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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Causal structure in categorical quantum mechanics

Lal, Raymond Ashwin January 2012 (has links)
Categorical quantum mechanics is a way of formalising the structural features of quantum theory using category theory. It uses compound systems as the primitive notion, which is formalised by using symmetric monoidal categories. This leads to an elegant formalism for describing quantum protocols such as quantum teleportation. In particular, categorical quantum mechanics provides a graphical calculus that exposes the information flow of such protocols in an intuitive way. However, the graphical calculus also reveals surprising features of these protocols; for example, in the quantum teleportation protocol, information appears to flow `backwards-in-time'. This leads to question of how causal structure can be described within categorical quantum mechanics, and how this might lead to insight regarding the structural compatibility between quantum theory and relativity. This thesis is concerned with the project of formalising causal structure in categorical quantum mechanics. We begin by studying an abstract view of Bell-type experiments, as described by `no-signalling boxes', and we show that under time-reversal no-signalling boxes generically become signalling. This conflicts with the underlying symmetry of relativistic causal structure. This leads us to consider the framework of categorical quantum mechanics from the perspective of relativistic causal structure. We derive the properties that a symmetric monoidal category must satisfy in order to describe systems in such a background causal structure. We use these properties to define a new type of category, and this provides a formal framework for describing protocols in spacetime. We explore this new structure, showing how it leads to an understanding of the counter-intuitive information flow of protocols in categorical quantum mechanics. We then find that the formal properties of our new structure are naturally related to axioms for reconstructing quantum theory, and we show how a reconstruction scheme based on purification can be formalised using the structures of categorical quantum mechanics. Finally, we discuss the philosophical aspects of using category theory to describe fundamental physics. We consider a recent argument that category-theoretic formulations of physics, such as categorical quantum mechanics, can be used to support a variant of structural realism. We argue against this claim. The work of this thesis suggests instead that the philosophy of categorical quantum mechanics is subtler than either operationalism or realism.

Aspects of Yang-Mills theory in twistor space

Jiang, Wen January 2008 (has links)
This thesis carries out a detailed investigation of the action for pure Yang-Mills theory which L. Mason formulated in twistor space. The rich structure of twistor space results in greater gauge freedom compared to the theory in ordinary space-time. One particular gauge choice, the CSW gauge, allows simplifications to be made at both the classical and quantum level. The equations of motion have an interesting form in the CSW gauge, which suggests a possible solution procedure. This is explored in three special cases. Explicit solutions are found in each case and connections with earlier work are examined. The equations are then reformulated in Minkowski space, in order to deal with an initial-value, rather than boundary-value, problem. An interesting form of the Yang-Mills equation is obtained, for which we propose an iteration procedure. The quantum theory is also simplified by adopting the CSW gauge. The Feynman rules are derived and are shown to reproduce the MHV diagram formalism straightforwardly, once LSZ reduction is taken into account. The three-point amplitude missing in the MHV formalism can be recovered in our theory. Finally, relations to Mansfield’s canonical transformation approach are elucidated.

Topological phases of matter, symmetries, and K-theory

Thiang, Guo Chuan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis contains a study of topological phases of matter, with a strong emphasis on symmetry as a unifying theme. We take the point of view that the "topology" in many examples of what is loosely termed "topological matter", has its origin in the symmetry data of the system in question. From the fundamental work of Wigner, we know that topology resides not only in the group of symmetries, but also in the cohomological data of projective unitary-antiunitary representations. Furthermore, recent ideas from condensed matter physics highlight the fundamental role of charge-conjugation symmetry. With these as physical motivation, we propose to study the topological features of gapped phases of free fermions through a Z<sub>2</sub>-graded C*-algebra encoding the symmetry data of their dynamics. In particular, each combination of time reversal and charge conjugation symmetries can be associated with a Clifford algebra. K-theory is intimately related to topology, representation theory, Clifford algebras, and Z<sub>2</sub>-gradings, so it presents itself as a powerful tool for studying gapped topological phases. Our basic strategy is to use various K</em-theoretic invariants of the symmetry algebra to classify symmetry-compatible gapped phases. The super-representation group of the algebra classifies such gapped phases, while its K-theoretic difference-group classifies the obstructions in passing between two such phases. Our approach is a noncommutative version of the twisted K-theory approach of Freed--Moore, and generalises the K-theoretic classification first suggested by Kitaev. It has the advantage of conceptual simplicity in its uniform treatment of all symmetries. Physically, it encompasses phenomena which require noncommutative algebras in their description; mathematically, it clarifies and provides rigour to the meaning of "homotopic phases", and easily explains the salient features of Kitaev's Periodic Table.

