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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Primena modifikovanog bentonita kao katalizatora u Fenton i foto-Fenton procesu uklanjanja tekstilne reaktivne boje / Application of modified bentonite as catalyst in Fenton and photo-Fenton removal process of textile reactive dye

Pucar Milidrag Gordana 13 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Cilj&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; bio&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; primene&nbsp; modifikovanog&nbsp; bentonita&nbsp; kao katalizatora&nbsp; (ferioksalat&nbsp; i&nbsp; Al,&nbsp; Fe-bentonit&nbsp; katalizatori)&nbsp; u&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; i&nbsp; foto-Fenton&nbsp; procesu&nbsp; uklanjanja tekstilne&nbsp; reaktivne&nbsp; boje&nbsp; Reactive&nbsp; Red&nbsp; 120.&nbsp; Do&nbsp; sada&nbsp; su&nbsp; objavljene&nbsp; studije&nbsp; primene&nbsp; heterogenog Fenton procesa sa različitim koncentracijama gvožđau katalizatorima i sa kompleksom ferioksalata,međutim, njihovo poređenje u smislu efikasnosti obezbojavanja nije istraženo, &scaron;to je bio jedan od fokusa&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; radu.&nbsp; Osim&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; sunčeve&nbsp; energije&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; 16,7%&nbsp; od ukupno&nbsp; iskoristivog&nbsp; potencijala&nbsp; obnovljivih&nbsp; izvora&nbsp; energije&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; prosečno&nbsp; sunčevo zračenje&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji&nbsp; oko&nbsp; 40%&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; od&nbsp; evropskog&nbsp; proseka,&nbsp; čineći&nbsp; ga&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; zanimljivim&nbsp; za&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; u ovom tipu tretmana. U cilju &scaron;to boljeg iskori&scaron;ćenjasunčevog zračenja i unapređenja fotokatalitičkih performansi&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; primenjen&nbsp; je&nbsp; parabolični&nbsp; koncentri&scaron;ući&nbsp; reaktor,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; je&nbsp; za&nbsp; ovu&nbsp; vrstu&nbsp; procesa prvi put upotrebljavan. Proučavano je u kojoj meri je solarna fotokataliza značajan segment tehnike za tretman otpadnih voda tokom degradacije perzistentnih jedinjenja, kao &scaron;to je organska azo boja. Takođe, utvrđen je i potencijal fotolize vodonik-peroksida za obezbojavanjem sintetičkog rastvora date&nbsp; boje.&nbsp; Prva&nbsp; faza&nbsp; imala&nbsp; je&nbsp; za&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; sintezu&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; pripreme&nbsp; i<br />konstrukciju solarnog paraboličnog reaktora, koji će se koristiti u Fenton i foto-Fenton procesima degradacije boje Reactive Red 120. Druga faza je podrazumevala karakterizaciju novosintetisanih materijala i optimizaciju procesa fotokatalize primenom Fenton i foto-Fenton procesa i određivanje postignutih efikasnosti primenjenih procesa. Takođe, vr&scaron;eno je određivanje stepena mineralizacije i identifikacija degradacionih produkata nakon procesa degradacije tekstilne boje Reactive Red 120, kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; primena&nbsp; foto-Fenton&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; na&nbsp; realnom&nbsp; efluentu.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; tokom primene Fenton procesa i kori&scaron;ćenjem oba tipa katalizatora u periodima niskog i visokog intenziteta zračenja,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; aspekta&nbsp; postizanja&nbsp; visoke&nbsp; efikasnosti&nbsp; obezbojavanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; najmanjeg&nbsp; izluživanja&nbsp; gvožđa,<br />može&nbsp; se&nbsp; zaključiti&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; proces&nbsp; najefikasniji&nbsp; na&nbsp; pH&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; 3.&nbsp; AlFeB&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazao&nbsp; veću reaktivnost čak i pri manje upotrebljenim dozama od0,05 g u odnosu na CuOFeB (0,2 g), kao i mogućnost&nbsp; manje&nbsp; upotrebe&nbsp; vodonik-peroksida&nbsp; od&nbsp; 2,5&nbsp; mM,&nbsp; za&nbsp; postizanje&nbsp; visoke&nbsp; efikasnosti obezbojavanja i postignut visok stepen mineralizacije. Vi&scaron;i intenzitet sunčevog zračenja omogućava odvijanje reakcije obezbojavanja na vi&scaron;im pH vrednostima primenom oba katalizatora tokom fotoFenton&nbsp; procesa.&nbsp; Ovo&nbsp; je&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; izraženo&nbsp; kod&nbsp; CuOFeB&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; letnjeg&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 7),&nbsp; čak&nbsp; i&nbsp; pri nižim dozama katalizatora. Međutim, najveći udeo u&nbsp; procesu obezbojavanja pri upotrebi CuOFeB katalizatora ima fotoliza vodonik-peroksida (80%). Suprotno ovim rezultatima, pri istim reakcionim uslovima,&nbsp; potrebna&nbsp; je&nbsp; veća&nbsp; količina&nbsp; AlFeB&nbsp; katalizatora&nbsp; (0,1&nbsp; g)&nbsp; i&nbsp; niža&nbsp; pH&nbsp; vrednost&nbsp; reakcije,&nbsp; a efikasnost&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; zavisi&nbsp; od&nbsp; početne&nbsp; koncentracije&nbsp; H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>.&nbsp; Činjenica&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; pripremi katalizatora koristio bentonit kao prirodan, &scaron;irokorasprostranjen i jeftin materijal i solarno zračenje kao obnovljiv i alternativni izvor fotona, gore navedene rezultate bi trebalo uzeti u obzir prilikom analize tro&scaron;kova efikasnosti primenjenog procesa. Takođe, primena unapređenih procesa oksidacije se&nbsp; razmatra&nbsp; kao&nbsp; predlog&nbsp; za&nbsp; najbolju&nbsp; dostupnu&nbsp; tehniku&nbsp; kada&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; pitanju&nbsp; tretman&nbsp; otpadne&nbsp; vode tekstilne industrije, dok se kao dodatne nove tehnike uzimaju u obzir foto-oksidacije i ispitivanje mogućnosti&nbsp; njihove&nbsp; primene&nbsp; u&nbsp; preči&scaron;ćavanju&nbsp; otpadne&nbsp; vode&nbsp; u&nbsp; tercijarnom&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; na poluindustrijskim sistemima.