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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Roldsgaard, Kasper Vilstrup 07 July 2014 (has links)
PURPOSE:! The! purpose! is! to! explore! the! basic! assumptions! for! innovating! the! Danish! railway! operator¿s! historic! business!model!in! an! unprecedented! institutional!crisis.!! METHOD:! A! management! survey! collects! 22,729! responses! from! 368! managers! (80%!of!the!managers!in!the!Danish!railways!with!average!seniority!of!15! years)! to! explore! these! basic! assumptions! to! specify! the! areas! of! leadership! that! have! a! significant! impact! on! facilitating! innovation! of! business!models!in!times!of!crisis.! RESULTS:! Successful!leadership!in!a!crisis!depends!on! the!articulation!of! the!basic! assumptions!and!challenges!for!the!development!of!the!current!business! model.! It! is! not! enough! to! make! goals! for! the! future,! as! the! related! challenges! should! also! be! articulated.! A! core! task! for! strengthening! the! development! in! the! railway! sector! is! to! prioritize! new! infrastructure! projects! to! innovate! the! existing! railway! operations! gradually,! rather! than!starting!new!business!ventures.! ORIGINALITY/VALUE:! Management!studies!in! times!of!crisis!are!rare.!Furthermore,! the!causes! of!the!institutional!crisis!in!the!Danish!railway!sector!have!until!now!not! been! studied! from! a! management! perspective! based! on! the! managers¿! understanding! of! the! factors! affecting! the! innovation! management! of! a! business! model! in! crisis.! The! doctoral! thesis! identifies! some! emerging! areas! of! cognitive! leadership! that! have! not! yet! received! sufficient! attention! in! the! literature! on! business! models,! but! nonetheless! the! company!managers!believe! that! the!areas!of!cognitive!leadership!have!a! significant! impact! on! the! survival! of! the! organization! and! its! future! success.! / Roldsgaard, KV. (2014). AN EMPIRICAL STUDY TO REVIEW BUSINESS MODEL THEORY IN THE DANISH RAILWAY SECTOR [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38615

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