Spelling suggestions: "subject:"radio astronomy"" "subject:"sadio astronomy""
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PyMORESANE: A Pythonic and CUDA-accelerated implementation of the MORESANE deconvolution algorithmKenyon, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
The inadequacies of the current generation of deconvolution algorithms are rapidly becoming apparent as new, more sensitive radio interferometers are constructed. In light of these inadequacies, there is renewed interest in the field of deconvolution. Many new algorithms are being developed using the mathematical framework of compressed sensing. One such technique, MORESANE, has recently been shown to be a powerful tool for the recovery of faint difuse emission from synthetic and simulated data. However, the original implementation is not well-suited to large problem sizes due to its computational complexity. Additionally, its use of proprietary software prevents it from being freely distributed and used. This has motivated the development of a freely available Python implementation, PyMORESANE. This thesis describes the implementation of PyMORESANE as well as its subsequent augmentation with MPU and GPGPU code. These additions accelerate the algorithm and thus make it competitive with its legacy counterparts. The acceleration of the algorithm is verified by means of benchmarking tests for varying image size and complexity. Additionally, PyMORESANE is shown to work not only on synthetic data, but on real observational data. This verification means that the MORESANE algorithm, and consequently the PyMORESANE implementation, can be added to the current arsenal of deconvolution tools.
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Imaging and Spectral Studies of Solar type I Noise Storms at Metric WavelengthsShanmugha Sundaram, G A 02 1900 (has links)
Type I noise storms constitute a sizeable fraction of the active-Sun component of solar radiation at meter wavelengths. The storms occur over a prolonged duration as intense, narrow-band spikes, superposed on a low-intensity broadband continuum, in the 30-400 MHz frequency range. Either component of the noise storm radiation has a very high degree of ordinary-mode circular
polarization (~ 100 %), and is widely believed to be generated by the plasma emission mechanism.
Existence of large sunspot groups or active region complexes, with a high degree of complexity and strength in the associated magnetic topology, have a remarkable spatio-temporal correlation to the occurance of noise storms. Hence type I noise storm events were employed as tracers in estimating the solar
cycle activity, with specific relevance to resolving the mimimum-phase occuring between solar cycles 22 and 23, to a precise yet unique epoch of 1998 October,in consonance with the monthly average sunspot count and the 10.7 cm solar radio flux data. The latter have a proven close link with associated sunspot activity.
Spatio-temporal correlation of energetic eruptive event termed Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ), with the type I noise storm events has been convincingly established, from the point of view of ``Space Weather'' prediction. A particular aspect of this study has been the choice of limb-event CMEs as against the halo ones; this criterion has aided in an unambiguous
position-angle determination for the eruption- site of the CMEs. Noise storms are found to be the precursors, temporally succeeded by the CME events over a time-scale of 1 to 14 hours. Large scale reconfiguration of the photospheric
magnetic field topology, by way of reconnection, merging, cancellation or submergence, in the ambience of pre-existing lines of magnetic flux, triggered by the shearing and twisting motion of the footpoints, and leading to the sigmoid-to-arcade evolution of coronal magnetic loops, traces the event-specific linkage involving the type I noise storms and CMEs.
Phenomena that occur at metric wavelengths in the solar corona, and vary on short time scales, are investigated, with the aid of a prototype, custom-built antenna-receiver system to the Gauribidanur RadioHeliograph ( GRH ). The GRH is a transit-mode instrument, while the time-delay control implemented on the prototype enables a radio source to be followed, as it traverses the sky at the sidereal rate. The delay-tracking scheme has been implemented on the front-end electronics, as this would eliminate the otherwise cumbersome task of mechanical-steering of the log-periodic dipole array, while also permitting radio observations over a significantly wider frequency band. The performance of the Gauribidanur Prototype Tracking System ( GPTS ) has been validated on the basis of exhaustive tests, in order to characterise its attenuation, phase,
and pointing-accuracy, and optimised for solar observations at 77.5 MHz.
