Spelling suggestions: "subject:"residual 1generation"" "subject:"residual 4egeneration""
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Air Leakage Diagnosis in Heavy Duty Truck Engines with EGR and VGT / Diagnos av Luftläckage på Lastbilsmotorer med EGR och VGTDagson, Josef, Nissilä Källström, Samuel January 2009 (has links)
Scania CV AB is a leading company within development and production of buses, trucks as well as industrial and marine engines. New environmental and safety legislations continuously demand higher quality from the products. An upcoming European legislation, Euro 6, implies that gas leakages from truck engines should be detected while driving. If the source of the leakage is not only detected, but also isolated, that is separated from other faults, the adjustments in the workshop goes faster since there is no need for leakage localisation. A faster reparation increases the up-time, i.e. the amount of time that the truck can be used. This master thesis work uses current methods developed at Scania for residual generation to perform model-based leakage diagnosis. In this work, measurements are gathered for dierent sensor faults and two leakages. The measurements are used to evaluate the actual performance of the resulting diagnosis system. The result, based on the residuals generated by the method, shows that leakages on the boost-side and the exhaust-side can be detected, and isolated from faults in the pressure sensors on the boost-side and the exhaust-side. The isolation of these four faults is considered the hardest to achieve among sensor faults and leakages why the full isolation performance is promising. Further measurements are needed to determine the full isolation performance of the diagnosis system. The resulting system is reasoned to be suitable for execution in real time on-board the truck. / Scania CV AB är en ledande koncern inom utveckling och produktion av bussar, lastbilar samt industri- och marinmotorer. Nya lagkrav för miljö och säkerhet ställer ständigt högre krav på de tillverkade produkterna. Ett nära förestående lagkrav för lastbilar, Euro 6, innebär att gasläckage från motorn ska detekteras under körning. Om läckaget förutom att detekteras också kan isoleras, det vill säga särskiljas från andra fel, går reparationen i verkstaden snabbare då man slipper lokalisera läckaget. En snabbare reparation ökar up-time, det vill säga tiden som lastbilen kan användas på åkeriet. I detta exjobb används befintliga metoder för residualgenerering framtagna på Scania för att åstadkomma modelbaserad läckagediagnos. Arbetet tar även fram mätdata för olika givarfel samt för två läckage i motorn. Denna mätdata används för att utvärdera det erhållna diagnossystemets faktiska prestanda. Resultatet, som bygger på residualerna som metoden genererat, visar att läckage går att detektera, och att läckagen går att isolera från fel på tryckgivarsensorer på laddluftssidan och avgassidan. Denna isolering anses vara den svåraste att uppnå av alla sensorfel samt läckage varvid övrig isoleringsprestande verkar lovande. Däremot behövs mer mätdata för att säkert kunna fastställa övrig isoleringsprestanda. Diagnosmetoden lämpar sig troligen för exekvering i realtid ombord på lastbilen.
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Supervision of the Air Loop in the Columbus Module of the International Space StationGermeys, Jasper January 2016 (has links)
Failure detection and isolation (FDI) is essential for reliable operations of complex autonomous systems or other systems where continuous observation or maintenance thereof is either very costly or for any other reason not easily accessible. Beneficial for the model based FDI is that there is no need for fault data to detect and isolate a fault in contrary to design by data clustering. However, it is limited by the accuracy and complexity of the model used. As models grow more complex, or have multiple interconnections, problems with the traditional methods for FDI emerge. The main objective of this thesis is to utilise the automated methodology presented in [Svärd, 2012] to create a model based FDI system for the Columbus air loop. A small but crucial part of the life support on board the European space laboratory Columbus. The process of creating a model based FDI, from creation of the model equations, validation thereof to the design of residuals, test quantities and evaluation logic is handled in this work. Although the latter parts only briefly which leaves room for future work. This work indicate that the methodology presented is capable to create quite decent model based FDI systems even with poor sensor placement and limited information of the actual design. [] Carl Svärd. Methods for Automated Design of Fault Detection and Isolation Systems with Automotive Applications. PhD thesis, Linköping University, Vehicular Systems, The Institute of Technology, 2012
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Model-based fault detection and control design - applied to a pneumatic Stewart-Gough platformGrewal, Karmjit Singh January 2010 (has links)
The safety and functionality of engineering systems can be affected adversely by faults or wear in system components. Therefore, methods for detecting such faults/wear and ameliorating their effects to avoid system failure are important. Designing schemes for the detection and diagnosis of faults is becoming increasingly important in engineering due to the complexity of modern industrial systems and growing demands for quality, cost efficiency, reliability, and the safety issue. In safety/mission critical applications, fault detection can be combined with accommodation/reconfiguration (after a fault) to achieve fault tolerance allowing the system to complete or abort its function in a way that is sub-optimal but does achieve the design objective. This thesis discusses research carried-out on the development and validation of a model-based fault detection and isolation (FDI) system for a pneumatically actuated Stewart platform. The Stewart-Gough platform provides six degrees of freedom consisting of three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom (x, y, z, pitch, roll, & yaw). As these platforms can be fast acting (rapid motion) and can handle reasonable loads, they can become dangerous, especially when fault(s) in the platform mechanism, drivetrain or control system occur. Therefore, as a safety critical application it is imperative