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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonlinear PDE and Optical Surfaces Design

Sabra, Ahmad January 2015 (has links)
We introduce two models to design near field reflectors in R^3 that solve an inverse problem in radiometry, taking into account the inverse square law of irradiance. The problem leads to a Monge-Ampere type inequality. The surfaces in the first model are strictly convex and require to be far from the source to avoid obstruction. In the second model, the reflectors are neither convex nor concave and do not block the rays even if they are close to the source. / Mathematics

Radar Scattering Cross-section of Triangular Corner Reflectors

Budwine, Robert E. 01 1900 (has links)
The series of experimental studies to be described has been carried out in order to determine the feasibility of using corner reflectors as laboratory standards for model cross-section measurements.

Automatic positioner and control system for a motorized parabolic solar reflector

Prinsloo, Gerhardus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most rural African villages enjoy high levels of sunlight, but rolling out solar power generation technology to tap into this renewable energy resource at remote rural sites in Africa pose a number of design challenges. To meet these challenges, a project has been initiated to design, build and test/evaluate a knock down 3 kW peak electrical stand-alone self-tracking dual-axis concentrating solar power system. This study focusses on the mechatronic engineering aspects in the design and development of a dynamic mechatronic platform and digital electronic control system for the stand-alone concentrating solar power system. Design specifications require an accurate automatic positioner and control system for a motorized parabolic solar reflector with an optical solar harnessing capacity of 12 kWt at solar noon. It must be suitable for stand-alone rural power generation. This study presents a conceptual design and engineering prototype of a balanced cantilever tilt-and-swing dual-axis slew drive actuation means as mechatronic solar tracking mobility platform for a ∼12 m2 lightweight parabolic solar concentrator. Digital automation of the concentrated solar platform is implemented using an industrial Siemens S7-1200 programmable logic controller (PLC) with digital remote control interfacing, pulse width modulated direct current driving, and electronic open loop/closed loop solar tracking control. The design and prototype incorporates off-the-shelf components to support local manufacturing at reduced cost and generally meets the goal of delivering a dynamic mechatronic platform for a concentrating solar power system that is easy to transport, assemble and install at remote rural sites in Africa. Real-time experiments, conducted in the summer of South Africa, validated and established the accuracy of the engineering prototype positioning system. It shows that the as-designed and -built continuous solar tracking performs to an optical accuracy of better than 1.0◦ on both the azimuth and elevation tracking axes; and which is also in compliance with the pre-defined design specifications. Structural aspects of the prototype parabolic dish are evaluated and optimized by other researchers while the Stirling and power handling units are under development in parallel projects. Ultimately, these joint research projects aim to produce a locally manufactured knock down do-it-yourself concentrated solar power generation kit, suitable for deployment into Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landelike gebiede in Afrika geniet hoë vlakke van sonskyn, maar die ontwerp van betroubare sonkrag tegnologie vir die benutting van hierdie hernubare energie hulpbron by afgeleë gebiede in Afrika bied verskeie uitdagings. Om hierdie uitdagings te oorkom, is ’n projek van stapel gestuur om ’n afbreekbare 3 kW piek elektriese alleenstaande selfaangedrewe dubbel-as son-konsentreeder te ontwerp, bou en te toets. Hierdie studies fokus op die megatroniese ingenieurs-aspekte in die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van ’n dinamiese megatroniese platform en ’n digitale elektroniese beheerstelsel vir die alleenstaande gekonsentreerde sonkrag stelsel. Ontwerp spesifikasies vereis ’n akkurate outomatiese posisionering en beheer stelsel vir ’n motor aangedrewe paraboliese son reflekteerder met ’n optiesekollekteer- kapasiteit van 12 kWt by maksimum sonhoogte, en veral geskik wees vir afgeleë sonkrag opwekking. Hierdie studie lewer ’n konsepsuele ontwerp en ingenieurs-prototipe van ’n gebalanseerde dubbelas swaai-en-kantel swenkrat aandrywingsmeganisme as megatroniese sonvolg platform vir ’n ∼12 m2 liggewig paraboliese son konsentreerder. Digitale outomatisering van die son konsentreerder platform is geimplementeer op ’n industriële Siemens S7-1200 programmeerbare logiese beheerder (PLB) met ’n digitale afstandbeheer koppelvlak, puls-wydte-gemoduleerde gelykstroom aandrywing en elektroniese ooplus en geslote-lus sonvolg beheer. Die ontwerp en prototipe maak gebruik van beskikbare komponente om lae-koste plaaslike vervaardiging te ondersteun en slaag in die algemeen in die doel om ’n dinamiese megatroniese platform vir ’n gekonsentreerde sonkrag stelsel te lewer wat maklik vervoer, gebou en opgerig kan word op afgeleë persele in Afrika. Intydse eksperimente is gedurende die somer uitgevoer om die akkuraatheid van die prototipe posisionering sisteem te evalueer. Dit toon dat die sisteem die son deurlopend volg met ’n akkuraatheid beter as 1.0◦ op beide die azimut en elevasie sonvolg asse, wat voldoen aan die ontwerp spesifikasies. Strukturele aspekte van die prototipe paraboliese skottel word deur ander navorsers geëvalueer en verbeter terwyl die Stirling-eenheid en elektriese sisteme in parallelle projekte ontwikkel word. Die uiteindelike doel met hierdie groepnavorsing is om ’n plaaslik vervaardigde doen-dit-self sonkrag eenheid te ontwikkel wat in Afrika ontplooi kan word.

