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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ALEXANDRE FRANCISCO BARRAL SILVA 13 December 2007 (has links)
[pt] Em terrenos acidentados é crítico para robôs móveis manter uma adequada tração nas rodas, pois um excessivo deslizamento das mesmas pode fazer o robô capotar ou desviar da rota desejada. Também, se uma força excessiva é aplicada sobre uma região do terreno, pode levar o mesmo a ceder deixando as rodas presas. Para se evitar os problemas acima citados e ainda otimizar o consumo de energia em terrenos planos, a presente dissertação desenvolveu um controle de tração para terrenos acidentados com o intuito de aplicá- lo ao Robô Ambiental Híbrido (RAH) da Petrobrás. O RAH é um robô móvel anfíbio que está em fase de desenvolvimento no Laboratório de Robótica do CENPES (Petrobras), que poderá ser comandado por um operador ou se deslocar autonomamente. Esse robô faz parte do projeto Cognitus, braço tecnológico do projeto Piatam (Potenciais Impactos e Riscos Ambientais da Indústria de Óleo e Gás na Amazônia), e será aplicado na monitoração e coleta de dados do meio ambiente de dois gasodutos da Petrobrás na região Amazônica, o gasoduto Urucu (AM)- Porto Velho (RO) e o gasoduto Coari (AM) - Manaus (AM). A técnica de controle de tração de veículos robóticos em terrenos acidentados desenvolvida visa controlar a velocidade ao mesmo tempo em que garante a estabilidade dinâmica, não deslizamento das rodas, evita a saturação dos motores, e em certas condições ainda permite minimizar a potência requerida através do conhecimento dos ângulos de contato entre as rodas e o terreno. Foram feitas duas modelagens independentes, uma considerando a suspensão do robô flexível e a outra considerando o veículo robótico como um corpo rígido, sendo ambas para o caso plano (2D).Foram realizadas simulações em terrenos suaves e acidentados, as quais comprovaram a eficácia das técnicas de controle propostas. / [en] Abstract Silva, Alexandre F. Barral Silva; Meggiolaro, Marco Antonio. Traction Control to Mobile Robotic Systems in Rough Terrain. Rio de Janeiro, 2004. 194 p. MSc. Thesis - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. In rough terrain it is critical for mobile robots to maintain adequate wheel traction, because excessive sliding could cause the robot to roll over or deviate from its intended path. Also, if an excessive force is applied onto the terrain, the soil may fail and trap the robot wheels. To avoid these problems, and also minimize the power consumption on even terrain, the present work develops a rough terrain traction control to be applied to the Hybrid Environmental Robot (HER) from Petrobras. The HER is an amphibious mobile robot developed by the Robotics Laboratory from CENPES (Petrobras). It can be commanded by an operator or autonomously. This robot is part of the Cognitus Project, technological branch of the Piatam project (Potential Impacts and Environmental Risks of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Amazon). It will be used for monitoring and environmental data collecting along two gas pipelines in the Amazon region, the Urucu (AM) - Porto Velho (RO) and the Coari (AM) - Manaus (AM). The developed traction control of robotic vehicles in rough terrain aims to control the speed at the same time that it guarantees dynamic stability, no slip of the wheels, prevents motor saturation, and under certain conditions it may also allow for the minimization of the required power. This control needs the knowledge of the current state of the robot, including the contact angles between its wheels and the terrain. Two independent 2D models have been proposed, one including the suspension compliance and one considering the robotic vehicle as a rigid body. Simulations have been performed in even and rough terrains, proving the effectiveness of the proposed control techniques.


