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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Healing, initiation and community in Luke-Acts: A comparative analysis.

Muir, Steven C. January 1998 (has links)
The third evangelist portrays healing as an event like initiation. It is a corporate act performed on an individual, and healing is associated with worship. In my dissertation I argue that in Luke-Acts, the physical change of healing is linked with an initiatory socio-religious change. The evangelist views healing as a process that transfers a person from the demonic realm to the community of God's people. There the person takes on a new status and a new role, as they would after an initiation. I find that the above view of healing was not limited to the evangelist. The concepts in Luke-Acts likely were shared and enacted by the text's audience, and the text reflects that group's worship and healing practices. The first chapter of the dissertation examines the Acts 9 account of Paul's conversion, which I find yields information not only about the evangelist's views on the specific case of Paul and the events of his coming to be a follower of Christ, but also an overall theme in Luke-Acts. In chapter eight I analyze material that Luke receives and adapts for his gospel from Mark and the Q source. Chapter nine analyzes unique Lukan material in the third Gospel and Acts, and in chapter ten I discuss the authorship and provenance of the text. Comparative material from healing cults sheds light on the Lukan material. In chapter five there is information on healing and initiation from a variety of groups and societies, including the indigenous people of Siberia and Central Asia, North America, Africa and South America. In chapter six I review an assortment of data from the Greco-Roman world, and in chapter seven I examine the case of the second-century orator Aelius Aristides. A model of affliction-healing is used to compare these various groups. This model describes a particular view of healing, where healing is seen as part of a process that brings a person into new relationship with the supernatural and new roles and status within a group. I argue that this view is also seen in Luke-Acts.

La traduction de la Bible à l'époque de la Réforme.

Occélus, Nathalie. January 1997 (has links)
This thesis undertakes to examine the translation of the Bible during the Reformation, i.e. in the 15th and 16th Centuries. The sudden and dramatic increase in Biblical translation during that era was such that the influence of this activity on the development of translation theory cannot be ignored. Bible translation has been the subject of numerous studies throughout the ages. The Reformation, however, stands out in this regard because of the special political, religious and cultural context of that time. In Part I of this paper, we provide an historical overview of the Reformation era. Part II is devoted to the proliferation of versions of the Bible published between 1450 and 1599 throughout Europe. In the third and final part, we observe translators at work, starting with a study of the profile of Reformation-era translators; we then examine their working conditions and take a brief look at the European vernaculars that were in existence during the Reformation. This is followed by our analysis of the main elements of theology and dogma that were at the centre of the controversies between the Catholic clergy and Reformation translators. Finally, via three case studies, we will examine the various work methods and principles applied by translators of that period.

Jesus' parousia in the context of the crucifixion: An exegetical analysis of Matthew 24:1-26:2 using the semiotic method.

Dlungwana, Mlungisi Pius. January 1998 (has links)
The present research deals with Matthew's version of the eschatological discourse. Our first step was to determine the boundaries of this text. Our survey of scholarly opinions has shown that a general consensus regards 24:1 as the beginning of the discourse, while it places the ending in 25:46. We are in agreement with the view about the beginning in 24:1 but contest the ending. Our proposal is that 26:2 marks the ending of this particular discourse rather than 25:46. Subsequently, 26:1-2 is an essential part of this eschatological discourse. From the content of the text there are several reasons in support of this position. From a theological point of view we consider the disciples' question in 24:3 to be an expression of their eschatological anxiety and expectation that after his departure Jesus as the Messiah will return to reclaim possession of the temple. But Jesus' announcement in 26:2 that the Son of Man will be crucified begs the question: how can Jesus' $\pi\alpha\rho o\upsilon\sigma\acute\iota\alpha$ take place if he will be crucified within two days? This research is an effort to provide adequate answers to the structural and theological questions which arise in the course of reading this text. As our modus operandi we have used the semiotic method in its two stages of the discursive and narrative sequences, and then we made a theological commentary. Two hypotheses based on the above question have guided our investigation: one, the Son of Man's crucifixion on the day of Passover implies that it is necessary for the Son to go to his Father in order to come back empowered to judge all the nations, and two, the $\pi\alpha\rho o\upsilon\sigma\acute\iota\alpha$ of the Son of Man is above all a spiritual and personal experience of faith for those who await his coming. The whole thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the cutting of the text. The second and third deal with the discursive and narrative sequences of the text respectively. While the first half of the fourth chapter tackles the coherence of the discursive and narrative elements, the second half of the same chapter is a theological commentary. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Herméneutique critique : la lecture kantienne de la Bible : principes et applications.