Empirical investigation of life cycle cost of road studs on national roads

Du Preez, Emile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study involved a detail empirical investigation into the different road studs in use on South Africa’s national road network and how they performed on the network under different road conditions in order to establish which road stud, under what conditions, offers best value for money in terms of life-cycle cost for the South African National Roads Agency Limited. These main questions were asked: What is the most cost-effective/value-for-money stud option for SANRAL to choose for each of the specified road categories? Under which conditions do the studs perform differently and what is the most likely mode of failure of specific studs linked to a specific road condition and road category? The South African and Australian road stud standards were reviewed to gain understanding of which criteria one has to consider when evaluating road studs and what information would be needed for the research. Similar studies on road studs were reviewed to compare the criteria that were looked at, namely Guidelines for the use of Raised Pavement Markers, developed by the Department of Transport in the United States, and Feasibility of using accelerated pavement testing to evaluate the long term performance of raised pavement markers, a research paper by the Florida Department of Transport. This research made use of a standardised questionnaire containing questions on various elements found to be key to the road stud performance. The study was done on approximately 4 659 km of roads in SANRAL’s Western region, consisting of the Western Cape and Northern Cape. From the literature review, it was identified that there is a need for the SABS standards to be updated to include the testing of structural properties of studs. SANRAL should look at the lack in specification requirements when asking for the installation of road studs. From the data available it was observed that the preferred studs were the Ferro Lynx followed by the STA+52 stud. They are predominantly used on the roads that were included in the survey. They perform well on the national roads. The data suggests that these two studs and the Rhino stud are the best-performing studs with the least dislodgement and loss in reflectivity. The STA+52 and Rhino stud, however, are fairly new on the market and more data for theirs full life cycle should be obtained for further monitoring The regression analysis indicated that 36 per cent of the variation in the reflectivity of the Ferro Lynx stud can be explained by the surface width of the road, the traffic volume measured as ELVS and the period installed. All the coefficients were significant with a 5 per cent significance. The prediction tables on the weighted data set, indicated that one should always consider width of road when choosing a road stud and that the reflectivity of studs deteriorates most on the narrower roads.

