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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leaf-litter and microsite on seedling recruitment in an alley-planted E. sargentii and Atriplex spp. saline agricultural system

Farrell, Claire January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] In order to assess the sustainability of mixed plantings on saline land, this thesis examined the importance of leaf-litter trapping and microsites on recruitment in a salt affected alley-belted (tree/shrub) agricultural system in Western Australia. Located in the low rainfall region (MAR <330 mm) of the wheatbelt, the 60 ha site consists of concentric rows of Eucalyptus sargentii trees with mounded (6 - 11 cm high) 10 -15 m inter-rows of Atriplex spp. Sustainability of this system and fulfilment of productive and ameliorative functions is dependant on successful recruitment (perennials). Although the present study site was conducted on farmland in a Mediterranean-type climate, low annual rainfall and spatial arrangement of perennial shrubs and trees, allow useful comparisons to be made with naturally occurring banded semi-arid systems and vice-versa. Of key interest were leaf-litter redistribution and trapping by tree and shrub rows and whether litter-cover/microsites facilitated/interfered with seedling recruitment (establishment, growth and survival). Litter from the tree row, redistributed by prevailing winds and rain, accumulated adjacent to saltbush seeding mounds, creating a mosaic of bare and littered areas across the site (total litter 10 t/ha over 22 months). Accumulated litter was hypothesized to differentially influence seasonal soil abiotic parameters (depending on litter-cover density) including; salinity, water availability, infiltration rates, water repellency and temperature. These abiotic conditions were also hypothesized to vary between tree and shrub microsites. Biotically, recruitment at this site was also hypothesized to be determined by interactions (positive and negative) between perennial components and understorey annuals/perennial seedlings. Accumulation of litter and resultant heterogeneity was influenced by shrub morphology, microtopography, wind direction and distance from litter source, with increased litter on the leeward sides of hemispherical Atriplex undulata shrubs and shrubs closest to tree rows. ... The importance of tree/shrub microsites varied seasonally, with no influence in winter due to moderate temperatures and increased water availability. In warmer months saltbush mid-row microsites were most favourable for seedling recruitment due to moderate litter-cover; reducing salinity, temperatures and increasing infiltration; and reduced root-competition/shading by the tree row. Tree microsites also directly inhibited seedling recruitment through increased salinities and water repellency. However, trees also indirectly facilitated recruitment in adjacent areas through provision of leaf-litter. As litter-trapping and recruitment patterns at this site mirror those found in semi-arid natural and artificial systems, the results of this study provide useful insights into creating appropriate mimics of low rainfall natural banded woodland and chenopod shrublands. Saltbush seeding mounds, shrub morphology and litter were key components for litter trapping and recruitment heterogeneity at this site. In this tree/shrub alley planting, where litter quantities directly influence vegetation cover densities, future saline plantings need to consider appropriate tree/shrub row spacings and orientation for efficient resource (seeds, litter and water) capture.

Revegetation of coal mine dumps to ameliorate effects of acidic seepage.

Mikli, Markus H. January 2001 (has links)
Species prescriptions are developed for revegetating abandoned acidic coal overburden seepage sites in the Collie region of Western Australia. The research involved selecting appropriate plant species and determining successful methods of enhancing revegetation. Candidate species were screened for tolerance to acidic overburden materials, local climate conditions and metal toxicity. Methods tested included improving spoil conditions and trialing an alternative method for seeding.Twelve species of native plants were tested for tolerance in two acid overburden materials in pot and field trials. Eucalyptus robusta is the most tolerant, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus cladocalyx are highly tolerant, Eucalyptus rudis and Melaleuca hamulosa demonstrate potential, provided adequate soil moisture is available.An important growth restriction factor in acid soils is the presence of free aluminium ions. A glasshouse trial performed on seven species for tolerance to aluminium toxicity revealed E. robusta as most tolerant and E. camaldulensis and Kunzea ericifolia a highly tolerant. E. rudis and M. hamulosa are moderately tolerant, but E. cladocalyx and Eucalyptus diversicolor are very sensitive to aluminium.Various methods were trialed to increase growth of seedlings transplanted on to acidic overburden sites. Both commercial cow manure and slow-release fertiliser tablets increase growth, whereas commercial potting mix and lime do not. Inoculation of plants with the ectomycorrhiza fungus Pisolithus tinctorius increases the amount of infection in roots but does not enhance plant growth.Supplementary fertilisation is necessary to maintain growth (nitrogen) and restore chlorophyll production (phosphorus) in fast growing eucalypt seedlings planted into typical acidic spoils. Poor levels of nutrient availability in such acidic sites appear to be the primary factor in ++ / retarding growth. In the absence of supplementation, foliage reddening is observed in several species.An alternative method of seeding dumps is fascining. Prepared dump surfaces may be covered with capsule-laden branchwood of myrtaceous species. Material of the locally available Kunzea ericifolia is effective in producing many seedlings. Subsequent seedling growth is enhanced with fertiliser and lime addition.