Continuous Sun observation was performed with the GPTS, over a period from 24th of June, 2002 to 20th of August, 2002. The daily schedule involved solar observations at seven beam-positions on either side of the local meridian,spaced apart by ~ 9 deg., for about four hours each day. Absolute radio flux calibration was performed by following an identical observing schedule for the intense, unresolvable radio source Cygnus A. Periods of enhanced radio emission, corresponding to global rise in the solar radio radiation, were detected on several days. On each of those days of enhanced activity, the absolute deviation from the mean-flux, corresponding to the various
beam-positions for that day, was determined. From this, the intra-day quasi-periodicity in solar radio flux was found to be 110 minutes, with the
fluctuation in flux being 3 (+/- 1.5) sfu. Positional information from the Nancay (sic) Radioheliograph data, and features of the causative Active Regions of the underlying photospheric disk from the full-disk H-alpha images of the Big Bear Solar Observatory, along with the radio-spectral data published in the
Solar Geophysical Data Reports led to conclusion that, heightened flux emission had been the result of the type I noise storms, known for their sharply defined directivity characteristics.
The continuum component of type I noise storms is studied for variation in the frequency-dependent flux characteristics. Swept-frequency data from the Gauribidanur Radio Spectrograph, on 26th and 27th September 2000, in the 30-80 MHz band, were analyzed. The quiet-sun and burst components in the acquired data were excised-out. Absolute flux calibration was performed from spectral
observations of Cygnus A in the same band. The spectral-index of the continuum was found to be ~ +3.7 . From a knowledge of the continuum source-size at various other spot frequency imaging observations, the source-size of the particular event was estimated, from interpolation and curve-fitting, to be 13.2 +/- 1.2 arcmin. From a knowledge of the continuum radio flux and its
source-size, the brightness-temperature was found to vary from 1.07 x 1e7 to 1.96 x 1e7 K, in the 50 - 80 MHz band. Plasma emission is widely believed to bethe radiation mechanism for the continuum. The excitation of plasma waves by
trapped, energetic electron beams moving along the coronal magnetic loops, and their coalescence with the low-frequency ion-acoustic waves or upper-hybrid waves excited due to shock-waves generated by magnetic reconnections above the
active region complexes, at sites of coronal density inhomogeneities, are the cause for the noise storm radiation. From knowing the brightness-temperature in the source-region, the supra-thermal density in the electron-beam is estimated.
Corroborative evidence, in the form of complementary observations for source-size, extent of the active region complexes, and the associated variations in strength and polarity of magnetic flux on the photosphere, the
density enhancement over that of the tenuous coronal density, as per the Newkirk's model, above such active regions, the emission-measure, density, and brightness-temperature in the large-scale coronal loops interconnecting the
trans-equatorial active regions in this case, in extreme uv and soft X Ray wavelengths, is applied to validate the assumptions, and estimations on various parameters involved in this plasma emission phenomenon.
The burst component of type I noise storms is studied with the newly commissioned high temporal and spectral resolution spectrograph at the
Gauribidanur Radio Observatory. The bursts reveal themselves as narrow-band, spiked events on the dynamic spectral records, and their occurance is of a stochastic nature. Isolated Type I bursts were chosen based on their bandwidth (2-2.5 MHz ), fractional-bandwidth ( 1.5 ), lifetime ( 1.5 seconds ), and their radio flux (~ 20-40 sfu ) distribution. The dynamic~- spectrum was calibrated from galactic background observations towards the direction of the North and
the South Galactic poles. The flux calibration scheme is ideally suited for those radio telescopes capable of a low spatial resolution, wherein the predominant contribution to the system temperature arrives from the galactic
background radiation. The frequency and time profiles of the bursts were analyzed on a case-by-case basis. The results of the study reveal that, a majority of the frequency profiles show a remarkable gaussian symmetrical distribution as compared to the less significant assymmetry in either the ascending or the descending limb ( which appear as enhanced tail-like features
) of the corresponding gaussians. This, in consonance with their narrow emission bandwidth, endorses the view that, the source region for Type I bursts are in a state of extreme homogeneity, as regards their plasma density and
temperature. The time profiles on the other hand show a greater level of asymmetry on either their ascending or descending segments; deviations from the gaussian fit, to each of the bursts' time profiles, reveal a higher incidence in abrupt rise or fall on either of the limbs, to cases where the profiles conform to a symmetric gaussian. Since the rise and decay in the time profiles correspond to growth of plasma instabilities and damping of the plasma waves,
respectively, they portray a region of the turbulent corona that is replete
with magnetic reconnections contributing to the energetics of plasma waves.
