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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acoplamento entre os métodos diferencial e da teoria da perturbação para o cálculo dos coeficientes de sensibilidade em problemas de transmutação nuclear / Coupling between the differential and perturbation theory methods for calculating sensitivity coefficients in nuclear transmutation problems

Lubianka Ferrari Russo Rossi 21 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um novo método para o cálculo dos coecientes de sensibilidade, através da união do metodo diferencial e da teoria da perturbação generalizada, que são os dois métodos tradicionalmente utilizados em física de reatores para a obtenção de tais grandezas. Esses dois métodos apresentam algumas deciências tornando os cálculos dos coeficientes de sensibilidade lentos ou computacionalmente exaustivos, mas unindo-os e possível eliminar as deciências apresentadas por ambos e obter uma nova equação para o coe- ciente de sensibilidade. O método proposto neste trabalho foi aplicado em um reator do tipo PWR , onde foi feita análise de sensibilidade da produção e da razão de conversão do 239Pu, para um ciclo de 120 dias de queima. O código utilizado para a análise de queima e análise de sensibilidade, o CINEW, foi desenvolvido durante este trabalho e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os códigos amplamente utilizados em física de reatores, como o CINDER e o SERPENT. As conclusões obtidas foram que o novo método matemático para a obtenção dos coeficientes de sensibilidade e o CINEW, além de fornecer agilidade numérica também presentam eciência e segurança. Pois o novo método matemático para a obtenção dos coeficientes quando comparados com os métodos tradicionais utilizados para a análise de sensibilidade, mostram resultados satisfatórios, mesmo quando o método utiliza aproximações matemáticas que diferem do método proposto, e com a vantagem de não apresentar as deciências apresentadas pelos métodos diferencial e da teoria da perturbação generalizada. As análises de queima obtidas pelo CINEW foram comparadas com o CINDER, que mostraram uma diferença aceitável, apesar do CINDER apresentar alguns problemas computacionais que advém da época em que foi feito. A originalidade deste trabalho e a aplicação do método proposto em problemas que envolvem dependência temporal e a elaboração do primerio código nacional que faz análise de queima e análise de sensibilidade. / The main target of this study is to introduce a new method for calculating the coefficients of sensibility through the union of differential method and generalized perturbation theory, which are the two methods generally used in reactor physics to obtain such variables. These two methods, separated, have some issues turning the sensibility coefficients calculation slower or computationally exhaustive. However, putting them together, it\'s possible to repair these issues and build a new equation for the coecient of sensibility. The method introduced in this study was applied in a PWR reactor, where it was performed the sensibility analysis for the production and 239Pu conversion rate during 120 days (1 cycle) of burnup. The computational code used for both burnup and sensibility analysis, the CINEW, was developed in this study and all the results were compared with codes widely used in reactor physics, such as CINDER and SERPENT. The new mathematical method for calculating the sensibility coefficients and the code CINEW provide good numerical agility and also good eciency and security, once the new method, when compared with traditional ones, provide satisfactory results, even when the other methods use different mathematical approaches. The burnup analysis, performed using the code CINEW, was compared with the code CINDER, showing an acceptable variation, though CINDER presents some computational issues due to the period it was built. The originality of this study is the application of such method in problems involving temporal dependence and, not least, the elaboration of the first national code for burnup and sensitivity analysis.

Uma combinação entre os métodos diferencial e da teoria de perturbação para o cálculo dos coeficientes de sensibilidade / A combination between the differential and the perturbation theory methods for calculating sensitivity coefficients

BORGES, ANTONIO A. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:25:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:02:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06213.pdf: 4263088 bytes, checksum: 543c6cb711764dac098c3b7d24f8c9cc (MD5) / Desenvolve-se aqui um novo método para calcular coeficientes de sensibilidade. Este novo método é uma combinação entre as duas metodologias usadas para calcular estes coeficientes, que são o método diferencial e o método da teoria da perturbação generalizada. O método consiste em fazer como parâmetro integral o fluxo médio em uma região arbitrária do sistema. Dessa forma, o coeficiente de sensibilidade passa a conter somente o termo correspondente ao fluxo de nêutrons. Para obtenção do novo coeficiente de sensibilidade é feito o cálculo do coeficiente de sensibilidade desse parâmetro integral com relação a σ através do método de perturbação e são obtidas as derivadas funcionais do parâmetro integral genérico com relação a σ e Φ utilizando o método diferencial. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Reações nucleares de alta energia ('Spallation') e sua aplicação em cálculo de sistemas nucleares acionados por fonte / High energy nuclear reactions ('Spallation') and their application in calculation of the acceleration driven