Modelling the EM properties of dipole reflections with application to uniform chaff clouds

Kruger, Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The origin of chaff dates as far back as WWII, acting as a passive EM countermeasure it was used to confuse enemy radar systems and is still in use today. The purpose of this study is, firstly, to build up a knowledge base for determining chaff parameters and secondly, to calculate the theoretical Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a chaff cloud. Initially dipole resonant properties are investigated relative to dipole physical dimensions. This is extended to the wideband spatial average RCS of a dipole with application to chaff clouds. A model is developed for calculating the theoretical RCS of a cloud typically produced by a single, multiband chaff cartridge. This model is developed on the principles of sparse clouds with negligible coupling; the dipole density for which the model is valid is determined through the statistical simulation of chaff clouds. To determine the effectiveness of chaff clouds, the E-field behaviour through a chaff cloud is investigated numerically. From simulation results a model is developed for estimating the position and drop in E-field strength. It is concluded that though it would be possible to hide a target behind a chaff cloud given ideal circumstances, it is not practical in reality. Given the presented results, recommendations are made for future work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorsprong van kaf dateer so ver terug as WOII. Dit was gebruik as ‘n passiewe EM teenmaatreël teen vyandelike radar stelsels en is steeds vandag in gebruik. Die doel van hierdie studie is eerstens, om ‘n kennisbasis op te bou vir die bepaling van kaf parameters en tweedens, om die teoretiese RDS van kafwolke te bereken. Aanvanklik word die dipool resonante eienskappe ondersoek relatief tot die dipool dimensies. Die studie word uitgebrei tot die wyeband ruimte gemiddelde RDS van ‘n dipool met toepassing op kafwolke. ‘n Model word ontwikkel om die teoretiese RDS te bereken vir ‘n tipiese kafwolk geproduseer deur ‘n enkele, multi-band kafpakkie. Die model is gegrond op die beginsels van lae digte kafwolke met weglaatbare koppeling; die dipool digtheid waarvoor die model geldig is, is bepaal deur statistiese simulasie van kafwolke. Om die effektiwiteit van kafwolke te bepaal, word die E-veld gedrag deur kafwolke numeries ondersoek. Vanaf simulasie resultate word ‘n model ontwikkel om die ligging van, en daling in E-veld sterkte af te skat. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat, alhoewel dit moontlik is om ‘n teiken agter ‘n kafwolk te versteek in ideale omstandighede, dit nie prakties is nie. Na aanleiding van die resultate verkry, is aanbevelings vir verdere werk gedoen.

Estudo para fabricação de refletores automobilísticos utilizando um material compósito termofixo e um material termoplástico / Study for manufacturing automobile reflectors using a thermoset composite material and a thermoplastic material

