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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensorless Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Pump Applications / Sensorlös reglering av synkrona reluktansmaskiner och permanentmagnetmaskiner för pumptillämpningar

Lindberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Energy efficiency in electric machines is both environmentally and economically important. Water pumps with an integrated Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) have challenged the status quo of the Induction Machine (IM) for water pumps. The Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM) is also a viable alternative that does not use permanent magnets. This degree project focuses on the control of SynRM, with particular attention on sensorless control methods. Simulation models for a SynRM and a Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (SPMSM), together with their control systems, were developed in MATLAB Simulink. Two sensorless control methods were implemented and examined: the Luenberger state observer and the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS). The control system was adapted to use sensorless control methods. The investigated sensorless control methods allowed the application of the speed-torque test profile for two method and motor type combinations, without causing instability. The Luenberger observer was stable with the SPMSM and the MRAS with the SynRM. Parameter sensitivity with respect to the variation of inductance and stator resistance values used by the sensorless methods was also tested. The Luenberger observer kept the control system stable with up to a ±5 % variation of inductance. The MRAS kept the control system stable down to −12 %, but only up to +2 % for an overestimation of the inductance. The variation of stator resistance had a limited impact on the stability of both sensorless schemes. / Energieffektivisering av elektriska maskiner är betydelsefullt både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Vattenpumpar med en synkron permanentmagnetsmaskin och en integrerad enhet för variabel hastighetsreglering (VFD) utmanar den mer konventionella lösningen baserad på en asynkronmaskin (IM). Den synkrona reluktansmaskinen (SynRM) är ett annat lämpligt alternativ som inte använder permanentmagneter. Det här examensarbetet behandlar huvudsakligen sensorlös reglering av SynRM. Simuleringsmodeller för reglering av en SynRM och en permanentmagnetiserad synkronmaskin med ytmonterade magneter (SPMSM) utvecklades i MATLAB Simulink. Två metoder för sensorlös reglering undersöktes, en på Luenbergers tillståndsobservatör och en baserad på adaptiv modellreferensreglering (MRAS). Systemet för reglering anpassades till metoderna för sensorlös reglering. De undersökta sensorlösa metoderna testades vid nominell hastighet med steg i vridmoment och hastighet. Luenberger observatören kunde köras med bibehållen stabilitet med en SPMSM och MRAS kördes med en SynRM, också den med bibehållen stabilitet. Även känsligheten för variationer i induktans och statorresistans för de sensorlösa reglermetoderna testades. Luenberger observatören kunde bibehålla stabiliteten med en variation i induktans på ±5 %. MRAS kunde bibehålla stabiliteten ner till en estimering av induktansen på −12 % av induktansen. På uppsidan nådde dock MRAS stabilitet endast upp till en överestimering av induktansen på 2 %. Felestimering av statorresistansen hade minimal påverkan på stabiliteten för båda sensorlösa reglermetoderna.

An integrated brake disc and electric drive for vehicle propulsion : A FEASIBILITY STUDY

Linder, Johan January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the feasibility to integrate an brake disc and electric machine is investigated. In wheel motors (IWMs) have several advantages, such as saving space in the vehicle, individual and direct control at the wheels and the absence of a mechanical transmission. However, today’s IWMs are heavy and, thus, negatively affect the driving performance of the vehicle due to the increase of the unsprung mass. By integrating an already existing part in the wheel, this increase of the unsprung mass can be minimized. The brake disc manages high temperatures, a significant wear in rough environ-ment, which puts high demands on the rotor. The second part of the machine, the stator, will be significantly affected by the high temperatures of the rotor. The temperatures of the stator are transferred by convection, conduction and radiation from the rotor or brake disc. Liquid cooling of the stator back is analyzed as a potential solution for handling the high temperatures. In order to analyze the feasibility of the concept, thermal, electric and mechanical modelling has been used. The evaluation whether it is possible or not to integrate the brake disc has been with regard to the results of weight, cost, thermal tolerance and electric performance. / I detta arbete undersöks möjligheten att integrera en bromsskiva med elmaskin. Hjul-motorer har flera fördelar, bland annat sparas utrymme i själva bilen, individuell kontroll samt drivning av hjulen utan mekaniska transmissioner. Men hjulmotorer som kan användas idag väger oftast så pass mycket att den odämpade massan ökar kritiskt och köregenskaper av fordonet då blir lidande. Genom att integrera en befintlig del i hjulet kan ¨okningen av odämpade massan minskas. Att använda bromsskivan som rotor, kräver att denna tål temperaturer ¨over 500◦C samt påfrestningar och slitage som en vanlig mekanisk friktionsbroms måste uthärda. Den andra delen av maskinen, statorn kommer även denna att påverkas av de höga temperaturerna av bromsskivan som kommer ledas via konvektion, konduktion och strålning. Möjligheten att kyla statorn med vätska och om detta är tillräckligt undersöks. För att analyserna genomförbarheten av projektet har termiska, elektriska och mekaniska modeller använts. Resultaten har analyserats där maskinens vikt, kostnad, termisk tålighet och elektrisk prestanda har legat till grund för bedömningen om lösningen; att integrera en broms-skiva med elmaskin är rimlig eller ej.