that fault tolerant schemes are applied in order to provide a safe working environment. The design concept of the FDI scheme for the full Stewart-Gough platform is first designed using a single cylinder set-up. This modular concept is adopted so that a robust fault tolerant control scheme can be designed basically off-line (i.e. not attached to the Stewart Gough platform). This approach is adopted as requirements are easier to understand using a single cylinder set-up. The modular design approach subdivides the whole system into smaller sections (modules) that can be independently created and then used in the complete Stewart-Gough platform. The main contributions of the work are that a pneumatically actuated Stewart-Gough platform has been designed, built, and commissioned. A mathematical model has been developed and has been validated against experimental results. Two control approaches have been designed and compared. A fundamental comparative study of parity equations and Kalman filter observer banks for fault detection in pneumatic actuators has been conducted. The parity equations and Kalman filter approaches have been extended to provide a combined fault detection scheme. The FDI and control schemes have been combined in a modular Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) scheme for a pneumatic cylinder. The resulting FTC scheme has been validated by experimentation and demonstrated on the single cylinder test rig. The FTC scheme has been extended to all 6 cylinders (and including fault management at top level) of Stewart-Gough platform. The FTC scheme has been validated by experimentation and demonstrated on the Stewart-Gough platform test rig.
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Residual Generation Methods for Fault Diagnosis with Automotive ApplicationsSvärd, Carl January 2009 (has links)
<p>The problem of fault diagnosis consists of detecting and isolating faults present in a system. As technical systems become more and more complex and the demands for safety, reliability and environmental friendliness are rising, fault diagnosis is becoming increasingly important. One example is automotive systems, where fault diagnosis is a necessity for low emissions, high safety, high vehicle uptime, and efficient repair and maintenance.</p><p>One approach to fault diagnosis, providing potentially good performance and in which the need for additional hardware is minimal, is model-based fault diagnosis with residuals. A residual is a signal that is zero when the system under diagnosis is fault-free, and non-zero when particular faults are present in the system. Residuals are typically generated by using a mathematical model of the system and measurements from sensors and actuators. This process is referred to as residual generation.</p><p>The main contributions in this thesis are two novel methods for residual generation. In both methods, systems described by Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) models are considered. Such models appear in a large class of technical systems, for example automotive systems. The first method consider observer-based residual generation for linear DAE-models. This method places no restrictions on the model, such as e.g. observability or regularity, in comparison with other previous methods. If the faults of interest can be detected in the system, the output from the design method is a residual generator, in state-space form, that is sensitive to the faults of interest. The method is iterative and relies on constant matrix operations, such as e.g. null-space calculations and equivalence transformations.</p><p>In the second method, non-linear DAE-models are considered. The proposed method belongs to a class of methods, in this thesis referred to as sequential residual generation, which has shown to be successful for real applications. This method enables simultaneous use of integral and derivative causality, and is able to handle equation sets corresponding to algebraic and differential loops in a systematic manner. It relies on a formal framework for computing unknown variables in the model according to a computation sequence, in which the analytical properties of the equations in the model as well as the available tools for equation solving are taken into account. The method is successfully applied to complex models of an automotive diesel engine and a hydraulic braking system.</p>
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Development of Methods for Automatic Design of Residual Generators / Utveckling av metoder för automatisk design av residualgeneratorerSvärd, Carl, Wassén, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Legislation requires substantially lowered emissions and that all trucks manufactured are equipped with an On-Board Diagnosis (OBD) system. One approach for designing an OBD system is to use model based diagnosis and residual generation. At Scania CV AB, a method for automatic design of a diagnosis system from a model has been developed but there are still possibilities for improvements to get more and better residual generators. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and improve the existing method.</p><p>A theoretic outline of two methods using different causality assumptions is presented and the differences are analyzed and discussed. Stability of residual generators is analyzed and a method for constructing stable residual generators and its consequences for the diagnosis system is presented.</p><p>Methods using integral and derivative causality are found not to be equivalent for all dynamic systems, resulting in that a diagnosis system utilizing both methods would be preferred for detectability reasons. A stable residual generator can be constructed from an unstable residual generator. The method for stabilizing a residual generator affects the fault sensitivity of the residual generator and the fault detectability properties of the diagnosis system.</p> / <p>Lagkrav kräver väsentligt sänkta emissionsnivåer och att alla tillverkade lastbilar är utrustade med ett system för On-Board Diagnosis (OBD). Ett sätt att konstruera ett OBD system är att använda modellbaserad diagnos och residualgenerering. På Scania CV AB har en metod för automatisk konstruktion av ett diagnossystem utifrån en modell utvecklats, men det finns utrymme för bättringar som leder till att fler och bättre residualgeneratorer konstrueras. Huvudsyftet med examensarbetet är att analysera och förbättra den existerande metoden.</p><p>En teoretisk beskrivning av två metoder som använder sig av olika kausalitet presenteras och skillnaderna analyseras och diskuteras. Stabiliteten hos residualgeneratorer analyseras och en metod för att konstruera stabila residualgeneratorer och dess konsekvenser för diagnossystemet presenteras.</p><p>Metoder som använder sig av integrerande respektive deriverande kausalitet visar sig inte vara ekvivalenta för alla dynamiska system, vilket resulterar i att ett diagnossystem som använder sig av båda kausaliteterna är att föredra i ett diagnossystem med avseende på detekterbarhet. En stabil residualgenerator kan konstrueras från en instabil residualgenerator. Metoden för att stabilisera en residualgenerator påverkar felkänsligheten hos residualgeneratorn och feldetekterbarheten hos diagnossystemet.</p>
