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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rizika užívání Facebooku a pedagogické možnosti jejich prevence / The Dangers of Using Facebook and the Pedagogical Ways to Prevent It

Windischová, Anita January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with dangers connected with using of internet social network Facebook concerning mainly children and teenagers and it suggests possible ways to reduce these dangers. At the beginning Facebook principles and the basic psychological characteritics of the Internet, which are relevant also for Facebook, are presented. It implies some negatives and risks connected with using Facebook which are described in the next parts of the thesis. There is a focus on dangerous phenomena which include cybergrooming, cyberstalking and cyberbullying. The text deals with their prevention and possible resolution. The thesis discusses possible ways of prevention of risks of internet communication with the focus on Facebook and it presents projects dealing with the prevention in this area. Empirical part of the thesis examines relation between risk behaviour and awareness of dangers and safer using of Facebook. The questionnaire survey was made and it concerns pupils of the second grade of primary school from Kadaň. It also examines connection between risk behaviour and the frequency of meeting some undesirable situations described in the theoretical part and it deals with differences between boys and girls in this field.

Hodnoty a aspirace klientů v ústavní výchově / Value and aspiration of clients with constitutional education

Pospíšilová, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with values and life aspirations of clients with ordered institutional education. The hesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with legislation related to replacement foster care in the Czech Republic, the etiology of risk behaviour, behavioural disorders of childhood, and the impacts of institutional education on the overall development of the personality of the child. The aim of the practical part is to map the clients of the children's home with the Liběchov School through a research survey. Focus on clients' lives before entering the DDŠ and identify their value orientation and life aspirations in the field of education and partnership in the context of (in connection with) original family environment. The results of the survey point to the perception of family value, partnership in relationships, and education. KEYWORDS eplacement foster care, risk behaviour , behavioural disorders , moral development, attachment, deprivation, family.

Rizikové chování žáků SOŠ a SOU Kralupy nad Vltavou / Risk behaviour of pupils at SOŠ and SOU Kralupy nad Vltavou

Černá, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with risk behavior of pupils of SOŠ and SOU Kralupy nad Vltavou. The aim of this work is primarily to find out what risk behavior is actually occurring at SOŠ and SOU Kralupy nad Vltavou, whether pupils themselves are aware of how the school attempts to prevent the occurrence of this undesirable behavior, and what is used to eliminate the risk behavior of pupils. It reveals how risk behaviors are treated in the school's basic documents and how this behavior is being prevented. It deals with the functioning of the school counseling center and the work of class teachers. Methods used for this work are document study, focus group and interviews. Observation is an additional method. Research shows that the most common risk behaviors are truancy, substance abuse, bullying and cyberbullying, aggression in the form of vandalism and vulgarism. Based on the study of school documents, it recommends possible ways of making the work of the school counseling center more effective, primary and secondary prevention at school, class teacher's work, and class lessons. The conclusion of the thesis is to recommend the school how to promote the elimination of pupils' risk behaviors. Key words: Risk behaviour, school methodologies of prevention, educational consultant, form teacher, minimum...

Využití volného času středoškolské mládeže v regionu Klatovy / Using of free time by students from the secondary schools in Klatovy region

NEPRAŠOVÁ, Marcela January 2008 (has links)
Processing of problems of using free time by students in connection with possible risk behaviour with factors which influence adolescence, going to the secondary school, preference of free time activities and ways which influence these activities.

Spolupráce kurátora pro mládež se školskými zařízeními. / Colaboration of Curator for Youth with Educational Institutions.

ŠROUBOVÁ, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The author of this diploma thesis focuses on the issues of cooperation of the curator for children and youngsters with school institutions (especially schools). The aim of this cooperation and its subsequent description is to elaborate a multiple case study of selected students whose issues were so serious that the help of a curator was needed. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the behaviour of students that is so serious that it goes beyond the scope of regular pedagogical approaches conducted by the school. The system of institutional help, often at hand to schools in such situations, is described with respect to the function of the curator for youngsters. The practical part of the thesis provides the reader with a multiple case study of several selected students whose issues were so severe that the cooperation of a curator was required. A qualitative research was used to elaborate the study and the results were obtained by semi-structured interviews with the students' parents, teachers, specialized pedagogical centre workers as well as the students themselves.