Seed biology and rehabilitation in the arid zone : a study in the Shark Bay world heritage area, Western Australia

Commander, Lucy January 2009 (has links)
Research into seed biology and restoration ecology of areas disturbed by mining is crucial to their revegetation. Shark Bay Salt, a solar salt facility in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area in Western Australia has several areas of disturbance as a result of 'soil borrowing'. Soil from these areas termed 'borrow pits' was used to create infrastructure such as the roads and embankments surrounding the evaporation ponds. Many of the pits contain little to no vegetation after >10 years since disturbance ceased, hence research into their restoration is now essential. A vegetation survey at the site established the key species in the undisturbed vegetation, and investigated the vegetation in borrow pits subject to natural migration and topsoil replacement. The vegetation communities in the borrow pits were vastly different to those in the undisturbed vegetation, highlighting the need for research into revegetation. An investigation into the use of 'borrowed' topsoil on a small scale showed that seedling recruitment from 'borrowed' topsoil was generally similar in the donor site (natural vegetation) and the borrow pits. Due to the absence of topsoil for further revegetation, it was necessary to understand seed germination and dormancy characteristics to establish seed pre-treatments prior to seed broadcasting and seedling (greenstock) planting. An investigation into seed germination and dormancy characteristics of 18 common species revealed that most species germinated equally well at 26/13oC and 33/18oC, however seven species had improved performance at 26/13oC. Untreated seeds of seven species exhibited high germination. Seeds of two species had low imbibition, which increased with hot-water treatment, and hence require scarification for germination. Germination of seeds of three species substantially increased with gibberellic acid (GA3), smoke water (SW) and karrikinolide (KAR1, a butenolide isolated from smoke). Seeds of the remaining six species had low germination regardless of treatment. As a result, species were classified as likely to be non-dormant (44%), physiologically dormant (44%) or physically dormant (11%). Physiological dormancy of three species was at least partly alleviated by dry afterripening, whereby moisture content of seeds was adjusted to 13% or 50% equilibrium relative humidity and seeds were stored at 30oC or 45oC for several months. All iv after-ripening conditions increased germination percentage and rate of two species with one only germinating when treated with GA3 or KAR1. The germination of the third species was dependent on after-ripening temperature and seed moisture content.

Soil development, plant colonization and landscape function analysis for disturbed lands under natural and assisted rehabilitation

Setyawan, Dwi January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Spontaneous plant growth and soil development occur at disturbed sites with their extent and nature being variously affected by soil fertility status, local climate and topographic conditions. Soil-plant interactions can be diverse and site-specific within a disturbed landscape. The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate soil characteristics and landscape indices in relation to natural plant growth and soil development under different conditions and for diverse materials. A comprehensive study has been carried out to evaluate spontaneous soil development and plant colonization on various regolith materials at a railway cutting near Jarrahdale bauxite mine and on various substrates comprising waste rock, weathered regolith and replaced topsoil at Scotia (Norseman, Western Australia) and Kelian (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). At Jarrahdale soil development has occurred slowly over 36 years in relation to morphological changes in surface horizons. Soils at several locations exhibit substantial changes in color, texture and structure. The slow soil development is primarily due to low biomass and litter contributions (˜1 Mg/ha) from colonizing plants (e.g. Dryandra sessilis, Eucalyptus marginata and low shrubs) on the cutting shelf and slow litter decomposition. Nutrient accumulation is up to 5 kg N/ha, and 0.5 kg/ha for P and K. Surface soil samples from Jarrahdale are generally acidic (pH < 5.1) and contain low concentrations of total soil carbon (20 g/kg) and nutrients of total nitrogen (0.73 g/kg), bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus (bic-P) (< 2 mg/kg), bic-K (37 mg/kg) and total exchangeable bases (<1.1 cmol/kg, with 24 % base saturation). Soil properties at the Scotia waste dump are mainly associated with alkaline (mean pH = 9) and saline conditions (EC1:5 = 1.01 dS/m). Exchangeable base values are high with average concentrations of exchangeable Ca of 18 cmol/kg and exchangeable Mg of 6 cmol/kg, thus these elements are not a limiting factor for plant nutrition. Patchy plant growth on the waste dump is mostly related to differences in water availability in the arid region and to salinity such that halophytes (saltbushes Maireana and Atriplex) colonize many parts of the waste dump together with some Melaleuca and Eucalyptus species