ROSSI, PEDRO C.R. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:33:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo das reações nucleares de alta energia que são fundamentais na definição do termo fonte dos reatores nucleares subcríticos acionados por fonte externa. Estas reações nucleares, também conhecidas como \"spallation\", consistem na interação de hádrons de alta energia com os núcleons do núcleo atômico. A fenomenologia destas reações consiste em duas etapas, sendo que à primeira, o próton interage através de espalhamentos múltiplos, em um processo denominado cascata intra-nuclear seguido da etapa na qual o núcleo excitado oriundo da cascata intranuclear ou evapora partículas de forma a atingir estados energéticos moderados ou fissiona, em um processo conhecido como competição entre evaporação e fissão. Neste trabalho os principais modelos nucleares, os modelos de Bertini e Cugnon, são revistos, pois estes modelos são fundamentais para propósito de projeto devido à falta de dados nucleares avaliados para estas reações. A implementação e validação dos métodos de cálculo para o projeto destas fontes são realizadas. A implementação da metodologia é realizada utilizando o programa MCNPX ( \"Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended\"), dedicado para cálculos de transporte destas partículas e a validação é realizada mediante uma cooperação internacional junto a um projeto coordenado de pesquisa da Agencia Internacional de Energia Atômica e trabalhos disponíveis. O objetivo é qualificar os cálculos relacionados às reações nucleares e os canais de desexcitação envolvidos. O CRISP, um código nacional para a descrição da fenomenologia das reações envolvidas, também foi estudado e os modelos implementados no código foram revistos e melhorados de forma a dar continuidade ao seu processo de qualificação. Devido às limitações dos principais modelos na descrição de produção de nuclídeos leves, a reação de multi-fragmentação foi estudada. As discrepâncias nos cálculos de produção destes nuclídeos são atribuídas à falta do canal de multi-fragmentação estatística do núcleo. A implementação deste canal foi realizada para a aplicação em reações de altas energias junto ao código CRISP de forma a reproduzir a produção de nuclídeos leves, bem como sua validação mediante a comparação com dados experimentais disponíveis para este fenômeno, obtendo com isso uma melhor reprodução de todo o espectro de produção de nuclídeos do processo. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Solução analítica da cinética espacial do modelo de difusão para sistemas homogêneos subcríticos acionados por fonte externa

Fernando Luiz de Oliveira 21 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma solução analítica obtida pelo método de expansão para cinética espacial usando o modelo de difusão e considerando meios homogêneos multiplicativos subcríticos acionados por fonte externa. Em particular, partindo de modelos mais simples e aumentando a complexidade do sistema, resultados foram obtidos para diferentes tipos de transientes. Inicialmente, uma solução analítica foi obtida considerando um grupo de energia sem nêutrons atrasados, em seguida considerou-se um sistema de um grupo de energia e uma família de precursores. A solução para o caso G grupos de energia e R famílias de precursores em forma fechada é obtida, apesar do fato que não possa ser resolvido analiticamente, uma vez que não existe forma explícita para os autovalores e métodos numéricos devem ser utilizados para resolver tal problema. Para ilustrar a solução geral um problema de multigrupo (três grupos de energia) dependente do tempo sem precursores é apresentada e os resultados numéricos obtidos usando um código de diferenças finitas são comparados com os resultados exatos para diferentes tipos de transientes. / This work describes an analytical solution obtained by the expansion method for the spatial kinetics using the diffusion model with delayed emission for source transients in homogeneous media. In particular, starting from simple models, and increasing the complexity, numerical results were obtained for different types of source transients. An analytical solution of the one group without precursors was solved, followed by considering one precursors family. The general case of G-groups with R families of precursor although having a closed form solution, cannot be solved analytically, since there are no explicit formulae for the eigenvalues, and numerical methods must be used to solve such problem. To illustrate the general solution, the multi-group (three groups) time-dependent problem without precursors was solved and the numerical results of a finite difference code were compared with the exact results for different transients.