Zkušenosti s realizací primární prevence na základních školách. / Experience with the realization of the prevention on primary schools.

SVĚTLÁ, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is focused on experience with the realization of the prevention on primary schools. The aim of my thesis was to find out, if the schools engage in prevention activity and how the realization and efficacy looks like. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical and the second is research. In the first chapter of the theoretical part I dealt with risk behaviour, I briefly described its particular forms. In the second chapter of the theoretical part I focused on the content of the word prevention, primary prevention in curricular documents and scholar primary prevention. In the second section of the thesis, which is the practical part, I have collected information and opinions of different subjects on realization preventive programs at school. I compared the results of the research of two grammar schools. The first type of the collection of data was questionnaire research qualitative research. The date we have gained provided us the information about the opinions of the efficacy of preventive programs from the point of view of the pupils. The second type of collected data was an interview with the Methodist of the prevention. This information show us a different point of view on risk behaviour, its prevention and efficacy of the realization primary prevention activity.

Účinnost preventivních programů v primární prevenci sexuálně přenosných chorob u studentů Zdravotně sociální fakulty Jihočeské univerzity. / The effectiveness of prevention programs in primary prevention of sexually transmitted diseases of students of Faculty of health and social studies of University of South Bohemia.

VÁLKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Sex is a natural means of reproduction, but by far it is not practised solely for that purpose. In recent years there has been a large release of morality and today we would hardly find a young person with a belief that sex serves for reproduction only. Sexual life is no longer taboo and therefore it is necessary to speak also about the adverse phenomena that accompany it. There is unwanted pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases present a serious global problem that does not fudge even our society. Young people represent the largest risk group in terms of infection who go through various relationsship selecting a permanent partner. The primary prevention is the most important way how to fight against sexually transmitted diseases, and it is important particularly for those who have not begun yet to live sexually. For this reason it is often implemented in the form of prevention programs in school facilities. The current situation of sexually transmitted diseases in the Czech Republic was charted in the theoretical part of this work. The goal of the practical part of this work was to obtain an overview of the effectiveness of prevention programs in the primary prevention of sexually transmitted diseases among students of Health and Social Studies University of South Bohemia. There were defined four hypotheses for this purpose. The first hypothesis: Young people get more information about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases from the media and from their peers than from schools and parents. The second hypothesis: Experience with random sex has a quarter of respondents. The third hypothesis was formulated as follows: Women have more knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases than men. The fourth hypothesis: Women observe the principles of safe sex more than men. The quantitative research, questioning method and questionnaire technique were used to collect empirical data. The questionnaire was anonymous and had electronic form. The research sample consisted of full-time bachelor programs students of Health and Social Studies University of South Bohemia, who belong by their age structure into the most vulnerable group of infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Respondents. The research was attended by 531 respondents. The first, third and fourth hypothesis were not confirmed on the based of a statistical test. The third hypothesis was confirmed statistically. The descriptive statistics shows that young adults do not have sufficient knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and have no fear of the disease, which is also reflected in their behavior. The prevention programs for primary prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in the Czech Republic are not quite sufficient, according to the achieved results and in my opinion, and we can not talk about their proven effectiveness. It can be said they provide at least some awareness of the risks associated with sexual intercourse. In my opinion, it is necessary to establish the precise form of the curriculum and to incorporate sex education into the framework of the educational plan as a separate subject in school facilities as basic and secondary. It is necessary to involve parents into the process of primary prevention by increasing their awareness and to pass the acquired information. It is also necessary to promote a form of barrier contraception and introduce general preventive programs in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevence rizikového chování na druhém stupni základních škol ve vztahu k problematice volného času / Prevention of risk behaviour at upper primary school in relation to the issue of leisure time

ZEVLOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The study enquires into the issue of risk behaviour prevention in relation to the importance of leisure time in upper primary school pupils. The theoretical part looks into the characteristics of leisure time and its importance, causes of risk behaviour, and the options for its prevention. The practical part examines the views of pupils, parents and education staff on the issues of risk behaviour and leisure time. The aim of the study was to analyse the types of leisure time activities and other related phenomena in a selected group of upper primary school pupils. The quantitative research approach was utilised, the data was acquired by means of a questionnaire. The survey research served as a basis for formulation of recommendations for leisure time education.