Design and Analysis of a Fractional-Slot Concentrated-Wound Permanent-Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine / Konstruktion och analys av en permanent magnetiserade synkronreluktans motor med koncentrerad lindning

Carvajal Almendros, Celia January 2015 (has links)
The growing need for simpler and cheaper manufacturing process has led to the research into fractional-slot concentrated-wound (FSCW) motors. This concept has been widely investigated for surface-mounted permanent magnet (SMPM) machines. This thesis studies the same concept applied for synchronous reluctance machines (SynRM). In this thesis, a FSCW, 15 kW, 4-pole, Permanent-Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine (PMaSynRM) is designed and optimized using finite element method (FEM) based simulations for a set of given technical specifications. Initially, the existing synchronous machine topologies are investigated and later two novel motor designs are introduced and optimized, namely, a FSCW-SynRM and a FSCW-PMaSynRM with ferrite magnets. Moreover, the influence of replacing ferrite material with Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) in the FSCWPMaSynRM is analyzed. Detailed investigations are performed in order to compare the impact of material at different temperatures. Variation of the torque-speed capabilities with temperature and a safe operating temperature range where the magnets are not demagnetized are identified. The variation of overload capability with temperature is also studied. Finally, a comparison between the new proposed designs and other existing standard design topologies is performed. It was found that FSCW-SynRM present lower efficiency, power factor and higher torque ripple than DW-SynRM. However when ferrite magnets are inserted in FSCW-PMaSynRM the efficiency, power factor and the flux-weakening capability exceed the values of the DW-SynRM. Moreover, by using NdFeB instead of ferrite in FSCW-PMaSynRM, the torque ripple, the fluxweakening capability and the overload capability improve and a wider safe temperature range for no demagnetization is achievable. Finally, it is found that DW-PMaSynRM with ferrite presents the same efficiency level as FSCW-PMaSynRM with ferrite, but higher power factor and lower torque ripple. However FSCW-PMaSynRM with ferrite have other advantages, such as shorter end-winding length, good fault-tolerant capability and simpler and cheaper manufacturing process. / Det växande behovet av enklare och billigare tillverkningsprocesser har lett till att den senaste forskningen om elektriska maskiner har fokuserats till maskiner med koncentrerade lindningar (FSCW). Detta koncept har i stor utsträckning undersökts för synkronmaskiner med ytmonterade permanentmagneter (SMPM). Detta projekt studerar samma lindning koncept, tillämpat på synkrona reluktansmaskiner (SynRM). I denna avhandling är en 15 kW, 4-polig, SynRM med FSCW och permanentmagneter (PMaSynRM) utformad och optimerad med användandet av finita elementmetoden (FEM). Simuleringar för en uppsättning givna, tekniska specifikationer har genomförts. Inledningsvis undersöks den befintliga synkronreluktansmaskinen med distribuerad lindning och senare presenteras och optimeras två nya motorkonstruktioner: en FSCW-SynRM respektive en FSCW-PMaSynRM med ferritmagneter. Vidare analyseras påverkan av att ersätta ferritmaterial med neodym-järn-bor (NdFeB) i FSCW-PMaSynRM. Detaljerade undersökningar genomförs för att jämföra effekten av materialen vid olika temperaturer. Variationen av maximal vridmomentet som funktion av hastighet vid olika temperaturer identifierar ett säkert driftstemperaturintervall där magneterna inte avmagnetiseras. Även variationen i överbelastningskapacitet vid olika temperaturer studeras. Slutligen görs en jämförelse mellan den nya föreslagna designen och andra befintliga topologier. Resultaten visar att FSCW-SynRM har lägre effektivitet och effektfaktor, samt högre vridmomentsrippel än DW-SynRM. När ferritmagneter är införda i FSCW-PMaSynRM erhålls emellertid högre värden på effektivitet, effektfaktor och fältförsvagning än i DW-SynRM. Genom att använda NdFeB i stället för ferrit i FSCW-PMaSynRM förbättras dessutom vridmomentet, fältförsvagningskapaciteten och överbelastningskapaciteten, vilket ger ett bredare temperaturområde utan avmagnetisering. Slutligen visar DW-PMaSynRM med ferrit samma effektivitetsnivå som FSCW-PMaSynRM med ferrit, men med högre effektfaktor och lägre vridmomentsrippel. FSCW-PMaSynRM med ferrit har dock andra fördelar, såsom kortare härvänderna, god feltolerans samt enklare och billigare tillverkningsprocess.