The use of reduced-moderation light water reactors for transuranic isotope burning in thorium fuel

Lindley, Benjamin A. January 2015 (has links)
Light water reactors (LWRs) are the world’s dominant nuclear reactor system. Uranium (U)-fuelled LWRs produce long-lived transuranic (TRU) isotopes. TRUs can be recycled in LWRs or fast reactors. The thermal neutron spectrum in LWRs is less suitable for burning TRUs as this causes a build-up of TRU isotopes with low fission probability. This increases the fissile feed requirements, which tends to result in a positive void coefficient (VC) and hence the reactor is unsafe to operate. Use of reduced-moderation LWRs can improve TRU transmutation performance, but the VC is still severely limiting for these designs. Reduced-moderation pressurized water reactors (RMPWRs) and boiling water reactors (RBWRs) are considered in this study. Using thorium (Th) instead of U as the fertile fuel component can greatly improve the VC. However, Th-based transmutation is a much less developed technology than U-based transmutation. In this thesis, the feasibility and fuel cycle performance of full TRU recycle in Th-fuelled RMPWRs and RBWRs are evaluated. Neutronic performance is greatly improved by spatial separation of TRU and 233-6U, primarily implemented here using heterogeneous RMPWR and RBWR assembly designs. In a RMPWR, the water to fuel ratio must be reduced to around 50% of the normal value to allow full actinide recycle. If implemented by retrofitting an existing PWR, steady-state thermal-hydraulic constraints can still be satisfied. However, in a large break loss-of-coolant accident, the emergency core cooling system may not be able to provide water to the core quickly enough to prevent fuel cladding failure. A discharge burn-up of ~40 GWd/t is possible in RMPWRs. Reactivity control is a challenge due to the reduced worth of neutron absorbers in the hard neutron spectrum, and their detrimental effect on the VC, especially when diluted, as for soluble boron. Control rods are instead used to control the core. It appears possible to achieve adequate power peaking, shutdown margin and rod-ejection accident response. In RBWRs, it appears neutronically feasible to achieve very high burn-ups (~120 GWd/t) but the maximum achievable incineration rate is less than in RMPWRs. The reprocessing and fuel fabrication requirements of RBWRs are less than RMPWRs but more than fast reactors. A two-stage TRU burning cycle, where the first stage is Th-Pu MOX in a conventional PWR feeding a second stage continuous burn in a RBWR, is technically reasonable. It is possible to limit the core area to that of an ABWR with acceptable thermal-hydraulic performance. In this case, it appears that RBWRs are of similar cost to inert matrix incineration in LWRs, and lower cost than RMPWRs and Th- and U-based fast reactor recycle schemes.

Irradiated graphite waste : analysis and modelling of radionuclide production with a view to long term disposal

Black, Greg January 2014 (has links)
The University of Manchester Greg BlackThesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of EngineeringIrradiated Graphite Waste: Analysis and Modelling of Radionuclide Production with a View to Long Term Disposal23rd June 2014The UK has predominantly used graphite moderator reactor designs in both its research and civil nuclear programmes. This material will become activated during operation and, once all reactors are shutdown, will represent a waste legacy of 96,000 tonnes [1]. The safe and effective management of this material will require a full understanding of the final radiological inventory. The activity is known to arise from impurities present in the graphite at start of life as well as from contamination products transported from other components in the reactor circuit. The process is further complicated by radiolytic oxidation which leads to considerable weightloss of the graphite components. A comprehensive modelling methodology has been developed and validated to estimate the activity of the principle radionuclides of concern, 3H, 14C, 36Cl and 60Co. This methodology involves the simulation of neutron flux using the reactor physics code WIMS, and radiation transport code MCBEND. Activation calculations have been performed using the neutron activation software FISPACT. The final methodology developed allows full consideration of all processes which may contribute to the final radiological inventory of the material. The final activity and production pathway of each radionuclide has been researched in depth, as well as operational parameters such as the effect of changes in flux, fuel burnup, graphite weightloss and irradiation time. Methods to experimentally determine the activity, and distribution of key radionuclides within irradiated graphite samples have been developed in this research using a combination of both gamma spectroscopy and autoradiography. This work has been externally validated and provides confidence in the accuracy of the final modelling predictions. This work has been undertaken as part of the EU FP7 EURATOM Project: CARBOWASTE, and was funded by the Office for Nuclear Regulation.