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The transient radio skyKeane, Evan January 2010 (has links)
The high time-resolution radio sky represents unexplored astronomical territory where the discovery potential is high. In this thesis I have studied the transient radio sky, focusing on millisecond scales. As such, this work is concerned primarily with neutron stars, the most populous member of the radio transient parameter space. In particular, I have studied the well known radio pulsars and the recently identified group of neutron stars which show erratic radio emission, known as RRATs, which show radio bursts every few minutes to every few hours. When RRATs burst onto the scene in 2006, it was thought that they represented a previously unknown, distinct class of sporadically emitting sources. The difficulty in their identification implies a large underlying population, perhaps larger than the radio pulsars. The first question investigated in this thesis was whether the large projected population of RRATs posed a problem, i.e. could the observed supernova rate account for so many sources. In addition to pulsars and RRATs, the various other known neutron star manifestations were considered, leading to the conclusion that distinct populations would result in a 'birthrate problem'. Evolution between the classes could solve this problem - the RRATs are not a distinct population of neutron stars. Alternatively, perhaps the large projected population of RRATs is an overestimate. To obtain an improved estimate, the best approach is to find more sources. The Parkes Multi-beam Pulsar Survey, wherein the RRATs were initially identified, offered an opportunity to do just this. About half of the RRATs showing bursts during the survey were thought to have been missed, due to the deleterious effects of impulsive terrestrial interference signals. To remove these unwanted signals, so that we could identify the previously shrouded RRATs, we developed new interference mitigation software and processing techniques. Having done this, the survey was completely re-processed, resulting in the discovery of 19 new sources. Of these, 12 have been re-detected on multiple occasions, whereas the others have not been seen to re-emit since the initial discovery observations, and may be very low burst-rate RRATs, or, isolated burst events. These discoveries suggest that the initial population estimate was not over-estimated - RRATs, though not a distinct population, are indeed numerous. In addition to finding new sources, characterisation of their properties is vital. To this end, a campaign of regular radio observations of the newly discovered sources, was mounted, at the Parkes Observatory, in Australia. In addition, some of the initially identified RRATs were observed with the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank. These have revealed glitches in J1819-1458, with anomalous post-glitch recovery of the spin-down rate. If such glitches were common, it would imply that the source was once a magnetar, neutron stars with the strongest known magnetic fields of up to 10¹⁵ gauss. The observations have also been used to perform 'timing' observations of RRATs, i.e. determination of their spin-down characteristics. At the beginning of this thesis, 3 of the original sources had 'timing solutions' determined. This has since risen to 7, and furthermore, 7 of the newly discovered sources now also have timing solutions. With this knowledge, we can see where RRATs lie in period-period derivative space. The Parkes RRATs seem to be roughly classifiable into three groupings, with high observed nulling fractions - normal pulsars, high magnetic field pulsars and old, 'dying' pulsars. It seems that RRATs and pulsars are one and the same. When a pulsar is more easily detected in searches for single bright pulses, as opposed to in periodicity searches, we label it a RRAT. Such searches impart a selection effect on the parameter space of possible sources, in both nulling fraction and rotation period. In this sense, an observational setup could be designed to make any pulsar appear as a RRAT. For realistic survey parameters however, this is not the case, and the groups mentioned above seem to be the most likely to appear as RRATs. In fact, we can utilise RRAT searches to identify neutron stars, difficult to find by other means, in particular high-magnetic field pulsars, and pulsars approaching the pulsar "death valley". Some of the RRATs are well explained as being distant/weak pulsars with a high modulation index, others seem to be nulling pulsars. This highlights the incomplete knowledge of nulling behaviour in the pulsar population. It seems that there may be a continuum of nulling durations, under a number of guises, from 'nulling pulsars' to 'RRATs' to 'intermittent pulsars'. In fact this nulling may fit into the emerging picture, whereby pulsar magnetospheres switch between stable configurations.
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Pozorování a modelování klasických Be hvězd / Observations and modeling of classical Be starsKlement, Robert January 2017 (has links)
The brightness and proximity of many classical Be stars makes them perfect laboratories for studying the physics of astrophysical disks. They are also among the most popular targets for optical/IR interferometers, which are able to fully resolve their circumstellar disks, to which much of the recent progress in our understanding of these enigmatic objects is owed. The current consensus is that classical Be stars eject material from the stellar surface into Keplerian orbits, thus forming a disk, whose subsequent evolution is governed by turbulent viscosity, which is the basis of the so-called viscous decretion disk (VDD) model. Among the main results of the present work is arguably the best-constrained model of a particular Be star β CMi. The VDD predictions were confronted also with radio observations, which allowed for the first determination of the physical extent of a Be disk. This result subsequently led to the detection of a binary companion, which is truncating the disk by tidal forces. Extending the sample to include five more targets led to revealing a similar outer disk structure in all of them. The range of explanations includes the most plausible scenario, in which the truncation of Be disks by (unseen) companions is much more common than previously thought.