Souza, Eliseu William de 05 July 2010 (has links)
Na montagem de um farol automobilístico são utilizados diversos materiais, tais como insertos metálicos nas fixações, vidros nas lâmpadas, materiais poliméricos nas lentes, carcaças, molduras, vedações e refletores, além de vernizes, tintas, película de metal para reflexão do feixe luminoso. Há cerca de quatro décadas foi iniciada a confecção dos refletores utilizando o BMC (bulk moulding compound), sigla em inglês para composto para moldagem em forma de massa, que é um compósito polimérico termofixo. Este material apresenta inúmeras vantagens sobre o metal, tal como forma e geometria que podem se integrar facilmente ao desenho do carro, elevada produtividade, baixo custo e da elevada resistência térmica. Contudo, apresentam o inconveniente de não poderem ser reciclados. Uma opção ao BMC tem sido o PEI [poli (éter imida)], que é um material polimérico termoplástico de alto desempenho que apresenta propriedades atrativas para essa utilização. Oferece também elevada produtividade, porém com um custo elevado se comparado ao BMC. Tem a vantagem de pode ser reciclado. De modo a analisar o potencial dos dois materiais e extrair deles suas vantagens competitivas, bem como determinar suas possíveis limitações, o presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de caracterização mecânica, análise térmica, ensaios de impacto, ensaios de temperatura de deflexão térmica (HDT) e reaproveitamento de resíduos de BMC, incorporando-o ao PVC [poli (cloreto de vinila)], resultando uma nova blenda polimérica. O estudo conclui que ambos os materiais podem ser utilizados para fabricação de refletores automobilísticos. No entanto, o preço do PEI é maior que o do BMC, o que desestimula sua utilização em produtos de alta escala de produção, como, por exemplo, o produto do presente trabalho. O BMC por sua vez não pode ser reciclado, exigindo um custo adicional para seu reaproveitamento de maneira a evitar seu descarte em aterro sanitário. / For assembly of an automobile headlight a lot of materials are used such as metallic inserts anchors, glass in the lamps, lens of polymeric materials, bezels, frames, fences and reflectors as well as paints, metallic sheet for reflection of the luminous beam. About four decades ago begun the manufacturing of BMC reflectors, which is a thermoset composite material. This material presents countless advantages on the metal, such as shape and geometry that can easily integrate the designing of cars, high productivity, low cost and high heat resistance. However, they have the disadvantage of not being able to be recycled. An option to the BMC has been the PEI [poly (ether imide)], which is a high performance polymeric thermoplastic material which brings attractive properties for the production of reflectors. It also offers high productivity, however with a high cost compared to BMC. It also has the advantage of being recycled. In order to analyze the potential of both materials and extract their competitive advantages, as well as determine their possible limitations, this study presents the results of mechanical characterization, thermal analysis, impact tests, tests on heat deflection temperature (HDT) and the reuse of BMC waste, incorporating it to PVC [poly (vinyl chloride)], resulting in a new polymeric blend. The study concludes that both materials can be used for manufacturing automobile reflectors. However, the price of PEI is higher than the one of BMC, which discourages their use in high-scale production products, as the one of this work. The BMC for your time can not be recycled, demanding an extra cost for their reuse, avoiding its disposal in landfill.

Estudo para fabricação de refletores automobilísticos utilizando um material compósito termofixo e um material termoplástico / Study for manufacturing automobile reflectors using a thermoset composite material and a thermoplastic material

Eliseu William de Souza 05 July 2010 (has links)
Na montagem de um farol automobilístico são utilizados diversos materiais, tais como insertos metálicos nas fixações, vidros nas lâmpadas, materiais poliméricos nas lentes, carcaças, molduras, vedações e refletores, além de vernizes, tintas, película de metal para reflexão do feixe luminoso. Há cerca de quatro décadas foi iniciada a confecção dos refletores utilizando o BMC (bulk moulding compound), sigla em inglês para composto para moldagem em forma de massa, que é um compósito polimérico termofixo. Este material apresenta inúmeras vantagens sobre o metal, tal como forma e geometria que podem se integrar facilmente ao desenho do carro, elevada produtividade, baixo custo e da elevada resistência térmica. Contudo, apresentam o inconveniente de não poderem ser reciclados. Uma opção ao BMC tem sido o PEI [poli (éter imida)], que é um material polimérico termoplástico de alto desempenho que apresenta propriedades atrativas para essa utilização. Oferece também elevada produtividade, porém com um custo elevado se comparado ao BMC. Tem a vantagem de pode ser reciclado. De modo a analisar o potencial dos dois materiais e extrair deles suas vantagens competitivas, bem como determinar suas possíveis limitações, o presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de caracterização mecânica, análise térmica, ensaios de impacto, ensaios de temperatura de deflexão térmica (HDT) e reaproveitamento de resíduos de BMC, incorporando-o ao PVC [poli (cloreto de vinila)], resultando uma nova blenda polimérica. O estudo conclui que ambos os materiais podem ser utilizados para fabricação de refletores automobilísticos. No entanto, o preço do PEI é maior que o do BMC, o que desestimula sua utilização em produtos de alta escala de produção, como, por exemplo, o produto do presente trabalho. O BMC por sua vez não pode ser reciclado, exigindo um custo adicional para seu reaproveitamento de maneira a evitar seu descarte em aterro sanitário. / For assembly of an automobile headlight a lot of materials are used such as metallic inserts anchors, glass in the lamps, lens of polymeric materials, bezels, frames, fences and reflectors as well as paints, metallic sheet for reflection of the luminous beam. About four decades ago begun the manufacturing of BMC reflectors, which is a thermoset composite material. This material presents countless advantages on the metal, such as shape and geometry that can easily integrate the designing of cars, high productivity, low cost and high heat resistance. However, they have the disadvantage of not being able to be recycled. An option to the BMC has been the PEI [poly (ether imide)], which is a high performance polymeric thermoplastic material which brings attractive properties for the production of reflectors. It also offers high productivity, however with a high cost compared to BMC. It also has the advantage of being recycled. In order to analyze the potential of both materials and extract their competitive advantages, as well as determine their possible limitations, this study presents the results of mechanical characterization, thermal analysis, impact tests, tests on heat deflection temperature (HDT) and the reuse of BMC waste, incorporating it to PVC [poly (vinyl chloride)], resulting in a new polymeric blend. The study concludes that both materials can be used for manufacturing automobile reflectors. However, the price of PEI is higher than the one of BMC, which discourages their use in high-scale production products, as the one of this work. The BMC for your time can not be recycled, demanding an extra cost for their reuse, avoiding its disposal in landfill.

