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Analyse et influence des paramètres d’affaires sur la qualité d’expérience des services Over-The-Top / Analysis and influence of business parameters on quality of experience for Over-The-Top servicesRivera Villagra, Diego 28 February 2017 (has links)
A l'époque où l'Internet est devenu la plateforme par défaut pour offrir de la valeur ajoutée, des nouveaux fournisseurs de services multimédia ont saisi cette opportunité en définissant les services Over-The-Top (OTT). Cependant, Internet n'étant pas un réseau de distribution fiable, il nécessaire de garantir de haut niveau de Qualité d'Expérience (QoE), ainsi que les revenues des Fournisseurs de Services d'Internet (ISP) et des OTTs.Le travail présenté dans ce document va au-delà de l'état de l'art, en proposant une solution qui prend en compte cet objectif. Les principaux apports qui y sont présentés peuvent être synthétisées en quatre contributions.En premier lieu, l'inclusion des paramètres liés aux modèles d'affaires dans l'analyse de la QoE a demandé un nouveau cadre pour calculer la QoE d'un service OTT. Ce cadre est basé sur le formalisme mathématique des Machines Étendues à États Finis (EFSM), ce qui profite de deux avantages des EFSMs~: les traces des machines suivent les décisions de l'utilisateur et les variables du contexte utilisés comme indicateurs de qualité, seront utilisées ultérieurement pour computer la QoE.La deuxième contribution consiste à mettre en œuvre deux algorithmes. Le premier fait le calcul d'une forme équivalent, ayant la forme d'un arbre qui représente les traces de la machine. Le deuxième utilise les traces et fait le calcul de la QoE pour les états terminaux de chaque trace. Les deux algorithmes peuvent être utilisés comme base d'un outil de monitorage capable de prévoir la valeur de la QoE d'un utilisateur. De plus, une mise en œuvre concrète des ces deux algorithmes comme une extension de l'Outil de Monitorage de Montimage (MMT) est aussi présentée.La troisième contribution présente la validation de l'approche avec un double objectif. D'une part, l'inclusion de paramètres du modèle d'affaires est validée et on détermine leur impact sur la QoE. D'autre part, le modèle de la QoE proposé est validé par la mise en œuvre d'une plateforme d'émulation d'un service OTT qui montre des vidéos perturbés. Cette implémentation est utilisée pour obtenir des valeurs estimées par utilisateurs réels qui sont utilisés pour dériver un modèle approprié de la QoE.La dernière contribution se base sur le cadre donné et fournit un analyse statique d'un service OTT. Cette procédure est réalisé par un troisième algorithme qui calcule la quantité des configurations contenues dans le modèle. En analysant à l'avance touts les scénarios possibles qu'un utilisateur peut rencontrer, le fournisseur des services OTT peut détecter des défauts dans le modèle et le service à une stade précoce du développement / At a time when the Internet has become the de facto platform for delivering value, the new multimedia providers took advantage of this opportunity to define Over-The-Top (OTT) services. Considering that Internet is not a reliable distribution network, it is necessary to ensure high levels of Quality of Experience (QoE) and revenues for Internet Service Providers (ISP) and OTTs. The work presented in this dissertation goes beyond the state of the art by providing a solution having this goal in mind. The main contributions presented here can be summarized in four main points.First, the inclusion of business-model related parameters in the QoE analysis required a new framework for calculating the QoE of an OTT service.This framework is based on the Extended Finite States Machine (EFSM) mathematical formalism, which takes advantage of two features of the EFSMs: (1) the traces of the machines that keep track of the user's decisions and; (2) the context variables used as quality indicators, correlated later with the QoE.The second contribution is the design and the implementation of two algorithms. The first computes the $l$-equivalent, a version in the form of a tree of the model that exposes the traces of the machine. The second uses the traces and computes the QoE at the final stages of each trace. Both algorithms can be used to design a monitoring tool that can predict a user’s QoE value. In addition, a concrete implementation is given as an extension of the Montimage Monitoring Tool (MMT).The third contribution presents the validation of the approach, having two objectives in mind. On the one hand, the inclusion of business-model related parameters was validated by determining the impact of such variables on the QoE. On the other hand, the proposed QoE model is validated by the implementation of an OTT emulation platform showing disrupted videos. This implementation is used to obtain QoE values evaluated from real users, values used to derive an appropriate QoE model.The last contribution uses the framework to perform a static analysis of an OTT service. This is done by a third algorithm that computes the amount of configurations contained in the model. By analyzing in advance all the possible scenarios a user can face -- and their respective QoE, the OTT provider can detect flaws in the model and the service from the early stages of development
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Výzkum kvality služeb sportovního centra KK-aerobic / Research of sports center KK - aerobik service qualitySuchomelová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
Title: Research of sports center KK - aerobik service quality. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is a marketing research of quality of service provi-ded by the fitness center KK - aerobik in Prague 4 Modřany. After evalua- ting the empirical data obtained marketing research, using Brady's model define problem areas and suggest measures to improve the quality and in-crease customer satisfaction with the offered services. Methods: In this thesis the method of quantitative interviews with Brady's model in modification for fitness was used. Evaluated data were organized in excel sheets. Based on these data graphs have been processed of which the re-sults are clearly visible. Results: After evaluating all of the data and their comparison we identified several remedial measures that should contribute to improving the quality of ser-vices provided by the researched subject. Improving the quality will con-tribute to higher client satisfaction and thus to increase the traffic and thus to higher satisfaction of the management. Keywords: Service, quality, service quality, business, marketing research, questionary, customer, customer's satisfaction.