Lema-Hincapie, Andrés. January 1998 (has links)
Cette recherche a eu un objectif bien precis: construire les principes d'interpretation qui guident la lecture kantienne de la Bible. Cela a ete fait a partir d'une analyse de toute l'oeuvre de Kant touchant ce sujet. La these reconstruit trois contextes ou la hermeneutica sacra de Kant est nee: d'abord, un contexte d'epoque determine par les pensees de Kant sur la Aufklarung ainsi que par le pietisme. Ensuite, il existe dans la configuration de la Bibelauslegung de Kant un contexte de controverse. Kant fait face a plusieurs traditions hermeneutiques dont la souche est parfois historique, mystique, grammaticale, religieuse ou dogmatique. Dans ce sens, le philosophe de Konigsberg entre en polemique avec certains de ses contemporains, tels que Johann David Michaelis, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Manuel Swedenborg, Johann Georg Rosenmuller et Johann Gottfried Eichhorn. Il se montre par ailleurs que Kant critique aussi la doctrine interpretative de Luther pour la Bible ainsi que la position de la metaphysique dogmatique d'un Wolff et d'un Baumgarten par rapport au Livre des livres. En dernier lieu, il est question de la philosophie critique elle-meme d'ou le philosophe puise le contenu des differents principes de son exegese scripturaire. Dans les principes interpretatifs, des acquis venant de sa philosophie pratique, de sa philosophie theorique, de son esthetique et sa theorie de la histoire ont leur place essentielle. La recherche a construit six principes kantienns d'interpretation biblique: le principe de pertinence morale, le principe d'immanence, le principe de anhistoricisme, le principe d'antilitteralite, le principe de symbolisation et le principe d'autonomie. Chacun d'eux est illustre par des textes tires de l'oeuvre de Kant, sans oublier une mise a jour de son arriere-plan historique. Finalement, tous ces principes sont mis a preuve dans l'etude approndie de deux questions d'une importance capitale pour les theories interpretatives des Ecritures Saintes, c'est-a-dire la revelation scripturaire et la doctrine kantienne sur la justification. Une introduction, des conclusions et une complete bibliographie appartiennent de meme a l'ensemble de cette these doctorale.

Trajectoire de la vision paulinienne sur les femmes : ambivalence ou cohérence?

Potvin, Jacinthe. January 1998 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, les textes de Paul traitant des femmes ont donné lieu à la controverse et polarisé la recherche moderne, d'un côté, on l'a accusé d'antiféminisme ou de misogynie et de l'autre, on l'a présenté comme un libérateur ou un innovateur. Qui plus est, le corpus paulinien présente une théologie de l'infériorité féminine considérée unique dans les Écritures. L'objet précis de la présente thèse est d'établir la trajectoire de la vision paulinienne des femmes et de mettre en relief, si besoin est, soit l'ambivalence, soit la cohérence de l'argumentation paulinienne. Cette recherche examine particulièrement les textes qui traitent des femmes dans la littérature paulinienne, c'est-à-dire les lettres authentiques, les lettres dites pseudo-pauliniennes et un écrit extra-canonique du deuxième siècle, les Actes de Paul et Thècle . La question principale soulevée dans cette recherche est de savoir s'il y a réellement ambiguïté vis-à-vis des femmes dans les textes de Paul ou s'il n'existe pas plutôt une cohérence. La pensée paulinienne ne vise-t-elle pas à subordonner les femmes et à les écarter d'une participation active à la communauté chrétienne? L'hypothèse spécifique de cette recherche est qu'il y a plutôt une cohérence dans la pensée paulinienne dans les textes qui traitent des femmes et l'objectif sera de faire valoir cette cohérence. Cette analyse consistera en une lecture de déconstruction dans une perspective d'herméneutique féministe appuyée d'une herméneutique du soupçon. L'herméneutique du soupçon propose une déconstruction féministe des textes bibliques démontrant un univers symbolique d'interprétation androcentrique et d'organisation patriarcale. Généralement, les textes examinés dans cette thèse ont été étudiés séparément, ou hors contexte, suivant d'abord l'intérêt de la recherche. La contribution de cette thèse est de considérer les oeuvres de Paul selon un continuum afin d'en dégager la trajectoire de la pensée paulinienne sur les femmes. Cette thèse permet également d'apporter un éclairage nouveau à la question de la valeur normative de ces textes dans l'Église, comme moyen de restreindre une participation active des femmes.

With friends like these : turning points in the Jewish exegesis of the biblical book of Job

Kalman, Jason January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Luzzatto's Derech Hashem: understanding the way of God

Rogozinsky, Shayna January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

A world in which things are not as they should be: How the Deuteronomistic ideology is reinforced in the book of judges by the portrayal of women and domestic space

Sommers, Luke January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

"Now, concerning the things of the spirit": The representation of personal religious experience in the letters of Paul

Brady, Dean M January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The narrative and discursive references to children and audience duality in The Gospel of Mark

Farr, Eric January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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