Some Aspects of Noncommutativity in Polynomial Optimization

Mousavi Haji, Seyyed Hamoon January 2023 (has links)
Most combinatorial optimization problems from theoretical computer science have a natural framing as optimization of polynomials in commuting variables. Noncommutativity is one of the defining features of quantum mechanics. So it is not surprising that noncommutative polynomial optimization plays an equally important role in quantum computer science. Our main goal here is to understand the relative hardness of commutative versus noncommutative polynomial optimization. At a first glance it might seem that noncommutative polynomial optimization must be more complex. However this is not always true and this question of relative hardness is substantially more subtle than might appear at the outset. First in this thesis we show that the general noncommutative polynomial optimization is complete for the class $\Pi_2$; this class is in the second level of the arithmetical hierarchy and strictly contains both the set of recursively enumerable languages and its complement. On the other hand, commutative polynomial optimization is decidable and belongs to $\PSPACE$. We then provide evidence that for polynomials arising from a large class of constraint satisfaction problems the situation is reversed: the noncommutative polynomial optimization is an easier computational problem compared to its commutative analogue. A second question we are interested in is about whether we could extract good commutative solutions from noncommutative solutions? This brings us to the second theme of this thesis which is about understanding the algebraic structure of the solutions of noncommutative polynomial optimization. We show that this structural insight then could shed light on the optimal commutative solutions and thereby paves the path in understanding the relationships between the commutative and noncommutative solutions. Here we first use the sum-of-squares framework to understand the algebraic relationships that are present between operators in any optimal noncommutative solution of a class of polynomial optimization problems arising from certain constraint satisfaction problems. We then show how we can design approximation algorithms for these problems so that some algebraic structures of our choosing is present. Finally we propose a rounding scheme for extracting good commutative solutions from noncommutative ones.

Issues of control and causation in quantum information theory

Marletto, Chiara January 2013 (has links)
Issues of control and causation are central to the Quantum Theory of Computation. Yet there is no place for them in fundamental laws of Physics when expressed in the prevailing conception, i.e., in terms of initial conditions and laws of motion. This thesis aims at arguing that Constructor Theory, recently proposed by David Deutsch to generalise the quantum theory of computation, is a candidate to provide a theory of control and causation within Physics. To this end, I shall present a physical theory of information that is formulated solely in constructor-theoretic terms, i.e., in terms of which transformations of physical systems are possible and which are impossible. This theory solves the circularity at the foundations of existing information theory; it provides a unifying relation between classical and quantum information, revealing the single property underlying the most distinctive phenomena associated with the latter: the unpredictability of the outcomes of some deterministic processes, the lack of distinguishability of some states, the irreducible perturbation caused by measurement and the existence of locally inaccessible information in composite systems (entanglement). This thesis also aims to investigate the restrictions that quantum theory imposes on copying-like tasks. To this end, I will propose a unifying, picture-independent formulation of the no-cloning theorem. I will also discuss a protocol to accomplish the closely related task of transferring perfectly a quantum state along a spin chain, in the presence of systematic errors. Furthermore, I will address the problem of whether self-replication (as it occurs in living organisms) is compatible with Quantum Mechanics. Some physicists, notably Wigner, have argued that this logic is in fact forbidden by Quantum Mechanics, thus claiming that the latter is not a universal theory. I shall prove that those claims are invalid and that the logic of self-replication is, of course, compatible with Quantum Mechanics.

Aspects of the class S superconformal index, and gauge/gravity duality in five/six dimensions

Fluder, Martin Felix January 2015 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis, we discuss some aspects of the four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal index of theories of class S. We first consider a generalized index on S<sup>1</sup> × S<sup>3</sup>/Z<sub>r</sub>, and prove S-duality in a particular fugacity slice. We then go on to study the (round) superconformal index in the presence of surface defects. We develop a systematic prescription to compute surface defects labeled by arbitrary irreducible representations of the gauge group and subject those defects to various tests in several different limits. Each of these limits is interesting in its own right, and we go on to explore them in some depth. In the second part of this thesis, we construct the gravity duals of large N supersymmetric gauge theories defined on squashed five-spheres with SU(3) × U(1) symmetry. The gravity duals are constructed in Euclidean Romans F(4) gauged supergravity in six- dimensions, and uplift to massive type IIA supergravity. We compute the partition function and Wilson loop in the large N limit of the gauge theory and compare them to their corresponding supergravity dual quantities. As expected from AdS/CFT, both sides agree perfectly. Based on these results, we conjecture a general formula for the partition function and Wilson loop on any five-sphere background, which for fixed gauge theory depends only on a certain supersymmetric Killing vector. We then go on to construct rigid supersymmetric gauge theories on more general Riemannian five-manifolds. We follow a holographic approach, realizing the manifold as the conformal boundary of the six-dimensional bulk supergravity solution. This leads to a systematic classification of five-dimensional supersymmetric backgrounds with gravity duals.