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Robust model-based fault diagnosis for chemical process systemsRajaraman, Srinivasan 16 August 2006 (has links)
Fault detection and diagnosis have gained central importance in the chemical
process industries over the past decade. This is due to several reasons, one of them
being that copious amount of data is available from a large number of sensors in
process plants. Moreover, since industrial processes operate in closed loop with appropriate
output feedback to attain certain performance objectives, instrument faults
have a direct effect on the overall performance of the automation system. Extracting
essential information about the state of the system and processing the measurements
for detecting, discriminating, and identifying abnormal readings are important tasks
of a fault diagnosis system.
The goal of this dissertation is to develop such fault diagnosis systems, which
use limited information about the process model to robustly detect, discriminate, and
reconstruct instrumentation faults. Broadly, the proposed method consists of a novel
nonlinear state and parameter estimator coupled with a fault detection, discrimination,
and reconstruction system.
The first part of this dissertation focuses on designing fault diagnosis systems
that not only perform fault detection and isolation but also estimate the shape and
size of the unknown instrument faults. This notion is extended to nonlinear processes whose structure is known but the parameters of the process are a priori uncertain and
bounded. Since the uncertainty in the process model and instrument fault detection
interact with each other, a novel two-time scale procedure is adopted to render overall
fault diagnosis. Further, some techniques to enhance the convergence properties of
the proposed state and parameter estimator are presented.
The remaining part of the dissertation extends the proposed model-based fault
diagnosis methodology to processes for which first principles modeling is either expensive
or infeasible. This is achieved by using an empirical model identification
technique called subspace identification for state-space characterization of the process.
Finally the proposed methodology for fault diagnosis has been applied in numerical
simulations to a non-isothermal CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor), an
industrial melter process, and a debutanizer plant.
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Methods for Residual Generation Using Mixed Causality in Model Based DiagnosisJohansson, Magnus, Kingstedt, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Several different air pollutions are produced during combustion in a diesel engine, for example nitric oxides, NOx, which can be harmful for humans. This has led to stricter emission legislations for heavy duty trucks. The law requires both lower emissions and an On-Board Diagnosis system for all manufactured heavy duty trucks. The OBD system supervises the engine in order to keep the emissions below legislation demands. The OBD system shall detect malfunctions which may lead to increased emissions. To design the OBD system an automatic model based diagnosis approach has been developed at Scania CV AB where residual generators are generated from an engine model.</p><p>The main objective of this thesis is to improve the existing methods at Scania CV AB to extract residual generators from a model in order to generate more residual generators. The focus lies on the methods to find possible residual generators given an overdetermined subsystem. This includes methods to estimate derivatives of noisy signals.</p><p>A method to use both integral and derivative causality has been developed, called mixed causality. With this method it has been shown that more residual generators can be found when designing a model based diagnosis system, which improves the fault isolation. To use mixed causality, derivatives are estimated with smoothing spline approximation.</p>
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Methods for Residual Generation Using Mixed Causality in Model Based DiagnosisJohansson, Magnus, Kingstedt, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Several different air pollutions are produced during combustion in a diesel engine, for example nitric oxides, NOx, which can be harmful for humans. This has led to stricter emission legislations for heavy duty trucks. The law requires both lower emissions and an On-Board Diagnosis system for all manufactured heavy duty trucks. The OBD system supervises the engine in order to keep the emissions below legislation demands. The OBD system shall detect malfunctions which may lead to increased emissions. To design the OBD system an automatic model based diagnosis approach has been developed at Scania CV AB where residual generators are generated from an engine model. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the existing methods at Scania CV AB to extract residual generators from a model in order to generate more residual generators. The focus lies on the methods to find possible residual generators given an overdetermined subsystem. This includes methods to estimate derivatives of noisy signals. A method to use both integral and derivative causality has been developed, called mixed causality. With this method it has been shown that more residual generators can be found when designing a model based diagnosis system, which improves the fault isolation. To use mixed causality, derivatives are estimated with smoothing spline approximation.