Výskyt vybraného rizikového chování u dětí z hlediska genderu. / Occurance of the chosen risk in term of the gender about children.

MÁCHALOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The problems of hazardous behavior with adolescents are getting into the foreground of the wide public. The problem of hazardous behavior with children, adolescents or young people is very real, not only in the Czech Republic, but all over the world, at prezent, it is a worldwide problem representing a substantial social problem with which many specialists in the field of psychologists, psychiatrics, educators, politics and other participating institucions, World Health Organization, are dealing. The Publisher results of research are pointing to a non- decreasing occurrence of hazardous behavior, where it comes to a basic shifting to a lower age group from the point of view of the gender eguality, when the girls and boys engage in hazardous behavior with different circumstances, conditions and occurrence. A whole range of research on this theme exists, but it does not fully concern the hazardous behavior, for instance in connection with information technologies, cell phones and using of habit-forming drugs. The thesis is divided in the theoretical and the practical part. In the theoretical part, the selected forms of hazardous behavior with children and the gender problems are described. In the practical part, the quantitative research method has been chosen,a method of gathering data by means of a questionnaire. The research summary for questionnaire inquiry was created by pupils attending the 7 th to 9 th school year of the primary schools in the South Bohemian region. The aim and purpose of the thesis was to find the appearance of selected risk behaviour with the children from the point of view of the gender, and to map the differences with a view to the gender problems. The aim was accomplished. There were four hypothesis stated. H1: The boys are a more endangered group in occurance of a hazardous behavior in connection with alkohol than the girls. H2: There is a higher risk in connection with usaje non-legal drugs about boys than about girls. H3: Boys are more endangered in the occurrence of a hazardous behavior in connection with habit-forming behavior relating to virtual milieu. H4: Girls are more endangered in connection with communication technology. The thesis may be used as an information survey of a selected hazardous behavior with the children and with the gender problems. The results of the research can be used as informative material for the lay public, for children and adolescents, for parents and other specialists (anti-drug coordinator, methodic of school prevention and not least for the education or as basics for a further following research aktivity. Further, the results of the research can be used for a closer determination of suitable prevention programs. For this reason, the results of the research were given to schools, where the research observation proceeded for the purpose of enhancement of the primarily preventive activity.

Vybrané rizikové chování a společensky nežádoucí jevy u dětí základních škol / A Selected Risk Behavior a Socially Undesirable Phenomenon by Children at Elementary School

SUCHELOVÁ, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with selected risk behaviour and socially undesirable phenomena in elementary school children. The data for the thesis were collected in ninth classes of elementary schools in the regions of South Bohemia, Central Bohemia and Ústí. Quantitative research, questioning method, the technique of anonymous questionnaire were used to ascertain the data; preset hypotheses are verified or falsified on the base of evaluation of the questionnaire. The respondents filled out the questionnaires at school, but with exclusion of the authority close to them, in order to obtain as high validity of data as possible. The thesis has a theoretical part describing individual selected phenomena, previous statistics of their incidence and the current period of life of the respondents. The practical part sets goals and describes the actual research and discussion with authors I have drawn from. The goal of the work was to map the incidence and extent of the selected phenomena of pupils of ninth classes of elementary schools. Partial goals were to select the phenomena among the individual regions and to compare the data with implemented prevention. The research shows that the selected phenomena occur in all regions; none of the phenomena is absent in any of the regions. Use of legal, socially tolerated substances, i.e. alcohol and tobacco, is most frequently represented. Each of the selected reasons is more endangered in another form of risk behaviour than the other regions. The Region of South Bohemia appears as the most risky one, with the highest experience of pupils with illegal drugs, both in the number of cases experience and in the frequency of use. The research also shows that the implementation of primary prevention comes late for almost all forms of selected risk behaviour, often only after the pupils have engaged themselves, or shortly before. The results of the thesis can be used in practice, e.g. by instructors of primary prevention, by school methodologists to set up Minimum preventive programs and last but not least for teaching and for the need of other research.

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