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Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Service Dominant LogicSebhatu, Samuel Petros January 2010 (has links)
The process of globalization over the past five decades has given impetus to drivensustainability and related thinking in business. It is also observed that there areunprecedented trends in corporate strategy towards sustainable thinking - the emergenceof sustainability as corporate strategy and the concern of business for ecology and society.This forces companies to rethink their standard business models and increase theirinterest in innovating products and services based on the challenges of global sustainabledevelopment. The pressure from external stakeholders, mainly non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), as drivers of change may also contribute strongly to thisendeavour. This substantial change pressure clearly reflects companies’ recognition of themounting pressures for social responsibility and governance. The overall aim of this thesisis to describe and understand how social responsibility and value-creation of customers’influence the overall service quality of companies in developing a sustainable servicebusiness. The theoretical and conceptual frame of reference finds its stimulation from the researchin sustainable development – corporate social responsibility, service research and qualitymanagement. In this way it attempts to bridge the gap between business and socialresponsibility. Theoretically and conceptually, the thesis amalgamates sustainabilitythinking and the service logic. Here, value creation and co-creation of Service DominantLogic (S-D logic) approach expands to integrate the values based approach of CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) in management thinking and have created the prevailingbusiness practices and service quality (SQ) improvement. This thesis is a compilation offive different papers that follow an interpretative case study approach. The empiricalstudy developed from the cases of multinational companies, small and mediumenterprises, smallholders and NGOs. In this thesis, ‘Sustainable Service Dominant Logic’ (SSDL) was labelled to argue thatvalue-based co-creation of the S-D logic framework can be used to create values-basedservices for sustainable business by examining the link between CSR and S-D logic basedon value, values and service quality for sustainable business. This is this thesis’scontribution to the ongoing discussion of the paradigm shift in service research. Theframework is of the integration of CSR thinking into service business to create sustainablebusiness thinking. This signifies the new thinking of incorporating different managementsystems in creating the organizational change process, sustainability and finally SQimprovement. This counters the critique against S-D logic by expanding the societal andethical dimensions by using CSR, and showing real business cases. This depends on theintegration of different change pressures for value creation, whether related to economicand social resource integration. This involves the shift of the focus of managerial controlfrom a preoccupation with financial issues to a wider awareness of CSR thinking. Theseissues are also explored by demonstrating, based on cases, how the adoption of thisperspective can also enable the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) framework to become animportant aspect of value creation. Finally, the paradigm shift can be generalized to newthinking in S-D logic and the social responsibility of businesses as the major phenomenonof the changing and globalizing business environment; time for the CSR framework to permeate S-D logic.
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Модел за обезбеђивање за довољења захтева корисника ускладу са ISO 9000 серијом стандарда и потребама привреде Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđivanje za dovoljenja zahteva korisnika uskladu sa ISO 9000 serijom standarda i potrebama privrede Republike Srbije / A Model for Assuring Satisfaction of Customer’s RequirementsAccording to ISO 9000 Series of Standards and the Needs ofSerbian Republic EconomyĆoćkalo Dragan 11 July 2008 (has links)
<p><span style="font-family: arial">Предмет истраживања и рада на овој докторској дисертацији обухвата<br />досада доступна реализова а истра ж ива ња и поста вке у обла сти<br />ма р ке тин гистр а ж ива ња , одн оса са кор исн ицима и ства р а ња лоја лн ости<br />кор исн ика , моде лир а ња кон це пта за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика , ка о и<br />а н а лизу кљ учн их е ле ме н а та за кр е ир а ње систе мског моде ла<br />за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика ускла ђе н ог са са вр е ме н ом кон це пцијом<br />ква лите та , одн осн о за хте вима ста н да р да ISO 9000:2000. Ра д обухва та и<br />за хте ве , поте бе , ста вове и мишљ е ња пр е дузе ћа ка о кр а јње гкор исн ика ,<br />са је дн е стр а н е , ка о и гр упе е кспе р а та , са др уге , што би тр е ба ло да<br />употпун и кон це пцијски де фин иса н а плика тивн и моде л.