformação vascular, acelerando a reparação da necrose e formação de mioblastos, os quais agregam-se em miotubos formando novas células. / It was used in the present research the low intensity pulsed ultrasound with aim of evaluating, experimentally, its physical effects on the regeneration of rats skeletal muscle. Ten male and female animals were used in this experiment. After election of the gluteus maximus muscle, perpendicular incisions were made (after anesthesia) in its fibers, reaching approximately two thirds of its thickness. After the incisions, a synthesis of the muscles and superficial plans was performed. It was established to study the effects of the pulsed ultrasound after 3, 6 and 10 day-stimuli. Before sacrificing the animals Colchinine was given aiming to block cells in division. By means of comparative histopathological analysis of the muscles, it was verified that in non-stimulated animals an area of necrosis developed in three days, while in those that were simulated there was a decrease of the same. Moreover, on the stimulated animals, there is intense neovascularization in the damaged area. A migration of myogenic cells (satellites) to rests of remaining sheaths from regenerated muscle fiber was also observed. It was verified an increase of myoblasts with nuclei in metaphase. In ten days, the stimulated animals showed countless myotubes with formations of myofibrils, characterizing mature muscle cells. Far from the stimulated area, the ultrasound was able of inducing mitosis to satellite cells. It was noticed that the effects of the pulsed ultrasound accelerate muscle fiber regeneration by means of an intense vascular neoformation, accelerating the restoration of the necrosis and the formation of myoblasts, which aggregates in myotubes forming new cells.

Effect of growth hormone and therapeutic ultrasound on mandible and mandibular condyle

Khan, Imran 06 1900 (has links)
Previous studies have shown growth hormone and therapeutic low intensity pulsed ultrasound can enhance mandibular growth separately. The aim of this study is to evaluate the concomitant effect of both of these applications on mandibular growth in rat. Methods: 24 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups, 6 in each. Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were designated as untreated control, recombinant rat growth hormone, Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, and combination of both groups respectively. After 21 days of daily treatment on mandibular condylar, mandibles from euthanized rats are dissected, and scanned by MicroComputed Tomography to measure the mandibular bone volume, bone surface area, and condylar bone mineral density. Also Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction was performed on the extracted livers’ C-fos, C-jun, and IGF-1 genes expressions. Results: Groups 2, 3 and 4 showed significant (p<0.05) growth stimulation when compared to the untreated control group. However, there was no statistical significant difference between groups 2, 3 and 4 with regard to bone volume or surface area. Conversely, condylar bone mineral density for group 4 was significantly reduced than groups 1, 2, and 3. Rats’ weights were not significantly different among the treatment groups after the treatment was performed. Additionally, gene expression study showed that the expression of C-jun, in harvested livers for Group 4 was less than that of Group 2 showing fewer side effects. Conclusion: When growth hormone was applied to rats’ mandible together with therapeutic ultrasound, preferential increase in bone volume, and surface area occurred with the expense of condylar bone mineral density and with less potential side effects. / Pharmaceutical Science

Expansion and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular Stem Cells by Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Dentofacial Tissue Engineering

Aldosary, Tagreed Unknown Date
No description available.

Effect of growth hormone and therapeutic ultrasound on mandible and mandibular condyle

Khan, Imran Unknown Date
No description available.

Expansion and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular Stem Cells by Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Dentofacial Tissue Engineering

Aldosary, Tagreed 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of these experiments is to explore the effect of LIPUS on the ultraexpansion and osteogenic differentiation of harvested passage-4 HUCPV-SCs. HUCPV-SCs were divided into two groups: a treatment group that received LIPUS for 10 minutes for 1, 7, and 14 days and a control group that received a sham treatment utilizing both basic and osteogenic media. The results in basic media and osteogenic media demonstrated nonsignificant differences in cell count, ALP, DNA content, and CD90. Statistically significant expression of OSP and PCNA was observed on day 14 in LIPUS treated group. Nucleostemin expression in the LIPUS-treated group was insignificant on days 1 and 7. However, a selective increase in osteogenic markers was obtained on day 7 for ALP and OCN and on day 14 for OPN. Future experiments are required to explore the effects of different application times and/or techniques of LIPUS on the behaviour of HUCPV-SCs. / Medical Science

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