The use of remotely sensed data to analyse spatial and temporal trends in vegetation patchiness within rehabilitated bauxite mines in the Darling Range, W.A.

Prananto, Agnes Kristina January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The assessment of rehabilitation success is time consuming and costly for bauxite miners because large areas of land (~550 ha per year) are involved. In some cases, rehabilitation results in patches of bare or sparsely vegetated soil. This study uses remote sensing imagery to evaluate the growth of vegetation in rehabilitated bauxite mines in the Darling Range, W.A. This work has five aims, which are to (1) compare vegetation biomass within rehabilitated areas and nearby native forest; (2) analyse temporal changes in vegetation growth within the selected rehabilitated areas, in particular rehabilitated areas with patches of bare soil; (3) compare vegetation growth pre- and post- mining; (4) identify the best type of remotely sensed data for this particular study area, and (5) develop an index, which can classify the degree of vegetation patchiness within rehabilitated mine sites. This information will enable rehabilitation workers to identify patches in rehabilitated areas that may require further remediation. The study used RADARSAT, nine years of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps (extracted from LANDSAT TM multivariate imagery and Quickbird imagery) and aerial photographs to evaluate forty-seven ~1 ha study sites. Image and map analyses were conducted mainly using ESRI’s software ArcGIS 8.3 and ER Mapper 6.4. Ground truthing was carried out to confirm and recognise the causes of bare patches within the rehabilitated mine sites ... The results indicate that differences in rehabilitation management do not affect this index but the extent of bare patches does. Due to the sensitivity of radar imagery to surface roughness, rehabilitated areas cannot be distinguished from the native forest using radar images. A building (crusher) appears to be the same as mature vegetation. Knowledge of the features in an area is therefore crucial when utilising RADARSAT. The beam elevation angle and profile of the RADARSAT image used, made superimposition of radar and optical imageries impossible. Speckle noise in RADARSAT images made it impossible to detect relatively small bare patches. In addition, the many cloud free days in Western Australia make optical imaging possible so that the ability of radar imagery to penetrate cloud is redundant for this type of study.

Availability and management of manganese and water in bauxite residue revegetation

Gherardi, Mark James January 2004 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Industrial processing to refine alumina from bauxite ore produces millions of tonnes of refining residue each year in Australia. Revegetation of bauxite residue sand (BRS) is problematic for a number of reasons. Harsh chemical conditions caused by residual NaOH from ore digestion mean plants must overcome extremely high pH (initially >12), saline and sodic conditions. At such high pH, manganese (Mn) is rapidly oxidised from Mn2+ to Mn4+. Plants can take up only Mn2+. Thus, Mn deficiency is common in plants used for direct BRS revegetation, and broadcast Mn fertilisers have low residual value. Added to this, physical conditions of low water-holding capacity and a highly compactable structure make BRS unfavourable for productive plant growth without constant and large inputs of water as well as Mn. However, environmental regulations stipulate that the residue disposal area at Pinjarra, Western Australia, be revegetated to conform with surrounding land uses. The major land use of the area is pasture for grazing stock. Hence, pasture revegetation with minimum requirement for fertiliser and water application is desirable. This thesis investigates a number of avenues with potential for maintaining a productive pasture system on BRS whilst reducing the current level of Mn fertiliser and irrigation input. Emphasis was placed on elucidation of chemical and physical factors affecting Mn availability to plants in BRS

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