AUDERI VICENTE SANTOS 21 December 2007 (has links)
[pt] O uso de robôs móveis para monitorar locais inacessíveis vem se tornando cada vez mais comum. Essas operações podem ser autônomas ou tripuladas e quando são feitas em terrenos irregulares é preciso garantir segurança na missão, pois muitas das vezes o resgate se torna inviável. O robô estudado nesta dissertação terá dificuldades para locomoção em certas localidades, como por exemplo: derrapagem em regiões alagadas, vencer atoleiro em regiões pantanosas e de brejos e capotagem nas regiões que apresentam aclives e declives. Diante deste quadro de problemas apresentados, garantir a estabilidade nas regiões de ladeiras é de grande valor nas operações, sejam elas tele-operadas ou autônomas. Visando contribuir para o sucesso da locomoção do robô, esta dissertação apresenta uma técnica de controle de estabilidade de um robô móvel para sensoreamento remoto em terrenos irregulares, incluindo projeto, simulação e construção de um protótipo funcional. Este controle visa garantir que as rodas do veículo não descolem do terreno, através da atuação nas forças de atrito entre as rodas e o solo variando os torques nos seus motores. / [en] The use of mobile robots to monitor non-accessible environments has become increasingly common in the recent years. These tasks can be either autonomous, remote-controlled, or passenger-operated. When performed in rough terrain, it is necessary to guarantee mission safety, since many times it is impossible to send a rescue party for recovery. The hybrid environmental robot presented in this thesis is a mobile robot that will face very challenging conditions, avoiding e.g. slippage in wet terrain, becoming trapped in muddy soil, and tipping over in regions with high slopes. Therefore, it is a challenging task to guarantee robot stability under such circumstances, either in autonomous or operated tasks. This thesis presents a stability control methodology for a mobile robot to perform remote sensing tasks in rough terrain. The model-based technique guarantees wheel-ground contact at all times, acting individually at the wheel motors to control the traction/friction forces. This work also addresses the design, simulation and construction aspects of a functional prototype of a mobile robot to validate the proposed approach.

Design and Development of a Novel Reconfigurable Wheeled Robot for Off-Road Applications

Attia, Tamer Said Abdelzaher 14 November 2018 (has links)
Autonomous navigation with high speed in rough terrain is one of the most challenging tasks for wheeled robots. To achieve mobility over this terrain, a high agility wheeled robot should adapt and react fast to optimally traverse this challenging environment. Therefore, this dissertation is geared towards the design and development of a novel reconfigurable wheeled robot paradigm for rough terrain applications. This research focuses on the design, modeling, analysis and control of the reconfigurable wheeled robot, TIGER, with an elastic actuated mechanism for improving the robot's dynamic stability on rough terrain by controlling the robot's ground clearance, body roll and pitch angles. The elastic actuated mechanism mainly consists of a linear actuator connected in series with a shock absorber. Four sets of the elastic actuated mechanism are used to create different robot configurations to adapt to the terrain. Three main aspects were considered in this research in order to extend the ability of the robot to effectively navigate in rough terrain. The first aspect focuses on designing an agile reconfigurable wheeled robot by including an elastic actuated mechanism for improving maneuverability, longitudinal/lateral stability, and rollover prevention. Robot agility, stability, and high speed have been considered during the design process. The new design provides different configuration modes. These configurations allow for controlling the robot's Center Of Mass (COM) height and optimally distribute the vertical force on each tire for enhancing the tractive efficiency, mobility and dynamic stability. The second aspect presents the robot kinematic and dynamic modeling and analysis. The robot dynamics model is represented with fourteen degrees of freedom (DOF), where the dynamic behaviors of the robot body, suspension system, forces and moments on the tires are included. The dynamic behavior is controlled using the linear actuators' position and speed as inputs to determine the resulting ground clearance, body roll, and pitch angles. Sensors are integrated onboard the robot to calculate the robot's states in real time for use in feedback control. The third aspect focuses on introducing a technique for estimating the robot state-space dynamic model and control the Elastic Actuated Mechanism (EAM) using only a noisy Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with COM position uncertainty. The simulation results show that the observer estimates the actual behavior of the robot with 95% accuracy and up to 20% COM uncertainty. The Root Mean Square (RMS) has been reduced by 21% for bounce, 51% for pitch and 50% for roll acceleration. / Ph. D. / Wheeled mobile robots are being used for rough terrain applications in the field of robotics as a practical solution to accomplish various tasks. Unfortunately, most of the wheeled robots are not able to perform high dynamically tasks with high speed in rough terrain due to complex suspension design, high power-to-weight ratio, high cost and complexity of controlling highly nonlinear model in real-time. Therefore, this dissertation is geared towards the design and development of a novel reconfigurable wheeled robot paradigm for rough terrain applications. This research focuses on the design, modeling, analysis and control of the reconfigurable wheeled robot, TIGER, with an elastic actuated mechanism for improving the robot’s dynamic stability on rough terrain by controlling the robot’s ground clearance, body roll and pitch angles. The elastic actuated mechanism mainly consists of a linear actuator connected in series with a shock absorber. Four sets of the elastic actuated mechanism are used to create different robot configurations to adapt to the terrain. Three main aspects were considered in this research in order to extend the ability of the robot to effectively navigate in rough terrain. The first aspect focuses on designing an agile reconfigurable wheeled robot by including an elastic actuated mechanism for improving maneuverability, longitudinal/lateral stability, and rollover prevention. Robot agility, stability, and high speed have been considered during the design process. The new design provides different configuration modes. These configurations allow for controlling the robot’s COM height and optimally distribute the vertical force on each tire for enhancing the tractive efficiency, mobility and dynamic stability. The second aspect presents the robot kinematic and dynamic modeling and analysis. The robot dynamics model is represented with fourteen degrees of freedom (DOF), where the dynamic behaviors of the robot body, suspension system, forces and moments on the tires are included. The dynamic behavior is controlled using the linear actuators’ position and speeds as inputs to determine the resulting ground clearance, body roll, and pitch angles. Sensors are integrated onboard the robot to calculate the robot’s states in real time for use in feedback control. The third aspect focuses on introducing a technique for estimating the robot state-space dynamic model and control the EAM using only a noisy IMU with COM position uncertainty. The simulation results show that the observer estimates the actual behavior of the robot with 95% accuracy and up to 20% COM uncertainty. The RMS has been reduced by 21% for bounce, 51% for pitch and 50% for roll acceleration.