Entwicklung einer Transportnäherung für das reaktordynamische Rechenprogramm DYN3D

Beckert, Carsten, Grundmann, Ulrich January 2008 (has links)
Es wurde eine SP3-Transportmethode entwickelt, die neutronenkinetische Rechnungen für die Kerne von Leichtwasserreaktoren mit höherer Genauigkeit als die gegenwärtig in der Kernauslegung angewandten Standardmethoden auf Basis der Zweigruppendiffusionsnäherung er-laubt. Eine Verbesserung der Genauigkeit von Abbrandrechnungen und der Berechnung von Tran-sienten ist für heterogene Kerne notwendig, in denen neben UO2-Brennelementen auch Mischoxyd – Brennelemente eingesetzt werden. In einem ersten Schritt wird die in dem Rechenprogramm DYN3D verwendete Zweigruppendiffusi-onsmethode auf viele Energiegruppen erweitert. Auf der Basis von Untersuchungen zu einer optima-len Gruppenstruktur wird die Verwendung von 8-10 Energiegruppen der Neutronen als optimal erach-tet. Das Verfahren wurde anhand von stationären und transienten Rechnungen für das OECD/NEA und US NRC PWR MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark verifiziert. In den nächsten Schritten erfolgte die Entwicklung und Implementierung einer SP3-Näherung in DYN3D. Dabei besteht die Möglichkeit, ein feineres Gitter im BE zu benutzen. Das Verfahren wurde zunächst durch pinweise Berechnung stationärer Zustände des obigen Benchmarks verifiziert. Untersuchungen für das Benchmarkproblem zeigen, dass das Verhältniss des 2-ten Momentes zum 0-ten Moment des Flusses klein ist. Die beiden SP3-Gleichungen können deshalb separat in iterativer Weise gelöst werden. Dies reduziert den benötigten Speicherplatz und erfordert weniger CPU-Zeit. Dieses vereinfachte Verfahren wurde deshalb ebenfalls in das Programm implementiert. Es wird ge-zeigt, dass mit diesem Verfahren eine vergleichbare Genauigkeit erreicht wird. Stabweise Rechnun-gen mit 4, 8 und 16 Energiegrupppen wurden für einen stationären Zustand des Benchmarks durch-geführt. Eine 3-dimensionale Aufgabe des Benchmarks mit Rückkopplung und Vollleistung wurde mit dem optimierten SP3-Verfahren gerechnet. A SP3 transport approximation was developed for neutron kinetic calculations of cores of light water reactors with a higher accuracy than the present standard methods of core design based on the two group diffusion approximation. An improvement of accuracy for burnup and transient calculations is required for cores loaded with UO2 and MOX fuel assemblies. In the first step, the two group diffusion method applied in the computer code DYN3D was extended to an arbitrary number of groups. Investigations for an optimal group structure have shown that a number of 8 to 10 energy groups of neutrons seems to be reasonable. The multi-group technique was verified for steady states and transients of the OECD/NEA und US NRC PWR MOX/UO2 Core Tran-sient Benchmark. In the next steps, a SP3-approximation was developed and implemented into DYN3D. The possibility of using finer meshes inside the fuel assemblies is involved in this method. The technique was veri-fied by pinwise calculations for steady states of the above mentioned benchmark. The investigations to the benchmark problem have shown that ratio of the 2nd moment of flux to the 0th moment is small. Therefore the two coupled SP3 equations can be solved separately in an iterative way. The required computer memory and the CPU time can be reduced by this technique. This sim-pler method was also implemented in the code. It is shown that the reached accuracy is comparable to accuracy of the original technique. Pinwise calculations with 4, 8 and 16 energy groups were per-formed for a steady state of this benchmark. A three-dimensional problem of the benchmark at full power and with feedback was calculated with the optimized SP3 technique. The optimized method was used for the time integration of the transient SP3 equations. The pinwise calculation of a control rod ejection was tested for a simple system and the results were compared with the diffusion solution.