<br />Ц иљ је да се кр е ир а и пр ика ж е а де ква та н и свр сисхода н моде л систе ма<br />за обе збе ђива ње за довољ е ња потр е ба кор исн ика пр е дузе ћа . О ва ј<br />моде л подр а зуме ва пр оце сн и пр иступ, пр ихва тљ иво ма р ке тин г<br />истр а ж ива ње н а поче тку, ка о и одгова р а јућу е ва луа цију н а кр а ју. М оде л<br />је пр ила гође н условима у којима дома ћа пр е дузе ћа (пр оизводн а и<br />услуж н а ) фун кцион ишу, одн осн о омогућује ла кш е сн а ла ж е ње и<br />упр а вљ а ње овим пр оце сима у циљ у постиза ња пословн е извр сн ости и<br />оства р ива ња кон це пта ма р ке тин га одн оса .</span><br /> </p> / <p><span style="font-family: arial">Predmet istraživanja i rada na ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji obuhvata<br />dosada dostupna realizova a istra ž iva nja i posta vke u obla sti<br />ma r ke tin gistr a ž iva nja , odn osa sa kor isn icima i stva r a nja loja ln osti<br />kor isn ika , mode lir a nja kon ce pta za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika , ka o i<br />a n a lizu klj učn ih e le me n a ta za kr e ir a nje siste mskog mode la<br />za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika uskla đe n og sa sa vr e me n om kon ce pcijom<br />kva lite ta , odn osn o za hte vima sta n da r da ISO 9000:2000. Ra d obuhva ta i<br />za hte ve , pote be , sta vove i mišlj e nja pr e duze ća ka o kr a jnje gkor isn ika ,<br />sa je dn e str a n e , ka o i gr upe e kspe r a ta , sa dr uge , što bi tr e ba lo da<br />upotpun i kon ce pcijski de fin isa n a plika tivn i mode l.<br />C ilj je da se kr e ir a i pr ika ž e a de kva ta n i svr sishoda n mode l siste ma<br />za obe zbe điva nje za dovolj e nja potr e ba kor isn ika pr e duze ća . O va j<br />mode l podr a zume va pr oce sn i pr istup, pr ihva tlj ivo ma r ke tin g<br />istr a ž iva nje n a poče tku, ka o i odgova r a juću e va lua ciju n a kr a ju. M ode l<br />je pr ila gođe n uslovima u kojima doma ća pr e duze ća (pr oizvodn a i<br />usluž n a ) fun kcion išu, odn osn o omogućuje la kš e sn a la ž e nje i<br />upr a vlj a nje ovim pr oce sima u cilj u postiza nja poslovn e izvr sn osti i<br />ostva r iva nja kon ce pta ma r ke tin ga odn osa .</span><br /> </p> / <p>The subjesct of research and work in this dissertacion includes available<br />researtch and assumptions, realized so far, in the field of: marketing<br />research, customers relations and building customers’ loyalty, as well as<br />modeling the concept of satisfying customers’requirements; the analyses of<br />key elements for creating a systemic model for satisfying customers’<br />requirements harmonized with modern quality concept and requirements of<br />ISO 900:2000 series of standards; requirements, needs, attitudes and ideas<br />of companies as final customers, at one side and a group of experts, at the<br />other side, that should fulfill conceptually defined applicative model.<br />The aim is to create and present the adequate and appropriate model of a<br />system for satisfying requirements, of companies customers. This model<br />implies a process approach, acceptable marketing research in the begining,<br />as well as the appropriate evaluation in the end. The model is harmonized<br />with conditions in which domestic companies (manufacturing and services)<br />work, i.e. it enables easier conduct and management of these processes in<br />order to achieve business excellence and realize the concept of marketing<br />relations.</p>
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Dashboardy - jejich analýza a implementace v prostředí SAP Business Objects / An analysis and implementation of Dashboards within SAP Business Objects 4.0/4.1Kratochvíl, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on dashboards analysis and distribution and theirs implementation afterwards in SAP Dashboards and Web Intelligence tools. The main goal of this thesis is an analysis of dashboards for different area of company management according to chosen of architecture solution. Another goal of diploma thesis is to take into account the principles of dashboards within the company and it deals with indicator comparison as well. The author further defines data life cycle within Business Intelligence and deals with the decomposition of particular dashboard types in theoretical part. At the end of theory, it is included an important chapter from point of view data quality, data quality process and data quality improvement and an using of SAP Best Practices and KBA as well for BI tools published by SAP. The implementation of dashboards should be back up theoretical part. Implementation is divided into 3 chapters according to selected architecture, using multisource systems, SAP Infosets/Query and using Data Warehouse or Data Mart as an architecture solution for reporting purposes. The deep implementing section should be help reader to make his own opinion to different architecture, but especially difference in used BI tools within SAP Business Objects. At the end of each section regarding architecture and its solution, there are defined pros and cons.
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