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Simulace pohybu neholonomních mechanismů / Simulation of nonholonomic mechanisms’ motionByrtus, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá simulacemi neholonomních mechanismů, konkrétně robotických hadů. V práci jsou uvedeny základní poznatky geometrické teorie řízení. Tyto poznatky jsou využity k odvození řídících modelů robotických systémů a následně jsou tyto modely simulovány v prostředí V-REP.
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Návrh propojení a programových modulů pro řízení robotické buňky pro zakládání dílů / Design of interconnections and program modules for robotic cell control for parts creationFursov, Ihor January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes design of interconnections and program modules for robotic cell control for parts creation. Research of this work is focused on industrial comunication protocols. The next part analyzes separate parts of the cell and their ways of connection. Futhermore, control structures of the cell are proposed and after comparison of them SCADA system structure was chosen. Project of connecting separate devices is done in Wonderware Systém Platform. The next step describes procedure of interconection of parts of the cell with each other. Then was designed visualization to operate robotic cell and to illustrate its state. Whole visualization was created using Wonderware InTouch program. In conclusion thesis is reviewed.
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Virtuální zprovoznění výrobního systému / Virtual commissioning of production systemBražina, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with virtual commissioning of production system which is located in the laboratories of the Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics at the BUT. The issue of virtual commissioning is described in the theoretical part of the thesis, followed by a description of each device located in this production system. The design of the 3D model, the design of the PLC control program and also the virtual commissioning itself are described in the practical part of the thesis. There is the creation of the robot‘s program described at the end of the thesis. Several Siemens software tools were used for virtual commissioning realization (TECNOMATIX Process Simulate, TIA Portal and PLCSIM Advanced 2.0).
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Robotické obrábění s využitím externího nástroje / Robotic machining with external toolRyvol, David January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this final thesis is to evaluate the performance of chosen CAM software in robotic deburring of cast parts while using external tool. For this purpose, an analysis of program’s functions was carried out and toolpath-making strategies were compared. The most appropriate strategy for mentioned technology was chosen based on this analysis. The generation of a toolpath was described on the example of real part from automotive industry. In order to simulate real machining process, a model of workspace was created, proper tool with spindle was selected and a method of clamping the workpiece was designed. A postprocessor was created, and so was the robot program, after successful simulation, as a foundation for possible practical test. PowerMill software proved to be not very suitable for this kind of machining application, mainly because of high amount of time consumed during the whole process. So the original idea of replacing classical on-line programming with this software is not advised.
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Robotický manipulátor prostředky CGA / Robotic manipulator based on CGAStodola, Marek January 2019 (has links)
Conformal geometric algebra is defined in the thesis. Representations of geometric objects and possibilities of their geometric transformations are presented. Conformal geometric algebra is applied to the calculation of forward kinematics of a robotic manipulator UR10 from Universal Robots. It is also applied to determine the position of the machine based on the location and rotation of two cameras. Then it is used in an inverse task, where based on records from the two cameras, dimensions of the UR10 manipulator and possibilities of its movement, the mutual position of these cameras is determined. And consequently the possibilities of their location in space. Finally, the derived procedures are implemented in a custom program created in the CluCalc environment, using which a sample example verifying the correctness of these procedures is calculated.
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Návrh robotické buňky pro depaletizaci a založení railu do výrobní stanice / Design of a Robotic Cell for Depalletization and Placement a Rail to a Production StationNovák, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis dealswith a design of a robotic cell for depalletization and the establishment of a rail into a production station. Pieces are weighed into the depalletizing unit in a shape-adapted crates otherwise known as blisters. Each blister contains five to eight pieces(depending on the type of a rail) and anti-corrosion paper. After removing the paper and the piece from the blister, an identification code is stamped on the piece. Then the finished piece travels to the next station. The aim of this thesis is to design arobotic cell that can handle all operations in a given cycle time and to create a simulation model in Siemens Process Simulate program to verify the cell functionality.
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Návrh robotického pracoviště pro automatickou montáž extruderů pro 3D tiskárny / Design of robotic workstation for automatic assembly of extruders for 3D printersPulicar, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Thesis is dealing with the creation of robotic worplace and its periphery. The paper is discrabing the robotic function and kinematics. The practical part of the paper shows several types of suggested robotic workplaces followed by solution processing of one selected type, where technical documentation and the calculation of production is made. The end of the paper shows economical and technological evaluation of the selected type of workplace including the price returns.
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Robotická paletizace řízená z PLC / Robotic palletization controlled by PLCŠefránek, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with a robotic palletizing controlled by PLC. The first part provides examples of palletizing machines. The second part shows how ABB robot is controlled by B&R Automation PLC. The third part introduces selected approaches for automated pallet pattern generation. The fourth part designs library that allows pallet patterns to be generated using B&R Automation PLC. Fifth part covers creation of virtual palleziting cell, which is used to test library for automated pallet pattern generation.
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Vestavěné zařízení pro řízení robotické ruky / Embedded Device for Robotic Arm ControlKyzlink, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design and implementation of an embedded device (module), used to control a robotic manipulator. The module instructs servomotors of the manipulator to move according to the commands received via USB interface. The module consists of two double-sided printed circuit boards. The first one allows connection to the CAN bus, redundant and thus reliable power supply for servomotors as well as the whole module. The second board, compute oriented one, embeds powerful microcontroller used to communicate with the servomotors and to solve the kinematics tasks. As a part of the thesis a graphical user interface as well as a web-oriented interface were developed. Both interfaces allow full control of the manipulator. All the communicating buses, tools and methods used during the design and implementation phases of the work are described in the thesis. Finally, measurements proved improvement of the motion smoothness and response times in several orders of magnitude in comparison to the previous system.
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Návrh robotické buňky pro výrobu plošných dílů / Design of a Robotic Cell for Flat Parts ProductionZávodský, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of a robotic cell for the automation of woodworking machine tending. The task of the robot is to manipulate with the specified laminated chipboards of various sizes, before and after machining. The boards are brought to the cell on pallets in three possible placement variants. After a brief research part, conceptual designs of cell layout were created. The optimal and further elaborated design came as a result of selected evaluation criteria. The next part of the thesis consists of designs and selection processes of individual components. These were later used to create a simulation model in Tecnomatix Process Simulate software (Siemens), that helped to verify the functionality of the cell layout, design the control logic and acquire the time of the manipulation cycle used for informative calculation of annual production. In the end, the final design was evaluated from an economic point of view with an emphasis on the return of the initial investment.
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