A Semi-Analytical Approach to Noise and Vibration Performance Optimization in Electric Machines

Das, Shuvajit 14 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling of Multiphysics Electromagnetic & Mechanical Coupling and Vibration Controls Applied to Switched Reluctance Machine / Modélisation multiphysique du couplage électromagnétique/mécanique et développement de contrôles de vibration appliqués aux machines à réluctance variable

Zhang, Man 12 September 2018 (has links)
En raison de ses avantages inhérents, tels que son faible coût, sa fiabilité élevée, sa capacité de fonctionnement à grande vitesse et en environnements difficiles, la machine à réluctance variable (MRV) est une solution attrayante pour l'industrie automobile. Cependant, la traction automobile est une application pour laquelle le comportement acoustique du groupe motopropulseur doit être particulièrement considéré, dans l'optique de ne pas dégrader le confort des passagers. Afin de rendre la MRV compétitive pour cette application automobile, le travail présenté se concentre sur plusieurs méthodes de contrôle cherchant à améliorer le comportement acoustique des MRV en réduisant les vibrations d'origine électromagnétique. Un modèle multi-physique électromagnétique / mécanique semi-analytique est proposé à partir de résultats de simulation numérique obtenus par la méthode des éléments finis. Ce modèle multiphysique est composé de modèles électromagnétiques et structurels, qui sont reliés par la composante radiale de la force électromagnétique. Deux méthodes de contrôle sont ensuite proposées. La première réduit la vibration en faisant varier l'angle de coupure du courant, la fréquence du la variation étant basée sur les propriétés mécaniques de la structure MRV. De plus, une fonction aléatoire uniformément distribuée est introduite pour éviter une composante fréquentielle locale de forte vibration. Une seconde méthode est basée sur le contrôle direct de la force (DFC), qui vise à obtenir une force radiale globale plus douce pour réduire les vibrations. Un adaptateur de courant de référence (RCA) est proposé pour limiter l'ondulation de couple introduite par le DFC, provoquée par l'absence de limitation de courant. Cette seconde méthode de réduction des vibrations appelée DFC & RCA est évaluée par des tests expérimentaux utilisant un prototype de MRV 8/6 afin de montrer sa pertinence. Une solution de partitionnement hardware/software est proposée pour implémenter cette méthode sur une carte FPGA utilisée en combinaison avec un microprocesseur. / Due to its inherent advantages Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) are appealing to the automotive industry. However, automotive traction is a very noise sensitive application where the acoustic behavior of the power train may be the distinction between market success and market failure. To make SRM more competitive in the automotive application, this work will focus on the control strategy to improve the acoustic behavior of SRM by vibration reduction. A semi-analytical electromagnetic/structural multi-physics model is proposed based on the simulation results of numerical computation. This multi-physics model is composed by electromagnetic and structural models, which are connected by the radial force. Two control strategies are proposed. The first strategy to improve the acoustic behavior of SRM by vibration reduction. A semi-analytical electromagnetic/ structural multi-physics model is proposed based on the simulation results of numerical computation. This multi-physics model is composed by electromagnetic and structural models, which are connected by the radial force. Two control strategies are proposed. The first one reduces the vibration by varying the turn-off angle, the frequency of the variable signal is based on the mechanical property of switched reluctance machine. Besides, an uniformly distributed random function is introduced to avoid local high vibration component. Another one is based on the Direct Force Control (DFC), which aims to obtain a smoother total radial force to reduce the vibration. An reference current adapter (RCA) is proposed to limit the torque ripple introduced by the DFC, which is caused by the absence of the current limitation. The second vibration reduction strategy named DFC&RCA is evaluated by experimental tests using an 8/6 SRM prototype. A hardware/software partitioning solution is proposed to implement this method, where FPGA board is used combined with a Microprocessor.