On connections between dark matter and the baryon asymmetry

Unwin, James January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the study of a prominent class of dark matter (DM) models, in which the DM relic density is linked to the baryon asymmetry, often referred to as Asymmetric Dark Matter (ADM) theories. In ADM the relic density is set by a particle-antiparticle asymmetry, in direct analogue to the baryons. This is partly motivated by the observed proximity of the baryon and DM relic densities Ω_{DM} ≈ 5 Ω_{B}, as this can be explained if the DM and baryon asymmetries are linked. A general requisite of models of ADM is that the vast majority of the symmetric component of the DM number density, the DM-antiDM pairs, must be removed for the asymmetry to set the DM relic density and thus to explain the coincidence of Ω_{DM} and Ω_{B}. However we shall argue that demanding the efficient annihilation of the symmetric component leads to a tension with experimental constraints in a large class of models. In order to satisfy the limits coming from direct detection and colliders searches, it is almost certainly required that the DM be part of a richer hidden sector of interacting states. Subsequently, examples of such extended hidden sectors are constructed and studied, in particular we highlight that the presence of light pseudoscalars can greatly aid in alleviating the experimental bounds and are well motivated from a theoretical stance. Finally, we highlight that self-conjugate DM can be generated from hidden sector particle asymmetries, which can lead to distinct phenomenology. Further, this variant on the ADM scenario can circumvent some of the leading constraints.

An image encryption system based on two-dimensional quantum random walks

Li, Ling Feng January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology. / Department of Computer and Information Science

Free will in device-independent cryptography

Pope, James Edward January 2014 (has links)
Device-independent cryptography provides security in various tasks whilst removing an assumption that cryptographers previously thought of as crucial -- complete trust in the machinations of their experimental apparatus. The theory of Bell inequalities as a proof of indeterminism within nature allows for secure device-independent schemes requiring neither trust in the cryptographers' devices nor reliance on the completeness of quantum mechanics. However, the extreme paranoia attributable to the relaxed assumptions within device independence requires an explicit consideration of the previously assumed ability of the experimenters to freely make random choices. This thesis addresses the so-called `free will loophole', presenting Bell tests and associated cryptographic protocols robust against adversarial manipulation of the random number generators with which measurements in a Bell test are selected. We present several quantitative measures for this experimental free will, otherwise known as measurement dependence. We discuss how an eavesdropper maliciously preprogramming the experimenters' untrusted devices can falsely simulate the violation of a Bell inequality. We also bound the amount of Bell violation achievable within a certain degree of measurement dependence. This analysis extends to device-independent randomness expansion, bounding the guessing probability and estimating the amount of privacy amplification required to distil private randomness. The protocol is secure against either arbitrary no-signalling or quantum adversaries. We also consider device-independent key distribution, studying adversarial models that exploit the free will loophole. Finally, we examine a model correlated between the random number generators and Bell devices across multiple runs of a Bell test. This enables an explicit exposition of the optimal cheating strategy and how the correlations manifest themselves within this strategy. We prove that there remain Bell violations for a sufficiently high, yet non-maximal degree of measurement dependence which cannot be simulated by a classical attack, regardless of how many runs of the experiment those choices are correlated over.

Development of the Quantum Lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of quantum electrodynamics with applications to graphene

Lapitski, Denis January 2014 (has links)
We investigate the simulations of the the Schrödinger equation using the onedimensional quantum lattice Boltzmann (QLB) scheme and the irregular behaviour of solution. We isolate error due to approximation of the Schrödinger solution with the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation and numerical error in solving the Dirac equation. Detailed analysis of the original scheme showed it to be first order accurate. By discretizing the Dirac equation consistently on both sides we derive a second order accurate QLB scheme with the same evolution algorithm as the original and requiring only a one-time unitary transformation of the initial conditions and final output. We show that initializing the scheme in a way that is consistent with the non-relativistic limit supresses the oscillations around the Schrödinger solution. However, we find the QLB scheme better suited to simulation of relativistic quantum systems governed by the Dirac equation and apply it to the Klein paradox. We reproduce the quantum tunnelling results of previous research and show second order convergence to the theoretical wave packet transmission probability. After identifying and correcting the error in the multidimensional extension of the original QLB scheme that produced asymmetric solutions, we expand our second order QLB scheme to multiple dimensions. Next we use the QLB scheme to simulate Klein tunnelling of massless charge carriers in graphene, compare with theoretical solutions and study the dependence of charge transmission on the incidence angle, wave packet and potential barrier shape. To do this we derive a representation of the Dirac-like equation governing charge carriers in graphene for the one-dimensional QLB scheme, and derive a two-dimensional second order graphene QLB scheme for more accurate simulation of wave packets. We demonstrate charge confinement in a graphene device using a configuration of multiple smooth potential barriers, thereby achieving a high ratio of on/off current with potential application in graphene field effect transistors for logic devices. To allow simulation in magnetic or pseudo-magnetic fields created by deformation of graphene, we expand the scheme to include vector potentials. In addition, we derive QLB schemes for bilayer graphene and the non-linear Dirac equation governing Bose-Einstein condensates in hexagonal optical lattices.

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