Validation and Benchmarking of Westinghouse BWR lattice physics methods

Luszczek, Karol January 2015 (has links)
A lattice physics code is a vital tool, forming a base of reactor coreanalysis. It enables the neutronic properties of the fuel assembly to becalculated and generates a proper set of data to be used by a 3-D full coresimulator. Due to advancement and complexity of modern Boiling WaterReactor assembly designs, a new deterministic lattice physics codeis being developed at Westinghouse Sweden AB, namely PHOENIX5.Each time a new code is written, its methodology of solving the neutrontransport equation, has to be validated to make sure it providesreliable output. In a wake of preparation for PHOENIX5 release andconsecutive validation efforts, a set of reference Monte Carlo calculationswas prepared, using the code Serpent. A depletion calculation with achosen type of branch cases was conducted. Methods implemented inPHOENIX5 are based on the Current Coupling Collision Probabilitymethod used in older versions of the code HELIOS. Therefore, a comparisonbetween reference Monte Carlo simulations and HELIOS 1.8.1is made, in order to discover problems inherent to the said method ofsolving the neutron transport equation. A special care should be givenduring PHOENIX5 validation, to issues highlighted in this work.Discrepancies in results of Serpent and HELIOS are attributed mostlyto disparities in the basic nuclear data used by the codes, as well as arange of approximations and corrections adopted by the deterministiccode.Serpent and HELIOS showed a good agreement in a typical voidrange (up to 90 % void) and ‘less’ challenging branches (coolant void,fuel temperature and spacer grid branches). More significant discrepanciesappeared for extreme cases with a very high void and control rodpresence (k1 differences as high as 1000 pcm) and rather pronouncedconcentrations of the natural boron dissolved in coolant (absolute differencesroughly at a level of 900 pcm). The issues do not seem to stemsolely from discrepancies in the nuclear data libraries used by Serpentand HELIOS.Moreover, a coolant void bias was consistently found in the resultsof branch calculation at changing coolant void. This confirms the analogousphenomenon found in previous studies of the CCCP based deterministiccodes. It most probably stems from the assumptions used bythe method while tackling the neutron transport equation, such as theflat source approximation, the isotropic scattering assumption and thetransport correction. An alternative transport correction approximationis proposed to alleviate this issue.

Fission Gas Transport Models for Fuel Containing Materials to Confinement Air

Petersson, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Fuel and Core Physics Considerations for a Pressure Tube Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor

McDonald, Michael H. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The supercritical water cooled reactor (SCWR) is a Generation IV reactor concept that features light water coolant in a supercritical state. Canada is developing a pressure tube variant of the supercritical water reactor as an evolution of the CANDU reactor. The main advantages of the pressure tube SCWR are an improved thermal efficiency over current reactors, enhanced safety through passive safety features, and plant simplifications. The objective of this thesis was to investigate current fuel and core designs for the Canadian SCWR concept.</p> <p>Simulations of 2-D lattice cells for fuel assemblies containing 43 and 54 fuel elements were performed using the neutron transport code WIMS-AECL. Safety parameters and fuel burnup performance were investigated here. Three dimensional full core simulations were performed using the diffusion code RFSP. These studies examined batch fueling, cycle length, radial and axial power profiles, linear element ratings, and reduction of axial power peaking through graded enrichment along the fuel channel. Finally, a study of reactivity transients was performed using the FUELPIN heat transfer/point kinetics code.</p> <p>The main results of the studies show that the coolant density change that occurs as water passes through the pseudocritical point strongly affects fuel performance. It is concluded that the 54 element assembly design is acceptable in terms of coolant void reactivity performance with lattice pitch smaller than 26 cm. To meet the burnup target, a fuel enrichment of about 5% is required. From the RFSP studies, this level of fuel enrichment will provide an operating period of 370 days between refueling. Relatively high axial power peaking is observed at the beginning of cycle conditions. A main finding is that the proposed reactor power level of 2540 MWth produces unacceptably high linear element ratings. This is confirmed using the FUELPIN code. A reduction in linear element rating is suggested for consideration.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

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