Design of a Switched Reluctance Motor for a Light Sport Aircraft Application

Abdollahi, Mohammad Ehsan January 2022 (has links)
With the rapid growth of air travel, concerns about the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the air transportation sector are growing. Although the current battery technologies might not be adequate for all-electric regional aircraft, the energy density of the current battery technologies could be adequate to electrify light-sport aircraft used for training and recreation. Due to the nature of the propeller load and noise isolation of the cabin, switched reluctance motors can be an excellent candidate for the propulsion system of electrified light-sport aircraft. The proposed SRM is designed to replace a 70 kW permanent magnet synchronous motor used in the aerospace industry with similar volume constraints and operational requirements. In order to meet the high-power density requirements of this application, a design framework is proposed which includes several layers of the design process. The design objectifies are the average torque, torque ripple, and radial forces by integrating the control and geometry design into the proposed framework. A comprehensive design process is carried out with the proposed framework, and a detailed coil design process is performed. The rotor cut-outs are designed to reduce the weight of the motor. The thermal performance of the motor has been analyzed for the calculated motor losses and the cooling system constraints. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Contribution to the Synchronous Reluctance Machine Performance Improvement by Design Optimization and Current Harmonics Injection / Contribution à l'amélioration des performances d'une machine synchrone à réluctance variable synchrone par optimisation de la conception et injection d'harmoniques de courant

Yammine, Samer 06 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacré à l’évaluation et l’amélioration de la performance de la machine synchrone à réluctance variable pour des applications à vitesse variable en général et pour les applications automobiles en particulier. Les deux axes de développement sont la conception de la machine et l’injection des harmoniques de courants de phase. Le rotor est un élément important dans la conception de la machine, et un intérêt particulier est dédié à la conception et l’évaluation du rotor pour améliorer la performance de la machine. Une méthode analytique est proposée dans la thèse pour concevoir le rotor. Plusieurs éléments tels que les ponts qui maintiennent le rotor mécaniquement résistant, ainsi que le rapport d’isolation d’axe q (rapport air-acier) sont étudiés. Une étude de conception assistée par ordinateur basé sur un problème d’optimisation paramétrique est présentée aussi. Les trois familles des algorithmes d’optimisation sont évaluées pour la procédure d’optimisation: un algorithme à base de gradient (algorithme de Newton Quasi), un algorithme non-évolutionnaire sur la base de non-gradient (Nelder Mead Simplex) et un algorithme évolutif sur la base non-gradient (algorithme génétique). Les designs de machines basées sur la procédure analytique et la procédure d’optimisation sont testés sur un banc d’essai. Le deuxième axe d’études de la thèse est l’injection d’harmoniques dans les courants de phase de la machine à réluctance variable synchrone. L’interaction des harmoniques de courant avec les harmoniques spatiales des inductances est étudiée et formalisée pour une machine à m-phases. Ensuite, le concept d’injection d’harmoniques est évalué dans le cas particulier d’une machine à deux phases. Cette étude montre l’avantage de l’injection d’harmoniques dans la réduction de l’ondulation de couple de la machine. Un design d’une machine est finalement développé pour une application automobile sur la base de l’optimisation paramétrique du stator et du rotor. Cette conception est évaluée pour les spécifications imposées électromagnétiques par une application de traction à puissance moyenne / This thesis is dedicated to the evaluation and the improvement of the synchronous reluctance machine’s performance for variable speed drive applications in general and for automotive applications in particular. The two axes of development are machine design and phase current harmonics injection. The rotor is an important element in the machine design and particular emphasis is placed to the design and evaluation of the rotor for enhancing the machine performance. An analytical procedure is proposed for the rotor design. The rotor elements like the ribs and the bridges that maintain the rotor mechanically strong as well as the q-axis insulation ratio (air-to-steel ratio) are studied. A computer-aided design study based on a parametric optimization problem is presented as well. The main three families of the optimization algorithms are evaluated for the optimization procedure: a gradient-based algorithm (Quasi Newton Algorithm), a non-gradient based non-evolutionary algorithm (Nelder Mead Simplex) and a non-gradient based evolutionary algorithm (Genetic Algorithm). The machine designs based on the analytical procedure and the optimization procedure are both manufactured and tested on a bench. The second axis of study of the thesis is the injection of harmonics in the phase currents of the synchronous reluctance machine. The interaction of current harmonics with the spatial inductance harmonics is studied and formalized for an m-phase machine. Then, the harmonics injection concept is evaluated in the particular case of a 2-phase machine. This study shows the benefi t of harmonics injection in the reduction of the machine torque ripple. A synchronous reluctance machine design is fi nally developed for an automotive application based on parametric optimization of the stator and rotor. This design is evaluated for the electromagnetic specifi cations imposed by a mid-power electric vehicle traction application

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