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the decolorization efficiency of Reactive Red 120&nbsp; (RR120) synthetic solution using ferrioxalate (CuOFeB) and Al, Fe-bentonite (AlFeB) catalysts in&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; and&nbsp; photo-Fenton&nbsp; process.&nbsp; So&nbsp; far,&nbsp; studies&nbsp; of the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; solar-assisted&nbsp; heterogeneous Fenton process with various Fe loaded catalysts and with ferrioxalate complex have&nbsp; been published, but according to&nbsp;&nbsp; the author&rsquo;s knowledge, their comparison in terms of efficacy of&nbsp; decolorization&nbsp; has&nbsp; not&nbsp; been&nbsp; performed,&nbsp; which&nbsp; was&nbsp; one&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; focus&nbsp; of&nbsp; research&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; paper.&nbsp; In addition, the potential of solar energy represents&nbsp; 16.7% of the total utilized&nbsp; potential of renewable&nbsp; energy sources in Serbia, while the average solar radiation in&nbsp; Serbia is&nbsp; about 40% higher than the&nbsp; European average, making it very interesting for&nbsp; application in this type of treatment. In order to&nbsp; optimize the use of solar radiation and to improve&nbsp; the photocatalytic performance of the process, parabolic&nbsp; concentrating&nbsp; reactor&nbsp; was&nbsp; used&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; time.&nbsp; As&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant&nbsp; segment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; wastewater&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; technique&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; of&nbsp; persistent&nbsp; compounds,&nbsp; such&nbsp; as&nbsp; organic azo dye, solar photocatalysis was studied. Also, the potential of photolysis of hydrogen peroxide for&nbsp; decolorization of the synthetic dye solution was determined. Aim of the first phase of the study was synthesizing&nbsp; materials&nbsp; by&nbsp; using&nbsp; different&nbsp; methods&nbsp; of&nbsp; preparation,&nbsp; and&nbsp; construction&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; solar&nbsp; parabolic reactor, which will be used in Fenton andphoto-Fenton dye degradation processes. The second phase involved the characterization of newlysynthesized materials and the optimization of the&nbsp; photocatalytic&nbsp; process&nbsp; by&nbsp; applying&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; and&nbsp; photo-Fonton&nbsp; processes,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; achieved efficiency&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; appliedprocesses.&nbsp; Also, the degree&nbsp; of mineralization and the identification of degradation products after applied processes were determined. Application&nbsp; of the photo-Fenton process on a real effluent was conducted as well. Based on the obtained results&nbsp; during&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; process&nbsp; and&nbsp; using&nbsp; both&nbsp; types&nbsp; of&nbsp; catalysts&nbsp; in&nbsp; periods&nbsp; of&nbsp; low&nbsp; and&nbsp; high&nbsp; intensity&nbsp; of&nbsp; radiation, from the aspect of achieving high efficiency of decolorization and smallest iron leaching,&nbsp; it&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; process&nbsp; is&nbsp; most effective&nbsp; at&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 3.&nbsp; AlFeB&nbsp; showed&nbsp; greater&nbsp; reactivity even at less used doses of 0.05&nbsp; g, compared to CuOFeB (0.2 g), and the possibility of using&nbsp; less&nbsp; hydrogen&nbsp; peroxide&nbsp; (2.5&nbsp; mM),&nbsp; achieving&nbsp; high&nbsp; efficiency&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; high&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of mineralization. Higher intensity of solar radiationallows the reaction to be carried out at higher pH values when using both catalysts during the photo-Fenton process. This is particularly pronounced largest part in the decolorization process using the CuOFeB catalyst has&nbsp; a photolysis of hydrogen peroxide&nbsp; (80%).&nbsp; Contrary&nbsp; to&nbsp; these&nbsp; results,&nbsp; under&nbsp; the&nbsp; same&nbsp; reaction&nbsp; conditions,&nbsp; a&nbsp; higher&nbsp; doses&nbsp; of AlFeB catalyst (0.1 g) is needed at lower pH value&nbsp; of the reaction, and the process efficiency is significantly dependent on the initial concentration of H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. The fact that in the preparation of the catalysts bentonite as a natural, abundant, inexpensive material was used and solar&nbsp; radiation as a renewable and alternative source of photons, the above results should&nbsp; be taken into account in the cost-effectiveness&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; applied&nbsp; process. Also,&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; advanced&nbsp; oxidation processes is considered as a proposal&nbsp; for the best available technique when it comes to the treatment of&nbsp; wastewater&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; textile&nbsp; industry,&nbsp; while&nbsp; as&nbsp; additional&nbsp; new&nbsp; techniques,&nbsp; photooxidation&nbsp; is considered as a candidate and the possibility of their application in the treatment of wastewater in tertiary treatment on semi-industrial systems.</p>

Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventes

Dávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.

Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventes

Dávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.

Remoção de vermelho reativo 120 em solução aquosa usando hidroxicarbonatos de Mg-Al, Mg-Fe e Mg como sólidos sorventes

Dávila, Ivone Vanessa Jurado January 2016 (has links)
O vermelho reativo 120 é um corante sintético muito usado na indústria têxtil. Os efluentes industriais contendo este tipo de composto, podem causar importantes problemas ambientais e de saúde. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 em soluções via adsorção usando três tipos de sólidos: hidrotalcita de magensio-alumunio (HDL-MgAl), magensio-ferro (HDL-MgFe) e hidroxicarbonato de magnésio (HC-Mg). Para tal, foi avaliada a influência dos parâmetros concentração de sólido sorvente (0,05-0,35 g em 100 mL) e tempo de residência (5-120 min). Foram realizados experimentos de adsorção em batelada a fim de determinar as condições operacionais mais adequadas para a remoção do corante vermelho reativo 120 nos três sólidos. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difração de raios-X e BET. Ainda, isotermas de adsorção foram construídas. Os resultados mostram uma boa cristalização e uma estrutura entre camadas caraterísticas da estrutura das hidrotalcitas As áreas superficiais BET dos três sólidos avaliados foram de 74,8, 118,9 e 67,3 m2/g para HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe e HC-Mg respetivamente. A condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho reativo 120 foi determinada para 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe com porcentagem de remoção superiores ao 90%. Na determinação do tempo de adsorção os parâmetros usados foram concentração de 2,5 g.L-1 para HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg, e 2 g.L-1 para HDL-MgFe. Foi determinado que a condição mais adequada para a remoção do vermelho é dada em um tempo de 60 minutos para os três sólidos sorventes. As isotermas foram favoráveis para os três sólidos testados e os modelos que melhor descreveram os dados de equilíbrio do corante vermelho reativo 120 na remoção com os sólidos HDL-MgAl e HC-Mg foram Langmuir e Redlich-Peterson e para HDL-MgFe, o modelo mais adequado foi Redlich-Peterson. / Reactive Red 120 is a synthetic dye widely used in the textile industry. Industrial effluents containing this type of compound can cause major environmental and health problems in living organisms. In this context, the present work aims to study the removal of reactive red 120 for adsorption solutions using three types of solids: hydrotalcite of magesium-aluminium (HDL-MgAl), magesium-iron (HDL-MgFe) e hydroxicarbonate of magnesium (HC-Mg). The influence of the concentration of solid sorbent parameters (0,05 to 0,35 g in 100 mL) and residence time was evaluated (5-120 min). Adsorption experiments were conducted in batch mode in order to determine the most suitable operating conditions to remotion of reactive red dye 120 in the three solids. The materials were characterized by Diffraction X-ray and BET. Still, adsorption isotherms were built. The results for the tested solids show a good crystallization characteristics and structure between layers of the structure of hydrotalcites The BET surface areas of the three evaluated solids were 74,8, 118,9 and 67,3 m2/g for HDL-MgAl, HDL-MgFe and HC-Mg respectively. The most appropriate condition for the removal of reactive red 120 was determined to 2.5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 to HDL-MgFe with removal percentage higher than 90%. In determining the adsorption time parameters used were concentration of 2,5 g.L-1 for HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg, and 2 g.L-1 for HDL-MgFe. It was determined that the most suitable condition for the removal of red is given in a time of 60 minutes for the three solid sorbents. As regards the study of equilibrium, it was found that the favorable isotherms. The models that best described the data balance of the reactive red dye 120 in the removal with HDL-MgAl and HC-Mg solid were Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson. On removal of the dye with HDL-MgFe the most appropriate model was Redlich-Peterson.

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