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Signal Transport and RF over Fiber Design for ALPACANygaard, Erich Johannes 10 December 2020 (has links)
The design of the RF over fiber signal transport system for the ALPACA receiver is described, with particular attention to the strict noise requirements as well as dynamic range considerations. Also discussed are analytical tools for analyzing dynamic range in the context of RFI-rich radio astronomy observational settings, including formulas for maximum interference to noise ratios and a simulation framework for predicting distortion levels. Phase and gain stability measurements of the signal transport system are presented, including the effects of the multi-strand armored fiber optic cable. The resulting system meets design requirements, with equivalent noise temperature below 900 K in 90° F ambient air, resulting in less than 1 K contribution to the system noise temperature. Typical gain is 31-37 dB, and gain differences between channels are stable within 0.25 dB in 90° F conditions. Phase drift between channels due to electronics remains below 1° at room temperature, and below 1.3° in a warm environment. The fiber optic cable is predicted to cause phase changes between channels of no more than 1.3° per °C. Typical spurious free dynamic range is 99 dB·Hz^(⅔), and distortion levels for normal RFI conditions at Arecibo are expected to be 28 dB below the system noise floor.
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Signal Transport and RF over Fiber Design for ALPACANygaard, Erich Johannes 10 December 2020 (has links)
The design of the RF over fiber signal transport system for the ALPACA receiver is described, with particular attention to the strict noise requirements as well as dynamic range considerations. Also discussed are analytical tools for analyzing dynamic range in the context of RFI-rich radio astronomy observational settings, including formulas for maximum interference to noise ratios and a simulation framework for predicting distortion levels. Phase and gain stability measurements of the signal transport system are presented, including the effects of the multi-strand armored fiber optic cable. The resulting system meets design requirements, with equivalent noise temperature below 900 K in 90° F ambient air, resulting in less than 1 K contribution to the system noise temperature. Typical gain is 31-37 dB, and gain differences between channels are stable within 0.25 dB in 90° F conditions. Phase drift between channels due to electronics remains below 1° at room temperature, and below 1.3° in a warm environment. The fiber optic cable is predicted to cause phase changes between channels of no more than 1.3° per °C. Typical spurious free dynamic range is 99 dB·Hz^(⅔), and distortion levels for normal RFI conditions at Arecibo are expected to be 28 dB below the system noise floor.
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Development of a GPU-Based Real-Time Interference Mitigating Beamformer for Radio AstronomyNybo, Jeffrey M 01 December 2019 (has links)
Radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation enables radio astronomical observation in frequency bands that are shared with many modern satellite and ground based devices by filtering out the interference in corrupted bands. The present work documents the development of a beamformer (spatial filter) equipped with RFI mitigation capabilities. The beamformer is intended for systems with antenna arrays designed for large bandwidths. Because array data post processing on large bandwidths would require massive memory space beyond feasible limits, there is a need for a RFI mitigation system capable of doing processing on the data as it arrives in real-time; storing only a data reduced result into long term memory. The real-time system is designed to be implemented on both the FLAG phased array feed (PAF) on the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia, as well as future radio astronomy projects. It will also serve as the anti-jamming component in communications applications developed for the United States office of naval research (ONR). Implemented on a graphical processing unit (GPU), this beamformer demonstrates a working single step filter using nVidia's CUDA technology, technology with high-speed parallelism that makes real-time RFI mitigation possible.