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Development of Methods for Automatic Design of Residual Generators / Utveckling av metoder för automatisk design av residualgeneratorerSvärd, Carl, Wassén, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
Legislation requires substantially lowered emissions and that all trucks manufactured are equipped with an On-Board Diagnosis (OBD) system. One approach for designing an OBD system is to use model based diagnosis and residual generation. At Scania CV AB, a method for automatic design of a diagnosis system from a model has been developed but there are still possibilities for improvements to get more and better residual generators. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and improve the existing method. A theoretic outline of two methods using different causality assumptions is presented and the differences are analyzed and discussed. Stability of residual generators is analyzed and a method for constructing stable residual generators and its consequences for the diagnosis system is presented. Methods using integral and derivative causality are found not to be equivalent for all dynamic systems, resulting in that a diagnosis system utilizing both methods would be preferred for detectability reasons. A stable residual generator can be constructed from an unstable residual generator. The method for stabilizing a residual generator affects the fault sensitivity of the residual generator and the fault detectability properties of the diagnosis system. / Lagkrav kräver väsentligt sänkta emissionsnivåer och att alla tillverkade lastbilar är utrustade med ett system för On-Board Diagnosis (OBD). Ett sätt att konstruera ett OBD system är att använda modellbaserad diagnos och residualgenerering. På Scania CV AB har en metod för automatisk konstruktion av ett diagnossystem utifrån en modell utvecklats, men det finns utrymme för bättringar som leder till att fler och bättre residualgeneratorer konstrueras. Huvudsyftet med examensarbetet är att analysera och förbättra den existerande metoden. En teoretisk beskrivning av två metoder som använder sig av olika kausalitet presenteras och skillnaderna analyseras och diskuteras. Stabiliteten hos residualgeneratorer analyseras och en metod för att konstruera stabila residualgeneratorer och dess konsekvenser för diagnossystemet presenteras. Metoder som använder sig av integrerande respektive deriverande kausalitet visar sig inte vara ekvivalenta för alla dynamiska system, vilket resulterar i att ett diagnossystem som använder sig av båda kausaliteterna är att föredra i ett diagnossystem med avseende på detekterbarhet. En stabil residualgenerator kan konstrueras från en instabil residualgenerator. Metoden för att stabilisera en residualgenerator påverkar felkänsligheten hos residualgeneratorn och feldetekterbarheten hos diagnossystemet.
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Residual Generation Methods for Fault Diagnosis with Automotive ApplicationsSvärd, Carl January 2009 (has links)
The problem of fault diagnosis consists of detecting and isolating faults present in a system. As technical systems become more and more complex and the demands for safety, reliability and environmental friendliness are rising, fault diagnosis is becoming increasingly important. One example is automotive systems, where fault diagnosis is a necessity for low emissions, high safety, high vehicle uptime, and efficient repair and maintenance. One approach to fault diagnosis, providing potentially good performance and in which the need for additional hardware is minimal, is model-based fault diagnosis with residuals. A residual is a signal that is zero when the system under diagnosis is fault-free, and non-zero when particular faults are present in the system. Residuals are typically generated by using a mathematical model of the system and measurements from sensors and actuators. This process is referred to as residual generation. The main contributions in this thesis are two novel methods for residual generation. In both methods, systems described by Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) models are considered. Such models appear in a large class of technical systems, for example automotive systems. The first method consider observer-based residual generation for linear DAE-models. This method places no restrictions on the model, such as e.g. observability or regularity, in comparison with other previous methods. If the faults of interest can be detected in the system, the output from the design method is a residual generator, in state-space form, that is sensitive to the faults of interest. The method is iterative and relies on constant matrix operations, such as e.g. null-space calculations and equivalence transformations. In the second method, non-linear DAE-models are considered. The proposed method belongs to a class of methods, in this thesis referred to as sequential residual generation, which has shown to be successful for real applications. This method enables simultaneous use of integral and derivative causality, and is able to handle equation sets corresponding to algebraic and differential loops in a systematic manner. It relies on a formal framework for computing unknown variables in the model according to a computation sequence, in which the analytical properties of the equations in the model as well as the available tools for equation solving are taken into account. The method is successfully applied to complex models of an automotive diesel engine and a hydraulic braking system.
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