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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh nízkonapěťového napájecího a referenčního bloku založeného na teplotně stabilní napěťové referenci / Design of low-voltage supply and reference block based on the bandgap reference

Mudroch, Michal January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis there is elaborated design of low-voltage power supply block using I3T25 technology. The theoretical part describes the basic structures used in the design, using CMOS and bipolar devices. Furthermore, the properties and the analysis used in the evaluation are described. In the design part there is an elaborated design of individual parts, including voltage references, current references, DAC converter, operational amplifier. In the last part, the power supply block is subjected to simulations for verification of temperature compensated output variables and analyzed circuit functionality.

Referenční zdroje napětí a proudu / Voltage and current reference sources

Skalický, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the master´s thesis are voltage and current reference sources. There is detailed description of current and voltage references, which are basic building blocks of many analog circuits, in the theoretical part. Next part of the master´s thesis is the design of a voltage reference source, the design of a voltage reference generating two voltages and a current reference source. The correct function of all circuits have been verified using simulations, especially dependence of the output voltage or current on supply voltage or dependence of the output voltage or current when the ambient temperature is changed.

Fracture Behaviour of Steels and Their Welds for Power Industry / Fracture Behaviour of Steels and Their Welds for Power Industry

Al Khaddour, Samer January 2017 (has links)
Práce byla zaměřena na ověření platnosti koncepce master křivky pro hodnocení heterogenních svarových spojů, resp. teplotně stárnutých svarů. Současně bylo cílem disertace vyvinout kvantitativní model pro predikci referenční teploty lokalizující tranzitní oblast na teplotní ose za použití dat získaných z tahové zkoušky, a to za použití metody umělých neuronových sítí. Studie je současně zaměřena na heterogenní svarový spoj připravený tavným svařováním. Je zacílena na hodnocení lomového chování v tranzitní oblasti nejméně odolné části svaru, tj. tepelně ovlivněné zóny ferritické oceli v blízkosti zóny natavení s vysokolegovaným materiálem. Pro predikci referenční teploty master křivky je použita zmíněná metoda neuronových sítí, a to za použití dat z tahových zkoušek a měření tvrdosti. Predikovaná referenční teplota byla ověřována na základě výsledku experimentálních měření. Vytvoření modelu za použití neuronových sítí vyžaduje dostatečné množství dat a není vždy snadno tuto podmínku splnit. V případě sledovaného problému to znamenalo použití dat z dostatečně věrohodných zdrojů (skupiny Křehký lom ÚFM AVČR) a se známou metalurgickou historií. Smysl práce je tak možno spatřovat ve vývoji modelu neuronové sítě, která bude dostatečně přesně predikovat referenční teplotu. Celkově byla pro tyto účely použita data z 29 nízkolegovaných ocelí. Pro účely vývoje byly použity kromě hladkých zkušebních tyčí, rovněž tahové zkoušky s obvodovým vrubem testované při kritické teplotě křehkosti (mez makroplastických deformací) a při teplotě pokojové. Při tvorbě modelu byla postupně v různých kombinacích využita všechna data z uvedených zkoušek. Studie ukázala, že referenční teplota charakterizující tranzitní chování lomové houževnatosti oceli s převažující feritickou strukturou je jedinečným parametrem predikovatelným na základě vybraných charakteristik tahových zkoušek.

Investigação experimental dos efeitos de geometria e de carregamento sobre a distribuição dos valores de tenacidade à  fratura por clivagem medidos na região de transição dúctil-frágil de um aço estrutural ferrítico. / Experimental investigation of the effects of geometry and loading mode on the cleavage fracture toughness data distribution measured in the ductile-to-brittle transition region of a ferritic structural steel.