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Contributions aux méthodes de calibration robuste en radioastronomie / Contributions to robust calibration methods in radio astronomyOllier, Virginie 05 July 2018 (has links)
En radioastronomie, les signaux d'intérêt mesurés par les interféromètres sont perturbés par de nombreux effets environnementaux et instrumentaux, nécessitant la mise en œuvre de techniques algorithmiques pour les traiter et pouvoir ainsi reconstruire in fine des images parfaitement nettes de l'espace. Cette étape de correction des perturbations se nomme la calibration et repose généralement sur une modélisation gaussienne du bruit, pour une seule fréquence considérée. Cependant, en pratique, cette l'hypothèse n'est pas toujours valide car de multiples sources inconnues à faible intensité sont visibles dans le champ de vision et des interférences radioélectriques perturbent les données. En outre, réaliser une calibration indépendante, fréquence par fréquence, n'est pas la manière la plus optimale de procéder. Le but de ce travail est donc de développer des algorithmes de correction dans le traitement des signaux radio qui soient robustes à la présence d'éventuelles valeurs aberrantes ou sources d'interférences, et qui soient adaptés au contexte multi-fréquentiel. Par conséquent, nous nous appuyons sur une modélisation plus générale que la loi gaussienne, appelé processus Gaussien composé, et proposons un algorithme itératif basé sur l'estimation au sens du maximum de vraisemblance. En accord avec le scénario multi-fréquentiel sous étude, nous exploitons la variation spectrale des perturbations en utilisant des méthodologies telles que l'optimisation distribuée sous contraintes et le traitement parallèle des données. / Accurate calibration is of critical importance for new advanced interferometric systems in radio astronomy in order to recover high resolution images with no distortions. This process consists in correcting for all environmental and instrumental effects which corrupt the observations. Most state-of-the-art calibration approaches assume a Gaussian noise model and operate mostly in an iterative manner for a mono-frequency scenario. However, in practice, the Gaussian classical noise assumption is not valid as radio frequency interference affects the measurements and multiple unknown weak sources appear within the wide field-of-view. Furthermore, considering one frequency bin at a time with a single centralized agent processing all data leads to suboptimality and computational limitations. The goal of this thesis is to explore robustness of calibration algorithms w.r.t. the presence of outliers in a multi-frequency scenario. To this end, we propose the use of an appropriate noise model, namely, the so-called coumpound-Gaussian which encompasses a broad range of different heavy-tailed distributions. To combine limited computational complexity and quality of calibration, we designed an iterative calibration algorithm based on the maximum likelihood estimator under the compound-Gaussian modeling. In addition, a computationally efficient way to handle multiple sub-frequency bands is to apply distributed and decentralized strategies. Thus, the global operational load is distributed over a network of computational agents and calibration amounts to solve a global constrained problem thanks to available variation models or by assuming smoothness across frequency.
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Design of a Two-Receiver Interferometer on Motorized TracksMarklein, Eric 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A 94.8 GHz interferometric imaging system utilizing aperture synthesis and tomography is developed for the Center for Advanced Sensor and Communication Antennas. Whereas typical interferometer designs employ multiple antennas to synthesize an aperture for image reconstruction, this unique interferometer will reproduce a scene's brightness temperature with only two antennas. To achieve this, the aperture synthesis is done with one antenna remaining stationary while the second antenna is moved at discrete increments along two controlled tracks. The two signals received by the antennas are cross-correlated to produce measured visibility function samples. The visibility samples reconstruct the scene brightness temperature through an inverse Fourier transform relationship.
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The Development of a Small Scale Radio Astronomy Image Synthesis Array for Research in Radio Frequency Interference MitigationCampbell, Jacob L. 05 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Radio astronomy synthesis imaging arrays are composed of many parabolic reflector antennas. These antennas are designed to be extremely sensitive to detect faint emissions from astronomical sources. Unfortunately, this also makes them susceptible to radio frequency interference (RFI) from man made sources such as orbiting satellites. The radio astronomy research group at Brigham Young University (BYU) is investigating methods to mitigate the effects of RFI in radio astronomy synthesis imaging. Though real-time RFI mitigation has been demonstrated for a large single dish telescope, for synthesis imaging arrays our prior work has consisted solely of algorithm development and computer simulations. To test our algorithms on experimental data we need an image synthesis array at BYU. The primary contribution of this Master's thesis is the design and construction of a working image synthesis array on the roof of the Clyde Building at BYU. This thesis describes the design of the antenna placement for the synthesis array. Antenna placement is the primary factor for determining image quality since the placement dictates the shape of the synthesized beam. Simulations were performed, prior to the array's construction, to predict the quality of images from the array. Another contribution of this thesis is signal processing code to generate correlations of the signals from the antennas. Code was written to calibrate measured data and generate an image from the correlations. Code was also written to steer the antennas and track astronomical phenomena. The performance of the array is evaluated in this thesis. The culmination of this thesis is a radio image of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. This thesis concludes with simulations of an RFI mitigation experiment that can be performed with the new array (pending certain improvements to the array).
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