RICARDO MORROT LIMA 23 March 2011 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação aborda conceitos interdisciplinares de Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia de Software, com foco principal no estudo de sistemas mecânicos. Atualmente, operações de monitoração por meio de veículos autônomos se tornam cada vez mais comuns, enquanto os ambientes a que esses veículos robóticos são submetidos passam a ser cada vez mais hostis, principalmente em relação aos obstáculos e características dos terrenos. O presente trabalho introduz o desenvolvimento de um simulador dinâmico em 3D em tempo real para veículos robóticos em terrenos acidentados. Um algoritmo de interseção é desenvolvido entre um terreno 3D genérico e cada roda de um veículo. Um modelo de força de contato pneu-terreno é implementado, levando em consideração as combinações das derivas longitudinal e lateral. O modelo também inclui os efeitos de corrente contínua de motores, levando-se em consideração a interação entre a parte mecânica e a elétrica, inclusive uma aproximação contínua do modelo de atrito de LuGre, considerando as limitações de potência das baterias do sistema. O simulador também inclui equações para um controle de estabilidade 2D, levando em consideração apenas a estabilização do ângulo de arfagem (pitch) do veículo. Este trabalho propõe, além disso, um controle de estabilidade 3D utilizando um indicador de estabilidade que pode ser calculado em tempo real, baseado em uma estimativa de distribuição de forças de contato entre roda e terreno. O simulador é validado mediante comparações com soluções analíticas do comportamento longitudinal do veículo robótico. / [en] This dissertation approaches interdisciplinary concepts of Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering, with a main focus on the study of mechanical systems. Nowadays, the task of monitoring with autonomous vehicles has become more and more common, while the environment to which those robot vehicles are exposed becomes more and more hostile, mainly in relation to the obstacles and characteristics of the terrain. The present work introduces the development of a 3D real-time dynamic simulator of robot vehicles on rough terrain. An intersection algorithm is developed between a 3D generic terrain and each wheel of a vehicle. A tire-soil contact force model is implemented, taking into consideration the combined longitudinal and lateral drifts. The model includes the effects of direct current motors, taking into consideration the interaction between mechanical and electric parts, including a continuous approximation of LuGre’s friction model, considering the power limitations of the system batteries. The simulator also includes an equation for a 2D stability control, taking into consideration only the stabilization of the pitch angle of the vehicle. This work also proposes a 3D stability control using an indicator of stability that can be calculated in real time, based on an estimated distribution of wheel-terrain contact forces. The simulator is validated through comparisons with analytic solutions of the longitudinal behavior of the robot vehicle.

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