ITO distributed Bragg reflectors for resonant cavity OLED

Chuang, Tung-Lin 28 June 2012 (has links)
In the study, conductive distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) fabricated at room temperature based on porous indium tin oxide (ITO) on dense ITO bilayers were proposed for resonant cavity organic light emitting diodes (RCOLEDs). In the fabrication of the ITO DBRs, the low refractive index porous ITO films were obtained by applying supercritical CO2 treatment at different temperature and pressures on the spin-coated sol-gel ITO films. On the other hand, the high refractive index ITO films were grown at room temperature by long-throw reactive ratio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The refractive index of the porous ITO film and ITO films were 1.54 and 2.0, respectively. For the DBR with 4 pairs ITO bilayers, the optical reflectance of more than 70 % was achieved. The stop band and the average resistivity is 140 nm and 2.2¡Ñ10-3 £[-cm, respectively. Finally, electrical and optical characteristics of the RCOLEDs fabricated on the ITO DBR were investigated and compared with those of the conventional OLEDs. The maximum luminous efficiency of 3.79 cd/A was obtained at 347 mA/cm2 for the RCOLED. This luminous efficiency was 26 % higher than that of the conventional OLED.

Curvelet processing and imaging: adaptive ground roll removal

Yarham, Carson, Trad, Daniel, Herrmann, Felix J. January 2004 (has links)
In this paper we present examples of ground roll attenuation for synthetic and real data gathers by using Contourlet and Curvelet transforms. These non-separable wavelet transforms are locoalized both (x,t)- and (k,f)-domains and allow for adaptive seperation of signal and ground roll. Both linear and non-linear filtering are discussed using the unique properties of these basis that allow for simultaneous localization in the both domains. Eventhough, the linear filtering techniques are encouraging the true added value of these basis-function techniques becomes apparent when we use these decompositions to adaptively substract modeled ground roll from data using a non-linear thesholding procedure. We show real and synthetic examples and the results suggest that these directional-selective basis functions provide a usefull tool for the removal of coherent noise such as ground roll

Sparseness-constrained data continuation with frames: Applications to missing traces and aliased signals in 2/3-D

Hennenfent, Gilles, Herrmann, Felix J. January 2005 (has links)
We present a robust iterative sparseness-constrained interpolation algorithm using 2/3D curvelet frames and Fourier-like transforms that exploits continuity along reflectors in seismic data. By choosing generic transforms, we circumvent the necessity to make parametric assumptions (e.g. through linear/parabolic Radon or demigration) regarding the shape of events in seismic data. Simulation and real data examples for data with moderately sized gaps demonstrate that our algorithm provides interpolated traces that accurately reproduce the wavelet shape as well as the AVO behavior. Our method also shows good results for de-aliasing judged by the behavior of the (f-k)-spectrum before and after regularization.

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