Barbosa, Vitor Scarabeli 08 April 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda uma investigação numérica-experimental sobre o comportamento à fratura por clivagem de um aço de alta resistência e baixa liga ASTM A572 Grau 50 usando corpos de prova SE(B) em configurações padronizadas e não padronizadas, incluindo a configuração PCVN não padronizada. O principal objetivo desse estudo é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de ensaio de tenacidade à fratura aplicável a geometrias SE(B) com distância entre apoios variável (S/W) e carregada sob configuração de flexão por 3 e 4 pontos. O objetivo secundário, mas não menos importante, é investigar os efeitos da geometria e do modo de carregamento sobre as distribuições dos dados de tenacidade à fratura medidas experimentalmente e suas implicações na caracterização da dependência da tenacidade em relação à temperatura baseada na metodologia da curva mestra. Com base nesses propósitos, é fornecido um novo e extenso conjunto de fatores plásticos eta (?p) aplicáveis às geometrias SE(B) não padronizadas para estimar os valores de tenacidade à fratura, incluindo a integral J e o parâmetro CTOD, medidos experimentalmente em termos de registros de carga e deslocamento. A fim de facilitar o contato com os demais protocolos de ensaios, é também fornecido um novo conjunto de fatores rotacionais plástico (rp) para determinar o CTOD baseado no modelo da rótula plástica. Os ensaios de tenacidade à fratura, realizados em diversas geometrias SE(B) com distância entre apoios variável (S/W) extraídas na direção transversal (T-L) de uma chapa de aço ASTM A572 Grau 50, fornecem os dados de tenacidade à fratura por clivagem em termos da integral-J medida no ponto de instabilidade, Jc. Os resultados experimentais mostram um potencial efeito da geometria do corpo de prova e do modo de carregamento sobre os valores de Jc, os quais podem ajudar a mitigar os efeitos da perda de restrição plástica frequentemente observada em corpos de prova de pequenas dimensões. A aplicação exploratória para determinar a temperatura de referência, T0, a partir da metodologia da curva mestra também fornece um suporte adicional para o uso de corpos de prova SE(B) não padronizados como uma alternativa geométrica nos procedimentos rotineiros de avaliação de tenacidade à fratura, incluindo o uso de corpos de prova de pequenas dimensões nas medições de tenacidade quando a disponibilidade limitada de material e a capacidade de carregamento da máquina são as principais preocupações. / This work addresses a numerical-experimental investigation on the cleavage fracture behavior of an ASTM A572 Grade 50 high strength, low alloy structural steel using standard and non-standard SE(B) specimens, including a non-standard PCVN configuration. The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the development of a fracture toughness test procedure applicable to bend geometries with varying specimen span over width ratio (S/W) and loaded under 3-point and 4-point flexural configuration. The secondary purpose, but none the less important, is to investigate the effects of geometry and loading mode on experimentally measured fracture toughness data distributions and implications for the characterization of the temperature dependence of toughness based on the Master Curve methodology. Based on these purposes, a large new set of plastic ?-factors applicable to these non-standard bend geometries which serve to estimate the experimentally measured toughness values in terms of load-displacement records, including the J-integral and the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), is provided. In order to facilitate contact with other test protocols, a new set of rotational factors, rp, to determine the CTOD based on the plastic hinge model is also described. Fracture toughness testing conducted on various bend geometries with varying specimen span (S/W) extracted in the T-L orientation from an A572 Grade 50 steel plate provides the cleavage fracture resistance data in terms of the J-integral at cleavage instability, Jc. The experimental results show a potential effect of specimen geometry and loading mode on Jc-values which can help mitigating the effects of constraint loss often observed in smaller fracture specimens. An exploratory application to determine the reference temperature, T0, derived from the Master Curve methodology also provides additional support for using non-standard bend specimens as an alternative specimen geometry in routine fracture assessments, including the use of small-scale fracture specimens to measure fracture toughness properties when limited material availability and test machine capacity are of major concern are of major concern.

Predikce teplotní závislosti lomové houževnatosti / Prediction of the fracture toughness temperature dependence

Václavík, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the prediction of the fracture toughness temperature dependence through a universal curve of fracture toughness (also known as the master curve). To determine the parameters of the universal curve of fracture toughness, values acquired from the measurement results of fracture toughness and tensile tests of structural steel P91 are used. The theoretical part is based on a summary of the relevant information from the field of fracture mechanics and brittle-ductile fracture behavior of steels that are important for the understanding of fracture-strain response of materials depending on load conditions. The experimental part of the thesis contains the results from practical measurements and analyses, which were used for determining the parameters of a universal curve of fracture toughness as well as for the evaluation of fracture behavior and description of the impact of structural parameters on this behavior in case of steel P91.

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